THE MICHIGAN DAILY SpEtCIAL CHOICE Hot Water Bottles AT Quarry's Molney -Loaned -Wacesndx Jnewelry re cpaired. Harogain- in Watcen & Diamonds Office al.'resience 331 Ec. Libety 5ti Ann Arhnr. Houns. 3 t 11::0:,in., Iito l:30n 'to JOSEPH C. WATTS THEF FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND tII2RON STREETS Cipitalin50,ll0 Surpus dnd Profits $90,000 Genneral Banicn Businss. 3percnt cpaid onTine and navna" llcnncicn dSafety De- posi Bnxc" tn cent at $:.1.00 nndnupwardis Iti 1cacreF, Pres. WI'. nnnVcNePres 11.. Wiji acn. (?aicli r !' '.1r%ic A ls. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank A (Iene nk inig BuiixnssTrnsancted Or Fictsn Cha. . is oe, Presn.; W. I). HiancnVi c Pres.: M. J. Fitzi.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK Win. Arnnnld in. V. C. Vaughani iats. iH. anie i . ills Join Hrltnnnn n. iKoc leno. 11.S. innlcani henny NV. Ioenian Qhrisilan Mantin D~an V. 1irnmni n FIRST NATIONAL BANK O ANN ' RSMnnI'\iici F_ 1). NI NNc 151 ic'NS ciiI Co S&mre Rlaik Can. Pfoeiand LibertyStretsx UNION MEMBERS l FEED AND SING First Union Membership Dinner 1 Proves a Success; Others to be riven Soon. e;irc of all orl from font r t (gwll will !Ion lc one Of 111c :!hk' said a prolliifiez clc p,'lrimcm '°T alld Ow re(;-iilar callit , t s f u f :od, o) ttc a ThtteliraidMichingan 1 ni n incNiclcOf ix liicr ip c cppr'Wase'ahu c' ciccec llis 'an' ?dIhin afirnon lici l nervati'io for 'ith theii iiI plices''wer' all takei. O(rli i rtyliciiicmiii ' c civen iu hers hid ii' ihe' icril away bei'd'cas e e i I' ac daeiw hncighLy-flice ipcrsonscce lintii ii "41ii li cinii ir' need not hei i sapcp' in d frcdii m Thel - oli ic c 1c fes iviit flow YccJ cc v 6cccli thicub en ha aI - lii> W i lidin the paror an w reiining theiOd re ; mi NI11o()t-iea: IlaviIg' !'.d-ic co '(biiisc cc m n cn - , ' I , tot1;;11 N'ard naiccid r ,kin i cii Ii ti liiiand 1i I I I i;:i a u r an ti s clfr,' n ,a iii i c C Icul iiiil'P ' liliorthat l lc Thetlillt~tc, Sal~et' itil ici c c t il i'i'i' o cii i e cIIi. IIr'E SAt i S COMIPANY "T l";Ik. h-1) \SHIRTS for SPRII different from former seasons purple-New stripe effects - others at $1.50 and $2.00 WAGNER & CO., Stat (wear .New stuffs- C olorings entirety s -Soft shades of green and Scracker-jack shirt at $1.00 te St. Sign of the big white shoe. 1 ° STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION JOHN HAYS MONO Saturday, March 27 Single Admission Tickets - - 50c On sale at S. L. A. Box Office, U. H. MAY FESTIVAL Jr L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Filcly Giccane ci WzLtch Rape-Ir-r'¢g$Spec i;It~y Rowe's Laundr THOMAS ROW E, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ave. 'ew Phoiinei4coel c ,)-I . Tickets for sale. SCHOOL OF MUSIC 'I Going to a Reception cc' lwid i ar . .' ' no, ;ie' a cull pegii'voI ccc isi tip i cc l c i cccii re' m ycuii -cIi, 1'lec t. ciilll icc i n ati nt(,tol oif'cci i iii YOM ' ci "artlhi dc chcc r'i'ccef'o'c iveli cci cone 11c t c', iii'.c'cc ci'c _ ci l z. . i . ' = n Pl y h; ' -- ; {. i "£- - !/ . C MAKERS AND DESIGNERS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY Halue's Jewelry Stoic 216 SOiTH'I'l CAIN STudlclcI Large Collection Antiques in) Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware 'ccr ini.clc'niti' cnd 'cic'oci'iy il'c c ci stdticciidens'. Scd lii" Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MIChI. Fred C. Heillinger IIIc\ S tc _STUDIO- .. ..r i Mtriwr+n.......,, Rio East. Huron- St~ AL