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March 05, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-03-05

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THlE MICHIGAN DAILY piatt,1]1tl i "ani cial actan anna m l dt11I
Itc increasti. Sinai npptlg theytitan k
an 1 r zn Id o r AxtttttF. RITCHIE.Pr r a aa-"n a
11 ~rt;c -ennner---ot N F. iW URa. Wlig to oact'iicc a Littl sit i a)t ifa W
Hlace rceived a large line of I_ x ci tte........ RLobert Moontsier 'tort of I ttitttcc" tauttni loalla ha t.
woolenstor SPRING and SUM- Xti t tt........lllS . I<l Onfr. h ]hot pote nt 'ct an of
M IR in ( eninm, Light, and Dark Iru t .......igaanotatiVinscinet tirannite ;'t ; p iraroe- atn. Icrs
Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian 1 l]]' ~ltr .loieBa ori'f dn ftesr f'ufta
Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and w aott inthiatanotoraet.
ing's alan. EA~atMAat . 'A t n al' tl tittttncin an\-c, ot' at Iaat aw
We have the Blarney, Hudson, ' a i nciaca Ira tar i a' Reitd t tit aimbenabtt tic atrcrc a c illan a ian
Cotmterland, Lhester, Orient, Pet- ba. ne.ttofat itnt oilthet"' , spI0RI
ham, Australia, Cymric, Bollion, ao,ta nit att i ircaroantct atat t ic
Federal, Empire, Roehurn, Irish "at ''r:l't~ )ins ttttiti at thtit stara rt' tt n ' at ,
Boating Tweed, and London Worn- \(itc .i;( I .Ila1ltagit lrea l". Goodittg bit t ritflittt. ttttinit cictv t he t Ik
edo. iitar in.fTwersro LattinsKraf-
Please conie early and have I'<l' tat Ot aataccIit. N'datai
your Suit reserved. iF.. Co. C. \Wtliiamstn atal Letdy
1). _A. li inclaici IFraedLaws co mu~ic alb"Dri
V.'J ~ok . 1to..littana
u 1 Wild U~ l~l Co pn . Ilartrttan-aat taaai'i iiagii a ta 'a
311 Sooth State Streetac(ttl tttt atichtai t o hat ice nac t h a'i ]c_
BUSINESS STrAFF at it t i NeWittacyt taeatcr a .in.ataca
t'a ti k 1. A\anI-a1i.. i.La-rrtal l \i a it ,a tatatattatatdti taigata, atn 'i' n


al a - t
ai t I '



1 pound
antd 3 Packages Eanvelopes
I pound
anid 3 Packages IEnveloper
Sheehan & Co.
Students' Booksttore
A. G. Spalding & Bros.
''il ett otaufaatJ1rsi h
aWtrta()tat fftitalatAthlticatt tppttttt
Foal Bail, Basket Ball, Ice Skates,
Hockey, Gall, Gymnaslium
npatdinagn tandomelary ttttntrata't
a'tttaoe otalltisports entaino mmtttt
Vroutasntgtittttto maitet tree any-
Nan Yorka Ctitagao Detroit

