The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, NJICI ILOA:N, \VEI)NCSI)AY, OCTOIBER (4, 1908. V\o. NX. CASEY WILL PLAY IN TODAY'S GAME Veteran Tackle Begins Work With Team and Will Debut SThis Afternoon. l\ith the addition yestrdasy of 1ki11 Cas-co, to te mnflit cofimneactively at a Nk. 1,thevaicty reciedl what will prbalyb its fiaal acqisitiot for the seaonandfront no(wir ut le Qakes funs ome cslight opositiniiioe molt Hi from tdavsi, Coahst ndti As- sist ttclh Redden uicn coteti themt- s u ith noIding thin material at hand (inochaimpionstip for. iti. "e fact that iasey returnd tcoleg late anthato hi ceueof work iite entgneerng datmniscsxccptiontally heay, ad give istotec rmrtat tic giamat takyMul emc an ot f (le game tsasin This rprtr was gnetrally discrditi-d, and tiitli Coach Yost and a cs hinsel f idenidl that hliendtsoied acn Onof tie gme. IHovere, i apptearauuuiiontte fell in uinform escs ci as sienied tlt rmrslandnmks the lettaci-kte jbt a cc-tity-- As a tmttr offact,(a-c idililowt itnittihlegiii nirk-ithitite sutai until (et M(oday,- hopngtoheali-in t uuim- to take Iunun t lini t ill atericollege ad r- oeneillthis inetin iwa(s sated b\ th feein tat le leatliiindigit selfin : sadprcicanent fterthegamit khi \ggii-' lturda, nee-deilll lalunifortir- elicit ii C~tsy*, rriv li e rarsity- escrda its iwi toutireliserics-, of \Vtikiis bung ed u it areu o t e ncuiuiuerc it the Ittilt f itntrs lst Sattrday- gam(te for te itn c f it,, truk Edunsha nty5t eunI frotta t ll '((((itt-s twn. butit itill ptobabtly hehack: htlimeiuirto take(patiin tdkysi ills m it il ay'- tistp. tlit scrbsirelikely ttic-beiigite"si aste of teal hglif, s orth isitime this (itt- heva sit- si-ittliieup at kcl,-- ol'twit somthig lie is full stethg cente-, wih ( ((it oant litlerti-illli Is-il- r o imetutugard s; liii it and IC(aseytckles; Daisoni Ims cods:\'(is nIquaterl:c Doglasanat -ihack. WI ilhth(is arrayof talent,tpro- dls abutmothe sm uuie chtitwiititl whic 'liclsit stwill opotsi- Pienn, Nisente: n tosre- for(le srbsswit hsve fur nihehi stiffes indiuilof oppostiiitiit t'sealin-rs'tgsgremes. CoaischiYost's (plan itchase he imet truiightic'toui-" stiff scrimage as tigi t-ee iatsirtetly soilesan troutghino fauto f (le coac, either Sit seterely- tiecre (le tint ilrilled cii itnscatching- andil(irunn~ialitick pntti sndtthe l'rttiiettsof thi-gameisgelte wtttiorkitgupsonuicmindittlof team wokin tt'nest-plys beiniug addedi \\ sntstitt's reertire hist Iefote Ha- etcihnas resiry for s rimmage it ita so darok itisttfrther (pracice ws-o tn pnossitble sdtithistitcnsieraible relt on le isetach litasethe(liemiiItolh gyt-stuasittith-liinsructiins in meet a 7 30fr aquiz nientplaysatitril ctes I M(Iichigaitil(ies t any of the foutr rival to hre(((ci letweentiow nistd Ntvemble 4, iitill notblactratse the((et avot- notiwtrked-thail is evieta. Thl altniiounmn sbi urriedl alonig to tike avantage of the gotod set-rller. Both first anad secm- class sitngles are within twon matches o (lie fitials aiti btil should Ibe inithet this week. It first cltiss sitigles Shafrothi tworker his tray ito (le finals y defestinitg Arm- reirs in straight sets, 8-6, 6-3 Ayers istillle semii-fnals sanid tiillhve t defeat t(le ttier nf le