THR MICHIGAN DAILY U ;f - WALL PAPER. Window .shades, Plate and Stein Shelves, Burlaps, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Glass, Etc., Etc. = - - Out sptecialty is fine Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ oniy skilled workmen and gtuarantee oor wvork. We can do yours work at once C . H . BOTH PHONES 237 GRANGER'S SCHOOL DANCIN4G iaroiiid vlo, I aar t ili tret Tusa cdTusa vnns to8c lok 3 pte fi le ssns New Whitney Theatre1 WAN TE D 40 mEN For Stage help to work Cohall aild Harris Mirnstrels lBe it stage entrance 9 a. nm., Saturday Sat., Oct. 10 MATINEE AND NIGH~T Cohan and Harris Minstrels WITH George Evans a.nzd hi. 100 Honey Boys G REATES T Minstrel Show IN THE WORLD FREE STREET PARADE NAT Prices Matinee 25c, 50c, M~, $1 Night Prices 35-5045-$l-$l.50 Seat Sale Thursday UNIVERSITY NOTICES List troiut forithrl s lie lb till le heldithliis ateirnoon at 2:30 ii The Schtoot of Music. M\emtbers of the CUnionmemnbership committeecini the lit aiii engieeing a t the Uini Clatitose, Sundtay at 3 i'ctoctk. A imeetiiig iofte Irya IDeaiocrati clubi will be hltli this eeinig at 7:30 ini Nike's all, tormerly caled Scott's hall, Oni111'tihidtfoot oer cCsigs lir eysvi te itiiub iwill tolits frst rec-tpiiiii tutusmotieiethis eceinig at 8t octoctk, t ticnericlutitbtoise, 1335 Siiiiti Stair slrct. A11 Peinslvanatt tint are criialy ivitti. Sott, les. hoe gle- citbiwotke i-Martin giitttis admnoi s lihers a guoitreatsnt. le emt ituit t Shetaire It &So'r. to S . Mtain St. I1-ot If youtithtve yor oottical itorb ioe atIalteri iott tillte stitsie.HIl tee's Jetetr Store, 26 S. Main Stoil tCotlegiani eottes foe college tin, $5 ii $3o. Ottstle liy Alle. MaiSt. 2 Micthigtanitmttsietandt ltte opertitirunot ic, tRoots Music IHouse. i tot-st-sit tVugshtts, tcotlege s tleis" onistle ley stret-, compiletey tfurnisedi, ii best it citniditi. Etacth Ageny, t1t) N. 4Th ANY:. t We ae atit-istecitlty ofdupulitibg citses i ueitttical idepartmtet. Iltl- leJiseeyStur-. 216 S. MaiSt rot Collegitnitntttcoatts fr cslleg tin, $i; t $;. (tntstlt ticAlle, Mai street. 8-2 Laditic to-pay$.o for ti gymt suit. wheI yo canteitiget jut as goid at \tis iroel'ifr $.fi? 9-5 tltegiticth esttri tecollege mtncit. toi $30. Ottstlt- by Allin.,SMaiti St. 12 Tikit oer!1If you dot't buy your furnisintgs fristmtits, st-c bothi loseton. i-y. ier' & Co., 70-711 N. Uiver- sity. tf tCotlegitantclotties foe college mn~, $5 toi $30. Ottstle tby Allni.MaiSt. 2 Michigtn ins t, fobs. atd stoos, ii tewand exettusise idesigs, at Iallers Jewretry Stitre, 216 S. Mai St. odhi Cit1-ti-iltte shirts, collars atd ties ott -tle by Allen, -Maint street. 8-12 WVANTED T1O0SLL-A tiretel- motittits-otlt titll terrier (house trokei) ricer $25. Ctl t New Whitney theater for informtationi. . tf Uto atettt shirts, collars tatti ties oa :tle tby Allent, Mai street. 8-ta Yoiugs hats, "college styles," on sale by Atlen, Mai street. 8-12 KOLLAUF TAILOR AND CUTTER in E. Hron St. tf Yountg's Iats, "college styles," on sale by Alletn, Main street. 