_ THE MICHIGAN 'DAILY__________ G. H. Wild Comlpally ' b ar'gct Stock i tie it of Excin ye Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's W.ear IEverrything r eured for Siuts, Overcoats, Pancy Vestings, and Trourerrugsa, and of hrgh class fabrics rd sperriaiStyes Full Dress Suits a Specialty 6. IH. Wild Colmpally 311 South State Street Save half your oney and buy Secondhand Books at Che University TextBooks for all Departments. Drawing Instruments for En gineering Students. We cearry all thc hoat sakes recomrmended by the Iprocssors iOur pricies aicways the lwst flehicl VStst, fbtatic'trcr atoti itstiettsr Stpplte Shehn's Laer Fauntai Pee The est $ 00 Pn thre seWorld. Sheehan & Co.'s STi' r'ifSTR~EMc'I A. G Spading & Bros rir' f rier 5Maufcrturrer'cs i th Foot Bait. Basket Bal, Ice Skates. Ilockey,Goltf, (ymasium Aparats. H-iposiiiiicy 11t raedr 'iisrts irs eor- irsirirri riio, mai reresaiy A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Nwiri Vrrt Ciaorr Detrit THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing IEdfr-ACHE .'RrTCcHtE. Buinress Mrnager-JOHNx F. WRZ. News.............. LIcc A Whlitet Athletics .-. ...........C. E. flrridge' Exchange ......Robert Mountsicr Music ..........Roy D. Welcir Drama. ...........Raymond Visstre WVomenrrs Fditor... Lorise Van Voorhis ErrrTORIAsrTr. '' ('tin ncer Bochter rrsr onr C. ReidI Michrael B. Mrtugh Eared E. Goodirg Dornalt. IKirriys Dana F,. Joes' Walter K. Toers Louis Kraft rrRIsOrTI;irS Lowetl J. Carr J. iH. Prescott Past Greer Samuel H. Morris I. G. C. Williarms Paul Leidy tHowarrrItllt I.I. Amtrn 1). A. lirckley BUSINESS STAFF Carl H. Adon IHarold P. Gould Address: MCHGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours : I- p. om., -8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones SUNDAY, OCTOBElR II rmo. Sorm'eirrtpeop re utterly' unrartle to rcc frairnfrirmiabrrirnrgtpriigs. tUnltss ceicedrihere, ran rtrrircdtthere, they arc sluarentiily' unarbtle tickepcerens swith ini tebn'drstsoincmronropsitrity. Tite nartralirrmiipilses cnrtrolirg their ire' tonis 'ccii tc ie thrise tat siouldtltail thrim torunrr across a niigblor's lrrwn' Irecise thc larro sign icr "eeti oPtte fgrs,"orc pick terchoriic est stecienrrs iir ruhs flotriss d e tIcause rot pr- tetedity'rrrnirngrtirg. Ttris stirit is tieraticnt ro mruch d un'to srarndaisrm s ttougttlssness Inoire lirary wes'c rienruperfect freedomi. Therere yrnoirsigns sariniing ir toi doi tis and nt to tir that. Wle are rirttpisedi toi Ie famriliari'wsitthie frct lhaiiquiet shuould i tie reacingrn tuidy roomiiscceigneverywhsereccsprerme. When man ntcr either of thee root ru hicu is t lerst racceitert rwitb hainrg ar refnirie purps' iiiews' is ii,-kanut hravig the powrriscto cni- ~r cnat io mindricthereon. fr i sit rngssipr iitie litirary'is irrimuth ut iiiplarer is it swoulit be to wi tite i churich. Yesterday a cerirrn ruin trying toi strdy ir tiriiay wsa conrtiniuiarly interritpted ty sonic such extires sinsr arthee comig aricoss tie dek:"Ysi ws riut-porters-up a treei-frrt-sop-egg sramp~oo-" 'lTe stuiousirni s o nccifondrilthese its of thrilling rardvetrec iid'ttirelp imrutsove htransora trrionr troblerms. tic tail to give it rp ini disgrt ant oe to an-' otrcsat. Tlhese