TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY Shave Thyself Weo5 1 Ii tI'liou Gillette Safety New Process Blades AT Quarry's 01 1 11 111 " !1 Money Loaned oreoter csonai eprpety. W~atches and Jewelry repaired. I3argains in Watches & Dianmonds Officeeat res'idernc e 11I . i berry St Ann Arbr flourrs: Ste on1:1. nm. t: 30eand 7tor JOSEPHf C. WATTS THEF'A~RERS AND MEICHANICS BANK MAIN AND) "URON STREJETS Capital $50,000) Surplus end Prfit $90.00 GernraltIlJantin,,rBin ees.3 perr' er pal, onTime tree Sanisirepo~rsits. Safetly Dr posaitIBnets torruetratet::.4e and!eupwerds UI. JKY'''r. Per,. \V. C. rtrENS. Fi(,-eet lI. A. (ii r I. .tree. I ' ie I' . Sr in' rr ,rr 5- The Ann Arbor Savings Ban] A (Janerai BankairnglBusinres Tranated JItrerr ae, Sio rey ( . .tJ. rile.C5aclrir STATE SAVINGS BANB W~..J. Bit 11((1 Jr rr V. ilrr'(rar, Winrr.Ar'rrrrrl Jrr . . Var-hial I. tad'^ I{. F', '((ita FIRST NATIONAL BANK ()3.XA'N XRBORrr X1Cr Pre . r Vice-Irs 'irk's t'arrrt, l , er c (( errI (erl t. rirrii Commercial..1 o:zd t' e..-VIrI& .IJ (IdRIe' JAN1c L F,1'IJVAILS SGJ1J JClXJJJJIJ{8 JPRJ{JJ\ J D\J \N' lA J NJION IfNNVR rIrJ) XI'SJJ' XND SON I'h thrdan rrrriner' frich~igarn EghtJy-fore cout ls I'IIIIJIth romeils'et lr it eJBar'rourr gyrrmrasriurtr iirrrlr rt at Granrgere, ir'irayevten- ias ecthe. Jlars;andJ os tit sacsfttJ irrg, chraperonred Jby rs'. eed, (Irs. i-(v er rrivn. laces " rrlaid for five lBeal, Jr's. Pattersorn andrJ 'Irs. JloJ- iured but Jifty rrtmnore tere solrJ tobrotok. 'liJe featurree e roh- eeirg (was fretretrmangrlsJwo didr rlthre serring.Artihe sirrgitrg durirrg thre danrrirng 1y Rer 6:r JOh~e gurestc asrserrrbrerd at te tableserJ t Irleyrrrrr'ofrine reJtin(cipalscin lft rrrnd thre lue.r repretedly encorr'edJ, arrrr i sJric irrrer irrrnr At tire elore of ire Jbanrrquret tire Girls' borrrrrwed f ronrtr the Jrurir-rIHop~, biris rec er sag. iPrescirdernt Argeil and Jfair troJbecorerre romrrrinrentfix tr~e rt XXs.'iliamtrHussarecy sproke. 'Mrs. Hli-tre itPromt sc ascpresiriert oiJhe Associationr of - - ' gierre Xi rrrrrre, presenrteri a mrerro- PENNIS PLAYXERIS BEG IN viltot e esidernt IDr. iAngrell rtree ' O ?'if T-vceIIF P(XI ,S rsnddinr errimrrt enirevet.-- r' Th gests threnr rentrut o Sarahr lie rrr eaertireereof tire iast frerr'ays Ca iiell rrgeii irrll, rrtere tire:Mihirganr iras irrrrrgirJrrout'it-estJa erfrltire of rr ftrretwastrseeedr'a gainr ir tenrrnis mene,.sterref tire resity plily'' 11111 a ee 'r- Jrte junrio~r' play' rwhicht er's irerrirr' d s()n lt- epelhiinarye Itork-i II Jrlasuces eels ago. rhe Jovre onrr(ites privatortt'srreJ. Aseyet tire retaire;offrfy-XWeslchranrier1tie Cross Vrrsityrcerr (tsc rn-orrt inrodiinh liesthe eiting rai t ine i"GIJeker" tire \thrletic' arsociatrrirnlhopes teehire hou rrcurs ed rreichemirthr. theriestredy'forrrrse' befree ng 1' e rrrrgtest ecommrritte' rer s as fret' Sihler-til' afterrclilt eeing rrcai 'nlCa tinl lot : eenrr chiati~tran, Drorrheae Price.xet'st o reun 1 teul spri eit: ineeland: p 'igrams, AXiie'tot;Ir ad-rr'torerrnensotr as etoee tJa liner- rthJe' tri iu,tIl calfIseel; tr'etasurer', Llrro- eligiiein'aritmaea. i'Hnd re s' ere ntr'altirre, tFlotr- Aefulreier' f It'.Ilereastl'pinrsa Xi I c XW. 1i. Henersont-serrcha'ttirmran. r20 i". i,1irelsSI. er i (1-3 T e r t ilg oadpyn foerr--- -te tr's ratihletice ldr..As aret 1-.'1 I iCE IS AXNJI)rI'Jr((lS rd reelsn rel liters efmdteepne We'r'errl'sigrrrrrrrndit tredo it'.wiier'ots be'larg1' cl~ ie m'lee .nh a ncr'it uti slltI t ingrt' er Mten's attdiJroys5 jStz- nlet' 