T'HE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Comfpany The La geCt ok in the ia o Excusive Styles ii WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear I I erthing requied fo Suite, Ov eots i, Iancy \Vestin, ~and 7'touenany, and of high cliss fabricsiatd specia t "itt Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpaly 311 South State Street BOOKS Save half your money and buy Second-hand Books at tula (t& )3oowtorc University TextBooks for all IDeprtments. lrawing Instruments for Fn- gineering Students. We carathtn eet inakes retaiiiiMienident by the roa"rens. c~utipricesa thin'tlnt'wet SehnLeadr FontaPe Thi et. tonin atih World Sheehan & Co.'s IfsTO'rtt:I A. G. Spalding & Bros. foot Bal, Basket Bal. Ie skate.. liorkey. Gl, Gymasiuma Apparatus. al-iiit 'ttall ttw y 1iti'tri -,i "id al spo iii't il n~ti ta in en utu- 4ug li n, ~ie'.ro o A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Ncit fiurl: t'tianage tetiti THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 11tratagtng Ldslr-AntcHIenFPRITIct~. BRuaiveas Maager-JcaHNF. WUe. Netes.... l . ...Iee A Whlit: Athletics........ C. E,. Eldridge' Exchange ...... Roert Moentitier Muic i.... .. Roy D. Welch D~rama.t......Raymiod Viscier \Vonmen'n ditor.., ottler Van Voorhis Micetaet B. Mellngl i rett E. Godig DonaialdiLt. Kinniey Daniat E. Joe Walter K. 'lowern Lous Kraft Luiwell J. Car J. 1. Prescott Pant Greer Sanel H. Morris E. . C. \iliatms PaleiEdy Iloiwardilhal iH.I. Armtrongiiit D. A. H inckley BUSINESS STAFF Cartl-R. Adlatmn arold P. Geelit Address: MICHIGeAN DAILY, Press Bldg. Maynard Street. Managers Hours : - p. i., 7-8 p. mo. daily, except Snday. Bth phones 'UICSDnAY. iCTIWtt13,y1tieS lie e centiiisi cssianoiccainedii'byli lie lresh-isop utsntnit ltitactivitien taprcddanndlfollinaedi it ta ive rstotin m piiiotat pirobleimst andt mlitt initthlier'slitontiia'nitcmin'an itant clttearigiioftt' atioipere, ntitilted ann it t t it iincrtaintn. irtnioiiihen' .tbe s is H witian itie ritt ast i tin a - diintinle treeven t iMicigaint antid tientter, 'tVhin trefirmsi inat eli in itentwhch iln l iiat oncnee'dtntainai wih th fagan nll o tie rushiti teit nomte emm t nt heli toiisttmitie tite' ta se tint wichtui n lniiin nnreatent I')" a ai t tie innstomini linenre cnnte Itintatrguiinnent whnwean announceunqualiiely' that tietinani thisteatcisett tntotetntfatvorablne' cmii- mettinnit. tinmatilaritvenetiat ticei-i ainatier iliomeinit5o fariane tinetelinthat mit ianyt nfriendsleofitine m- verity, includning faclty inentndteilin tihriisae iiIfatteofoniiitg atain w tie ruti ntiiitle. Such antitian wouldncasii nieesict regietiltinet atlftentwhole' tntdegaduiat tiniy, atttciiatti nercasnteit'ianidtupnpircclansn tiassnteinwhotauntannlnregret tie aoaliini ofl tieundteirclasas 'inthtaenti vniincdi lht iean oenenfie'hni viltsticinewn tat tie' tushiinceliminatethe it itnto ialight tettiie abianiinediii, boshitilt~ Ifth tint efi'it thlat iWoutldiicmite' t thei univnaeit' antibicause on iletint'ne niatianer 1o inn stdnts..lint eten emtt t iq i utes ltin' inthe neety i ntitanrt'n. tiranf. late iitalig inaeliemaine maeitran rknwthciicitott itseemetinoa hiti tiesolutioni squarelt' cittie ea. It effect i nwa:"Amiputiantethe1at an attn tie' liti.it'As a welti1regulnated -an lanait is wielli cit n atalenuttait tine tesh i t I tinbj t i n tatt hie]]n o t intaia caaae nm e itasafauit to inndnta witht tinrie d enclss ncrp. rni nit bea t h tit atow in clesilnit' a a fterin alain beinin g thatitatittia is a uin in th eate tIixtipt. ti it1'h i(' t 1ctim e tint a liiilete nil o tthe rusht'' 11 tin taliin ii ie 'inn in . tand azen attnni in_ can 'it'o th n itn ital injtoy Ci i a ind ianby tie n m'igtl anta alt alt ietiorti th inaght net lane tine tuh -h t )~ tionian In takn.lat n d'in attnssan titishatoinn thenine' taketni aw v it fritom ti us, te' iinitit oig mat be isetoppted. ittrainng a, an n nta ittimii- b etr tintteility .nppenarnt()inbIncagaint tin r' ashl at tt'e esnta innae, it in ansafle cojcale ht itetaruthate'xityear we ato nit ofni l yn h' ti sta alti i ,t iiti ti neilupposed t intontint,tno tep toaint ;toppninaint e anfain' anillbetattakniti. .ti a aa line'the ti it't't'int have proved atatint, aand in t eatfete yeanrs miiatters avaiae 