THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ THE MICHIGAN DAILY.!r1-1-c-ci rn cciner- 1.ridnl\ 11 m runu :5, . \\itciiiittticc- mc it it Iii h-ti ii i O pIL J Iii!for -iuch at- o which t i -i tc RCHI TIL ORS ,.4_ r -. :2- - ml?&ith uch abiity h iii1. ti t iot'oRSionu ter. ''liccoiiiniliec oult i diti :Tr, ..... . . .Lee A \Whier s-itieach mnilt eariicciti it.titt it Atltc... .. ... C. . Eldridge tllc p at had it ciiiaty mean, f hi tt yI n Have rceineda ag e neot tchance . . Robert Monsier inc wo ar tit cpabeiilcii- ;\Ilen 1it wooln for SPRING and SUM- iii .......... . . Holi S. Baker tin Ido te- tig, ior tt it lit tic t it -MiR in (itihniamLight and Dark Pitt .t. .. .. . . Zaniioiii \isscher ctiitrail cr cnt.tuItio icnsttirtic , Ar e i.te lent}Silver IDab, Grecian Womtt t Iciitr .. iniise Vani Voorhis itc ctice sin tt a r eiti ttues iti r e i)rab, L i t cEnRyal Gray and ;pondtlacctring We h aetie Baney, Hudson ihir t lc itcinc Lenitri iC.Reid XINETsx iOu ~lSI ,"\ i"("1' i tiC h eraddCihester Geient, Pet- AA. I. lane -TOi hi It NilS011 -iii ii Vi iii , Ant.a i Cymric, Bullion, i i i o Fe: i Firit, Raeborn, Irish 1rl:c .\clg rd1 odn N v htteFetrn Big~ti tiiii i tcltigt inand onuiLNinttduoin iitttt i C it i ii\i\Lnai hn iiaiii .s iert L tis Krf tt tt t invrad rsmnittiit t i i f te fctiiiti tties i i c -tetuw i rm n Riiii'tiilcStat ;ictn-it . hiti iiApr i i i t i i r 1 ic Plaecome early and have t c.. Willitts Pauil Leintijts. britieIrI a nn;Fih~ orSi eevd l..,lielr Fe atnn pattryt nirSi eeve t . ie Lno n iritintt t urcciii i ± rr V.'.C cli rl. 1). Elliott tfinctionm. Tiii arii ii ut gitl i l - - FS. . Ila iii Ii Aii ieselthteic mt_ oat i prti es ,uii - i n irr }r g§ j it I. i- -tut r- i iarrti / ole swItui n e e p n o 1 ii --i-- C I C. in )ii hotriii c i iii ftisi r, 3t ai~t h ate Sret USINEISS STAFF tion o m nuuuuutil ast cm c I 1 A. 11,rlvian Normanit. lin iprogracum'il h iniccI vru ~<. Adrss cninoA tDAIIN, Press Bldg.ion thi iii! i e proi tic -c-tctu i a Al a~~naad Sret. trb i s t< &lc tl " te' ours: r 2 p iii, 7 $ P. to da, ex t Soncay. Both phones cii ii i t VE ASIIR V EDii will isiiitutiiii tict i tt h ais -it a t ti c 1 lg l (il uiiV 5 rr~ r, A iViD tilt tint ifheitta iic tifoilc%(tilTII oitilll t~.~t itii. iii ittiitttti a t T hIILi t un innvtitn l hieLi I rices. Spaldin 's Offi- I ;3ttfolc-ittett-couptesatciextcted ti c Cit _\I tat Le ue I s $ .2 . ~itciiiiit t t to i th c ' tran o G i ie- P itct-lit. fh r Se ch'slinie ica l ete - iii tPit11 c ititittilti i l hudcm iill Lo IiiTi. Cc tiii al lv r n i g fr m 2 C I h l l a ' f Aitt- th e ttu d iii Li ic ii i cir r ;1 s Pa t c cil ititd itittit i '- N c-til irei on (I t e i ts i t -ltti ii Iiitttt u u -1 ___3.0 ,_itt _fom _5c__t__ " i in tti ltitit r tte i l C1]I()\i iii- t> ttI lit--c--ttS i Srie l in Ofi - C o. rucs n ln c-iIomiiithcon. iii i-i-uutlhltccti-, tuiu _________________________i____inall__probabilidpnt. t ltii tn l ft dwii i~ c c t i oi-i- i ii- vi l L ag e B ll 12 . itcioo r tibc t i Itn t ab-ti. dai hvting tan it iit -iiii d a-I ach'spAmeicalLeau i dc~nn niartBhrostn f intokpaeovrtegns1n titttnu tIant ipoi heionitt I" - itc m1ic l iScholan td 1i i-. ts Ic on i i n r t iiirtfot ilogol I l iii iti it \- l h ci ii n ihic 0 - lt ti Chil, c is i c tiiii ~tuis line t i ii hi t lii i n ii li tin Eu c l cii t le isiiofi St-tcsitittic-t iii tl t andt :-ttuit till suititabl tera, bohou1r - -~nadoft~ 1 cr . S. e ts bos toDI G r OSi t1 ii c ti to tie itlt n io cii tcs crticcae pItolcu otistiuicnu cfiiiiic ts it- -ii ti5 It tttt. t t n It. i t clitc imes . -sIt i nev lrs iii h e iir c t tg s.i I ti-i'1 Mi I Ai i i.i1 I'i: tiW N Vi~ I N ii ii I\GiN , , ,t<, tic1ehlct SEASON IS HERE i-t± it. hnt. I-iri Ic Pe- Anid MWe Ar--oPepared. nutiti-ic~ti f ci __ _ __ _ __ _ tic u- ,ri - ile tt ,,it 111"ir " tttiiiitheirur Stock of it-- It. if.Cr, Goods nnh i , L. . tIA r mlt: is eplete anti better than 13.I~vrrcc ini ~nn~t k 1) eerbefore. We ae any= F~c~i ?tl::f LDi' It , t ing you need from a Pitchers ----- ---- ---- - --I' oe Plate w orth I1 nl (pe iili t~c25C "?u~cr << th c t~atit - il c'hr - t ~r to a catcher's iitt worth !l ~t " t t r I-ttcti-i$8.00 'Ih- nIi ih oc~r - fci ii ASK 1(11-1CA lALOtiUjil. ___W ALIR' S Sfte.ic ann Erama~ University Bookstore -h 1h, ciii iu ll i lt c - Ialways did sell-11-< -,Iy ,-:iv P N A S \Ii t ( - l d i k t is c - t cial\ ch~ PtropEes. CALINS A ,_;The Randall Studio, Randall & Pa(