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October 13, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-13

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The Mlichigan Daily

Vof-. XIX.

ANN ARBOR, AIIC(2iiIGAN. tV OY\. TOI)ER t;, 1908.

Varsity and Scrubs Are Hustled
to the Limit in Preparation for
Notre [ame.
)iiiared ct 1he ing hlitolia o to 0tic
1w te :Mchiigaii Aggies, the ar sit
footalltea yeserdy bgunharitwork
cin prepraitin lfor tie itre Damte
game oniiiSaturdi a. Atitht, ith
meni lor the coahiare disicuiraged,
Coaichi Nosti beig4 cnilidiciitat wiiti
th l tiit teeiettinii t ie ldete tie Nci-
ii inc, ie ale t mcate aniietirelic
littho licit irsile t el im otn
gamiiic f ithe the l- cxi
liii i-i cnoch taicescie iing tke.
cxliii y ci paciews itit g-
rale fo th Seaonandwith tie cx
cepton o Wccnc d'N s andposil
tie -clix thevasiy iirkcsibie
hid loedgaesfo te einderi c.ofi
eebfoetic Quaker pilliti nap
ptearactueteamid Iciiw i hve tcchanssti
fulin isping iiiiiiitrieccDameif tue
-it-i t--it wausieadmcitt-dyxbcia uef te
>111111deesedipayd yte lrine
iniSaturday's tstioiiwiihteiame-
liii- -itheliarsic-hirly- tchiantis
to wi thegameYotis ii aniousciithai
down111oniithec jib.tirick plays andcli en
ti0K~ wudealeici ic cintoiscrei
anoiter tic atmti.
As pataliip titnicttefortilticraggei
work doincie catLansingt9Stiridai, kCoachi
Vlitetatcid iron:iihistiticti polic vcs-
a lightiwoikiint, ,as is icociti te cs
oiini1ondac foltowiniig airegularcigamle,
tliici quadt ia- ii cite thadest iworkoiuti
te seasoni, andcwhenitemtintifin ualy
ieeodt o ruii anutoiitiec-em iii titertecr
gladtto ag ithevelilt tei iani
hi te icv otic sowierecbats. Nt
oncxwt--c-titiltitput thog a stilt sigia
woiot lastccinii oiletntwo hit-s
but at fe end o cthat .esitile cihiit
tcceclle ino srvie ad atity
lic's eriformance. iecattse ioi sexcrat
sl t il iris adtbisestt csusitaietini
the "inte withtthte Agis, ctic ofi(tic-
ecticicitere 111ottced topaticipacttcte
in tie c rc ititlage, iteettit i g il l iiat
ti-i taiicleShuzitit ceter,\Watkinittxat
tutlltc, candcGriintanit sticiic ttht-cc
hlbct pittiotns. tit cii li' uai
tWhaiittutl'a edi-itstcri iageis nt
knowna., vnt ewsapicitietr i jicmuecuwere.
baitd ricm( te tied, taniiit thci ocihc
tiesgrnotvery tktiveit-csrt ihit.aFlotic
c- tex-ewittiSc-tlzckactilchisiiolciejobict-
centeriitheicrnhstu itiwslitimaceits id lc
cotasit ltoget crteicable tireteut
Cix els tic Redecil ohoielgc ciethe
r icevertdevelpedcancap t-tintoilltihie tic
icc tie-oithalrcand hs tull otemsiictaii,
ancdt has iic-ittngagetut s fsisctantflit Re-
hllttcoach.ie-. sepeine aed
g ts, shouldcmaxechimilueia an
a ies etiistat ottuwtc il cecceig to
devtse clixe ofihis tttmettogthetbackfieldr
gresitig satsactorily, cnd iy Icoight
alli of tte ttaches in rccittds aid a till
laceleeniclayed Actig CaptitPrice

rerqueststhtiittll oi the entractswhoc
tax-c Ittplayedi matectes in titese rottnds
report ct the coutstis aiternxoon at
I o'clocktin order that tie nmatce lo wn

