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March 13, 1909 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-03-13

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The "--ichigan Dxl
:\\Ali()R, IB. TI(A\,SA\TURIDAYilNI. i13,1909.

:t i'.

v c: r 3 ().

Capt. lDull is Expected to Lower
(iymnasiurn for the Mile R~un,
Fast Men Entered in D~ashes.
t r o14 \vtr-theic hlytO 1.1w- f t- c-~t
t I'(I f)I- the i, th t ia u b r o
C 1111(1;lts for vmsl - ii H lm s r

itt lt( ~

tilt-1r t."cot occirds.

A.\\miles v ~ t an () beterttttil0
e\i c r uet.h f - lapped.ii :\siiti
I e a,(i n t i stance raiicit n m e
() W1 ,h(i lih itie-i 1 ve en
ti) f(r f i i iit er i nge. i tii i i
t it <1 r r r d irttt fri _i :,)2i
iis i iiilit ii 'att1tei ark wo ld as
itt k s -:' - tli :1i l - 1 Ip trctt
;: i t fliiu) cliii Now how verC ap-ll~t
ain ~ll i t(i tltirthe mrl(-,ti bti t -
th i s il il~t ((fli -tt lrtii v
iii i'i' dit-i-chis - t, l het)asit ilt ii ii i
fe il<" « tl : l~ l it itt f ior t i' t-ll
ac.\ i \s ald (ti( ''eIn cliii i he duds
ita i e P ist liti -ttilt o at i iii titrare
11(,\\il nt m ke he, ryas i wo ldit i
unce' II e I lttit t t ha bee
entered til in ite eti i A1iirteiii c tirit i
((f paig ul ch irt i h la s an
t-liiiis it tlt d)tithal'ut thtractltder
will goiaftir tieillitti
N prei-, Iiitttyr w intthe fresh-sii 1 itci-,
tetrac t i cclhadKiticult i dtr
ulini" whch m lita tir lld Ki-it
Va~ts ilci lh a cit til ilc--r geic- SOtia,

ii -ll.
it, Smcititli fit ii .firce K ck
4o-ar itch tis -Cra mih
4to ar i gh hut dks -rig 1i'1
flii i lli p ihchtg-
1iot 1 iti ii r.
lic tn - 1) i1, : lac. liiti, II " t ic
s l i kt ticciRoti ;11: i ll I t.\k1
f1 l otti I liiic
Soph Sleuths D)iscover Entire
Arrangenment - for the Annutl
Freshman Affair.
as ilt ful iiii c i t ~t Clccin t til i
itd f l h 11 t i11 ll11!111-1;d i iro l i -c
nlai iii clt lii lild - 1 'iii ncd
ii iii 1 ci lilt lii eco 'c
met' i tutu t ile tl 1~ Mt-
trl ncfr ci hte cii c - No- iiii
for thei Iminet I itii h -- Ciiire
Ih iiiiit, cli 'iegflit i C li to c m
mitwe,, tditilic J~i of fI resh
'th t 3 'ta C i .
ittiplhitn l--S C it I IS it . ltr
~~lii iii
Ps: le cl l / n~aI<: IS cli fll1ff
"lha 'ii l ~t - fi;t>orltt tt i-hc- hait
cc~io : Iao lpnet.iSigia Sthiti
Dicati ont-i ck l I--tiloi ti ii
loti i-c ii I.}t- l it (;tt 11i111111 Dii
cxpiioiiiii -i 11.il I t ill l i gmlcc I t-r-t

l--ltguet. fMicss UI ,aI blic'iliicdIirictdci
tandl coffiecatutu ati-tiNt-riei-c roicl

litoi a "cr isoftiihtiti ciituresuibytl Cctu-
itc.an t c-ioeoif(ii ct-tilo uil ed
tn ; il theii' Vfictr Niurllu Alht ug
O mnhrofii program atilitlit
lit tic'anentiin chilGerman departmti
Ill lit ll iii t dc t o attendi no I' -
,c ies ' ''ill ivenlin ii rahildliti 11111
I , Colol c 'util tot cl 11
ritla tiftfo r llctres preching tlhe
lrs iita int - Egmit-ill i yc-Il'iii cituit
- -a ii i'l and i Icrtni it ticit lall
liii srs F.N' ct, Loig SIraus,, 3
11111 l11.Jimliand Rhert M.iWilcr-t il
clitlc li cl th l tctcrcrs. ictl
ch t ciitr llilconct 41 iciutill cic
i Iv t iii ii Pt t l liic iius lieioritit
wil Irn i t ff 1oth vo c l di t cu-l
m i it l il 11111t will r lln llt from iigra til
fAt weekit froi i s 'Ci i ng 111lil .l1y3.itll.
Schin t itz itteiveail liiill tilicc lilt1
turclonu"AiilcipIthrcghii Iit hug -
From c a lsliitrl of over111h1 eel t oil sand th
lhnii lit i ss l ccniiyil hichili i ll I af
-ititititi ff iSoccl i "isfluhe I iicct
whi Ih r. W . I;.B h, ftr heto/11ic
deat et iltein 1 i1 lu rei dmi
tr ic it wold d111 s scia liltm1play'
iii I mprtntpatinc iti c crnd
pic iftu s tic d1oescc 11111ite 111-Iany. u
ofthe ilctusli ti ul it lie cin
tre u'importanti ilcliuntriii of 11cc I.
The ifrst 1f1111 e i l gieill y t Pro/41
hut cil hiei"Ruiiisii Un irityuiii e.ii"
jetr Prof.i i cM is . o ileyru ofti he
I"SudnI I' hut ill1e111 nyc-iu l 1 iltc-
ii l, Mcyit .iPi of.i i c lleyisillnttsevri al i
l>t. Itr JacobliKurziii fItic' phyc .;lli
is liiSiissb i ith. IIRotheen td
lt-ild ''it uuiversi ti of iSwitzucrlandu.
Prof.uc ilibt I Rthii h adu tii th e deiii-
prtmientuo etryii cillliveuriun
hpetu t gNi :it del aof tliini fleudcyr i
1111ciIc .1f wichllthasC resle niamak-
hiIP il iidf.liiid icie iliitc,'Moni
this111ear'iiiiiiIo c art He w il crPae O
Bliie is pa1nateoilaGria i tx-ho
latceahi h t fadir is eiiitancie tilr
,itauii hit l ylac s n Ae a I

