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March 18, 1909 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1909-03-18

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AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS l111 mthtir.iof tie varsity1int'e
VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. at 11alcstie tonighit at 7 sharp 7>r tttct
Otir specialty is fine Decorating, suclh as Pap~r-hantging Paint- Al ~ hlit. intttrted i it tsla
ing,(interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, I asotinn , rsc- ttete t i thy tot itto i t i ght
g } alsomininitFretco- it
ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen anil guarantee .4.ax ad
our work. Goods Delivered to all parts of the cite. . ni m 1t i l is; tt t
BOTH PHONES 237 203 E. Washlriatora St. a tecitililititto
LEAVE YOUR MEASURE NOW tDatlyofice ot toti8itottilht.li
FOR 1itt l cu litlut ol lt I iti i fti
lrIeiiits for iltlc iil tuntl to lc
Lessn s Gon D Recnals l. - Cal'tttinigt of tnom iii a
otiil h. tc I d ridatil i-i . l' i -c
C O , p 1 1 8 G u i d. w l ta k Ot tt i S t ui etit i
ursday, March 18 Saturdaydarch 20otnuket.aIc>. .t>,
Hoary H. Harris l t l i ilei 11111 1/. -utril ae
cas e rlit d oratGr ners c iem .1,() I'-ICuitttfe sh i -oi-u it i ri
silet irkting indrlleaseit urn L t C ii>5
S. ROBERTand receive liberl C (7>1118.(-2
I-- i \r/ *ri V 11lid ~~l hirpn l l~ <tnti a titld lc al 11if ite
BOT P ONE 4 0 Ni1 I~nc~lyttru- t o ,^S. litayeril l2{
Geore I~oadhrsts Ne Pla -__ -

Quality, and Distinctive- .
ness of style. Feature
distinguish our line of
Just received and nowhere else to be found in
this city. Always look to us for the latest.

300 Eas~t WA hig tom~ St.
Light Lunche.S
Confect ionarv
Ice Cream
Phones 78 L 78 Blue

3015S. STA'LtE1S1
Own Make
M it 1i 'k.ii - - $1.75 to$5.00
Socords = $1.00 to$i.50


