THE ~MICIGAN T AIt___________ iTHlE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. H. Wild Comfpany The L rst Stolin EXclusive Styles in WOOLENSi For Getlemfen's Wear li aertthing reuired fnc Suits, fOeroats, taney NVetingsand Toserings, and of high lss fabis and special Style. Full Dress Stitaa Specialty G. H. Wild Colipany 3ff South State Street BOOKS Save half your money and buy Secondhand Books at Abe University Text=Books or all lepartments. Drawing Instruments for En- gineering Students. Wo earry all the bet makes i'exxoi~endeif fitthe iroesirs. Iu pirtiues alwaysthi loxest Ittcicat sohto~s, ftatolets atli itttlntts' uple 5 ho'o LeadeFontai Pea Thaees t oo Peainthe World Sheehan & Co.'s A. G. Spalding & Bros. Foot Bal, Basket Ball, lee Skates, Hckey. Gi, Gymnasium Apparatus. ttnldixsi(o niy I iixxii eix Cioiiigir xaliii pxrso ti xitin iiii-"osliols, m i ie ii- Wiei A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Xcix Yxeix Chicianoax ietoiii Managing Elditr-ACHE F. RoTccui. Bisiniess Maagr-JsiixN F. \Vtiz. Nests.....Lee.A..h-i- Athltics........ C. E. Ikdridge Exchiange. .......Robert Mnnser1 Muasic...........Ry D. Welch Drama.........RaysminnitVissele Womnei's Edifr... . Lsise Vans Voorhis' Chxaiee iocher Leoardl C. Reix NIGiT EIOnS Michael B. McHugh Fred E. Geding Doniiixld tL. Kinney Daniso E. Joiess Water K. Tswers Louis Krat ReoiirR~S Paul Greer Samuel H1. Mrris E. G. C. Willtiamsx Pant Leidy Hoar Inst ltiot . I. 1.Armstrosg Lowrell J. (Cr D. A. 1Hinkliey BUSINESS STAFF Cart f. Adassi Hxrod . Gil Address: MICHIGAN DAILY. Press Bdg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: 1-2 p. i., -8 p. m. daity, except Sunday. Both phones VFI E)NIASD.\IY, OCTOBER 14i., inS. It iisiiioiofenitiaitlthesiitire uixx r siii biody i ite recipient it a leiifc-x tiouxioalife in ail idcinail waxyi asxte oiiii u oliii biile sii gneroxuisi sh rxiidicioin of he Sersvsut in the foue. i Wc itihicalls friiiiiesry iii- toipoi ii li te couniitydifly rexcing tle maxngeint retinlig ugageicsixi ite shixoilillixie flet hiiiiireito haix' hdthei ioippforiuniy to xwltnes o casca iprotuctiiun here at AnntXAibor st os an i y price. Btntolhalve le proiducion ptreseni(,d]iii us grtuitxusy maksaoiurililtof gratiude dxuly fiisistanc appels foribly toitsii as. a srikiig exampleifif ifthe lfue f art fr is onalvte; a true artisi =o thoiriiigliy'Imbuedscithilithe le of hia ait iha ileutias wufing toi makue the gret es o iscifcsues us is ciis. AWe iliir oiighllapprecxitthe sacrifiescadioe in th is instaceiite ithe epenf otac uilt of miii, ti titile, energy, ant inon tenxitscehbyonidlcomfreensionIby iine nit I ifaiit with the iuinderaking of such n eiitiri a as the trotratioinu it suchi ia p iioiictionx to our svry aors. Wha litt fll iuunieriiosi si eciintiight hae 'iiieciicolif niit are e ecithle lightstinaditltcement. Afr.Mifllfer ex- litesscd ile rie ifpuile flxxista ctiiiu when iili saie ex"woul fue todohi sort of thing for Ann Aror" All se can say in appreciation is tfiat lie efforitwifflIby 1n0tieansle