The Michigan DaI \-NN ARBOR..MTICHJC2I\, SLNDNY, kRII4, 19cx).N.15 \ui .. XTX. :\ o. 135. FANS BEGIN WORK ON THE DIAMOND Regulars Put Seven Coats of Whitewash on Scrubs; Sonme (food Material IDeveloping. I'ei c , ii iteltit the regualit teita t- wa,0itt e lii 11 aprpiaec re iti s ingi till, I tltsh tlitc- lti i e an-g iig Ni ii rn c'~i i _11 liii11 k s hut sit Ill c uil iig h iiida hc alos te i id tas ii .isle id lie f al( plv i-, n a lark The ii rc iiar t a it Iti t lie rc eal i th iliiie .t hale tutu hall toe firt uno the year acd" th lacbe "cr adidiiii n ull eucn and l l ; lietn in e tea thi. (1c rl n te an ~ itii t h c tii ita till o n e h lked ttu g ist te rg1al l1'a the lt. a e 'tro a ig tt ntso tr't hr- auu hall%it(] il at t'1ptin to atc 11 ru ne o i irt. l tsc r11 ni11 tril h ine io 'It,, l;tr. itie sto iiieitit-t hsi elitist- ndil I iithey 11. 1 l.1i ttti' irci ttle e' h iii it (h hii h ihoo i ye t~rl'.a. a fIlellittiicct a e gi-- - 21 2 I 0-ou inlte fl t d~t ii tc' It r IllI d a I 4 ii'g~ ~ ~ ~ doin the Iosn o h eua :md ('s al~ti ard nmi11 iirln fo i th I aluigt . - - 2ttr di 2ctt) o 'X l t': a , good :i e - -r. Ilan in 7 1% l Sm ith l - - - i (h,0cs c iig to he an11ign~s :it 7 10uee 27 co)1 E Cfl s \'(JTi. BOl NTER t TD ___' EG MONT LEOTURES Ifwllcac, wrds eorsshud BEGIN TOMORROW sit annitual interclasetmtect Dr Stuart, Professor Scott Opens Series at ill It c ee telitctvtiesiand the irt tc1ckf thleciarer's pistol iwill li ea'rdil O'clock in Tappan Hall; Other at73 Oiler utfftcials re: At- ectures Follow. nounieerflies IThom~ipson;clek o1 -- coursi eAIi., IIartl orlias'i'sistait Proil. F. N. Seotit, loettdofte reticj frl, lises Viii Ness 'nt l lish epietartmtenti wiltdetuier tile-fhrel of te (1111111121Midigesc Ns Burton, I . ei f '"tgtttlecitueititlrro --gg - i--c tey sotrs fusss Kerr.aternoontat 1-io4'clockteo T 'attpaniHItlit 1anin ii iXAoessitet Iingtiters, Misscs aking its his suhectIle IDriamtatic Bitdgiiini Iruehbtld, elton. Srutuetto (f (aetie s ''gottii ThtIilt Teftreshmtaniiaiidisophiomoeti-rsit-et ure i- oe f foutr poviet lithe wiill reetieitile hii-toiryf "Case -t th- iilsceierXeii fori a ipio11111aprt- li,"wen they baittte for ibasebahlout eation andintrretac111 ti of tilsyer's 11 arc -ue to bliinig tiut a weltof mtte-- famoiustt tateiy. 1111111 Alittie le- itt wh ilt- the- 11111 iii sitan atrds hI t urtelscciwill he otpntoithei t etit ls indit alr eadyi tch etigtenteudoe the jumitps Iowntuetptie-itou-iitaiy1 -ha rge-ftiead-t Th l tilhlrointg t.-tidihorse cotesti tisititi arc scill untcertinii wh ile tie side-rule The'plati- gmt"cu isiiii i i c ierel tut shoiti-ptanidtitiltthintgs. driamati litltre. Iispstie f certain d efets i c ni uel ittiI iis itft-ittregatd-- ~. LANE ELEC'TDIJ , oftegnra aos iit wh iichitetiiciatti is poe1lss1 "llt" s oil f tile ugeetl ftivorites S. .is P ESDEN ikthie Germi an e'eat te-presell day. i t ~1lie it-t piesettitin111f11thei _ drama o ccrinii iiits cmptiete- formiat Spirited Contest Waged Betwe A\XXeial i t791. ceile,attemtingu Two Tickets; Men Choen from i lii iiiitiesen, lsrtigedteiti tof Elach Faction.-theeondt iraitil ii1,)1, tie get citoii taI kigtig ht' cutoe Rtmi I well aXea) 1 fite a joeetici iity oT etmous "cliii te sic como sed it h is ikt.,1). 