THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchficld's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burdilfied & C. EAST HURON ST. TUTTLE' S fuoe lHst Lunches Ice Crea Sodas Basnna Fiops 338 Souzth State Street THEl FARMERS AND MECHANICS DANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capitl $50,000 Surplus and Profits $90.S0 Gieneal lBacking lBusiness. 3peeceust paid on Tlime and Savicgs Dieposits. Safety De- posit Boes to rent at $2.00 and upwards iR. (seer, tees. W. 5C. OeST'ess. Vice-Pres If. A. ii tt o. Cashier 1F. T. Sesuwe. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank C 31111sch .I, ure osing at l"hI i-ice.isAu N ksi t ci rlkse x- Itd ~ I' NtI-i i.llss. 120-122 ll Iihc iii St. 33i1 '1'111_SIS NVR2K. Ii ii I. is isf rtyhplls rtingi t o i .o5' N2, N . Saiitits BIlc lt oclik. II'~~,tc t' ii i\\ I ,, at lowetsi t.pices~, I I('v n ~ NNi IW. 1.Smsithl, lReal set Itl l. rn , 32-40 (:cuttI~u itehac us-irceivedl , cr )ad. he uest s es alld lut- ll I ir i, ry l u siothunave s1e Fo l 's oils a sigl ir. l h t.arc hos th tswu ld -cot M il lii t lt o lsstorsis75lCo .)o 1rI suit Nuls curly selecltin 1i :IIa l. P - i l, Suie tsoShre, 5551' N\ l '.1 tiilStc d-it I us 1 I i sill'cm-s hos e pa'i~iredl r Iplii d i, htiii, ihtave iiutsm repaireds t 'l r ik l '>1 Show Situ NN. W esall suits : \I . I fuiti)on 53.1 Octl 23-47' ()]I,'lTiiN X I'NOF'S. I , lm- 'st ''Vfor ii"Can 'e sslitlou t o I Il1. ii ii) it. ollS. 'IM ies' ,ii 21 Clever, Snappy Suits for . :'::.... This Store has won ab- :~solute leadership in high class Clothing by always :~showing the newest, cor- _.,. . rect styles, and by giving always the best- value at . > the price. This year our stock exce'us all previous displays. "The Best in the World for the Money.", e~rjr, 9.. 211 SOUTH MAI1N STREET Ir N CIIA IL :I 311:11 :1 ATi Nsisis iii ii1C it t ii sit p\ ten silll i th'iloftslull Y k _'r cnsussof Sc'ientc in htciy- ad us sue chui ii lste Nultial ,- w i ofi itill1i 1t ., andusiu IC'e"C)- 4'Iti Isistn su T oday- rof. arshI n ciii ispe oi n st "NI 1 l lt ynii hn for thceiol A a e y l( papr it"I lit NActinlOf AdNtis i lits the Pancr's'i"s wr ite us 1. " Chess Shiotis, Ittill St. t WALK-OVER SPRING FOOTWEAR MEN (Af WMEN 'IAIM PUO'lnlosissiu Is. /I~cIlsic' ")y/s (oit,.e ' rtii l 'ti e Ir''4 Prices ,'Prices $3,50 N N$3,50 TO TO $6,00 . - $6.00 SEE WINDOWS JFori('iil1ii stilll s i 11) s i -i I 1ulr r WALK=OVER~ SHOE CO. 115 MAIN lmST. I ii tie" -none t'lteiirsmade-- Is t .Mecii n~li's Clothles I k its Si. IStfi ILC III>l ;'S lBeforc leainsg siu it's's us Isi ise tako 1e' osolue , i lulrls s iir NI icli aisl iTo lie liad ,cldiii N &Suits, si tOS. NMaiss SI. a I s Iliiis'' (silson e leter usustle) Talc i 55e'lsltcs Sluoss. uMsin 88t1 QUI t ocet l as asep scufte s nducsitc- h ac -,t -"r lu'-"dchcsecsi 1tt i issisesIo ss isiesli lis allrd-m me t ac t se sis'cst t so ' WAGINEJ2 &lCO., Se Stiret You Must Hurry! li'pyou at ais od si u s ea i rs it May Festival Thor4 u.a est il slutitsitdi um rou feucel ilet sts ssfIsi School of Music MaynarduSt, t ! i r a 1 e 1 A Carriage On Easter still seve your soulsdtroestud pethasut heur temper. We cue prre ed t c hirlit yea any kind of a rig yost deests-, cuite lee attending churcs or a plesantVrile in the countr. Chutrch calls shuld i he registered see'. If thetus-sueciial Eastler chewer occusoisuerfaciltiesicre stee to be sorely taede. Fred C. Heininger 114 N.iStat. Bl uPhoel39uoumeI's li PhsSone us J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Folly Ghuransteed Watuch RepeuuajisgaSpeaialty Iowe's Laundry THIOMAS ROWE, Prop. 3526 N. Fifth Ave. New Phont 457 Bell Phase 457iL MAKERS AND DESIGNERS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY Hailer's. Jewelry Store 216 SOUTHi nAIN STREET Large Collection Antiques in Brass, Iroa,.Copper and.- Chinaware "sior Iratotoity and sorority hooses antd stdent dens. Addrices Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICHI. BUY A COPY iii l iitll Souvenir Edition iii "Le Barbier de Seville" 50 cersts Wahr's and Sheehan's Bookstores STUDIO- 31r9 -fEast Lfuron Street