iiti t te cix tfinasmy tic-piaedicalltiefor
With the ccixerncinitrcllegicte ceoiss
coucnttry mteting nitchfillicit-ekc-icacacy,
attic-intIc-cs tisc eei ostc dliitc it ile
miethoccito tic luced idtc-ic-i-ititug the
cxeieniimenl i l compose eaic ctam
and icth e l ie iof c-iey tic-cultltt
finishedici t, tioi, trect, Ifour, iiftre-c
iteni fell by the itcitside Miicigicn iwouldi
tbe diisquaclii. Afte ciall aecrosc--isedi
theCrwillxiibtc itei hipcditiig echc
tis trcaniii at te fic, caddinig tic
tt cltimth etee, wii has the ix11
cirse-live men iar i-it, it ic ciiia-
ianageticaec-.ll fiish, fori by so do-
ing tey wiill ticittcainig I i-thitppi-
nens' core. laceexctiptle, ifive Mic-
ciisefe an tichh sixthi-iMiictitgan ititx
deecsi hefithConeliit, ilCorccclii'i
tirchc es.it c
Invices 1o111h911ac-t tletuffciem ic ac
eights i- meet ilgofteCocx Cciili
cbit hticbeeiccitpoeduid ns
neaisok itialage a ieeat tic-
Hisci c~itc iit "Collc getif ."
In cli ileoductin -DIeanciVaughianc
sadtatxeihadicted icceg for
treli 'iftile-igeCllegetililifeyt i
impessifeciicpon iiihis iciltie oixnign
nevr cc-ritlycittrliutledtooer
"brain illk never inter-erest with
caintixainthelve f or ui
dired o teetes tenX inclanicint and i
tic f bints. geIounc-tetthecc eag
life oftcsei eni ws svntyetixticit ight
tutustmcre thanlt ihit iti tie ee
fcrmer, ttirtiecc tthacxof t lact tig iiath-
f"Msti ofithe t ill eahie-fe clle
Idnsis(11 xo lohl-thctude'stci
the esvcorsofee d iiiig- tcin hcict-it idii
th imecoecwhii endertudenc-tiwotl.
folo hrugCi--sAYSlliglcar DrN
WTe Are.WCin A.isigispetas
te ttfteii tt lileensiglecres.ti
aRelieste hat icea eil icoisenit itigitf
Tieakes, c cixth rlesttechtire'siquticetite
attdiitilcstttcill ritteRusig ction st.i
"her ittetAre Win Rligion?" waslt
crileashteik-gton tladietilefogeita-larg cc
augicecitivs eitythailtg atiigt.-
enttit leCSttdiestitit igicitt ix stiiet
icititGlaiddeinixsar iid"Rl i-intc isthcc
grefate ttestty syuiatnthenkabout.c"cud
"Necer efore hasthelureeti ccistopg

a iftitinthie essetitals of religion.t
At ite close if tue cicderess ai large
ttumbiie ci stutdents ettrolled intt he
cotures-offeredi ly licejititreligious
orgatniaton of AtttaArbior.,

Miany Seniors Refused Admission
-Some Enter on Probation-
Juniors Should Observe Rules.
A(.thlascu tuetingiii tie comite
()It tiecocciiititci ictii cui cciterrcla ccare, i
cu eiddt e fue admtiissintoccthe
couseif hoseutscciorctfits woseceic-
hesttocccterionhpcobation.utl ccL Iitee
oftihe- irs ed mestce. Ois udciion iis
to he iltcrpuitcccch ttcmianthat if ccitycle
oni probtiont cc hictlditl in aii inxigle
crc ill eithecrcdepartilti, te shal
rende hime ticlab utuhcutrop cc fontu
tlioind itcourexand williiproibabl
to( onrgetdetsfrontut tkitg te
cm ined iiiccaroiiithe cniiuta, thu
cuurai--c- tucueitouucIc tac cuuhccitge iol
th ix-) cutcuccccise cic. tuci u
lor ciderit perttufeclt j uxtthuc tucnt
wthtaiccc cocrsetccshcldthliint ci
probationfo t oneiconditiont wthile ithoe
ttittu - iply it iIgh scholco urse-aritt
not subje lit-c lith -ametheqcuiexenlt
Tceideiofshotinthe coarseci bi$,i
implie that etter scolrshiu is e
be sti--i expeced itfatiawho conitttmptulteu
copcil',il six tbcars, wttucitlt
Dep teic-se cstingent regultionstt,
itcct-ere tretm e umunutahckigthe citt r
amoutsctcfory ic- eahih itnt
mrthan any-hut ons lyeucxci
NimersOfc-fl he cass f 110 trc ex
toi theiiCti egttlciitcichoweverxwhere
sne1 cmpiatichs ouch heecit ucucihle
lilt comitteec iicnttt beii ieratuucl.
WhlicitemerstcOfiiitie ttiiclaschs- cuter
tihe- cciise te ica ilu ke til encitil t
cas, juslid Ic 1 lLaidos. ihu
theyct\ilit ctlt in, cwitu tilie i sit y ccitt
worklland , pceedlucc-l w it tcecute ii
citcclfiucakig tutufrextha ubstits itt
hul' eno xlaw yeir, xcii ilcliipettmit the
stdo lmcitaryci it-lw, aniiimupertantu
conrslut hichltlwiaenttle
cxciideits initheli- luait c-ttsc util
ccittreceive mocutawcedits fori tei
A.B dgre. heca lilaik tuety~-
h rhors flte=11111 in itheir seio
yeartius cmak 11ing o ttyininely-sx hursu
cci hulit Icrk 1rcutuicd, iwhere fortuerly
05odthousc iee necscary
Pro. axsnwh techets cnstitui-
t11ioa lh it iihite t-tci iiitrr ea tmtc is
it--iteer efotic to innucuthelaw-icti
I citt li ity oacp o t:ic tutu i e in ilieit
of Prof. ce- si tie sniolawit
year. tc-1s 1 resltiif Prolf.cxson'sc
effctor ti e-cltic ciof uchlt- acuult
wilthhe held twiititie ext ft-ildacys
t wchitistcexpicti-il te rings thicuh
I ctoccitothll li i o it lasxs cill he
tcutrtinhg to tche niewx- exgnltcticiut,
tt-e ijuniorc lit," tig ccuutituticctcl ciii
n-ill he-requuiedi toitake the smite utb-
ject it their eiaw yic earItter-
ntuictnclthlatw-is anthcutcoatrse whchtis t
left culf thuetill reinircul li, and a
curee ituriatinuternauctialtaw utwciii
he given ixthe lcwto eptcuctau
Al studcenuit iite- lliodge. aiinscdesi-
ing ocjiiitile- Caitmc lubtsee ccc i
1 ccof ccuuiue cmmtuuitee itiritrtec
spcivuie ueartments. Ilnitivecoltu-