1Lan "ite toseIcuethbyBet hovi- i lclen itn ttheii'yearigt-ofit-andf nlil ii veidciity alterdaccit moli n-li Mondfayttrit l 5t-Pro. ti. FNScott. lu . I epoledii135 votie-s his m -r il' I le tDr tilttil t rSt ituettiit' ii (iette' a ir V. R.1 Jose tottile defeatedl eiuuei-'gitoitt tinofolre cc'ing'tts~cretaicy iiitie Stas I ccleni tlee iii cliiiecticare t a ti licetI fititii11701 adtte'rents, wile'on till I Aftr outiegftte b(lt ift titmiii iX cii"Tie i p il t 't ttei -I i the iti C Xdecare itilill toenthtide it rd till22 -rf.R brt:l p i-gel55 Ictes.iWhen skedlas to - _ r _ towul eieteil-tic, I-I-tC IC--cC l\ N t)D I 'at 11111 aictfait nle theme01Ofthe S I ( ~iIN i c AftI I X NG 'C(1. \. i atuund aimemberccof le electiont ____ hadsad "I tielieve that tileeao 11111ofGettg le titil iiOft lim ttilS i- htiull11iou of tie lecture aic-cietionti tfails fir n i rsuit y, c iii ihic tddr s to tie topoideticfiatsuchctnioccciiirence. IiIt eschichdulandtiutiPtillogcaluu tsi-- > ic lullbatile tat eittier tile S I.A iiit ica t ight eit tie l tt itor i in board tlthefaclty cmmliittee il con- iptaoetof tile- f-cttlhuate tr n tutuofnouatliltticeorgiztion1101 i111 e totld 'ttLa ti tfushad Iaii ititlitut deide ti hliishtall makitCete ial ethoice" Intigit Boot1two ofLI ts ue eptorterc-cl1nded Witile til becitas todaystut iiilittle trututeesciplist theithler Moor laces going elractical ipotancie, eteli is ito te to Juc en.Thct Ite aiucces fulcititidal(tesnphilltgical wotrldtia imatier iof 111- titndltheir ivtit, follow:s LI I) Xiverill 1111 it ipotanticc. For centuriceatie' '1,16: X. SAlison, ',176;l)'ana-t igi ofteI- 1' ti'iao 1-i aeieti Jettes ii. 47+ S. X. Wlliis '1i oin ioilscity. Altouugit ithail itucn iihadi ctmmtnitootre i gii o DRV TOiOLD ASiiculfoveit.I citi 1 crefull andeutuelt- X Ii i4iINC, 'T111$l1VINING tuigii eainaut-itinuf ciii iii tiscriptil "tomton-c es ltis titud tie liacC, tectme o lclasite-ing f the Ilcal otlionto tie ccluiontat itIhesery 1o1d1 Iati, o artty -cililit-ethtldin niv~lsersiy tll atnotattile ttne whichte (tutowtdavin iitte 073thsevening. Judge NI . iBairdr cts, iastie tie aitie IEti-scean. tewill bethetrittcittal speakce rnd 1 cc 'Te letterformticsatied ut clihl ie- t ietgell will preside. 'Thte cutrchect cciite 1tw11 As tie cetrit e tasedI, -- titiite ltieti i-eyhoi isitsted he disergeice ibeeame greaec, utit thec t-tie cne twhlenthe IEtrusceniandaiatinstl \fAT'iDt-;Sixteen i-ore len ftriwere noloneigr thesautte totgue'butiidis - the troilte tf lownis in tile Michiganltintaiguages U'niiontcircus. if yoti have hid eplsvnc siamrhpodcr rfett _______________________ you cul till the jolt kitdly notify Frnk IIS11NII\ N CU C °A. Kapp, 6o.4 S. State St,hooth phones CotniriState at-tl Huiro St 0371. ,6 , I-fNx t a s Xt i nFoot ;,Mtatt le 011OLD'OWVN CANOrS to:3o a. m \lorniniigservice with S--- srmontutiyIclarFoote. Sendtitptstl lute"Canoe" eatalogueto ' ix 15 a lt.Uiversity Stdents' \°i IL '1.iriplett, f604 S. Thayer St lf Class onduicted lbyla-I. Fote. ___________- -6:30 p. m. Younug People's Religious if yuiwlant y-nileshoes repaircid Uniolt, it altatddress hy lar. B. A. promtly and-alt right, hatie theni repaired Finney, 011 "The First tPrinting of thte 7at Furield's line Since. We call antd Bible.' Stereopticon. iLeliver. I-me phonue 573-Red. 23-47 There swillhe no eventing service. AN'i4I4RSON 'f ) Orl (141 IN FINC~t'S' 'i(OIRIcNhF.) -T'hrcee mencii pitiiet foti'tilentionialtt lauteitug ltoiurnuamuetFriuiaytumor'ing. C ( 1F, And eurseni utaus'tauardic-irlst Iiitcej In tile gtaldtitetdtl aftet'a loteCohu tact sith Ik.I'll dhed 1who11 eu i the li silvcitmedl. J.