stories arie all very' itrerrstinrg at times, btnrot when tolit ini tic'ibrary iIf Iis buiren rd clamor of lie gossip were hurc tonrly' rl-iriir Srush swek e wouldtitrt compinftii. Remrriiscnces ae ntconf intd to rush sweek, trussvcre. Wle cral irrsofsubiritjcts iiscssedi all trugh tecyer. Iforrvserrrnt cres werce tieculy' offendres tie marttrc woldr tic crsily' slved, foc teyarie irucepi fie otriinrg. We air''ll guilty.morce oc less. Whiy not thintsofiournerigrbor anit Iis right.' \VWhrnrryourfeeliicietto iorrsijust irsriireao ssmtinig lite tis: "Hes tury Iougit iti." If our negbrintsirrcsderrte, payi'nr atrentionito iii ratrtte ieti l ss't ioon In rsociologiy tiny' tll us thatinitlit to lerrniiigrodut rirrrrr's is ri sure mrrrci ofi iricririy. Wi' shunot icilite to goc si fr a s t IC thayturn imun iwhosritalks iiiltin'eticr s iiilit sbjec ct rti' tmstrik lhat isth cae RSH11IN tDISFrA\TfRi (cinuedrrirrrrrriiarci krie.) . rish itellis nt tic isi"trea iOil;noiitri clastrice.prieryr rtregl tswil erall itoriom tie re athi ftir heliiarutroriies ir' thei irrerrty, bnnutrceinrcientrlrt arrr'rismi and rugirss'''souldriieielimi n aireil ivnc if itonaccompishtititie purpoirrsc strii gent merasurs re iri' ssrry' inn. JI. C. HiIldneri, )O "I nrvere was oppoiiisid tic the'rush. I isw irnotinig ini tis' rush irljr'r'irirrritri idanirgeros. I objet to te c tiitiertbfore tie rushbutihvernoobjetionrs to tie Ior la cnest. I1liididnttinikiranrytinigrif th e da.iner'itoithe cntesrants Iast ight int ferredfr 1ictie sfety' f tirserctri' tos seilytie ladies. Smirrerians shouldrhe talkeni ofi keepig tecr'owd bc. I toiuht liiie rshrdrangerorurs last ycrr'blit tisyerit idrt nt unseemr so. We inertoiharie tie'cisir t tie opieningo f tie yercronrtie norterst coreroftheca~ns. sr'er'e tie miei rulin n gymnarirsiumis ariernow. Our rish rias liketre tin triibtiriieontest, ex- eptthtnwei rsen ariothaltirrl. I wasr ii t etriass f 'uo. ir f. Goddtrard was of tic' class iof '89'nd tie unier'f tie spslie 'siinnd1teaid ant soulides abov usiall.s Regen'it Bel:i "Pm ir ino trpsedt to thii rush. Its all right. I se'c'rm ii., i it s lng s itstgood-nauriei." ,SidneyRrcI. Sral oe: .Ih rul is that teiclaisss tbgini tei'rictiities to soorun. Tie sarrtigrimth toli ie oner , ctyrroidtrss ere thei ciisi rotretre. Theirsh in iiitself is ra grat tiing rnd shouldii rn irbe girerr it. Wallute '. fAlrsrit, tpresietr of tie Mificin'Uioi: In' itererss rusinig shoulunthgini si er cly'in tie senes- ter. 'Tire freshmruenr andisphomrnures shorui uld ntiegini hostilitis until ri fews iriyssbefoure Trik Fridary.' Terce urs irsbrtliytis yearr'turn formrely. tFtfAt , A NilSEPT'IC iTOOTH PONDER-ffa bigc cnn for 2cents. If your oncec'nise'it snyo 't uwilntic' likely' toi try'aiy' oiiih'erindi. Toibetic' unitruy ruitrws Iirg Siorie i,20 fist Li- erty Sr. cd-22 Uir-to-darrershirts, cllarrs inIties cir sale iby'Aler,,Mintr eert. 8m2 Mustic ainh Drama Cchnr& IHaruris' mninstrels hplryeh in twou sel utleri hocuss'rat tle' "iliey theaercSatrurhray'aternoocnnrn eening. Thie performncees were' rthe surpis ing il tieswerthrofnilnes mateiri innI this old-fashnionediminstre iie siwichi tires'showssenh, This' musierl rntmbrer weegoodnlthi n'cning wasriquit eunu isaadte sr neilts numbners inn thus secndtpurictwsrenr'rerlly' exeslert. 