initeei:Lawtepacrtmencit, 1.. Ni Car-
v-er; muedhicalh, 1 X. Scott; literarey,
Robetiu r avillI-te; hacrmuacy-, 1H.tt.
Adlams; itenut, J. tW. hlrown; enginteer-
itto, 1.If.iiNorton.

iiiIS itDUIRING ( itiI
lice Diciy- i hias i been imedofilti-
(loathtofHaroldhBian teele.tc 'm, of
Chcarlotte-, NMich.,i o ticulieu 11 to Ica
theat strokeu in tt ctt CityiniiJucucMric
Steel, o -cbcl a h ta fmiial
lt Ic cltcrinfetttctic oftciixthols t Fos-
te h - l.i tutuIllcito Icc c i
itde t tihe unit cuihu ll t his eetr
l~ thori ittchilil iii 1 cwas a uccciti i cc
ofi ccniittct l he po tryt t heic tic-
adthe Stitrarycsupplements icfihe
lihe hus er ii cic-c- at tilehign. ilf
cultP-4.Sco t i, IH! ~'as-a cit
poet We pciitt drnho hi n lii-i
tua.- h Not Sillhis rSC 1111 taNS
h Ivith II ti S t tNh had
ofhis Ciiiss intcl arhip.ii 1c
hospic itltof uthUiverith tutu i clii.i
It ini Axm Arbortviictigthetmit a
s1cool t~ Ic is1 nho ~nth ig
diiagnos icclinic it thilt pi cta l ter-
at. Th e ii 1chrli 111of1 thec itc c t cea ith
tub rcuin as t rop lcti c andI ii i c--
- Iccot tein the edca shoo iad 1s
pitil ealrda. O it tt I ion i rom Roi
been11c viiighthu t1clc tIc I -rgt
wsrcnt li el cd a tasigto1-n.
feilt ofii m ci ite, til I it itc here t
hut- comesro thud rnciC cuc
mica ictool.
itn fte netllcomhuic oprto bec prli-
tayt ahiic-l a cscuucuuuut ccc nsuising- of
Profiecsors Scu tutidStanleyt cd ttV. h
Shawi i hutd uia t ccig ti ccucuiderti hic
maeilsuitcututuc- forhut t oicpera.
Themaeril umiltedi saidi tocire
ofi ani iittitcuttit 1igh uociidet andcthe cni-
iltionitrtillit lontitt icc Iece n. Di i a-11c
icignie, ilcc, song cd ac cticI
oculit ae beencli xli tttc- Thle ciii
iiticantilcipacts Ihccitiot furher'
rirscciut tutudciis thact te namtie
ofi comptitorcsluce chandetoi liiXiiShacici
at the Aluiut oiluuttl iCci iti Ial
t once.
11l theSencti, ofcDeIit, wcxillsciteheilul
tile comiitcttee ct its ext ticcing1hic
wtt cie hld ct t eicarly le
Stucial ltuic lby tle- tiic sitt tutis
cali ocgcizactuixscittlcarcteriethut
mass-ic- iniY whxxi- c h wcil he hltnext