Camtptbell- Thiompsoii match to swilth(le right to play Shafrothi for first hnmors. li te secondilatss singles Sltyiake got into thecfihiail by- iefesitig Au dreiws. Thompsoni is in the semti-fisls saitl le still play- (le i-inimr of th- Brady-W~ashbuiruantach. The torament at- proveto abe sne of (lie most successful leldl st. Micigai satd tasny rlose, fasstimsices liaielent played. Itaerest in enis listsbi-ci stiiutiilied to a cttsidersale degree, tiid in saddliiti soite ideasiissbseti giiet of (lie meniavailtible for le tariy team fr this year Satfrothl, Aitiertt snd Oliver look good for (le varsiy sqiudsi-hile Slay-tiaker asiThompl'stuiounu of the secndcitlasissmeitirepromisi- payers. MAJFSTIlC REOPENS ITS DOORS NEXT MOIfNDAY Artur Lsme, of (leIButterieldl the- ricsl enerprises. srrivedl ii(le city yesterdasy tt loot:s sfter (le masgeuen of (lie Muajetictetierisihici is a part of thei vast cotmimicf vsiiudcvilletet- ters-kitowtnias (le \Wstern \Vsudieville associatioin 'l'TeiTmple tester in lDe- (trciii is also si prtothle circit, tihici s signifliamtof Ihe fsct iliihat many mf thie lesdingitgis playing thee will lsa I apearasith(le Ann Abortihtuse-. lThe forimal1 opening itf tte regulsirvaudei- ille seasotn will takdpciec-nxtc51Monaty ight, (Octoter(%o, uiand litisger Latc lisseiciredansumnuisally got ill 1 or tie ititial weekc.'(It - Iaiieis asIlr csiiidlmintl.iiwh ss btin-c chargielimiofi the' geimerasl offics, as wiell as thelicjuu itiesiter mm attle CreckI li itill lcaem lermamnsitly in AuntArbor nd tdlIc-vt I is entiretmime timfle ietini ofim thet loesl isaudeviilli- hose. ''(he dlit mbeiclieethalsmtice ipurpoms o audev i-ille is tic-iucite,"c-' sidil I tlanei. ''lhe intemnti onis toammiiethim plsyginig Ipubhlic. 1 iHere I mciie l ive t sis sll (le((oret-rie, becasiuse tii su- iemnts get eotgh edumcstionmmfrominthli- niscol.twoittik. '(V5ar-gising tm ut on f ightclsss of cmedcs that til s mdrswmthle s-ry- est pastronasge All of - u lyossaergre sfmlthses simil theucsciwt-cpimt ion full t stisfiytsremottiexa isctingtugastses In hiregairdltoahis tre-stment of lcesl slitgaitionsii-hici dlisii-o msc'th -house amo sisge thi-ic producinis, SMr I lbanue sdmt hast civer ssistsuhnce ithai - -sllho- giien y hi(le muanhagctmhn til - he glsdly gus-cu. ilThe new manatge h hsshail cotsitdersihle experienice in tl mho usiunites sattmliheseebs mst nun i0(15 toihae loicsl picductcinsu smccem an piulhruumuises t lendulhinsi itt hs 1t wor. Whiu the house is reuiiredIo college merfornances only- ti- suiuni 11 tnecessary-o idefrsythle expetse il It Iechclargeid for rettisl- Ahspecisal ighi d itill te decideid (((otithieansameur sl -entititill le inited to(ailucar(sin ilth o regulsar proigram~s. Besides this, '(It sLanue sys the theteir itill lii- shslttel 'free to people it-it wish to give recital- -sutch as School of Music coucers o Shakespeareaun recials suchasinPrr e.Trueblood's classes gie, sindl tther ((ci 's fortmatices likelte Juiotir Deitsche - Vereimi ta. Tla ll tisi class oitelv -' Iaimet lte aoitse nill le ree ata, e aftermoon, (pravided otly that no amixit tt siouttfee is charged ,CERCIE FRANCAIS PLANS e ITS WORK FOR SLASOT, Woirk itill soon begin inth(le Cercl gPrauncais. Nothing ideiniteliss yet hees ICdone, but (lots for itesi-iter are heitj d rapiidly foruatedut. A tumbaler ot play >f aretuntder conisideratiot antmdteitorl dwill stark in a shuort lime. Thelieam, toe tryotuts otnd definie plaous itill b, danountced in a heir lay-s. ROBERTSON WILL GIVE TWO PLAYS "The Triumph of Youth" and "A Blot on the 'Scutcheon" Will Come in S. L. A. Series. 