'Thte entire ptrformnce as'iiiwel at' arnednthinerr' uers' nhletdowisnrs i te mrruimner n, rndruthis' ipplue ith wihsich, thiervriuis nusmbetrrs suere rsceied i- dcaietihut mninresy'inn Amneriea is In' from beluing our thn' rnd ti npptulrriiy fromrrovertproduc tun. WANl'hfh5Snuccess Magrazine rcc dunes the seriis of ri min tAmst Auruin' innlook rfts'r'xpising ssri ions rnttinsecurenew uetsies'ss ty mreansurof shenal mehdis unrusully 'f fetive;irpositiornrmarnnt;erthiefe'rins' withiexphieciee.ut swoiuditcnsiernny appliricaint iit gfodinatnrutrualtriier- ionns;salary- $. eclrtry. riithicciii mnissiomnropttionn. Adrenss, withr reer- ecers,hf. CI. lPeccik,ifRoomur102.Sue ceess .\Migazine hhig.. Newrk rrh. 12-13 ShiNhOR L(WS Let is miks yin,,aifhatrt nisour tyrewnriting for ihe yeru.Picerinug & Restrore,4. ~S. Strte. 123 LOISTl'-Phi rKapa Sigma url pinum Fuidirr' evening. Retiurn 52.1Pacrder.ri Rewfrdi.1214 L.OSTl-Srind, godt nekhrce wih twoinpendatrnts set isithi pinhr:cri. Nekr- tacess' i luohst either'u'inn tocuswn rnorunths tounlesvard. tfindrer please return Ic 723 S. Tharrn- ; suitablie rewrdur. r11-13 hOST'-Micrehpocketeout cotainihr paphec rn y. tninr rtiur Icto trly office. FOR RENTl-hflegannt suite archsn ge crioi, rt 213 N. Ingals. 9-12 Collegiran cothes for clege mtire.t tc $30. Onrisrleiny Allen, Main St. u2 if Yonu smoiki' and1itdo rot smouke hBLACK AND NI ITh'lfcigrusyoureir nt ising your rrocretooirhr risiure deral. ins' ithem rt lr'rn sus trig Sorecinch. i Fral intsinie Regals just rcied.n tHenry & Co. sole ragets. 12tf Collegiani raincoats for college mon, $15 o $2. Oursrlehby' Alen,. Minii street. 8-na Bush gurrnte r'cl$uc nr inn the ciy' at ('ishiuigs phlarmnacy.i tust rece'siednew uisshutpmenrt nf Cinn S sit.Henry & tCo. 2-f Sweaters cutrier at Miss iLcell's, 332 . State St. 915 STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS For Law, Medical and all University Text Books New and Secondland Drafting Instrunments and Engineering Supplies. at speciatlres Stationery andn Blank Books. Ask to see our Solid Fold Fountain Pen for $.oo. Catl and be cornvinced that our' tore to theIbeotlae t trde in thre city. WAll R'S University Bookstore LYVNDON 719 North University Avenue Photographer Kodaks Cameras Photo Supplies Amateur Developing, Printing, Enlarging. Banners and Pennants at lower prices than elsewhere. IBAILEY & EDMUNDS !Bportfng obsO~ 121 EAST LIBERTY STREET COLLE WM. ARNOLD, JWER 220 Soth Mae Street. M A 'Knsockou.t" Fob in Bas. (oprrnu orueNietc rOB wth rasen Bloncti ci.seal r nm rs.ir inn. cnie rm ve Price, 50, 75, $I Largest Stock of 'M' Pins Law, Medical, Dental, Literary and Engineering OOK 0S NEW AND SECOND HAND ENGINEERING INSTRUMENTS and supplies. We carry thne most complete line in the city. Special demonstration of the MOORE'S NONE-LEAKABLE FOUNTAIN PEN AT THE UNIJVERSITY SUPPLY STORE Formerly the Co-op Store 310 South State Street Call at Wadhams & Co. for your PALL SUITS, Cravenettes and Overcoats, Sweaters, Slickers and Unaerwear. Shirts and Neckwear of all kinds. WADHAMS&-Co 121 and 123 South Main Street 121Washngton t. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack,Props* Phose 598