TNR MtCtIICAN f5AILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfied & o AST HURON ST. Gos to TU'TTLE'S for Ht unce Ice Cs-eam Sodas Banasna Flops 338 Souxth State Street THE FARMEIRS AND MECHIANICS BANK MAIN ANt) HUROON STREETS Capital $50000 Surplus and Profits $90,000 General B~ankinsg Buusness. 3 percenot paid on Time and Savi s epoelssits. Safety De- posit Boexes tonreelnt. t :..00anti upwards it.Kd rs. W.5.Vl'.vs'n nVice-Yres 11. A. II s C as hci F, T. I-' ' i i 'l Ass t. Tlie Ann Arbor Savings Bank (Cuii~luit's Sl :,u, uru, u rus =lee tulellu A Generosal Banklinug Businrus Trasac~ted Urcrnsss: Chas. IE. lliscocks, Pres.; W. 1). Ha~rrimasn, Viceresunc.:51..1. Fritz~ ashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. . I Boosth Jnou. V. OlSulseas inu. Arnols d lie. V. C. Vaugisan las. Ht. Wade 1 . I. tills Jon hSaucer J.tchiI Prof. ItS. Cartisst enruuy WIt Ilus Chis stian Matss iu 1l F{ ,uusiruussss FIRST NATIONAL BANK ir" i \ .5 usc Rcucuitu tti I.)Ii IN 'Il, If 5Iltl ut SO S U 1.11- r.WIAt hlllv user. C'' it ll~, 10 e tius and Proufituulse, cllWl.0 . i1Co tr,,mereia.. iod Sa.v~rxgs SCHOOtL,)1 1Sl'ERS HAVE IIELD LAST IEE TING ANT) LF'T ('ucuiuuccl lreon Pagc1.) \Vcclssnigtcs, calso feoussd is imspossihle to attend, but scit en his rtanusariplsvhich us ea'd. The suthject discussed was "Latinu antI Grekas aPreparations for Bdusinuess ILife."Ibetters fronm prominesn uteiunthu slut ntry 5ott thissujeet seers Eletiese lclFtriday anduriScsturslae Were Is tuollues: NihtuitsnSchooulmssters' cloth Pres iciert . G.II nuicier, Olivet college u itc ceiuls'tt Mis. Corneiala Ihilst (;rad Raids: secretiry-treaisitrer ho .Juucelyns Asn Arhor. EncglshuCountfeten :ChitmtesProf. F. N.ecttCUrisesrsty-of '\ltclssgst seceretaury,:KsSI arahC l X ledott Ant Comumecrts kcial Confe ee:Chittrssa'n, I'.. hiCiteiry, Ys lilti secretairy, I. W.' Sc Sillaunc Dtroit N-Vesteessn highi Modetcrnr Languaeste Counferene:Cai-st lant crf. J. ASC.Id iloiser, Unstversty ol Slliiatusecretairy, Miss ELthel X1I Isgg Dc etsrtit Cenra i tgh scshool. isteoryc Conrferi ee: ClairssattPs-en. A. IiCoss, Irisvessty iof 'Michsigan; sec- rcicce, lice Lucy .Elliottl,IDetrorit Pirs anudulCheistry Contferensce: Chacirrus, ro cf.5NV1 I).lHendersoun, lUtsi7 vcreit cclf\siisgan;t'secretary, Proef. C, I, HrnItn illile coullege. rtwing Cuotferessce: Chairmsatn, Pr ~i ocri, Unsiversity osrNichi-- g"cc: secr~et'r', Mits . tnna IH.Olmtedi, Stat \i osccrrt coleri-ge uathcematics C'ontferettce:Chtairmans, Po.J. L,. Marikley, Untiversity of ichel- ia:secretaury, Eloertiss Darttell, De- ('~ etrtial sigh school. Bilosgy C'ontferentce: Cihairtmatn, Prof. C. Fluar, AtnArbuco'. cchsigrasiulcyContferente: Chatirmancs, Prof.W, H I lohbcis, Univsersity of Nichs- u'n: eretary, F. XW' Forsic, Cro:;- \t' PX'lltIl IESIC. "ctIsle new buchtosrf sthe laitst er- acuadtipoular sits as Roou's Mussic clus ' it r centts ci cupy. All.Nltclsigass Tolle ;eent' iat i5 censti. .31 "Von'(555g's IIssle"--stosse better trade-- sprng tyt lIe sonsiate at Allen's Clothes Shoptu1laitt St 55sf. \ SlI:t i,-etSutilices rf all kinsds at icck fr r'cnt o tests icriday. curydot. __ __ ..__ . T . _ _ _ __T_ _ .___ __ _. I) X('t, tuIC)GRA 1S. " Ausd baueitsitreture tin'"righst" kind- still tue irompstlytfuirnisedo. XX'e carer' a comipilce' listecuf fratersilty lies andt seals. Joiliffe & Zee-arlcki, S. Siate streets.r3-cod Closig ont eric of pipes as a rig re- dutions atIBrown i's DruiceStosc It0 1I, I ,ilcrtr St. 2u0-eodc 'auld s 11nct'arfur lesson. Clothtes Shiopi, Msiltsc. Allictl Gelemen ietsXM ase ht received te itlet lite'of I"'ccu I l at' im-it iortetd frotrifGe-crsany---thact Cre cit's eves' lucd. ''l(eess haideis cirdulpat- tersis its gree'n, gray~, btues-bohucii li" assd ('openhlagen,t.atr,. beaver,'.ando eluatipagite. lTers- asre n Ct' team ier the te 555 cit' yui crst'n a icr cc pairi ocf themtt. Ontly .3c';stu(1 ;OC ter tair. 'Tihes':cite iose 'thac ti-cutdhicurt yois, itt furt'ishingsoodscuI stortss, 75c toc $1.0 pe tr pair. All eairly se'lelcto is adrslei. i'crfil''-Shoue SMore', 15 S. AfirissSt. ecc-I'I REN' X AIKOA XK -cur cen'ti er day. Lyndonrt. etccsat ''Il, Ad I RS XAI) tI 111,S. XX'c sutetllinug ill Ibouitit l umst of cias le ttiit'chttaisC yo1 ute tsinig it dues-haclf ltrice. SA 3tfis-sict so rksexcr- Cceiteh. Rooct's XlMIsis'c unoec, 1)-2 Eas~t ~ibcrty St. 31t T1alk abuoutstiic teckwes'ar !SOrCtercs arrivails rtill cais'ue s u f the oldest inllicitints to sit itptarid takcentrice. Ilenry & Ccc. 35 T11 E'.l,A'l'ES'l' FADS for Easier gifts, ini baekcoms, sicirf, bltsansilveil pis, acistilcilosstelriee,atithle' alais Ruuyal, 200 F,. tLibetcry Si, 3tf Snoacrt shirts. ior irreticutsealr' at Al- lot's ('lothtiC Shop, MinitSt. i~tf SEN IORS--iccuse sutr msecsures cur casadgowstitMvackc SCCo's'. Do't' delay. turf it'ictlttin esicass OCili cunrs netci Cuollege ' itso. (tf STU'DEtNTlS --Befocre lccivin g out yosr stuing svacctiuuntake clonsg dsoe cSouvenir toIllsic rof MSichigain'lou leitatd ati Schcce'berlec&SCoSns's, Isitu S.iMait St. "Yunttg's IHcue" (nouebetter tmcide) urn sal til Ais eno's('Cltes Shrop, ,Mcisu St. S851 Clever, Snappy u o ~"y