. .\. i13 aaaaatt \ottlata 1i. 1-ill
:sAliiressa:XMtCtItAN DILYa,PFes Bldg.,
5iaattartl Street.
Mtaanagers burn,:a1-2 p. ot., 7-8 p. tn.
daiy, except Standby. Botht phones
tanaata t aLAtBELa. at
j i t
I~r~ttd i L~thr czlntt nancitMa stg-
forn~a~rc" ,d araodiuctioan ttj clitar'
weaetastaritag tiayn ofana
it a. ti a ' car~tactern' it in igit timtte
t a ' a ac t' g" ttitt' t auit'o z c rant. ' ;
sav ti a ta cananott ratins'tine tona of outr.
loca scnts o b nitag Cm tat ont'
It sttn a tay an rt t ait n o e
oraboyha ntbt aftcr alt it's
alhsepayt anti fartehtieaac honiavae
seculw- uc ttt tntisachtanovelty tan
an atewonoat . ati atif tihny'doidth at
a an ofthianga''at Harvarant d atti(cal ttitta
r n Clniag Tat nsurely' toetn't srt
aaite a pt atirntt ttem'wornilitptd
rill Overtheala tt Be a'utta'yrdo it at
-a'ese 'aplansattimavnnatveat fanalt
\v; v 'ti ofitisat ery' goodrecasnt
at i a shoaitat trive at'tan atcnomplaihawtat
tte avinata eitaariaean tutnabile' toaaciiaeve
iTequetiontoftthe iniatatcital outcotme
tat atnitpeauilt t anatine littenssggesteaI
am a aoafattttnt.ni the ta"'- commitnttee,
attn ant a thitt tihannatndIr thisnitewm

iny tint Itatlita a tttnantcomp attn C aco iat-
c -ae te t tle oleitntat ist- materpiece.'
Long and ati i ea~o m d f11
in thtit'unty. itata att in alp uti
isaaat mnh ng caeae n r ith allatheat a a .
aenta-cery-tt inaandtian i tc an' a
i-A m ch ncl ft s int'a ants ta l
compisin atvnj naan c anis, mI an
ttne in pt arer fi MaatIa' c "
The iacomp tnat na a nes b tpalt a in
-tcon i t a m o inei a rs-tia anti tarlta ar .' a
aIto ayn c actsa' rt. cl_
Tient'odatanint watilici preat te iii
'ina O T 'r at fSmthait' a ctei dtit
titan 1:01 in attn a' tt'inia ia nAm eita.
Th ale of.i sinatinictnatsan o te
atagett attincesatvtrt'etatti i t. a
h an exedngygoaon hi el

: it a
: taitt

a't t attn a a tattthe1 iit'c W A 1 S NT~''
an to tal t n ,
thnrot~hl- cSpeciald q -
Ea ad I~cI o tin t heyin iic.ac
a it clm nmn' A -in ea
a t au g =1h I,(in'ttt InC d le t
c tiattaIn 'nctltans ,gw eatdhT
at~nd a lcpat at i t ptt'a'na a i
I t ,l cr ull tlit t i ofitsa'iaa
a <lt t d' "O t \at 'c
ntlitl tc /inn x;icelg aritn Jwerser
a al iti ii1 t i a t aannaA
ar ,t fit ex itin ,,t
I~ac- If yowrl~ adwardlmtho
, t ti n i-. S im i '. 1 (c N
nit 'tZ Ilg , ttoat-
at .iswhchhebeon FlaJeshiy1g
a, itia a ats taittaat in' t o
ioti ~t \11Picturel lll
heaok« tipciatiatK pla-G r u
i'1:t tith i~uc t al an Lae atthe rt
ir ",~v:d hla,aa.ith UAiLery &Bookstore
:r r niet a." Ic e 11 rt
a'hattlt, CltssfOpticdltWork h'e E
31 ~ ~ ~ I you " S a a 5 ANO )Sw elryStor
el' nruttlcOfnr , ly 'it ____________t___
of meharilt \ t ~ 1 h
1cow -ld igood Iceiig th
-t~o aet1, 1ctsing mCrea i"nG o u
a~l ls ,ftlh, per af Sod A LL~te
;lOtto a c rno tfr h

of friend to Wt4
frind.Tastes good nows.tour
_ fountain never runs
243 South State Street

Seldiomt hatt s inr. it)illianna [I llilna
becen bae.artoatgreteatn' a ataanga' tIttn itt 'l
tins 1anctaity Concrta' ' 'lltimann' ta' an'ti'' an0' t11

Why Pay More?.
Cents 15 Cents

11Washinton . The Randall Studio, Rand all 1& Pack Props. rhont 5B

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