1W ae sl o y u rrdftte ' l1, Irla1 r 1,~ nlc> ri~~ dn uic o il-oAlIWith a Brilliant Cast of Players qadt o rftes e t elt o.p i itrl iu I p!e r~itti riet o ,w ilgv
2 Years in. New York Cittil ii ttu tiie. Haleris Jel rl- .11. 1 Locti- llm, or l io it t l the n e to auout charlgie
or N ii it I i Siuir. aid . tittlti St,,ort I flu ii u i i it itilt no lit u itti t h i neii tit- 11sen seure
yjlat rind or 5iau til, of th e --- tat itilc (i oilo- lteit l- .l i he be 1 ptni< s a rc I l psituio i tou endit s i
6 Months in Chicago N o rth - rio t kone- iiiole t .Ale' testoC 1 luIct. 1tub iii itco ii y-O.;to ors i ) a t erthuad
pn< It itt tulluici Iit c iy,wto ettcitt
(rat1Iii l'iCic at (tititi. atiSh Ala Iuini S. iti lul , iethtilh1111oilu iof tt ileeclatbes of
thut aiii _______A,_,;y _______ °l i l?.1 111 1-u181AC T. 11 i l h oa tttgtea
Prices Matineet 25-5075-$I-$.50 tN (1- 11k I~lIStituttndo iittherlitoal, adu orl
Prices 25-50-7'5-$1-$1.50 Prices Night 35-50-75-$-$-50 Ia____oi 1 1 1 u uu olt~- a, ciii o~luit111and oitthelir oters,
Sa SaeO e sThursday Seat Sale Thursday 1- -u 1icldateuwithu its foittit uttul tiil1till 11111lniititiiotto, atti
Se tSlfpnalie a lt ctt11 r le otc i r. i ~'orkIr ilt f 1 rtuu Mt ilate -Itt iote nti t u t ionsuoo-etttttttl
iing f turtt isatdi w ill see1 thai11tI it heitt n11 it I l u ll l\icit itin lt I 7 1 iW are ts iit I poi-
T1'A IL K I N G P 1 CT'1'V R E S 31 l SutiiState St. ,14-od ll ctiai i it iiiutlinef urt n 1,ra"eeIt el ltalirtntitie fr
anldit ft i-do t ii tultil i l r'rnr tar IotIitdependctntiui esstoituo o
at 1 Iouu/- (6 otitito. ticidayandSatudill cli"Ii it hate ourtttisforeoffer.-o Itll
T H E T O R U Meitiligrat usbgaitsootoes iii itit t ii elpcil 111aldutpuinoico of uttir reguit
less tuitt ecluivelosiiosathe isetmeiii ii te iiiattchd o thtir ser.It toia
DETROIT UNITED LINES Jewelery Store, at16 S. MaintoSt. edt [onaieifraio n "\wl1i i 11,1) It thurholititctoters. We
do l it iou ll t t 1115 reglr employ-
cdi~Od y i ulI 1 ot ni Iu ti c lt do with thits tpor-
eweroseeoo Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and I.Sf 7>7>1.1uurlan tti t itititttic i-k you to sigtt o
________________a real, Jesn- ttu 11111 110;Ii~ w' tao 1 t 1tlt ni-itill-aytO feei orott-
alt0 lt/ i ie asE s t (rutut oSet'o' 0 iuonitu Ii tltl t 1110 iii uit- othrt olliga
sreenouga.h p hge S ,. t ots LmtdCr atBound - t i 0 , - Sho fD nigbgn th il fcct e',Il I ttlg r t
o fun and ya ' iti keIhsit, per- 11111 and4:A 01 I ' Teday aintd1 lttrtoaa etg. s. AI 11111nt adIII n~r urfa t o rm.
fectyppr an~i tdei ned.lt tLiiied Cars WesiBond -outs. m. _:sto6 and0S 5Lt-urnto danctuntte.helm it t-t co ot- 1 tf m etltte- I Iis 81 (1\.X IES F E
p Ii.. ott pi. t tibo 520 ned.:A;ttuthr idceoment, uwittever
Local CarsiasiBound-Ti littt ,it5 a, W ti__-______,in____i t dlarode orifomtinw
w , antd i-itri- h0"te o ?utO p nt. asout0.5 p.Ot- " - -- "-. 1wllill ill tot '1 11r 0 t e, iladit io ttio t t e e
m ci u ,t-S i nt 1t bitu t n, and alu a lcc Neck ear, hoilly, glves, t~-tthe itttota. to Ilte etut-io
M A J " s T I to t 1 c-n.iati. 1111 u,112 .iid at it IyNekrctr all-eo. gls. rlii; hoilm t i v iilget itt Book or a aear
a. Il i. twinielanige a t -usrlittit tpartiula-r mn. n sut sal-uthi .1 \lcu i o cicc cofutu IciI 1 1 t nttia tti tiltyo u eify, the plt)l
THIS W EEK Local Cars Wesi Bond-61ituaaI. ; :lo . Clothles- ho, lin t .icu l_ c inteSi ti-il 1 04I1,w o I Idi 111c i sith o tto-ro
m.Sadlttuit nstl~b .-dllarit (I itli a ct dollar orte for it-
till.ccaouut i i th1°i iill i I1 t a soht o
111100l oiiio., ad l t ic ptobutlo oko r inl. luues o thba $t5 order
THE MOE'S BARBER SHOP ls tn il uettiitoIli te day 11111orthtis ta $a0orotder, $4 worth;I
The tx is Ie han mr~at e t i ilt a $2-i anter $5 worth; Iatd so on
m" - v ^_-70 Norh Ulveriity Ave. 1,u - e itoI t orie 111 c ictmay ltb together
0'g-IXO. A.MOE. tetti11i>tht teoceraubtljes to slake steh at
r *dlas for cit- i t ttito titu ls1 u r- orderlii d it idetlcthe pisileges amottg
d Billiards Pro iamCns tiutc trftidedulcl(Icili i-i c ce-u IOW VTO ORDER
~' O 1fo t R c n C n s rl utot at~ionlitl impor11111t 1 it ttti ic-Juthitkutp ote or itore subjects
g High grade walking sticks of naive hoo itit il iiti I (1c ito c tohicehiyo tiei material. Estimate
Cigars Candies woods, orange. satin-wood, palm, e., liutiiu dsotitrtices t uuion ad :illiweooc elu ier of worth eqtired nlose
Toacs in three sizes; $1, $t .50 and $2., post- tifun'tltc v i tt i t~ 0pi10uolars for ecelthtosatd words de-
HOe~uELd word..JOHNd SONriPrsips.)paid, registry e extra. Address iiuiailont- itls1 c il)iethgie its exat direetiots as to what
ROOT & GRIDER S I Pops \ I,'iSl 11.1 PIIO N l F1138y1ou wait and ittwholet aott sant it, ttd if
M. E. RYAN, .Mgr. RlTitte trcer is for five dollars or over
Mayaguez Porto Rico Box 424 1 Outticette books or tmagazites you wist
__________________________ I ,yu r is i -c)o1 i c tic 11 u- nd tel its iaout the positio putt
li t ottoh alt ?1 Itecik t ace artantttout £ D lO AMULANCE Beli Phone, 98. 2i i l ot itut sl um lt iti otticr, meit it hi i tioiltlie ittilyo0r ualifiatios for it
IIEORO VEE ~ ~ )~)jJ iWI~.F~LI lae Phon, 98 noun ii11a1o u llctlpeittgttmtiihut oul- c ilt 00Iio the rest Address at otter;
Chinese Chop-Suet'Restaurant adin sltellinthet1,Let 1to- 1rtoiry tpt R. A. DOLPH & CO. NIO CERN ftC fL~RA1I
chinese haney Watt , Staiko stttl litits Iofo r prticlars
Amerean Lunch sof allkinds. Every- Wit aState tus oate is tirioncee aososs.S-tritIA iu~
thinftrt class tortlade, and gentleen.t ht reritens To rettory wa-ntit Funeral Directors ARTtUR. EVEET SMALL (Late Special Inesigaor, U. S. Go't,) Director
Olatt Ki ~tent in Atnt Arbir. TBE T. J. CAIE Co.
31 .STT TEE om45Rwan lg DTOT209S 4th Aen Ann Aror, Mich. 2401 North Capital St WASHINGTON, D. C.





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