The MichiganDaly Vol.. XALA. UNION. MEMBERS TO DINE FRIDAY First Membership Supper May Pave Way For Weekly Affairs -Forty-Seven in Whist (lame. 01i01 Fri tcinii l. o o'clock ithe001 membertots will pass t Pin tohprtake 1f1the1 lib~' 13 133 it tmit i p sapp I er.ii T hei wav whic assort 1the. sucess ot " itt - C~ti:. h i nner S i ll be served hi titlity to patae tfiago d n'tltia11 3i11301, ]titi to ltthem ingt too'tie ol Coiniig' 't an alyt ' htit'it l a; toit dc 7, so thatit wiilill ll t terttreit t -i I st with 'anyi ofi te patils ta i t, it ill ibe. 1110'"'.'III lit'or teli iu l tottdto resor 't laeiai oc itt 1111111 ii itt letili t ei r ill t clt li the coakrr~m r phne i for i cot (initsit tlonce- tIfttti lilt' '3 .li't't' meett the 71 i ''' N ''cia ''life. it: l '11fhe 1ri 3 Vl~t i' il t ut ;(1 '. wh n it1 a, ibro tg t iott he11 ihops11 l c:mitt , ait tt'' vni'' T h'ittitt is b d lt' thoiii ltl'l'tilt rp t i i t iio oftropiestitt' te cl iti -a l wv l it nd\i c I i rv div idethe1111' tt'ill it' I heopliii 111111I, ll wiiiliiii itl lt'll ed on 'Mida liand i 'ii iii lvt i ii' iiM;111: 11' anii i , . H alf131tii~ I 113llimplte ii pctirgrt' 'I i lio. 11111re 11s tiitns ito o m c i till fials ttm 1111111 11111q1es in1t' be lle itisltpat r; il theit'orme113 lan ib wil m11ee3tltttintei l.l ii oil i'rt' i nitt h ttit7i15. .111 i in1111n t'. .1311 31101 impossibhl lt Iltipresien tlt'ittt'itcockF the liinr'aclntlomayoilaIdlthir a me t'l ho shb1coil o it iiohar'e or Titos thm 11or1int inhit Poibt iic i at # cloakrto1om' oitetl ofho 1111311llefsort I of ihe psil enl itfodrtthe dralitngs 31110 da0110igt bi h'i eckliii ihtitn 03ctiofty1Hu1sc01an,01ar31altite ofs I sterotption 11011 taen whiieon111hlio cimbus. Forostry clibeth 1101tonightl at 7:131 ini West Hall. Johnl Colits twill tlki 01 Oliltilot survoy wtork ill Montaat. ORGAhNIZAThl'ION .1331) RtlES (f Ii(. i i I hi it tn ; ii J111 113 i titll tlt 1111111 it tIl L 1c11 )03..1io ar fhit1 ro o agw ile iig'till' erklovn S1111111 thtt'rc 1111i toudill a it ii i- .111if't thel i'111 'ii oerrtetiI Lultitl I I 11313111 "alhiartl ftticontrolii ofitilt Il ).t crnii riii. 111111r- ac tillofth Uli hitf t it' p llcailiicu the 1lic lilwcn1111111w 1inchl iin i1111 tilt'or litfterwrdCoi n w , xi ciii 1i111303117llt'dt'TheI.of1 Daly itrascla tiltht theli affirtil >f i'iithe i cii 11111 lia sh ul c ni 0311 111113 311113ec111111 fiti 11111-d1 oli,3 11 ivolving the11 3u 11i1ca113111fotrtihe 11n- ltdc ti'ui' 1111tt ll ll l'l' 'ni tcs ) liii'a d'rii flTericlof, r" ia iIii ~d0 rul hit,'given ow I 311folit 113p1111 e3sIaii :Ii 13 i 11d t tke t e la e 1 t e riic it sunkirucki adot ed i ,I tc o rd il trol1)of The111ichga he, iii, a d l 3 c31111iii liii iii iI'- li t.1I11ac coirdancei t ith.1 the 11111t11n li~ lllil ts3 ithe ilt I o r 'n li' ili ofli itll i'. t Itl t t-,il'1110 the11 1' icl lii 11 s.Taf is311111 iii iii i l 10 lii 1111 