THE. MICHIGAN DAILY I I Shave Thyself STRAUJS") GIVES I EGMONT LECTUREl -- i Gillette Safety I r iii t i tt '" i~ i te. iO Goethe Compared to Clarlowe and Shakespeare-Series Cornplet- ed-After Spring Vacation. New tProcet ssBlades (m4'I? noittt2 cchcc h 'rf APrt f. ill tl i ll the it isi 4 th th iieo t, l pck ingo h i Money Loaned,, rro\rtl ofi a11(1 1,l1( tin th titt, tin md. Ln eek. it urt it herii hir;; forced 1ii tt ii W t h c a d je we ibelryy. agrep aired.i l, r f t ei Oargatthein Wa, Diamonds w oos, ttir ecthe t 1Cis I I i >ua1 ath Uttice at residence 331 FE. Liberty 5t ratther litic oli ntcsil of it tirl s l Honur: 4tii11:30 a II.. Itoi1:3ant7 to i"1n ati M.artinessetanntttesnist.t lxi tt Ill itiliC JOSEPH C. WATTS wich ltso marnt hutal hu mdH ii hom s. bie ar I c ii l rlw-ii 1TH11FARMERl~S AND MECHlANICS BANK 3;101ril, andilcIi-- n it h i i t itlctua, MAIN AND HURION STREETS tn h oscsc the 11n1rt1: '° Capitat $5,00t Surplus and Prnftts $90.000 to ex rest heit <1 )I ict Ilit GeealianlitteBuiess. 3liar cnt paid onTiteand a in-tSt Depiositn. SafetyfDe- Blilt 1ii 1111111Irtlcr c" posithonsestoerenttft $.00eand upwards tl t it l t ll c."l:I; .ti ,*1cc it. Ktp err ns. W. C. Seaman., Vice-Prs I tn l ijI . The Aran Arbor Savings Bank t lh s l 01; p1it ,,, ; A Generral BannkinnglBusinens Tranacted oliii. ii 1C S i Chit .(tin I tistittit.Pres.; IW. D.. iitttithlt 'I 1 ti~tl. I tilt, late Htartitnti Vtie tPrs.n it J. Ftzt..astier realii l ttticii 1 ofi I t 1l ii i I s it "-- - - - - - lgit h e couili t rii tittittli I~ STATE SAVINGS BANKS Iloiii ithem Ii ri ~ int. ArntiiidDti. V. C. Vaughai Jait I i. .Wanent.F.iltiry It titis'tas tCnt i*t~ l2it.1:I Pof.H..Cist ati t nyit.Dtui asti ti. Citlif c'; t i .1 c t:i Chrstin larin DanF.Zimeran ot- itit~i~ iii ~llltt' t1iI it l i, FIRST NATIONAL BANK ci~n i iii- hit heitte, butt i liii iidthIe speaker. I;.lD t N N I-. 1.5 tItttSiN Sill(t'11JI S. W.. C-RS ahir ecno ~t-tat(x\ ud1,rm iii l t t hc A 11pii ii 1ofil 3 t '.~Il rc "n -tcgontitd lii1.1 -it i iin 'Jlius ilititt ii S tt it ii he- t oh 1,y ' utii i t itti t i 1'i~c a i tl lit ill l iii f 'tccluliiin hiltrSi IveT men_ _ _ _ _ X1 iy s tars.~ycacaauk~inl yaatna~e1I~ Men'sttthl(].Boyt'Ill 1 1. distto,cindaividlty c.1 Stetlitmirt H i ntti I iiit 1 Mahtutltattnluicts, l Perrttts iit<11 ~lade" I ,ttti t I Ytci-ph ctt C', itt it r a 4 .. ^ i .. .'. ''i' Ye Gillette-. ic~ Clean shavd.g is jcollege mar's go the exercise good Spiritsan t4 Safety Razot kees thit t I I soft and clear. to t r 11 t )f,1,- ( II I 1 ,1: --J th t r 1-hk ' yIIalI-AIl1C1ierca d '9II ank~i CorYeercia .I a..d Sav~rags Cu,.. Mana..z.d Liberaty Streeats Ii ii ittu-i i )tit. ll. l I' I loutdo liMt at. 'ltiiit i i cii it ti- iti ,rilt],i tiait 8-:f \ Easter ;shirts i ri lii :tilt Easter Ties =l "i ii Easter Shoes stn WAGNER & CO. s ha rti d STATE ST. i You Must; Hurry! I fyo s NaI I arod i-, tvv e lfI III May Festival School of Music - ~ A Carriage On Easter witlsavec youitfs tdrecssani t pcih her ttempttr liWe ate lprepareditto Ihite - k y5u anikind of a rig you deie, either lot atteniding chturch or i pteaitiit ride to the. tountry. Church tcaltt tshotlt t be regtistered tilts If thetroivirbinl 1astltr showeretocccrsiourt cii ilt it IT ttiture to bhi.otltiy ta\cit J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS. $1.75 taully tutnantnci Rowe's Laundry THOMAS RO WE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ann. New iPione 037 Bait Phaota 451-i, MAKERS AND DESIGNERS yOF COLLEGE JEWELRY Illaller's Jewelry Storc 216 SOUTH lAIN STREET Large Collection Antiques in Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware I'on itraternity and sorority hounses arid student dents. :Atdd itts Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICH. BUY SouvenirAiio , A , - LW a h r's ad h eehN 's WW3I\. :Fred C. Heiinger ill roe 39 N lte Po 3 L STUDI- -71Q Fast r r Greet --A r