THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY.'xx- 't xaxxxhox 0naoihe lo l % G W. ild Collpanly tot ' ;;'cal Ith e:diin) t a~t flpliicsfmil iic Ron rama BASE B L rclb it Is tl t l o\%ig eam110o MIERCHANT TAIL ORS x \o010:;i1 00liilx jJ ii -\. EA O S H R lxi x....1. - ... .. . iie :A l\oie', 11~ ai 1111at 1111.1111it 00 cxto1111 111 1( he t< entr[ lrthOtir-Stock of i Have received a large line ol Athletics, C.i F.11 Oiloxxxxltoxcr l pli tic x' .- s l ean i i ll d ten 1 1 t t 011111111 1111 I I C I C11,1 woolens for. SPRING iand SUM, tile}hat c1hc1u1m the Our1Stockxo MERwn in (llenium, RI Light, and Dark 1lty< i11alloxiclor I I' xt one. 1I11ll,1 1111 lxx Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian liiiVc i '010110li"Ixixx',xxiilxiix'filex'lot 1r1111111trill lhr ' R a se B a li Drab, Light Mle. Royal Gray, and xxxi] 11 111111 lxi1011 nx 1e11lii*, for he a hc We hae th Blaney, udso, nard C Itcid ld<, , al~ pai, in proetlcbuiltisCIcc nipleteii s andle betterett thana Cutmerland, Chester, Orient, Pe-t . L I xx 11 opea.' -t :5y1rte. i i l h i ltx I ho xaiu onxxi xi,iblx'i'ix hio) x ever befoe. We hve any ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, xx xx ,' x 1 acetig c 10. \xx ixliilce h . h nlxxiii x ino th'l rice1110 5 IM xI remins at - iilii'cexcents. 'From1till,' to a cat ler's I'itt sworti 'ilixixiH Slix.,i-. wl, cc iil il creaiioii''i-x ii iii'xiix itx'isIxplin fatlx i lt I'xxix rc. nut 1 11 lOn ix 1 11 ii~ecI lt, i hi l 111i. s o tI nde-i lx i xxi lxiii i a c hi s liii- ili ftx thexi x 't $ 8 .0 Please cnme early and have 1 \\,pxl xx Palxxx idii x li iiisxIi ixix your Suit reserved.x canloit tunc xx lcx lio, l axl ud xi ixil xii l ril ofiiii le'., I il AIA Onl. i.lixred xLonixxird x xi x i ni - _ixASK xi PRox, lix Ixxiixliiix \'_____\\'.__1)._Elliott__t______.\xl IIIhxxxi'six l haxii rixixo axpol lox1 'iii \ H l-'lrs , xxiii'xl Im' xiilingo niiJ.1. iiloxi i ns Inii ii r ice s l ixil u ite u xi eign l~ l t (oil i n dancei an G. H. Wild Comfpally tht_,- lan. 1i i I)lxx l lxxiii ii WtnuTp tok l IihgupoltC r i 'h tc oiinxx- ecn -HniL w Bok Leaguegu BalBalls . illl$1.25.Ili gI i atii tlSectitiocccin ue "'tlnttxhlslSiLu-osn Booksill \ ci l i. I t', 1' 1 ,1i tt tiix tu e tctt n ,hi c f tt l u liii ii 'uixl x' x.I Reach's American League I ix x xioixxx w ii xiilii ii'xiii 1111 _as'oxlOscoiall Itoxxxrc Ball.lix able.ii ioh xi 0110 - o' xii lx ix -'x' xi lxxi llidlxoMed ( i c l Dic tio are B al .1I" , 1 ntx t, II xl I ' o iii x;x (~iiiol - c o de extedio dc- xi l ocii lx pai ir.x.1er. Iot 'l Ilxrl i Boxk o k sx xxlt c lxxx Stud nts'Boostx e I I xxx li xiti H of xix xl 0- il si xx lxx - id i __ _ a It'inicCii'a0the iiiIt0he puntNcx rt , I gx- -lix Cm lee e. A T E L Ln S c Sheehan &Indc Co.thel Ini hil111Io. Wh-llruich r t 'oull yuxo lx i Hi rtc' rI li- 36S A ESRE ch lo'xicicii lii 1101111 xiii iii ox lxxiti xx Iliili - hu 1011 0 di S co d lo r d lxxi f \odjii tI S prompoitlyxandxiiightxBate6 xii xxiii x Tel. 76 A~ G p ld n r s ' m,11" I 't, ta'liii xii lxxxi l- 111< ~iiix'i111 i ll,iforlitsilii taticooionixoilixcii 6'oxlix x'' ;73 ,yix''3s h ]ttLts'trat Cltt o .t ~rnxx >utn-,,i cla",n I uIT etren nl fer in . xiutult na. ol ,l i Ai " 36 . A ES R E Shrrekadtnsnra n, I c l t l