1nabaenmetadltiwarse, te'- lai t nte afactt tti ec' werei''toitfiacianlt' dcae nadt hal tt tint' nanni'e ianti'til y~c-c rdeed to esit. Thiet' ttnaiei- tlannin a titan a ninn - n timnae niltine oeai ene' a 'a ,are ta in f alutinceditabinn lats spirit tat whtt they thinki i i s ncas tsiit wich an thalie ta a ait, o tinat anya]linnae ii arlitef attainexistn g vi'tile lisntin i tie nt' tti ltasnn t i etha r a nna ort Will tnt sne whaittyan e itt' ittItti t in tilt toathtin ppcrctt''laixnmelttoinnantianda inn act Iin i() mitten tian w it. Jist winti fo m tll ncitn ho ldlatae' av m r appopiae tibew tke otitbytia itcom-i tihe' tiotlumun ni() lTe D ilty lanai asunelt dito; hae re tindt'estage awheren ther i ino cm l atet innaeeel itisi ttiimn' tta t'nat a tsh andthtie tnliat a bile' tntorniety I sthg eta it n ty e a tanin atiling (n i ttu . \\' T\'t ellSuccesns Ai 'intettc re- nIiiin tt' e tnervice" a feta tani l i nnit teln and t(l. iseurexntinnb ninertia- tie'ans nil nipecialt hod; i titn tti nttin y ef- fetivte; taniinan anos niti tiarm annt p efer taint wittnexpetrienttcetantbu ntilnconideranna api an w ih ga (i n aitial uaic - mission tti . tuturasan an tilt icfer- encs. . C'. T'tCO~,O 0,tn[ttnnSane cessn \taangninae Ill .\wvfrk 2-1 ca(St' _Iih1 Ktanp a S-n ta tt l triaint enninag. Reitanin Pckrd Reardt. 12-4 l:tracht ttiiannliaim iitint ilt ih a nt haveBee loo~iu for llnl~ a' C.It MIusic ana T~ra t "in"1; 'LaTS a'f untte.ti A.. Prel. anitMr1tin I utuin. I-ttictlA~n~t adtmi'on ofettinty-itire ten eai e nit nil .Iunui inn he Flosiin'. Scenecfrlnennickw it ties"Pilnt acenes- iflntI -tin nouiet iknual. Itill e grliaifyingeilnwsnn'to at' a ti a re 'interesaI te in ii nne'iiinnas an amsementprlean , ad til in" tha te estt pecit''ia ly, tin ea rni th t tn analcsasoeniatntat laynn xwil itas t-aut at e rn att e tu itrcin. t Ant nat'a t't l e spi ed fromIt t h nit icaesanti atte 'ti e'it itintiu til e asiatianeeoif meachtie teaiattit it Ni tin und lana laho antainof Ctl. tin t tatnild arn e a periso tnanlanirettiein o rhrLneltluNuito clse iattien tineehit aitant ~to aW. nal1 in B n nniineii initae tineraliofficis oftie B'iejou thaatica tl cincuaiti an. nil bane w'aill'nbrinig all istie icae an 1niscnut o t a ie Ant 3t 1 tanin I htu se.nt ien n ie a etrtt ailelarie il'itnhsi ite a nil te i ce, a ti h ii etiinail "asni .ter aronti ,-it 1tw tt it k la s in Txituitulttant Littlain eaita ntel.olatine n attnded by 'nt a inan u sne t ert1 'ron n' ittttcat' ilan inrusnoit frttn yte,''obma llucinsCanigtaae hxill Ie3attie Nenee tat' tin t' heiiatea ,I nana te in atn and itat. FOWNES GLOVES mean right gloves- so buy Folons and save truoble. Fattiand itnitter tReg-anijutt cecdea I tearyt itCan., stlain sgntst. T2-ii Betealguaraniteedl $i.oo tact in tic ct' at Cttntgn Ipaai'inau't. if inst re'cein'ei aia neshipmntiofelClii- ett shitsi.'henrty & Cat. i2-II Swaers cmi nact rat isLee tiamds, 3,32 S. Static Si. 9-T5 I STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS For Law, Medical and all tUni versity Text. Books New atnd Sectnd-Hland Drafting Instrutments and Engineering Supplier. at special pices Statiotilevated BhlanikIlottks. Ask to see our sonlie lColt1 IFoutani Pes en t r -tin. Caill ait e commnitced that tint storeta inn lintst in retntrade ilOci te. WAH R'S University Bookstore C. E. BART HELL B06 K S Law Medical Denial Largest Sleock itiilitligiti Second-IBand Law Books Law aideledhical Dictinaraiesx litleBoiks, ect Compt~lete line Nca"a nditSec- Old books takenin i Exchianuge C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Fleer Tel. 761 WM. RNOL f CJEWELER 20SuhMatin Street. M A"Knocakout"' Fob in S ttutraiCperi ormNm c h e ] - ----- ------ . ...... Law, Medical, Dental, Literary and Engineering BOOKS NEW AND SECOND NAND ENGiINEERING INSTRUMENTS and supplies. We catty thie most complete line in the city. Special demoustration of the MOORE'S NON-LEAKABLE FOUNTAIN PEN AT THE UNIVERSITY SUPPLY STORE Formerly the Co-op Store 310 South State Street Suppose You Have a form that requires (1 ) a coat an inch shorter or longer, (2) a collar higher or TADEiARKRus,..D 94 lower, or (3) shoulders narrower or wider than the measurements of standard size t " ready-to-wear," ready-made clothing - you can secure complete satisfaction only {