't disotintctiont, intdividual ilty c 1l Irc ' t qutality, strre narietfe r e.St :c:t t _I Cti iiiand.tl Hats, telegant i Jolls)stls r i -'t;t ?:a ,lx Stetsnrtand ea &JcotIcti tIC i s: ManhrrlattanShints5, ftei 3m elt < d Perrints itt all shader.ev lE'xttaorrsitr ry 5' Iiit (i 't Nic wt ,!i RUL19 $ --a.? . i .Y .. A k f. i- I( FF.tiSSiidS XXWOR(K f'I N To I ne (teierrt free A rei prinrts -ire . t'r'r rile rf XAihe-res,'' by lirofr Mati. r. re f tr-ietUiversity if Ilrrr'e'TheeeIcc 'irre~i rserksref h~ctieat ir leisft onily the fewesst eof it Cli"r ibtt'errrs. irT'e thoer,',ire Ii n tiy v llay ef iis wrke (ree Inler' Jt tlt wre teretltis' tit eelo (if (lens' Jressied, fee'oreene sear', se ie r rthe- err1nJSchoolref XAr'r'aerrl' eeerooiwithtit s frerrrtire (tie' Mii ll trctmpanty'crAres, conrtrrrs 4tJO I e&14 ctste9 Ip let.Jritiages of noes and 1th lreer''append licest'tco'errinrg cce d. ecu le t'. tll i l -l i O t> a t I' d .1- t c i cl Set.12;1,t f Ne tter hoc' r nIJeeer'iw reel al err'arc, c i ltett'.ltis't 1lee lt \(reel ire _n rw a it ri ces varvill' ')m i t, fryle csnt. (ienr &CO 4 ]fF, I' X'i'idS'( I JS ftre ,ate -itinll ire rt'rrttc katr t l tendn vili (ires a1111iat Imvreel pr ic(~te,1ail('1l Jdrreei. 21( F i bet' t..t SEIR IiXiv oreifIre'.-tur fo dielay. ti (;s- ie erlee' (s- ii Chiili cyaeel arne te C'ollse I tree. i68t f S lt' ) F NtS-Iref XI iilere 'ire ire' ret schIrrer-reie&- Sereci. In.)I S. irrir St. ree sae t rt iirc'Jelthes Shoe, Miir St.' 8tf Gillette S rt' Glean shay:g.~ college man's goirpe- the exercise and otdoc good spirits and;.oo Five minutes a &iy opt Safety Razor keeps the fat son_ soft and clear. 'tire(Gillet ts'.t'irfrt*1. C'ollege (iel. 'Ilhe ill tv noh s h pn d y ,.e a rcte , saticty itgs~ f i toughr beardi and enet;,3, the workiiofItheGL= erirer' elf tre satf erIre r~ri 3'f.k - f ; °. : , : . ; : ;;, 'l; _, . x rye :ti r'. I n; .:ri r 1 } , N..t ;B^, ;;. A I . Y'! .' q =t . 'z ..T - + ' idi-NTI' A(dlI)l'-is tee t'rtpJer' la}. see, set JeerateIm t-are. lGoelodrOes 36-eon Easter Hats rrr.'rthercommo rrever ly rrttlylw I reItltilng shrk-s Easter Shirts '1,1 (1511 i pat- Easter Ties strIetI'll lee'' tal ~tnrt~ttr t-e ern ht '~uingttr -mate ol. t everstize collar. Easter Shoes le l hd WAGNER & CO. new tpinnerltits-rfetclet rarrt ed SMeisterS AE-T schaft imae-guariraedlTT T i r You Must Hurry!I IfYo vi l err tl -'1 * A so t'rI I May Festival 'Il i w(s iaI i r'ct11 eloIv-le satt1441. School of Music J. L CHAPMAN, JeweleIr ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 salltyGuarairteed Wstoh RopaArlill a Sp.,1aley Rowe's Laundry THIOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ave. New Phone 457 Bell Phione 45 .1 It r A Carriage On Easter wil save yourrwife's dress and perhaps ertemper'. We are prepared to hire - - - t 17011 arty kind of s rig you desire, either for' attentding chturch or a pleasant ride in the country. Church rails shotuld I tiIre registered now, If the proverbial PdA.tor shorwri errcrso ouefaciltieeslile 51u1e to he corely taxedi, Fred C. Heillinger 11# N. Stale Bteltlthonr' err1ne51ic8trr MAKERS AND~ DESIGNERS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY Hailer's Jewelry Stoie 216 SOUTH ISAIN STREET Large- Collection Antiques i n Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware toe fraternity and sorority houesna ird student dens. Add-ess Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICHI. Souvenir Editio "Le Barbier decSeille 50 cerxts Wa rsa ds Bookstores STUDO- iw i / ! 21 () s . ..