THE~i MICHIGAN DAILY SIK'K OR JENI NIOKElZ)P, SN1 11 ' a r rC .t t otDIoSSES PARMACY. S PR I V PV IO )''1\111' I St tPc regutla r meetintgof the Pre,- SPECIAL CHOICE ali l tcil l'itl y eening, A. N. Blangee Lta I~eell j 1(11 [ rda\;tte rlo il o ga 't - ery ttlteatitlg talk tupoti 'Phar- loeEnineerigbdng- 1 Prof1."1 loom11R11 ace 1. 1A lldMdiine in India." TIhoe H ot PiP. ngave'',In oune ofthO O In 'Afnoraprofessionsare divided int that country' thi' years >trttg trip. The porywll 111 01' 111classes,' the old at' native, and( te X:nn Ptb1)01F'iday tl111101)1t itte ropean.'IThe first named is as old oretittong 11101sda lrlo'' \p 20Isatiencounitryitself anrd is taugiht0111y W a lThe first'top will b adenn t. 'II P do a ) pprentieaip.T 'he European sysa- B ott I CS the tiptinchidPttla1 ber1111' \Wahigtn, and iolt slightly mtodifeed to it is a) I~ipIin u t i l I Ib I (1 The lila It'll a11J11kEi't KtNT iLE'VER COMED.i f'ro. Alen rr 1'of. 411lev'1and all omcd 11 ill lbe giveii ity'the girls ill Q u~a rry 's whoish itto inatitIeltitp c1111111l1 Itif ott V.C. todaly lat 4 o'clock int Prof Alln ofthe act s son as NasI t (vb I lolill All college girls ate blt:. he cos of dw trip, I tt'' 111 I tilo I Ihe l ci nof oi ffa~iers for lthe t 2 I i A Buying Oppotunit Enormous Price Reductions $28 anal $-o Stils 11ow1 $20.50 $28 and $25 Sits 1tot 18.25 $18 atid $2o Sitt>21011' -- 14.75 $15 and $1(tSStts now10- -'- 12.75 $1o attl $12 Sulits ttoo - - 8.75,,y OVERCOATS $30 Over coals now-111 - $22.75 $22 attd $25 Ov'ercoats itoax 18.25 S8 attd $20)Overcoats 1no)1 14.75 $t5 an$tti o fOver'coal5ts ow) -11.25 MENS' FURNISHINGS .ot attti$1.25 Shirts - 80C $.hI 51 t attall hits I- - $120 $75 attdl$2.tt0 hIatiliattati sh irtts 1.45 $t.;5 antd $2.50 1 itl itti Sh1111> - 1.65 HAT DEPARTMENT-P-All itian ot l jat 11 '\ 0111p Ktnox 2511; less ltan I ftt I ice. Reule, Conlin (a Fiege1 Money Loaned Watesand J) .ewelry repaired. Bargains iii Watches & Diamonds Office-it resiece O3t15. Literty St Ann Arbor. JOSEdPH C. WATTS TlE FARMEttRS AND MEIC"JANICS BANKI MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Caitl i$510100) Surplus and Prnits$9t0tJOO tGenral Baniiiig Biusiniess. 3a rCC 'CCpaid onime'~ aiid Saings eostits. Safety De- positBoxetorentCIIat;.,'2.00 and apwards 1) an. KF 'nt re. XW. 1. St nenNo.Vice-ies The Ann Arbor Savings Bank A Generat Banking Business Trnansated P01 .\lIN11.Si I' C p115f11 1x.prse td by ,'to sno grsC m in; Oa Own1 11- sn~rtclasusiIt i aI chtartmittl l"ee''11f 11111iu m oi 111 ldcd o '1111c lltltittil)) intt Ige c fss o Prof Ir t nloner. ofat 1;trIL III111.11 lirca. Eater, jeatntt Ott 1 idl I li cc ''JV 3 )I iNE) 1K Itt _ T10 111111 Itc D 1111ta I( halaIill lit) aittc ill, (l' ;tt r Iinltill sit:; i iii '1. tilticl ttrlil l it lii~btt -' i 1 of il , stto flItable; o br'Sills icln NSING~ h" [11 1 1 ! '1' . P21'IKI S i 11ill ATi I A[ '11' Ittils it li 0 1 avo 11s0cityof tic It ' vadevlleP' tunts wiJlNun iven SN' S 'K Dl-)..