t mperi1iol a d ad ice ti(clu 113 ii ,c, lie tit 3 odsii lit ii of policy,1113 ail11 oitiw ti itil ii titilli ii inthe miti ii ii lca d of i o tlt ill- ' var1 111 iousii 1331111 cations11 Iti ti 31 1' ;olioit lc t t c 0111113 1rep0 etu t it ii 311 113111 11 3.Tht i i 1 iiish ow ili i 311311 11111 cfouro whom .huallI ltoltn' BAND BENEFIT I S0-2.1.1 IRCM -F.l IINANCIAIjSU1CC1ES S Fiayeenn, 1ach1),ocus I con_ 3 tet. Ai i prt1hag asbe Over 1,400 Ilear' Joint Concert mein 13111r31 toii his o1 e which11stuuls,111 With (flee Club at the lajestic 'atttct'ci tltiiiii fiii Theater Tuesday Night"' ci 1113of S. 1L13:l. its ill bitah Tha te hndbeeti w s aSpen i titittian 3 'i'all 't'c coriallinvttuitd.i ii sutcce3 ss 11100011ed hy tthe ettlhtttia ii .tii~ itian it'lationsi 're'a''i ffllowis: welcome w i rtw ichl 11311packed ou ses10111 For13 otilln11 1 er, .1. 1lm r ge t ubth if Tueosdaty oe'e'iing's Ite1-' Dql; 'I tic Negoae n" C '. . ffitit fit rncs B11133 I 7' a ll'rg3'crowdi wa it' u' ctrl ;' I oe " Ilir1111R.1 S mith, 'ou, ' ttl ini line it'i nlltg to s3001110 rcd setst' IOlir' '31rician Inigma,t 131 d13 T'hoimias in ht het clii u311111a i lte till ontil e110 'roe;''T'he Collt'ge a' s it Call ito Ser lit ac praci itically 03v1r' seat wt fil le. iih .M ~ y,'t;'Th [ iia, glee' clubi miarchedilo11111thelt a ~ ge'from Th iit'it't t h iscntstt will r,' 1t11 lilt Iho i 3lii I- d rc T lt itl 10 lletYX i3'cthe C ialo.'t'''ititt il~ t' iw an111 31111e b le tilitttc i thecllocsm03't i ol e isi nin thi i ci t i 1311 the11 entie tutlll aud11i lt r sittgn ullnor f rpetI 1 in i ch 1igi n d recetivedithat on iith ttotituettilctlls for a 'shotit list iiof i ittheiousli rtecordsi3 more11 } t e ) t it t'll e F n hcrs of te vkreii and ttid i s il tlit tc na c<, itt i ll t u I i" '1( Ii tt 3 .cx 1 a it' itct (}il t t en. 'l \\-lu t href~ ali in I fit ii forthtit (ouncuil, Manau'ger Laneo, hiter theireintinttg tumbtetirsOftufhei reglt itliliiwere'gtiethe b'a'ol sdfarl- p1,1ieces33.1113isatich1131 1 cithe -'iii o uuuitoutf1 tetiband mass 3 ty.& iiig, 13111311theiethusia3331sti uppoirt of all 1111111e loud applautein a'irowtll) Th itii(i)ttiu( t"ttie-sos veilthttaboutto113 't 'iii I ii'eo111e1p1rtcurtel setsulfor thei the1111 I 01 t of ight hunuutddat I(lniiThursd 113 the 111aiudhwill)liy t :h i r t1 i'l''iiilg liiliiitutuci. Tis itill 111011 1those utuwhoidth 13use their tick'' liii tilt' , tll lii' u'wtt' dispt~lauyed1 a spiri11tutud ethus1iasm1311111ot uliethti big imss.metiings 1113t'1fall.Thought) lii if iteitioite hrealittluuskuicy -rall 1urpassed ill previous" records. by till31s11denit totu)cullthis occasiiontit 'iuithethu ii huii tutu1er til' 3111 g; hit11 ti 3111111slouldibe1utedhutetirt Frii da ,astie-comiiiilhtteeishto utakeo finai cut'uuu his byth tt tle.ltechair- Ina ofi lthe comittittee 13 iiinlhgeof thu recei1113s1repoirtiiithut it 31oh itas3rtalizedl fori tilt