THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1ji r /j~ ? f 1 B U SITN' G UNIVERSITY NOTICES BUIJIS bbt~en colr atis t . air' r11'f d id c t 1333-1, qurtttTu- aytax 11r1101nat 4:30, Sug"esix ithc freshness and 0 Ii l',,t~i rita f l t No pit a Ii rraony of (ou1 NEW XSPRING il1 hel rd 7:M1nday1night, Mar1h20. FASH IONS. The Malcolm at 7:30 ,harp). N c-gStra 11ic1uresa amiodel 1devoid of fads, ,ht annal Pe1 i F 111)1 Itii 11~ yet superb in its style rightness. lb 3010 or hnteal ill03 133 3 Jo riV day. We wxiill it xyou with unerring 7larclh20, at Jthe l lra -Jo Itcrma precisiou, at a fprice that fits S( g 1111 oo 1 111 or l ance at Gr1110 i l--3111l0 1 '. .r . 3 3 1 13 31. W1alter, (-.111 ncĀ°1 ;t11301n, ol~y 't t?:3 ' lle 0111 0 is 1 lu ltt 17 11 on wiiJ J. K r Mal colm 18 E.lberty 11r111 may he13131113 red3111 r (3 a111311 0 AMUSEMENTS 1 31 ci 13dus ndsrnir "II 1110f> 1111i C. 1)33100 ou;. 111< nd .. ORIGINALITY, SERVICEABLE Quality, and Distinctive= ness of Style. Feature distinguish our line of CPS, SHIRTS anvd NECKWEAR Just received and nowhere else to be found in this city. Always look to us for the latest. LIND00EN H'"MID1T, APFEL & COs 'II tAlPOl0101; 4AUSEM ENTS rRc WtbLitncy Cheatrc BSOTH PHONES 480 Friay March 2 6 t _ :ii RO~d il~ t I -1 Dr1amatoni S.ensation 1 , 1 1 , .. 11I tt~ rt +z~ t~ I I I lto1 1 I rf 7 133Wednesda- Saturday, March 2 7 Matinee anid Njlht k"i 1(11 1 ":I11111 3. 1(0 Joseph M. Gaites The Merriest Musical Comedy in Years. The 3 T w ins With Victor Morley and the Favorite "Yammar""Yamma" "Girls." Miss Bessie Clifford and Company of 70 People. Prices Matinee: 25-50-75-$1 Prices Night: 35-50-751-li50 Seat Sale Opens Thursday 1 . '. . 1-t1 ll.T A 111lANaI, Bell PhonerQ0121k M ESS O 5I MOo l El', ) BARBER SO _ - ~11 11 311131111 11 705 Korth University Ave, c1 fr liti cs131111 )ti~ 3111to ha1(O. A. MOE. 11110 , 11111 o11 31 lcil131111 l l3111 711111 II. A. DOLM H & CO. ________________________ wil 1113 3110 3if) (I i 31ii b I l~ 111 1I A I 12 F101 at tDircto111 33) lINT--A0i111f11 11 tt Afi.,- , 3 1 11i d s( e.31,11113 7 oyS 4h 1r1A nAror3 3ici AI,1()S111T~s -S. 0lt}o~e li, li itI 1J L Y sco \t I .' i t l ~hcir-REVERSIBiLE Two for "'l 3110111111131~ Made with ''Easy Tie uiIIIIing aaIS Llcaln tI ~t NaSlide" space and "Pat- 41 1131131mt~i of BRIART) iehd 3ETented Lock Front." PIPES QUARTER SIZES. f I rI tlic 11One of 100. >, tirili nan, do aie :it 11eii 1 71 lo l 1 .l, t iil;. 1 1.75 to $5ion(ollat 31111Ic '1 '<.(31i7MrOpial 73m .ict M l -_---- --- ---- The Heavy Exerciser Often Wastes More (3 lc Sl.1111S.l Tissues Than He Can Build U1p T ATORIUM TALKING PICTURIES ,vero.y ]Fn-idtsy anvd Satuorday. Admison 5cS GLLARD BROS.. Procps. Nine' -____ Singing EVA MUDGE Dancing Next Week OYS --GIRLS ThawN UA IAHE E S $Great MAJESF.TIC Big MaieeSaturday Detroit United Lines {f1inlllfrlllationllt31 1i1l1i11111 ilperin- tendent Allen,7 Ypsilanlt i. o el31Detroit 3010ed11inebootoffieirs of011VarsitlN o00 go li/al 111ofthe1 noniet~l)11)113, 3)-olnrd 3311 caps wity1 of1 3111111311311 seveeof any1 13111111 o1 rttlelol to1111or from Ann_ Ar11or extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. ~.l.33301313113l. .1137l ha-t.1211 C'r 133101111 Il tll 1 1 cI lc3-fie 1(111 1811 ':ete o)lo l hela l f~oal clif1?. 11311131 11111.1331 VAN KLEEK'S 300 East Wxxl-rtrsgtarA St. Light Lunches Confectionary and Ice Cream Phones 78 L 18 BWue Porto Rican Canes High grade walking sticks 1of native woo110s, orange, a .- 0(100, patlm, etc, in three siees; $1, $1.510 and $2., po3st- paid, registry _Sc' eatr-a ddress ROOT & Ct9IDER Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424 by Ordinary.I'Food Shredded Whole Wheat contains more than enough nutrition and tissue-restoring material to make up for the energy expended. storing the waste mat- ter, it continues adding new strength. ' - Billiards Bowling Cigars Candies Tobaccos HOWELt 11(a. JOHN SON, Pr-OPS. M. E. RYAN, Mgu-. Et i:1 4 .? i t1nt.ti 11x rI Ot'lGOOD M ONEY Chi1nese Lhop-SueyRestaurant Tl i in 31)1i I t..itor b A01111111ll1 111111111 1 133111131. Ftory- 130111 3110particulars. stte esx llrerlll-r 311 111o1 11 ~ 1 t(i, _l le11111. Iirt'nollTorritory a n111011. 1111(111113111111AnnArlm. THE T. J.CAIE CO. 314 S. STATE. STREET Room 45 Rowland Bldg. DETROIT Shredded Whole Wheat A4 is pre-eminently the food for the athlete and the student. It contains all the body - building ma- terial in the whole wheat, made digest- ible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. It is found on the "training table" of nearly every college and university in this country. THlE SHREDDED WHEAT CO Niagara Fatlo, N. Y. rJ "It's all in the Shreds" ALWNAYS AE"IAD IN. STY LES MIL WAR D, T HE TAILOR TH E BEST OF- EVERY TI-1ti J INTAILORIN (I