\ tu et to ellm firu l c u ingltummPall aaio110 . S'ete'mii it C Pite P11. C.iA.11-;JfINeaPIS I. S: t c, II I 'll1 11al1a111'. W as te ax Ir Ptt t A71o J. 1 SP" 1111 S1''. NUSC \il ot 1 f l ownSat1 en s pe Ctulturesc Iusttc. ?Alit 'll'attr. taietngilr The itt -11 :'o ill h ite il ac ll Ct' Ito F lleepr ac ear a'c ictors.f alraJtery Soe S LA'tii SI eod If1 I 1 OFFI(IF'ItA. Cilas . lli ,wool, flrp i. - Harimr~tanVice res.: 1. .. 'ritz.Casiiier r l'l'ali i II Ic c e .inlc 11 tIll 'fttt tlc l' -111' illgtIlllIll. STATE SAVINGS BANK at Dttlt tICTORSia : 1.W11 Artldl DrI)V. 0.Vaughian Tas. 1. W>ade R . t"Mills John10 1t'irer ,Cno. Ko~ch Prof1.It. P. 'arfili itentry W. Doulast Chisiani lit rtill Da1+ 11. Zimmeermn FIRST NATIONAL BANK litPNNARORt,.MIeH. t. 1). 'aKINNE.. IARRISO Sl 011 i'res. ice-IPres. Cornrtcmeroaa .1 etna:d Ssa.virgs Covt. Mulin..arid Libe'ty Streests OGfillette Safety Razor Clean shaving is part of the college man'1s gospel. It goes with the exercise and outdoor life---with good spirits and good health. Five minustes a day spent with the Gillette Safety Razor kceeps the face shipshape. The skin 10 soft and clear. 'Tho Gilleitt' Sal 11111 r as a b1112ol11111111112 ro (_'allegenot. I tIncO ~tnjmilililI 1h' UiCI' 1, Pt It' 11 a The1 )1 II &," Il li T' ,1.1i lld t); ' 'xc t y ke l(:t n imot t,' l i a'SS td C\o P'i d.A y 1( 1111, 11 1 1 i m sae f ti and rmo ' ?ai aIean dtipA s. btnquet il l s ll I 0Ith1111111'). lp n . I'ofcs~rl~un~er na1 w 1,1k ltr'ee'l 1a 'xilli 1' >111 1' 1 '' NV I ave ttstaldicto10vIIou1 ars iato iia fath1er. IIso tlet' Sil ,r 216 S.SMaiti St. 'a *.cfather iiell o011u Jcei era 1111111 P'.PNI S 'it lime 11. 0 I 1' a '0° Il I ' . ~SH IRTS for S PR INCG wear-Newstf- ~different from former seasons-Soft shades of green and ~purple --New stripe effects-A cracker-jack shirt at $1.00 ~-others at $1.6a0 and $2.00. WAGNER &' CO., State St. Sign of the big white shoe. STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION JOHN HAYS Saturday, March 27 TAKAHIRA J 111a pa ese rl ass o t t 1111 St->e MA Y FESTIVAL Tickets for sale. SCHOOL OF MUSIC -I J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewele i ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 i-cty Gurto d W Cal. Re.s .i -iwsi a Sp~aatt Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 NN F'ttlh Ave. MAKERS AND )ESIGNEI{S OF COLLEGE JEWELRY ailer's Jewelry store Large Collection Antiques iil trass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware .511111'ens. Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICIh Going to a Reception ofhilli'" crly ' , \Vhy not hav-' a ec it' firotimhi.isriy stable take and 'l'hu'e ou Tie'Coot usill be trilling, alts1 yiiu'llave' thy; pleasuie of arrivhi' iti styleanard iit-laut thu alighest di., icr angowtient ofi yonir dress and hail'. III lhe thitig right next time. Ort'iet' th carriag'e firoimihire as if ytou owneud it. Fred C, Heillillger il4lN.a:Stt liIi 1 lomite i3a"6 IHome PftOOntIlI " . , rf . / 0 i t A '_ * 1 1 t i _ f ' " $ t t /(J !J(f l Single Admission Tickets - - on sale at S. L. A. Bon Office, U. H. u'Oc SITUDIO- / 21( FZt fhiron Street