(Clitetsc fiflit re- ceive cithe tutonza trophy. tOhlyt heirs tiart Cil- i.tu'Andersonilt ill rep'rae fh tteXi diisionafuit Icau a e XYorkitApr ile'6an17. i111iiI i'tl the astcniuiversiie"entuh er anitillyI tilen from Cii lumib 'it-eticI thihi til- toi appearitn itihe list' tihlls year.Thi :=rm hilt citt et c i e portte t o l hi l tte ec utumarychamtiiottt e ut tthilt'ea. GIRLS' VAUDEVILLE DRAWS FULL HOUSE Benefit for Women's Athletic As- sociation Develcips Sonme Clever. Stunts in Various Features. I'- r R i l 11)t tue appru'eitiveu it retc thet- %vo- St ii v iI ilt% I til tol flthtieel thuill eIrct titt-s itt PEOPLE FLOCK TO HEAR-~MUSIC CLUBS Glee and Mandolin Clubs Uive Free Concert; Old and New Stunts Prove Popular. Filly- two thoiusadt hu-u pl ttherh tit fueeututerigiuellastmighti it nui'c- sit- hlti'lte itmusietaleuucl tub own te-utle s iccit tasituentis tiipiiu'tiateu thle hehuto heaicu-the progri'amtam lthare sem robabrtly lf tuhie- '-tilc whI wiei'arae notilsituents Pract'icalthtie salue-pora a givenllast tnighultttutwt-is itte'5u'titua theltitte of tie j HITit hitgtiltob stnt.;e luciedcumortitpopulariithan i it befot andait te e ocite %, "Wfe altgretily ls uedlwith ttitall fiW e hiave t il t i ve h i ti, le' h r, lth citiy u-c itll ic thelt suttenti achan do. lie fully11 apprlci a t t euiri lie lit t hcth is even111i uln uttg." ii l Tet prgrai cotaied In tutur, a-t It t habrigit t e f t tii baltkIe ill ftrthe spingctilta lutioitt seiesa tot tpn ilt-oets twuil he gie-ut flit tuu'th e it tip'ay he'p antutu f-ut'ti l SLCtIOuII.AS'T14145I V 14 11141 Tlliestutu feretes f hue II itigat Sc hoolatlersehclubtwtrit'heldul tuiuuai morninuuug anud -t noonuthe- tsiilt mctit- Ir dtisbne ic)tuhadiitartutedul ultiehoe tell I ec(sfi .tile- tacherue-e assm saticfac tis ittheutirsoti usil Thoraucomlme reial conufeaenuee-hehuhit-- tmletg'ait tle- ight schoal.h As the' 111 v ech)f is toffertg tadlutncedcur iuiss il utsltues tainitntg, tile' tieheis, -ctiantell to know wushis cediitwscntitivgsenu tce intth hitt-hu sthootl lheeer uue ta- werdtyi ealIt lat Ieci. flu Sprnglterof this iltt tcasf tile opinionuu t-t ciedishotutldl Ic'gienfo Illicit inhghubtk -cintutu" ialhi totu iaid kindredtsubcii ts 1taen in liie high11school schootuls at ILantsigsoke iii "Busies Eti' s. Alet Xreprieenttiveofthle 'atee- ilisscomtpany, Deltallitiead hiller out XXWhat the I uitlloyciI xcuuiofa Tlue cssical confece et inth11Unii- tensily hal Saurtay tmoernigattulsts itddressed bytProfessor iDrake, 141 luge. atiul President Anugel.C14R.fWilitmst. of thec ildiauapolis News,whoutasotislo hutie ieen hee wsi unable t ttuedu becatise of illness,iut le sent on his m~aniuscript aund it was reat De.XWiey, if the departmntn of agricltre at (Contined oniPag3) I'll I'll) (1 1 lit 4twas W huh t islCtilt t litte i l al XI tuutititug tilt It Il h M iiss h itlate t l V "ti ~lf)r sl, t e a t h- lith itsv~ lit i l iiicll .\ i al t titake' Ic lil tausthl-l lilii 11 1 i " hat 1,10)1 a d111 cu l" a flit ('1 tll p o rim k, tel lub ail-tet -lii iii I hitt iil , lc cr huprfll'mc fiflut fifi ittg " iehcad ian nlicriva!" t he, 1Yalu 1, e ie ahit li X> I ?{ie 1 i te tat (I 1)_)y 1"vc ons; y itw g cth c iii n ii hit :\l )n)1tut- by Mahute anuh u unah fifthe alc" Sr icty ii nalc iii t h~n ht iltc fo a is o olilti flii ill ple a t itttuty. pa t ilta iliii a i lxi sig I j w hi ciC athi--thog f{1-"m i cta y "\\iI i iro at Su t'(' ilith i l tilt I hi r w rcsols