band.tIt is153est1imtedlthaully111) I, 33 i sets iere"oldl for thutw11o0shoots. hitltike ttuler ut rep107111o01thec commuuuit3311113metme to SttSettmtut can beitutidteutitltecommiuuttteeman 1f1111 whou thtictickets 0w010 received Cur lull others of thue commttittee, 0111. MORtiILLit 1.10 '00COA3.' Mir. Morrill of last year's rhetoric faciuly stoptied off at Annu Arbior,'lutes' day', on his tray to thue coast owhere lite otill spenduth ue %vintier. It orill Ibe re- tmtomuberedl thaitfir. hMorrill 033s gi1e31 a lcaro of absenlce at the beginninng of last souetelr itt trder to regainl his ihialit. INt year031willlfnhuttint bach at his woirk. IlIl0Ylt 1R111DS.0PAP EtF OItAOiI,O'0. Proif. A. 11. Lloyd read an itterestinug tiatuer tl'Ion fl uisie ofthte Sphueres," it a meetoinug of thue Acolytes Tuteoday tight. IL. P. Ettinger, John OQitluse and John iPhloot were elected to memt- bership int the society. F. J. 1313alsh, 't, 1)111131 l., w thut 11111111ritoltepize debate atii 1313 DenI ve.'ur hight scho1111li M07. 1 i also Nvotil second pllt/rizeil tCo a s1t1 orat31111131 cottin't tool1)1 C. C. lfuRitz, olft Cap i i h ,\t hth ls o tst 131 i loon tti i hhtIc311 F. B, flity'.) ii, hut;\m iAbr wo thut iterltulheguie 311113e1ti tI clas i o ra11tor'iclrNi't'it hc re.iu'guw' also oneofi i ve 11hit 1113h iin t ti t ilcat *Mi"ch.,iill his ill iortti a i ll heii vc hig ish litvontthe ihst od Cl tes tu In theuuuujuhf ortoialiii tsl17i ltsfi hitle i i iwo i'lf eo d p itt. 311i1in 31 I~c w~ts alterna t ilonthe cu iii atr teamtof theut ~ ha Nut ut titnysi th iim f 3111firstufi nt h eut 11 lsltool 111111 I at Dai illcit111tin illI tutd w1s3.t conuttat intlei taleit3 lein the same 3 t ear.3t icd 013111ollowitg ill h e ii th uuuu luuuu Prof it.cut. itytathStarte11o11 ma111'Vthui htrctioit;tev.iA.iG.iBeach,'Yptutui oTel cob e st311 w1i lbeini133prttiompititoa tut o'~leo' iningou ort t iont' hei dotut ri 000011 fe c ld tit avii1113' tft Ill1111113tionhisshthenioncesi' abo s t auele 13 iow11 is i n patlntned ytecncromtill wir oillb tptresenteitt theWh ytrr oiti'the ightofgius day.thuiii'tofor no uch ll s unItuthrveI 111117 11131' exceptut its on tinu it h t113131'he atton't mteilteshro ts 1t o mmt. itt hustrtiu 11131 rto gete 1031ny0111hclsvt.t. .111 stuts osibheeetioreuad111111coliahay 111 1111 T111llc ilt l Itwhc il he p J11t t i ti m i th c ua 1 ]e 11 fw c c lclf o a ld 11t i I'. li[''ii t c 1 ?>11 1' l r 'I'rllti ' lleoI ti%1plutg iiici .13 c~li ll ut h rcp "I im i ihai maly' n r.1 ;l1 1k 't m cal h are~ hut h'ilt... )(1 'T I'1{F c t i el Ir - p r ttll (I I c l tutnu uttia litit. 'it , uu .tu it- nIt 11 111 a i l ft i 'd 'Uo s jorda. l lull hut it wil l t IoI(01 s'tu tu ill i t lasti fithe w e, O llte tilts '3 r '''Irlmud r fthetitmatgaIinei til'1311tOutthut threeweek afit th utth.pill number utuwih vette' ad lutistnlito 'i lt se' andit't't hit'- suenso1 tey1 re5 pwdigiivforu 3a