wasatei. flit greatest gratifictuin to our hee- factorsiffle the fci that lefis ma- teriayfrthirerexd iiir datlrnnic efuca tion. We can assure hint thai thu rof-i xdiiteion il liiig lbe rtuuiuueruul as a huge liiaxlad rkin the d ueelopiitiiiciiof ouurxdramaixtic attemps atxxithe srtistic. We ae usouspliecaildito ae tiatiiir friendl i o fl, _[..Beciiiett, ha sixixevir i mindii . Wet iealie aiiidIfcl graifiu lxii liept hr. l eduinuti isecuring le prouctioniufoir ii . Jxisiiihcn se'wercocungrtlinig xL1SIii ta .niItle uniersit as a whotuf upn helaitt ll uirixtyxadu usom of adi iertiax irg xiinlteciiipfit, ilie appeatnie of ouirol ienIdcxd, le bill-b sriiineww ieciithea. conic lik alash of coxll wa ter.WA thouiiiglit that e hadtakena lg srie tardl camxopusxauixtifl and, wiiere piilieaedi whe u-u ntawiithle naurousii ara aid heguiy'potris. whichlitairel at iia fromii erira'corner, relegtedl toitle ash-pil iii ace isisriigthiiat ae ed an peraps litle a gi'c toiinchii ati te norhwesixit onrifiiilecmts i il' tof. rxcixi od andhifsswiei wou iiiivget'a rectliatilte Methois church soe time ithle iitar fuiure. si. We thiirheirithait m ii v ioalyx, andiwe feld.sire thaixitisll aoniifolow l uits lxxecssurx itii(lie l(lRYA N DEMCRAf~ TIC CILIt TO1ll1,1) SIt;iAIl AlIAI~lNf NA meetig of theIx linux Democirti clbisscluselied fr lisi liave'nin ai 7 :30 ini Nickelslixll. 'Ixiese riomin sae le-u ecirei lixtle clxiiias lpermatixle gnat s iiii le caiimiiign. They are the irooiiiafiiiiierly uxseu as xi daniciig ba lllix Sctt. Teiflicestavnxe a short wlicii ll xiinixt Ieep i oxiiiawaytxtfrons wolilog. Tre re smeinsiceial imattisr, ttexidito le dicussei anii it isspttcialls tcirsi tiiatliiall ulemou- crat liteprsti. lTeofficers f le organizatiomniitua'esoimecfxeiiure ar iiiixd cii lxxa tr in lie campign itt they anxx ota slkx them over'c t tiis mxeing. Rsutionsixofiindoixxrsemt if le exnidlixit xi it i xe rsiitedllxx adionlxi. NITICIA Anyuxpersoix n r ersoisfiisesigil- stxiiiexfiigrs iki-loxiief saionmer, or suiper-hestexitemper sxiixanid aiter Saxt- tiriday,. Oc. 17, i ga, xiiw uei i iixc- slce; to enisire foxr not haxisglur in- chaxsexdaiRecuDwf usil huengsicil for Ie Ittifiiceiii cnusideioofnxilxinsty-ciglt cent, xxiCxlkis'drig shre, whlere Salz Bros . iuniiilpenilxxsle is sill coi- inuing. 217 W~e iffer youou xr $7.0,opxilixfxillrtpeii xiii Wfedluexilxxandsixi Tiirxilaix xnl, lxxi $3.00. Cxlkis IDraxg i-ore. -i5 Freitchxflxaiiielshints-just whaixilyot hiaixe beenixlooklig o.Ilieiry & Co. i Mutc aO Mrania issx Florence Coipblell wilfglveea reciixlxfxlsngs rr yong fols this atooi nixatxi 4:30 in ie School o Aiusi. Thehpublicfislxinvitet. The prgra foloxs: iT vilet..I... I dcii IHoo A IDisappointens t ......... II c ii IIo Ihre itreestn Iotixsis. I [flxrselixi anwlae .xi ........i.....:.Cxxxeni itt ltoy luse .....:... Jyce Th lxandexxleions.......gProheiro S.Nichxoxlxs fSongs: An Apil (Gilth ........Fxxrlxxriiii ']'h Dandeillins. . Clixilsirk lI stlt JohnsiiBixtjhijixi ... Sixilix Nih xli Dayxiii ...I.........tasnly Ge