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April 04, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-04-04

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0. Hr Wild Comfpanly
Have received a large line of
woolens for SPRING and SUM-
MER in (Mhenium, Light, and Dark
Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian
Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and
King's Tan.
We have the Blarney, Hudson
Cumberand, Chester, Orient, Pe-
ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion,
Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish
Boating Tweed, and London Wos-
Please conic early and have
your Suit reserved
G. H. Wild Comlpally
31I South State Street
Our line is complete,
Gloves ranging from 25c
to $3.00, Mtts from 25c
up. Base Balls at all
prices. Spalding's Offi-
cial League Balls $1.25.
Reach's American League
Students' Bookstore
Sheehan & Co.
Ak G. Spalding & Brs.
t/le' lags. iti taa':~er the "' oid // i
of Itmple tis /a 'nif ornti /0fori
Base Bai, LanaTnnis, Baseitatt,
Golf, Tak ad Field Sorts
Spa~li,/ii5s 1'a,! -t lai sat hu pu
N Dals/ing"'i ' Spa/i and so i
I B ('sG~ talague i p, i/s/edit/ion.s14
naiedto aty adl.(rts' f
.Wod ard A a. Dtro'is~t ich/.
See ourS
Base Ball
and Su
Tennis t

and Sul
Golf Sticks

THE MICHIGAN DAILY.; the ,it 1Thciii~e art wp,
-.. llla tai Ia it Inii ait il sitc--pt', m15t theIi prIi ncpl
___________________________ ,rUl " l h ae a 1(1 D c //1 ili-ccI
{ ti a gIliat'r \tctl. I lI1a'F __________________ li SIcd_____un,______________TENNI
Un 1l ; /a ra nia t: 8' coiilock itaW e Iate for 3out inspect-
S te s. . . . .L Kee lrid i a ttl a SI/a51 P/l/aaf Ia Sr '' il.iF'IGi \.
....R ilapupilosiitsiaol k s i loby ir it . the t'na'iI ti/i Naaa \5I/it//a II le I e ai
M asi,. . . . Holius S. al 1 Spo iail /ll it// /i i-Called iito nus Th i /' i c a io''/ till./// ii s Is
uii~ra~. .. tal Visslter ahe for loo ,piaa a. tdte lin lah i trillingin iiitt( Ii 1cird Ti ~ ennis Rackes
\o cl\'ii as lmti Lou .Isise Vani Vaoarh i Ii-hai\lati// S tnle. 'Ilea rog/sto: itulasl, /hea'ua/ia I/ i,/is' / - ' hcn /
tiarta i/at 'Mi~a - \:. /l//r ..ield/i a/at ,cittai as a aala' nei s eaed an Is ppiles.
tis .i Ir t c v l I a Ilta aallati lii'.cclin a/I- l r ite e \V "w 'ttSaf0tiii .50/,
i chc at (a a ii ss alti t / . .. . u cot c,ira t lasat 55/5/as iito 1./art. Ratkt is a beatti-Other
xIt //'1;0,011's Vii ///nt leaders of Ihis srog t e of
\iiehlaal I, Id lagh FilI'. Goodig ilt \Stll a/a FIlRllilN t'S IHNlF I. Raikts are ltse 'IP i''the
D\iia K at ra a isF.raI Sit iii i "viii I raun.'Ticketpfor/1'e auiel tilas 1t'ttta
1,1icn. Saaai'lII Slsi 'a Suttii .0/0//'llis-tlt1f/aa ilat S/a//
utt 'ee1oa/rs laita Italtaitt. II I Jhc lla t' ar s' a pl . ()Ntoveyoe.uaanee
( i sail i l \. I. Ih i /lo It- a tltt. . . . Itllisi i' a lelr ii t ll Stibat /t ill'!, iat,/
's1? ll. .i/..ia.a..\Slt . . . . l(ttisai -i/i/