8-12 We are sole agents for Regal shoes. IHenry & Co., north of law building. tf "Contttittotis" alleys are liilt right ini the bowling roont; ate solid and last- ile,-ted level as a billiard table. We have no "see- ttil"alleys. BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGIARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. M11 S. 51tate - .311 Maynarda SIR: IF YOU 'WOULD LET US PROVE to you the simple truth that we have ,been advertising about our STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES you would be as great a gainer as we : We would have a satisfied customer and you a SUIT or OVERCOAT that fits about the neck, about the shoulder, about the chest-that has style-- that costs you but a portion 'ot what you pay a tailor for less workmanlike results. STEIN- BLOCH SMART CLOTHES are all wool and the best ever. "IMPERIAL HATS," Choice Furnishings. LINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & 00. THE GRLANDI Biliard Parlors 220-222 Souath State Street Openeid under newInanagemnent, entirety rtite-dleil and itp-to-daute. Billiards, Pool, Bo'wlixw A comtplete line of Cigars, Cigaretts, Candy, anmd Smoking Tobaccos Reports by innings of Worlds Chamxpionship Series Also all Easterrvarnd Western Football Retuzrns by Special Wire Howell &Jolinstoll Props. Phone 459 M. E. RYAN Mgr. Ihe Ann Arbor University Laundry Has moved from 612 Ei. Liberty to 605 E. Williams All work guaranteed. No chemicals used. Oakes Q~ Lee Props.__ Men's Furnishings For the Parttcular Discriminating Trade IN. FINEST SHOWING IN THE CITY MACK & CO* LAW BOOKS 36th year DICTIONARIES J 36th yeur In QUIZ BOOKS ;n Anna Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANY Anma Arber Callagihan Q .Co. CHICAGO Auas Arbor Branach, State Street, Oppeelte Law Bldg. BANKS THE FARMERS AND MIECHIANICS HANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,00t Surplus and Profits $90,000 General Banking Busineas. a percent paid en Time and Savings Deposits. Safety Dn- posit Boxestn rent at $2.00 and upwards R. Kvmpr, Prens. W. C. STEnVENS. Vice-Pes H. A. WILiA.iaChi~e P. T. SaTiwe.Asst.' The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Staik $:0,000 Surplus x+250.00 A General Banking Business Transacted UrriOERaS: Chas. E. Hiscock, Pees.; W. 0. Harerian, VicePres.:t M. 3. Fritz. Cashiee STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jn. V. Sheehan Win. Aenold De. V. C. Vaughan las. H. Wade E. F. Mills John H aareJo. Koech Peot. H. S. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F.imimernian FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFi ANN ARBOR, MICH. E. D. KINNE, HARRISON SOUOLE, Pres. Vice-Pes. S. W. CLAHRKSON, Cashier. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $60te0. German American Savings Bank Conmmoeial etd Savings Cer. Malmanard 1L1berty Street. Yo~n Cos t stm Hot Lunch At Tvtttele. 338 5. State TELMARIA OF lHIiiL L I" CLUETT, P-.AHODY AC'-- CLUETT AND ARRO0W0COLLAti. SANITARlY PIPE 0F SOLID COMFORT isCano~uesoimupyaongcfuii lins etiui th suchingnuty tha eahuandeerussirable lea- OUR ure of pipe smoking is over- came. Na -slugs-,nsaliva, FREE no nicoainererachesitihi OFFER ismakee'snmaathyau snake only ihe smake. ______ Foiis eahiodromte Upanereceipit iteanckh brar stes 0, weswilulort- r olisnitwa wrd prepidaneaof shapes, straiati tesepipes tar fte and cupved, days ialansdiismeis w10h111can- not le e climiiin ho e. ized rubbee pipe nmsybeetiuned ieaaoth- monsey willthe refuded. piece. The "NO-NIC" PIPE CO., ,l 418tPrdenistiBdg. Bufflio, N.Y. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. O.A. MOE. ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ _ I I ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, -THE TAILOR TH-E BEST OP EVERY THING IN TAILORING