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April 06, 1909 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-04-06

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SC1#1( OLM AS1IERS MARE~ team which cannot cncccetc' stould no-
RU1EIS FOR PREP STARS tiff- those icc chargec at octit aanothir
Shave Thyself tcogoptee 1hi cta t ipac an
comccmittee on nc'a'ruien for interscholas- 750 iExcelt ti suce f.k V..;t ec
;IFOM VMAI ,~t tic athletics was adopted in felt. The -

Nfen'sand ott 'sottrSttita aceeribeforeso aftractive

uiuelle Jale y 11

New Process Blades
Money Loaned
tn Watchtes, Diamoantds.LawiBoos
or other persnal propcety,
Watches and Jewelry repaired.
Ilargaino iniWatces & Diamonds
tffier at restdencee t3t F. Lttberty St
Ann Arbor.
Floursto 1te :t0ta. cm.. 1to t:30 andtito
t P. cc.

s.cciocecct iwns chat this revisioil of cairs
was n ecessary- to putt icterscolasticcon-
teststttntercosintfoctictg again ancc
an o a ys c citcc. Theccsaliient pitsiot
te rev'isedt rcles follow
Rltte 1. :A sitenct ticcstice ccnccer 2t
(Al L(tr dy' t cotmpteIn irist it'tttr-
tCcr :thctetics. accditctcer at1tactFeibruary
i oc etitin i. the 'setcnd emceter'.
s.tdtc mayct ctc mpyet iee butt fourccyears
ill intterscciclicstic cathleticc. A studcecnt
tcecomces iceliittle tfterlhavncg icasned
fitoe cccccter of thours'x cequiredito gr'ad-
t<ate tromcta foucccyear igic scihoot. tic
my hc-evitr, comttttt toutttil the irst
tics ofte text seccester.
\otcstudtetnt sallttbi cleigihie whotcchas
co cte cncttinge tecttts.ciaytectude
a tcttttumttcccnace, cicaycitdtcithc or'cgaiccst
prcfeioen al cttc'actcorcarcthletesccorcntht
ha tcitocittusincgtis shill ior' tccci-
N s otmiecit sthcllie eligible iwiocihas
accepttedtlycccawardccs otiher' tthancthice cx
ccii tight oc'tcctt aacrdts ccf tmeciliho

ictigact tat'. ifots, ccact ciii>n, Itt
tiectantdtexticcive'dotooi i, at Iltattey t
Jewcelry'Store. 2jh S. hMcintt. e it
"}- ccacc ic''. t ci'i e ii tt ' n l a 4
Sthcot.Mllii St.cxI i

antii to tact i tltc,:'o a t tl
Ecstahtisttcct z8,8. It itt
Store, 21h S.iltainct S.

eltic ytu.
sJ cwclera

cttstinctittat, i initduatity et
qualitttyxtture vacieties> tic
ncac .c cc
tIlats, e'tgatt toa) stl
Stetooct ancct teacc cn, i(cterle,
McacnhattanccSlii t tofu
Petincs iccalott ot es
Itoc t a)rit cttt' Iit ta

tractterc,fasthioncight octe
!titc thet eacincg ie>
tatiptatee t ci ttttet, Kncox,
Nc5.k'ha c act tItancy est.

Ntoe ateec c
ill-t since c8S.1
210 S . Nl-,tin t.

Otet wa c tchIi cotiic
tiers j a I'ta tCarc',
oii tft

other cthetical to s fr
orcci at t o i lC
M;c ad \ihu frt
it is > t cl ilo. l l i l .1(
m s( hiatl iSt s



____________________________ l ctcnct ccccct ticcie c ipassincg gt'ctit
--c1 intstdies r'cjcicicg ar ccprepcared trecita-
THE FARMER~S AND NMECHANICS BANK t '. c p ro ch, acdiii t havtcce a1ichours
MAIN AND HURON SFREETS r'Ccctcfiroemcca et fci te ttwoc semesters
Captal $50,0010 SurplusantiProfiits $90.0010 )cce aicce-ite ote ilccrhcihtclte esires
Genrat tanhiccg Business. a3caecent tpaid _oCccicete' in .ittct'ti. i itoicd'ticti e
ccu Ttimnandt Savingeosictcns. aicty Dta,t igitite .
pocsitinoesto rent atc$21'.00 acid upwardts
c. geter, tPres. tW. .0 rnc'cccc. Vice-Prosn tice iii.. \;cittit toiricig tiCom
tt. A. t cc cccI :.. 'Ctitii t'FtT. ccctc'...t.i e'tci'.ut btie' tto showica .cro''iticccte
otieitcitita' 'i nciJthit'ie prcincitpal anc
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank cc cit b c it tIii'.
'a'. Strrtsact,tf)tu atic thlceticsc shtcallc'be c inte ihandst
A General Banking Buine T ran sacnnted ciicciicc'ttorcciccieotcci
UFFC'rttC h~Otas. tF. titoc etPres . c.)
Harriaintc.te Ptees.. 1'at. .c. tae. taccier mit bet'sigtitt i by tttttttbir of te

il\'i l'-iatt h
t)ai(c> c it p ctir,

all. Icaccac

tPtiitiec iii i ckci. f, 1t r ii lcl
Clhie'c'c thopt , Mtac tci c. cc ,
:\ic1"; I) t' ald hr tic, a a 511(1 11
the citlt> tacigt . cat1 c'1i1 a
i f.-+ + -t + f r-o -e -Q o o-c..o.a s -a o o t o o