D .U A tlSia}AFF I ta I tillmait . . . .e)11 '/11ala in , W Ali I R '
l d ya ta ld a l e d ,: h n c 1 it 'i >itrs . 1 F i i 's o ,
oll~lhl \. 1N .I . n. biot (1ra t i, til.. .t .'riiaa. ltes 1 ardas halti/in \ eet:iii Uiver sity Booksntoe
V ~a I. il r / i I i tl 'aaa/tai'itlaa/i as tttt i trll tlt
C. .t1c Stairatioltle.e \lfyStat st1idi t!, fie l ot a/e lu ta hl/ardtt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iiox t ilu1J. i.l ~ lioiI tc 5~1, tlaIt is .rltala al atti tic[.S~trc1s trSil
tuliyi~sat Stret.\sc11til a ( taht'G i' act s r/'s s ia ta/eItshlbca iaiop till, l ay id s l
al.a1a.ger's lt.: Z1 5 . 7 Voil,/' Sn arsaa h t-. t' l///e '/ la at s P NN NT
iS l. \ es.I ep, Sunday .tc )~ t1c d u t s S it t Shattl+i. alCJ________________________
S 'S t hl l I. t nt1 Ii. ia/ott s idii liii- d-:ti. t F OWnciisc K lNnl oe 3tn
a:t l fso/Two iano:.. at//. Thas to , ' all oustneedto knowl~mi
ii i//i/isS ia/et ti//ahn liceiidrtgittitS"a Haina///// IalN wayC hd e lle
'/'1 I './,hi' '. a tt / ii, ...ih o Sri atet l r , e o n r cl: A
~cheaper Thano[he rs
--sa- - i aill It li,,eet\ili hiti nrottO tol1e ercen re uc
/ NI1 ' ttI f go) arclcr te fthaias n ttsitt/g. sFesW MtEle
iii a ak,,,ab;ll o Ihc ict l o lit tothnicc n ig m nto
iill I at/ta //(o t/a it 1/51/ratel:5at// T ha'il o n e o k o
.//isaa/aal li t ii i iaoka licmn__\_i_____________bot _aNow C he pe
t~ bare alril tin tail auca amuc
itoi ii/cli//alldI(,ite iii ___tliilifily ______,,ritd ~hdi~
______heatifield[ ofStit Si iS/i _______________o_____________r,_____
ii a /l T ll, o ua/l ills//ti( il
viiii i tat S Ccrtf l d ' tad a o~s 1n t iho .\ik ti t S lIt, ,8lK. a -1Ka-
a as-t rat i/a/r tteishalarie Si.-cisa 121eASI' LBERTY STREE
i.ih tiit st//t/tat tIl ionu cnl t l. i\\ 1(1(1t11'illp 1li oucfu ~tt hn,17 ,itti/1075.h1' Y1 ID
mc i lt la t l~iti~l t., staut nri/i o c,:tl mdaos iL .II tilt iii/
ii tat at//i tisi/titi/////ia ucc. t t he ii rIibCas pia okSet
t, pt COMMEteNCINo oclG rlifI 'lNDAYSh.A I n 5 t 1
hi l acitt/itta luftthealict T1 l~c fh' ac oil\In iiilt s/sit ilVAU EIL oL
Eton c~ ,1i iIit 1iisC/11:t il//isd ti/ti
tohck of E d w . hso =malsi(&,uC oa
It GOODS ANIM1 t -aEDlt~ PiTOisit ------ I, O~
I~tutg n ill t of all ioal o t elted y ,' cIlhra/s(1 N tt'ttrk riti
tb Uieinifo ilrs al& awly nd Naali Ocot ustMaridtoWekthC r d

ppisFr d n l y<Vd eI Nttt 11,0 At Beautiful designs in
[pckts5tag~zss, Das~ctn$, Juggling great variety. An in.'
pplsMa'tjfSing.ersa imdexpsnlsi ve way to e
pplies Merr'ittI ad'I. l Talkers member your friends
and BallslExtra addtedl i/a/tt'e-Engage/Iat /entortmttus salary at Easter.
German Songs
SuitsDirect from Wintergarden, Berlin
'Theint lo ent Prtott'anOSta
S SR E "THE CRIMINAL." 'iota-Mrt.itest will pastytttIireate a senisatisn.a E. I IEDRUGGIST
coming Soon-,"TIE TEN SEMINARY GIRLS" 324 South State Street


121 Washington . The RandaIl1 Studio, Randall &Pack


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