THE MICHIGC'AN DAIL-Y - - ---- --- - G. H. Wild Comfpanly MERCHANT TAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Menium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson Cumberland, (heter, Orient, Pe- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Wors- teds. Please come early and have your Suit reserved. 0. IH. Wild Compally 311 Suth State Street BASE BALL GOODS HAVE ARRIVED Our line is complete, Gloves ranging from 25c to $3.00, Mitts from 25c up. Base Balls at all prices. Spailding's Offi- cial League Balls $125. Reach's American League Ball. Students' Bookstore Sheehan & Co. A. G. Spalding & Bros. of 111110le ntiO 'octUnifomtorIt Base Bai, Lawn. Trnnis, Basket Bat. Goltf, Track adFHld Sport. chase (is ayua ntee ofg ad 01omne 10111 iotologoe, toot pleil1,- diio, i44 A. G. SPALDING & BROS. i4t Wottolord A~e. tDetoit, ihlic. , ! -rg4 E: mi News.l Atlhiotioc. [tichiann o ~It~i... T IICH-IGAN DAILY. mind 111(1 11 11 Ml11tlger 11;111 isIml t(,11,c 1k111rdd 11li11Cant) P1a1 hubert goootctto a~t.Itt 1i1r111 1101 1 ,e 1 l tl1 1 1 1 0 I 1 1 01 I .121y11 14"ir ct':lt1-r111 t1(1t1t(1111 1 I 1 l 1 ht l \\ x.. 1 n AhIta Bt 11111 ug1 '1 111(I'. Go01011 \a ,r i : T ott ers111 tt 11 1111111 Dana 1;:. 1Jone F: t . . l ,1,1 1 fesi~ 1lctts' e cisfrec 1313g.. tarklilStreet. lltl Rolattgr1)o111 1 .11., 7h . t dlyh e rceltSttlay. bvot . phito C, 01 111,A- ill 1 ,11 ~t. H. Larwill1, 1 tic l~lta Norm n I1 -1111 i I I. IT IIll ,1 \ T tt; ti.R.111 O. 101111 111111Haitto\ tor1,( -c f)" las SI~d<\ li t .S t, l ctit 11;11 1 1lit 11t ofttheett'1t' iet~icue We1111 I ttIl 1111 hat1 ths1111111 itt it 111 11111- 1 t'I~rtttto i'.t'ttttl . -ttl4ii 111 uch liltlne" to make a til t : cc cmt nex11 t tot itt os itll It Se s 12011111111111regardless1of 1 1c. fact ill;; al1 a- 11111 fr ne11110c 11 It xI t 1 1,Iti a little1 ',I y(11 n111 :1 III t~lt 0 1 lt rr t (it. 11011 - Ii i . I ll i m s tha'"111111.11 (i tpy _w i lt. 1 -11111 c l1 el n~l 11 111 1111to 111nrini- i ny t) a d i, 10"r thK, lam I tpittin On,11a11. tlite i t i ititt lh c i s l:tn e .Itt tt ' I}(cal 1111111 t l t tOIi. thItr p l(W l syj itt 'III 1' 11101 " l1.. ln l!n 11111 ll las It n cc0 ar'In1101 1't _i t Ils 1 tittcltstAtt fct clt itt l NoI s t htil- t t 11th111~ 1trei i11 linI 0 I did 011. ii. ii ]t clI ic'1 I l>rt in lt I c 11001111.' , I ol ct~ I.1 I '11 1rt~ 't. :i01 Gym Goods, For $2.50 You con buy a Track Shirt Running Trousers Bike Supporter Track Shoes Every article guaranteed Our stock ot Base Ball Goods is stow complete. WvAHl R'S University Bookstore 1 always did sell PENNANTS cheaper than others. Now Cheaper Than [ver A4 l 1 11 ot.l,1tit tQlt - 11111' icnti 111111 ill i m 111111 )mc.11h~ t t tttttt l ill ttt', h wh10ittil)t,-of11111 -hc 51101. 1001. 1) I t l F;l .\l:11 , 1 0 1 tlc I ri 1 t From 1toto 20 per censt reduc- lion ott big consignemo tit of 1 )tll e 1111 ('1, ; 1 '111 t t ', 1,. c4 nesw styles Ill I)t 11c tl1 {1 Itt 0 I3 1 t 1T 'i 11 ic i"'l tt tllilto 7 I l : ,:1 I1- 0\\ 11 11~tt toc'1 it:} tt1llt 111 1 1. t111 ,t i~r LY N D O N Ild 11 1c'rlc rlti Am ,1>r';h =it0 1 I';" ,_ 710 NOR'11TH JNIVIERSITY 'AVEt. llt 7s i 7 It S t r l lc ec1 tto 1 .c c 1 0 __________ _________c PAIIIEY & EDWVUNDS I-I( 11111111 1 l tEAS r LIBERTY STREET m-1,11v01 it' . ore a "goodth ting'to moe tile ~1ciII on ihand," asnd oil gotodt4 111111a 'the 1 1 1- dealer s ac e them on hiand. 0 . ' ie; utlr () tittFr ltigth Class Optical Work See Us c~ltlh e PortlRica Cane Ile for .11c I h~l'. 111. ) ilt i t 111 0 f 1 , 111 1 1)111 t BAND AND 10011.11111111114,ltorott 1 1-11ls Ba 0 0 o tt oo tc 1, 1 s ani $ DOEcc~ S T I IoI' . , ' 170 01c 101 1"1111 .1 t Th aPgeoPrto Ricon oa424 aIntil tA,,t $1. it50 tsind 17$ , post P c eP Ks It. A. D)OLMt & CO. acis t orItIi711. aIilttl i litalbe N kodak witht FunesratlDirectors a0 1311d iic atntishtittter- 211 S. 41h As re Arlo Arbotr- Mict. Takes sharop pieltres, 21 X 4'1t. tnhes It size. J L YS $15.00 RDL 3 tiesOwntake SHIRT IBaRIAR;E. IE Iaes)ToyN.Y 01111 r';A~ilto IPES E" E" CALKINS N1 arlti tt Cto 111111 0 o11111ItO 11111DRUGGIST ER SHOP e>trrtt<'__$1.751 to$5loot 243 South State Street sity Ave. c1.r t11, ' iiOtt1 .I -ftf Why Pay MoreOSE M STATIONEIRY Cents 15 Cents BOX V-THE - VPPLY NPlVE R SI TY ST R E ,§L...4 ABSOLUTLY N IF ha a pats FULL DRESS United Shiort & Colar C0:, (N' MIOE'S .BARBI ?OS Nerts Univere 0. A. MOE e -r..__. - 12 Wsintn .The Randall Studio, Ran dall & Pack Pro ps. Phoae t 9