No. 13
Faculty and Organizations Are
Granted First Choice of Seatsin
"The Servant in the House."
"1 rcc-uizec thu-t xci serutuntxI1could
prech nn sermncutuu thact xiiilIte xeliiered
its tAni ntcuboctant I utight xsaythat nod
sermonutucanithinklofubitg delivered
for wii I timeto comlte,fromuanait-pulpit,
Ihei r-llt-tywhiru, couldittbritg tomtto
the hert I o-nif tmy-conugegationu iithi al
the - wc andeccliitruth cxhicihlithis play lucia
mii 1 themu, ie estentilir hitiland ideals
cf hic Chtuianicut uiguinu t wauld to
Cii tha axewf tceumucmberstaof the
Chritianclrgcyt ciutldenforce these
truth ticcithonci-tthithle paowe whichi
- dspaccl evant inithe
Iltt ill iuci."' ti i ic
I cc~ncle islxsermolliituphotthe great
etci payto he presntediutcneuuxt Sun--
Ti hutlans fht cth~ce entie preetaio
hace been cutuiiuau cutatd James
II othucelii I ctitt xxitles leant Chicagoa
IIv :pecil itsleelrs autdhbaggage car
ii cceencegicedcl tich-ushacrtthe cmr-
pam an cd properies toxh ie city Mr
I liiict alsoiitexslthatxseeral of the
Chcg dramatii ic l criichu- wiii accmanuy
the plyr tol nn rbo t itness
)aimsctoth deaisucnnctedi sithi
Ili platn furcditribeucutin f tikets pre-
lullhs Iee, -tis-trivt att-,ubcipte-
iin i cIllb ae odfa tale exphense
t ill pro tutinticd he tieketewixe
heditibtd rtics IcFisx choice of
scat; ii llibeextendedtoit hute faculty
and mcncc 1 of thle- miersixtorganiza-
tin ch hace belenhinci Ilstrumenuutainit
li, urtn ceo ltrtre-atd the
dramaucc i.thei- itilc citt- Aftecteluy-are
icrct for, - uuccc ut lt itof tie uistosi-
io ofc heresdu oftikets xwiii e
cc - li The lloinuu ug tlanii ill gvern
the i diate, a llictmetic-tfIcitickes:1
I.Tckt l ilu eginfrom the hx
,, ic o te I sictecte fromti 8
a. m.I(, I ll.i ttednuescuty andcTuiihrs-
-. li facultyu members ciior cmembers
of legy deirngtic oibtin tickets uniy
obtainthImc byprti nti nltlg themuseves
i teronia tt ci time hnd lce sutte
3. XIIsecetalite s (orother officials
its asether Qr no ecrtaries) of fe
followaingcorgaizionucus ateerecuetedlt
plat ac Ih l i ce 1thiremb~hers ini le ox
oci tustu ct tthmtuIee IA1tWhite,
2 ~uctcrce-Ithiocei pto-J, y ft
a.tiiittuenesday. 1,c) muemer of
thes e~raniztion wilubeettlhed ha
tike, xroidch calliifor it ax ahve
tiulted.Ittit nhu ticsetwiiiihe receive
oraizton:C 0115tip c, Protcen-
tutu C cee 1rac-u u ts cher 1Verein,
Juiorti enS. . A hacrd, officers
ofi tI cltiat C itluitCosmopioitani club,
tli11 igni 1tt liiiritchoffices atd cam--
miiceo o a'c Ledci,andcicasts of
tlelcitch t 1 ci cTwliiiNight," atd
"Th chooilc tfor ctaniidal



Fcidayutcc cuitug Xxthla cst Ittiutit us l 1 IDIS OhI 'T1i htPICK
cchti iugtile first-areni, ttis xilheut lII FORttic N I lOl,IN CiLUBh
thlirst 1111 uu-ciuu if theiytartdevitchdi to t---
cthlttticsand tchtle aoictchlg of cithusis-he rt tyout cclthuemndoalihncluth
lfii thuteluaultSitnciethinmti h tiesu s he cldi last tighlt.C guocdly nuimbuer
cult thud cit ofItile Nucle-DItum nt e:, t xof iayrscruodel, butthtiere is a
xciii fiututiixishtlemliidopu nitye for ecc cxcellenht opptunhity far teneral tian-
trticilel s chx intut-c-tg-. atrsIntcxs, 'cellosc harps antd vioc-
Preisidcthn --it ritt hcsiii ttucccl lice ltic ts.'ic c-cranitt tractine Christmas
apo ctm ltofChauncey hkcucuhue-urcasI tri is tplnnedi, tthus uoifering asthrong
chairmaniof the uss 1 tiititg commttttit diddccclhet to isitudeucts to gain a .place
Iee, Harruy Ptrlick hinug btic-citrtutu in tellt
tuelledtoIresignt beccause- ofithei-stress ccl Anoci t-cer idtry t-ittlhue hueltonight
his cyniical worC, rchter tF. Rithie cut 7()cld:in ithte cnarth wing of Uui-
h ax bueeiaappolintedutohakle tilecvaucant; verityHullfoue'celluas, harept and vie-
on th xicom ittelis


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