THE MICIHIG~AN DAILY - \XI I S AND SCUl LY ART, lI'PEWRI I'1NG AND TYPE- Sam NI,1S"VARSSITY 5I1SN 1'ISF0 ie.cit wl ryout a type SamBuchied__witrren ontyIperiter, or do hecotest for vars-ityt Irack manatgert tour 5tyewrtitig lot tou. jolliffe & Fine ailoriflg ol flint it te e-trvIli the-ii tti ,intllfall xAsi l310 inS. StMate St. eoil-tf election of theitthletic aeiwti ttoi, whell - Traule I lt I 11.Sayl- 0 wo.ihadlyti over 55 t- litANtiOS FOR RhENT-A choice lot sonthe otherfnoinfi o r te- pa lilo t, unglier gradle pianos for retnt on The itanager-ele-ct tails ftront Otto-sores lermi.-'Tutting free for lie year. adist a sei otrengineer and1 a tie tutu I oot',sI lni-n 1I ottee. toil-14 Ca o te hi Gama 1 t lartertitv, ---- ri~ tiltt A-tll-, of DIi rkA.1'.,i a t(eittlemieti \Vltelli coo need a pair D el v er W ithontiltoippos iii iolill h iscn iy-fro f stNleies to t dilill, you will fn IT iC ite larg. iniube-itoililbei nthe.lii$1i75 to Stint. erou-24 athle i sot iono-itiles-tyeiari5theIttatte'tnt- an li t et ittix ee i ngdict ioixx-i lit Root's tulictitlns i-oil tear ecti ft e l two varsiet-ti naer was ite iitro ttliii ft hei slu-i iii tof l Ilititti t he et ~ t titl e aiitiott ini tilt iamitili ii i-consti tilreoillit Istsi it t aken x i s oriina itadaltonyb, e i,,.1 0 6 --a 1 0 6ill1 lii tiN, o nditiliitins. tCh tilt - f-g C.X sr EAST HURON ST. I \\ it-steaulmvet hat 1 t helii liii but lane shirt n d tti swiecoti- i-uests ott mii len t u tken, sicit to the clllf sal b len Ih- i s tect. 8-t2 ro ni cchl, stnilastissringe l l ge Speiaittiii ens -i-,It:3 ato bythe a sc Iitaixi uux itili E-iti otio ttttit seel t -i B-B-Bi Briar and South African stale it-1ti>vii liiii- :Ai- l e lai slu ti. 8It2t ('he ttittiliec ,will ihtaee ittbeIte - 1lit Palti,, Roe-al, 209 East Lbterly, r PIPES Iz eitteany- iltti c i i tionca a c i hsth-le hest atid mtitfor yu hetkn tttieraizaiii~itin 11t imoett in C .i SofAllipetiats, lianntirs prbalytae lae:wihi tecours-e-of and iellowts. lT tie us a lnd ee, if Imported and Domestic Cigars th na ece. Setiratl the uthe- __ Cigarettes and Tobacos hes lite sitt nil ittttee heletiltt- We have lote extpert wa tch reptait- leg titnclu ig Se-ri-tt i -iiitcnd tt, i ii 0sict, 1585. Itltete ' Jewtelry Store, l= hs oss iontee ilc -i t iiti lt wha t-yon 1 St AltINE A NDItPRVSSI NGE Phones 78 L 78 Blue liaittbe1ncIi i tug fir. It dir s Cit. t F1 . \ sht~iiito t.S The College "Air" 1 i I The in' Yo Swe I A l - not. only distingnishes in preeminent degree onr 'College Clothes" for Young Men, bnt everything else that we sell. ft breathes true refinenment and possesses the style that is real, because it's subtle. 'otx see, leut yon cant deflne it. We choose all onr lpatternas and models wvithi ptunctiliotus care and aimt to preserve a treasuredl exclutsivetteps, while barring vaptid eccentricities, Otto lutes are big enough and broad enottgh to mecet every purse and pref- eretice. Yotur patrontage is courteously invited. Fixne line of Fttrntishtings, Hats, Caps, etc. Staebler (ft Wuerth Co. 211 SOUTH MAIN STREETI WL-VRSHOES and WAKOE OXFORDS NEW FALL STOCK NOW COMPLETE Our Specialty: College Shoes for College Men and Women f/ z 1RADE MARK R16 USPAIOff 610E KIIIHCDMPANY SEE WINDOWS for Exclxsive Styles in Fall atnd "Tinter Oxfords in French Calf, Tani Moose, axed Ox- Bilood Cordovani Leathers. Prices, $3.50, $4.00 :$5.00 and $6.00. Otur 'eater-Proof Canmpus Boiots unxetjtaled at any price. WALK-OVER SHOE CO, - 115 S. Main St. WA: NtORlCiii,, ateSlit-u-isell shet-,131¢n o te gitatIetihou. J. C. CHAPMAN, Jeweler OF ALARM CLOCKS $.0 WANTEDALARM CLOCKS $1.5 WANT D SHOOL OF USIALARM CLOCKS $.75 MAYNARD STREET ihuny Guitattied Watch Rope~lrimd a Spciaty Special courses in all branches of music for Solicitors to sell tickets in all departments University students. Rowe's Laundry of the University for the Students' Lecture If you wish to "make" any of the Varsity musical TOA UE rp clubs, or wish to acquire a knowlege of music, call TOA OE rp Association. The opportunity offered is unex= at the office for information. New 26n ifth ellPoe.i- celled, for a liberal cash or ticket commission NewPhone ____BllPhone_457- is offered, and all desire to purchase tickets for lKIGLOM ERANDSGES the best program offered for years at the Un= Chinese Chop-Sney Restaurant Whiteyllheatre Orchestra. OF COLLEGE JEWELRY ivesit.tCinese Fancy lDistes,American Lunches of ALBERT LONG, Director iest.altindsfEery thing fistcs Jewelryon 108-190 ladies ni genteuen. foellersosiJewelry Hailere Chineuise nd Jaanese Bric-a-brac. Can be secured, for Dances, 21SOtIliNSiiT Apply at the Treasnrer's office in the Alumni roomts; u~armtoSfoinfrs,3t tl~ Receptions and all Engageenxts, daily except Satnrday axnd Suueday, .1:0 to 5:3o p. in, AMBULANCE Belt Phoe, 9, 2R on dates other than reglar Show Satnrdays, x:00t to x:oo a n.fHume Phone, 98t Bookings. Any combination from Large Collection Antiques inCO twpicsu.Froedas"BasInopradChaae R. A. DOLPH & C. topee p o pndts Bas iCpe n hnwr Sucessorsitoo. Mu.0 Marlutini and particulars apply to tune fraternity and sorority houses and Funeral Directors JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. Miss Florence S. Babbitt 20 S. 4th Ae. An Arbor, Mich. Bell Phone 4L 113 W. Liberty St., - YPSILANTI, MIH. STUDITO- sa' - '" 319 Last Huron Street