'Ts-toitauutu lusiotsu>-"'hue 'Triumpmh ofi Youtlh mi 'cth" n Ablt om tic- Scotch- cut"-till his-presenltedbyhi e Doa lduuiu Robetsoe pniittitiyio layers, moii thin StudenstishL-cltilt assoiatiuitigntsrogrm, mul (nimicrsity Ihsul, thin sftenoonusmantdu esuhmimuguof Ssaturdaiys,-I Deembier. Arrantgemenrt ts mi-vre lstled sisdhy aa ouc c-Hug itthis-StudetslecL-i-une aussnmeisuliuumluuboard, tsuIthusec ts-itplays i tulul his-itfftcri-lduftohlers if S. I.A. tickests tutu this seasuo.'lisanntutu nutce- mintou I s u- tomlassupsermnsed~es list of. , wmlihhstated Isthau ne misty wuld beticgiusmi. ('(iti ths-si-lt-tw p layysuch-a tites1 copaystutius andtultymaysostime assinsti-iionsi is mlutst ge otos ill its offer toi sell uhfi ssear ltints asit(hisemusul uuntsmacs willi he giv-enm mu mietheasuerm If this-ChticaugoimArtntiute,tFullerlton Hll,ftutu seassn o thiruty wsi--h Air Rotsnuitu s anive ofmi din-li urigh, iotfI igllmummlstitch - us-ve suranas mum oft culit-e.andtih t-istndngtu-.tFor cars, i I,ondoitn aulthinprovich wssi-ociated itishmh thises mmniimoust itmos Ftnglishm almors utu tis-tri id mut satisfylhtirefor hun usas .iiartitlst aithi ieas ihndritoenhmutton to i dainug enpeiniiiet. Cmomi isg to mr-- its, liveumnceivenilthi n m of lcn hmtself st thin hundiof itt simtltny tof pmisy esswhichsho luuld, usithu Cliii gil a aentern, devtitu self tlithemliprmulti-s iliumf thmieist plays Ie std miaid liss shownstat u-thin Ruolntrtsnuplayesin simhoudstandiulfor theinciuuipl tat thes playhouuse s iic i s mce5whre (tutunI lit jitymttiisnthur btitomliion(til rti Nin, Robrtso n d hut mi us cm ipun lusts uen nctustiuisstily c ml c itt-ll the large ciies iOifts- cunittry,mithflunmi- ternity oy tush teplue of (tutu mlrtut arc tasinioimi(cturdO tw rft umnsmes y -it-utumpatty- of gresat drmati uaiiy.- MAhJESTlIC TlO lIESCENE 0f1- '('his Ssrtsminmmthin Iouse"riwill hbe peetdint he(Mjesticteatermn. Thet conutrasut iithithis-etunis-se~ees listsbeenci closesd ammiiplants finnthe poucionii ars- ticketssts besn arsuitsemi y theurtisuie extene tutui-imhe playt by thur lcal fcult stil Ipuilit. lie pinmtcia tl oraofthue iuumangemeunit tiill tic-this prop(erm isi u-ilu litsuiosftthec fitstieces.orthuhus smity satsiniithe.netgilorhoodummmif twshue Tlh, nmugligcmes f sme ofit h ecrc- tuics of sucuietiesihitssr tilcl-ting t hadinithislissifthe iri ellowmus rstuu smillthamper(t-cthu sr iiuion a of ticesl wshch I commmentern ml S ois-s-hits-i morncng.lMemes sitther smmslullus tulu -itc- entitletir ickuetis s annunced Ne,-u ii tsmlayshosluuul ugs thusit- ss-emutsito Teeis ai icsemvaionl formi facult membmles iwhiichm siill Its-maitine ni all remininigs-sts milhe udisposedshom Sublscriptuionus usill btincvsei t-s ihi mbx m(lee ittthShe i-stie frnmmtumy muhIt wsiuouslph dicfussy-theus psesls of rnt-lin utiniguandsummt ertltii tiu ci si misse ith nsuthl merforumancuote.Tthus ofiso of tthur teril i he mcopen-mufom 8 ai.mi (o55 p.