Iuct it>a t -ill c I~itiic < if(=r,
sic h ~itic-t ittthu-tIc t 1c10tlii
tl c i in t it .t i tll t ciii i~

'tlt i. 1


John flitchell Shows Relation (f
Employer and Laborer From0
Stanidpoint of Latter.
Jlicl C iuiuf,-tl,otkil~t-p ei tiii,i . titc--
i~to t-iutitclt'tiuti t'ofI- ai , r
lug'ut i Ni f' utu triJ tuilutum, if] t i ucr ii
il, rt, Nhi - - rv wilg hi - -
tilt, "Thcii 1hilt o hu fT rae I oo
iS . I l i 'lul i i f liii tdn
lril- reso1111lui. is t tu litd itp i ttI
li- t co dtinoi-ior a -la
T ,Ii i on11 im stc l f thi t
I'iin tb ran fil fo hi
tcr si lrai st.lithe \"Ii t of i "l
iciihalb r~ i i a ti t th
eliilos of th l wetlto ii t'te c t i f i
iii li} i llb ho eM c iis ti
tni mstit ac c pt.tu T rade-ut'' hut ;
'suta puit~toi t hit ,Iriii t tilt ir 11
istoceof ra e o ion~m ii ith t tett.,-
lul' c-itt il t11 li I l u; ll sc rc 1,
them a tioioi oi st 11111 ( I it c a it
"'T he i c st o o iho r; i uititliut I
lpeitf ttii uiclro le s tftra 'ti i- iioi 'mi ttttl
ha arllsh 1111tica11111 ttctraiith
citic Iormal lit liii cite hs ntt(.
a d p pii littitl is i gh itilhors. t111,
huhMaIliiimenu'uuu'i t ha II chuu -it pm i
po< ftae oion.utu is t m gntl
If thifc tuit i l'tutu ifp tutu' 11111111111
prcrsct the rnitti iiidc tftsucha tmove
ilc'c- t uihu( -l it 11111 iiii -tar t tl t tutu-"
arb i tiniac nci i1111 i lrl.i t'i iii
retu arc lii' rtlililt it liii-i110
'flu-es.fhe)iciu nht Soba a teiin
tioth cfttheu-ul liht' Ctilnt vn ,
buti 1 Clmhohiy th t i 'off ul iii-c
t I-Ic' tsul I ii hi-i ., c'c s'coi tt
11111ticgo t c titutie
"'Ther i s ; I ug li illtal 11
lom , gii ,i flil in111111 ii .
it . Mit c hlu i thtre uudef uie t er
kituu t sIi lii i' of1111111 mer
t iilov tirs , I ibia ab re Cll](! ,a i
I ntI ''00 a h}~ol

7i i t i a
flu1 1 inii hit

ii h { it'

P~rofessors from All Departments tttcitt iiwhich i t1whldo>i tut iit AllDepartments Give upport t
Will Speak on German Life h o i l uli iili Project; Girls l ay Sec'ure the
and Letters. -111111'ickets at Stale Street Stores.
Ii 111 11 tlll lull utitii- i7{' III 1,1

t: r t h t uc t~ tr tu' I K7'K '' ,1 '2 >T1kc; : 2; 'l u; ki,i ticlrcit Itutu

ii 'i t l l -c-ii-u- i l' 1.{I
il' } th ar'i-c ui1' i--
oh; capel>c f- titiecul

t csll

i~ltYllINn i lln
iT h t i t i
withi il w i t lt tli
t- t n r1 1 li I th

T( tltic-Itt

!Ild 1i1Cn
part lllclit

i-i t r i
<ti i >>i

htt- ha liii thti' it liii' i

cii °ll-ut i
thei it -


till1 1I1 to tiltICit
''hi ~i iii h i ii
irli ''{it c I l =1 ip9
-illc us.-

! uWuC' uulilluti'u' t'1
t-i tilt-ip ha
110 (I - IriA 1z

- it
ci ItId

1ilt <1 4'
i'I r'tt ' t

Acc,011"to areprt cnliufrm
Cica. UimtPo.Ade Cut-
tatd wiill acepti he pesiencof ti-e
fugi 11h i tuu he isotli-hI Iuu'of Dr.cu
ito 'uit NIichi'' ii iA Ici 'i iiul i~et heli
111111Weniprofc''tilriofhily ini CiiS
capeu IUnivity.hp

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