Win.tcArnod cDr.V.C. Vaugthan
cccs. ii. ttadte . F'. ittt
Johtn tineccer Jti c
tIli-of. 1f. S. ttnrtc rt Iey1 V. Douglatsa
Orc AxN littin, 'ict
-Caittal, ftOO,ctOO srtptlusandatProfits., >co.000.
fetoajl eI6cH'uxi n SS an k
Conmmercin.I nn.sd
Canr. MoAm axecd Liberty Streelsn

Tioe h1,ViCK THUii tRSDAY.'h

Gillette Siey lao
Clean shav':.ig S part of the
college man's go~ )el. I goes with
the exercise and tici oor life---with
good spirits and J od health.
Five csctt o at p, clwith the Gillette
Safety Razorkeep'the fac 'his.. heILskin in
soft andi clear
C I L c c I II t I i 1 a . t. i 1"I' ' ( icep k
cctot i ~ a - ii I licII
c'a i , i lKr' l :' I l c IIi~ l'
cSIL 'i tcci tic S'. ibJt i a a ? i ' I i c i
till _..4t'i iSAht Ci Silt IN

ciii ot tt e~c iccg te bridge ccist Doi<1, " '1. I,1tie-1.1S t
,i11 irot ci t t:;7;o iclckc. lice i-Coi l legeco' 1
ccc cintem 'inscrdtehgi__;oe n thepeimcinacry'gamnes cwill (ilcves ' Grettbargains
(".1t1e ccc:C tawfrdi cndciSyrnos , Shucp- siat ioa',-,
itscan DvckeitCoa'y and Lambtert,
Wcitster cccidIAndersnsc, Bronoace SPT( iti N'Is tel cc
S c'tccchr'ec I iccccwccrciancd Thcomcpsonyr, ccc cc ccg Vaccctiiid
aie ncdcciMt. ihtnc er, Rrighacrdiact tc''and i i tlicofcat I i acccc
iai r. 't'appi~incg acnci'Younccg, Ihl ic- it :11 ucetcciie'K o n t 11,ti
1., cndi~ii ctct. itoitt, cc, nd ci cact.C. - -
_i<(alle and Lawtn. o n 's itt '' at(I at
Ribboni wut i' cccccioi i te'eaw rdd t e cit ccii '.tct e tc hil(n Cc at-t
mi11 c; icst. se'condcai thci rdiccc. liii itt.



Easier Hats -!I"" tl e corntt ct i "'( rt' clci} irrE "'')' It Itit fatx l ;
acid new spill)", 5}ia x ti.
Easter Shirts t's° l .'z Easter Ties lllwi+.for
Nvill not see elsevhc r - tv > >i + , a lc n*stl>> - iInai1 ;p;wt ll:ir {fit l i 3 w wr , t
u) 6,(ery size collar.
Easter Shoes ri,<,4,E , ~ WAS ER & CO.
new spring; lasts--of Owcelchrated Meister-
schaft snake-,L.,,uaranued. STATE ST.


J. L CHAPMA , Jeweker
You M st H u ry ZALARM CLOCKS $1.00
Y u M s Hu r !ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 U T
I I uttl iL ~u~i " >c~cel _"a C~ t" ALARMOCLOCKS $1.75 J
M ay FestivalWtc lttticccitct
School o Music Rowe's Laundry Suei 3 to
THOMAS ROW, Prop. ovirEdt n
sc c at tcc J32 N. '1fth Ac.
New iPthone 5t BlttPhnett .I.tt
A Carriage On Easter MAKERS AND DESIGNERS ~ jj~ '> i
"t ciii arn yocurife'sdros and perhaps OF COLLEGE JEWELRY "Le Baruier te evi lle"
hint temper. We ate laeparedi to hire
tact any kindfad t rg you desire, either Haler's Jewelry Soice 50 ce' axts
for attending cuc rapeasant ride
icciteountr'y. Chuteh cals should 210 SOUTHs tAIN SI U I AT
he regitered now. f the proverbia
il'aiet' hower octtrs occr facilies cae Large Collection Antiques in X1ah r's and Sheehn'S
sure to he nsorey taxed. Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware
For fratenityand orority housatictcc B osoe
re C1 Helllle Miss Florence S. Babbitt
itBetltthone itt!N, s kat eomenPote ati PSILANT, MICR.



319g East furo «Street

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