rmanxiSiigx: Dfic l lle. Sxiisx xixxiiuenxi. tDer 'ai. laxrshlihii. Scxandi iinindxiilRussixansfVolk xSnigs: ThetFa-rimyasrdx.......... Irieg II uxioviakil. Schlti me anrd Pilaylx'tiimexSnig: fGoodx-yec Sxxeetlh usixe. Ccxxix.r Jxack Frost.............rat AWuuxuer hxSogs: A Fahixt.... Ixu.....CatolxiiJlus Th opanyg whicuh i to playix'uterl Broxinmu axitle Ntiw Ahineis iafiter nooxii xl iiunisusaxidiltoibexevxcn bxeter than thai ut iichhs be eni hil amsin playI siiiismr suxasnsi. Aiser Ricestsiill asitpt ol fs- ter," JxackxBell plxays Tg"xxiex' el Canitx iinapas xcas Xliii Jne." hatST-PtiusKfappaSimai frxt in;xii Fridayieveninig. IReun 23 gixcaxird, Rfewarxii. 2-4 FRf IRENT-T-Tiuroomsuifronitisuite, vaatdbyjining frxt. 228 s. Tluxuer S. FOIttflNT-Eleganuite and sxin- xi g roomxuiaxl24 N.hIgxhs. 14-x hEXACCP INN.04 S. STATE ST. Blrexkfstuianidu afterixoonu tc. fOpes fromus S a. fi p. Esit.iaties gieni fun reseptionus,. lucheos xaudhdinesus. Cxalkins Fountiaxuii x n axle edsh oni Thursdayxi. This is posiively yxxxiiis chanuce lxx bisy-fountinipinxcx xl manufac xi- urer.' cot prices, if-i5 hhIARlfN TO DANCE st rngers Acaemyilionxxiiiayna'ird street, ony Ties- dayipor lluinsatxxeenig xat 7 ococxk: $3 fun iteve lessonus. Nos embaurass- meinti, as isitos oneesut admiited idur lug classurxlnus. 13-4 Rfemsembulecthe ext creaionsin useo is originasl si-ill. andxh sol onilixIt Hensy & Cxx. s2-il Jst receixvedua neshi menlssut of Clxi ett thits. IHery & Co. s-ti Siteatens cut oer at Miss Loel's 332 S. Sate St. 9-5 STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS For Law, Medical and all University Text Books New and Second-hand Drafting Instrunments and Engineering Supplies. at speciaftiices Stationerv and Blank Books. Ask to see olin Solid Cold Fountain Pen for $.00. fail and ho conined ttat our store is th bshhplae toad i n t h e c i t e . H WAH R'S University Bookstore LYN DON 719 North University Avenue Photographer Kodaks Cameras Photo Supplies Amateur Developing, Printing, Enlarging. Banners and Pennants at lower prices than elsewhere. [BAILEY & EDMUNDS 95portino (oobs 121 EAST LIBERTY STREETj WM. ARNOLD, COLEWLEE 220 Soth Mats Street M A 'Knockot" Fob inBriss, Copiutur tiNiukl FOBS s-it axeiii'ailli Ititot uc Pricee, 50., 75a. $1 Largest Stock of M' Pins Law, Medical, Dental, Literary and Engineering -BOOKS NEW AND SECOND HAND ENGINEERING INSTRUMENTS and supplies. We carry tfte most complete line in the city. Special denaonstration of the MOORE'S NON-LEAKABLE FOUNTAIN PEN AT THIE UNIVERSITY SUPPLY STORE Formerly the Co-op Store 310 South State Street :;.:,".::;: ::<>::...:},The'"MUTO" Over- :":: ' 4coat is absoluotely orig- { :Y.:.inal and the process of . ",:::::;: : :: construocting it is pro- tocted by patent, as shown in the illustra- lion, it is two coats in one-the first as a dressy . ::::::: ;,::: t'' }}::{ . :::,..:_:.:< street coat-the second as an Auto-Driving or "s" :: :::;;:.:. ": <> storm scoat. WADHAMS & COO 121 Washington E. The Randall Studio., Randall & Pack, Prop s. Phioc 598