THX)4ICHI!GAMN AttY Your & t Sui - IUNIVERSITY NOTICES Ic~elng f tg iiiIi~ttl itttitoi -t on-oini mitteecn hairnenn tnightt ;it nlk, a Sunday April 11 th is EASTER, you will ii? i1 ielhr )0 mgtt -atcc Ittiay night for t-itt lot i t-c' want your Suit ready. By purchasing here itt the clilionti you will not only get th~e best that can be Alt tiltS its itctttcnli i produced in Hand Tailoring. But you will ilTht-ilay evninti ttrd save at least $8.00 on a single Suit. )ti n the night ofthe ici in ircu THEI STUFF IS KEEN =AND) RIGHT DOWN M~d, ocli it n r" tftishingtigiio tpeart ill TO NOW'~i. thiNichigan Itnioinutdoori-circa; - cloi is', Iheralds-, ritng assistatits, atimial taerguardsln.eti., Iinitlit otfii lrant 4 . Ipapi, Nit. 604 Soiti Stai t tl .:1,1LOS1 ' iii -shell lhailrpiins \,Iilil] id slintttliti int gold.ll. Iii'aifitt del __________________________________ ________________________ iill Iuitillari-iitrttoii718 S. Iigds LOST---At Grantgers i J N uuay ttigtt, agoildl match witinittitiils F Ni .. 1O,1 1-d. Phon tiututN lantV. .i tinti mutt buiildtig anl Cutit tngncafe, -t No. i6 \Vantoite i lctId tl fntitiupn t ihV .p r +" \r R-dii. Call Sinit"art, 202-J. ii)-21 13OTH PHONES 480 lOST--Dturinug fres-st)ight Ninut settng. fin er linttse ititi i() Thursday, March 18 Saturday, March 20 " iti atdtri en-t-libieral it-ti-l. 0211 MEttlru-.n - 2:15 ltI lttii uliri-. Si i THEGRA AMERICAN PLAY 8:00 P. M. Sharp .ii utuay. fciiir to in lii (iu-iin ill Gp1ace. .m. H enry 1B. H arris I --tt rmt - it--- i-7-i-- (m i I;I t dh t Ne lIa U)Si T-D uplexiti d,n rl. Rct o Ye.ars Ia New Yorklewii.d1117-Nit N orh tt I.1ciihn. 82 ii I iiIlk Seat SaecOpenlThursd y StatoalefIaursrailit-dilis u nt ORIGINALITY, SERVICEABLE Quality, and Distinctive= ness of Style. feature distinguish our line of CAPS, SIRWTS anidECWEAR Just received and nowhere else to be found in this city. Always look to us for the latest. LINDEN C "UH IDI, APFEL & 'CO. TOlJ~' Vi /t) COu-i SHIP IS OJcan pick Y.out any kind of shirt you like ac be sure you will like it, if the ti' mec"Cluett" is on it. The Heavy Exerciser Often Wastes More Tissues Than He Can Build Up by Ordinary Food Shredded Whole Wheat contains more than enough nutrition and tissue-restoring material to make up for TALKING P ITVRE Admission unlonsys thun awreSu 'THEATOR.. I UM --Icav v llr nli n c > . . ..r r.,., , .at .11(1 " .,\ 1 5 at Il' itu& li). ut. 1) ( - IS ddy 1t A "Yo u-t a tsInn ne iii nritc \ii- uli- VAN KLEEI('S Detroit United Lines Slit n Naint Si. _I liii 3 0 E stW4samugt4ar. se. Ol iIt-t 1' lutll toiilViV~nittSuthtnilia S1ltlOA1,-SI, ION \W tunttuiut Sillei. N t-ili fti he- Ienroit -- Li.,ght Lunches tinit-il I h tN - iii i uri S at-sit y -oSrAl l ittuheflritititat in nttt c Conf ctionary gittil iitiit ii ofth iintit, linnonti tilt) and lith apac-t i tt-tof thCr 1it- a t-tint-, ofi :Niciniitat utrevr Ice Creant S~hri uu extra cars and extra service Nt-llout- a-dtit c will be promptly supplied. kCulturn Niltisic. Phones 78 L 78 Blue Nicltigcitt laNtuin. OiaM Natne-. -THEAntof Yoit.I Cigars Candies ~ihittan iiyl rn sat atSit n M. . YA,"tr Si('atgiBiSlllifartiitgdu-u BhnowlpSeyRsarn iiiii nttttiunitollegialthe frcoleete1 t~Tonbaccos htShntopttc, uMainuitiShtt.it__3t___f Ant r~cn Lunekint altkinds Ee:\tiGratngtr'sICSclhtoluof Dancingitt-rieitt-n ititi -ii t-t int ':' t l ~int l tit u t t ii tiit C-rittin- itinnil - N cnes and lThbursday -lot-n, forlic (1 uuict Kottienin AnnitAitauti THE T. J. CAIE CO.Itartictular ematt, ont sale at tShintin 314 S. STATE STREET Roomn 45 Rowland Bldg. DETROIT Cliuthens Shop, 1{lan St. t the energy expended. When it finishes re- storing the wNaste mat- ter, it continues adding new strength.. Shredded Whole Wheat is pre-etninently- the food for the athlete and the student. It contains all the hody - huilding ma- terial itn the w hole wheat, made digest- ible hy steanm-cooking, shredding and-haking. It is found on the "training table" of nearly every college and university in this country. THIE SHREDDED WHEAT CO Niagara Falts, N. Y. 1 1 ! i s l no r "It's all in the Shreds" "mmmww s N~lat 11,111 ii - -u fun lii- n 1 ntliiiui 1OW ildii-g1 all muthe 111( itii Til l(( ,11( ia(I lo Ium, Or 1 I - Clll itlld , tt all - fur "Cainoe" catalotgutioi I . riplt,o. 4 S. ITaver St. 12_18 ALWAYS AEI-HAD IN STY LES MILWARD, THE TAILORt THE BEST OF EVERY TiHING IN TAILORING