(1 ilshdaiy. 11DNEA lhN EN\NLXI~\I\S CIIIhShiNSCIENNI- SlANt lFie communiuication i esera mrigs Diliy uc-rlaing ts I (stin Vstigiiti's speechm inithin Y, (l- C' A lsut Smuay mmmiisignedsily-"A Rspectets of Ahi Re-ligioni is," s isubjet ofmrmu mum ires simmntiu theiictmeustts tntr- "I masde tie sat~ement," sidi Dear Vasughantiyesercdasy, "froummasiscientii- standpit andmmiihtmlnotutuiuentionssit f fendiiing anuyonhe. I san't sy tin oce sit mustsjust righultutursuch asums-ir limieethmesilechss i is (ue hunyonme wel versedi in sciencecanttt be Iliese n iisit calledl Christian tScience. I is sa Its frm amcmscientists iew,,tutu Ihdth in umnd stentI Spoke."c JAC'KSON CLIII EIEC'hS OFPICERS, tLhNS PI'hE I 'fun Jacksn mtCounty chi tsamiNi it(h Millar, IHsltlatsvninitg tutu lcter- theIsollowitgofficers:5 tPresisdent, T.' I IHentry, 'to; vice-presidentinA.(J Selmsaeiuun, or; secretary-and trecsi mimr, . Cox, 'oftut A -nmoker will probabuly he hmldi Ithin MichiganUn huiona (extiwek, andutulto laitingliar Ciustooufalhst yeamr severs p harties twill hae given ast JacksonmBdin 1the stinter. The chubumbalers ihirty five aembrs this fall. Ngo. 4. MORE LITS BOOST REGISTRATION Secretary Reports Increase of 165 Over Last Year at This Time -Laws Fall. 1 'sisuedI frustuhuemfflcerof the s-ctretrymofIthe munivernsity show to hal rte; mumrestudenutisit-crn registered sip mu Sttrda y ight than on tutl rcorre- sp nugdamilsty-tityin-sm.Thme principial -suit s inmthus-literaury idepartmentua, t-hich icotns funrmist oitthur additionoal stu- '1lt.Tlawhus- hos asufalliing off tom date Is-lime totilr egistrathionm to Saturday evu ws 4,510. 'Thiese figutres trill mm ilhomm u b imlt hbe in-raseid my sutase- lime grattihuie schol, (hue enrollmnent -if whlichs mssnt(livsubject of so muclu dliscussionmulast uyear, showus (le umost sutlustsutimliniceses Thm-fngmures asomieithd y thme sire- hits-c -tm ..i II iI(eiii o Meial--- - -1,309 353 716t 88 .. . . . 76 -- - Po8-P09 1,744 1,336 367 702 (03 814 hrice sit $"illicitsuch a s(lt-t cas -us this o lIrt'mum suofferdii Don, dsi Roersontandiihus company ilsofiplayesrIill "TheTi muumhitf'(umutsh mmaii ".yBlot tut te 'Scitisli tutu asmitlspeslursi -- JusticerDid mlS. rI er o mte mnie Suiteis smym tts sComiti I hnihellt noied ula hir leadermandspeaker;c S.5S. (is (liiireditor ofm er(mirc'is greateinst anmitoltst infntlittml magine;li ther, limit W. Ilak mitIs ulanmumhi s tmungs-nItutua- to mumoi cunnres-'(WillismiLloyd Gayri- stilt refriamer, ssealer da isuthor-; Iss Tartitcht tilse ' Ii fe if AbramssmsmLini- moun andmIi iliitrvof te Sutndardoil olsmsn" lis t miilern ivuumersal pmrase I ui-s -mli mum ihsuujumuuilde W((lunc cm, omlieUnioner-ty ol Califournmssia;Johnm ilasn mum minm oratmruauinummt(hue worald's greatelt-sIiimuuu ngnee rt- ; sc5thme thou. (hlu-min agune IPusseu- orator anmmmiplou- niit; 1itiuiti s -omum fsTakhirauus, Jsaan's mommst interctinmg tutu I uims m ba slsa- mdmic It us mnoushtipproprit t htLtmhe Liii- vervsitymofIuuliigs iihuhd be hun ilhce mitf it-sn tttiuit if thissmesetiodmuls, f or ti itmitutinlis takeniacm o(tst puomi- rs-tnt pat i1ithis-atteumpti u1toi-c-tleae(hue drmamtoitsiprop~ertspheste as