THE MICHIGAN DAILY I THE IMICHiIGAN x~r DAIL[Y.Ixx~it cce ( cixxi-i xi t fhar iii iner 31(1 If Kl1< F Nr011)I' IdIZiS I IIaic H UEI IIIIIII Idccx' Autcixc F.RITCHtiE; fn. ut c tts6 ' d cn ie trt xlii)citgauae stuen , in uw.'ChCC1m-11( ,' . \ S ()'I Ch. c l r ' BI III~ .lonciie-J (ixi F. iW UR, ofci c o pera i isixrtiiiiiixlc.s :ft ix ii x iii °crlixxiixin the iiiiiunal forst i. M~ERCHANT TAILORS . lc cedcylxci xlb p ix I. if thatiisiso ,h.iPikeidriit, C lord icsseid cxx'iixxitis xhigh ticxxc xl i e, echo x rexxxiii. l(xxxix lxi n th see tenai ei.....ixi..... ee A hie o li- e th sagia d he dr ma, he lciulSpte imxli dpatm nt iec a Athletic. . . .. E. Edridge shxldxill ccx Ihe iword Ilif ri deas hf x ,rl'iithe I xii iilr xxluhin W ceitIhall, Have received a large line of Exuchanigc ...Robert Montier cni liccexcidexilci brnc0f1" rayctn9.O woolens for SPRING and SUM- iMusic.... Hllis S. Bakec ilcxixxxic. iic ifhcatricl.if yuii liii1.stethasfoesi s i in tha IER in (M~Ieniu, Ligh, and Dark lDcamui. ... i ondxlVisserxrodluicxxio. Balxliiichr,- oiic xiwereii liii -iiil co eprs i icccldfo Art Lather) Silver Drab, Grecian IWomiti's1l(ilxxir . .Louie VniVoorxis rexx xxccxxlicc x exi cces oxlieal cxlod tix x s i ll il igl te w . -iixiK i1 '3 Drab, LightlMle~~, Royal Gray, and ., cixxxicxiopccx. \As x a living, imoderncx 0;0ihe , irc''iiiolei c 1el rtxx esx i 'te have the Blarney, Hudson ('rinc i' clxxx Lecnax d .xcx RxeCid operaI lx xPa ir cld, xwhixhlwaxxIx li l. x xinofil l ixi lhii lxxb ill lb Cumberland, Cheater, Orien, Pel-ii\\:_I1),ibacexlxhoxnxhlexccricxitl. 'llcccinii- hi xu~ o epeei cx xxi Iii hill hami Ausraia, Cymrc, Bullion, yo uhacag noeaucis wihi niprtu npoie o xx ixix c~ g re ; oo ig at\ihra o ldxl , tx a' thelx atxlii' xlix' iicc-]intio al .orets Boaing Tweed, and London Wors xi1 1I bc ghFed li io i g hlyixbxnxlicilixIexl i l lcliii motiix di str liiic. I Please conie early and have NItIlchidccr Samuiel it. iMorrxi x mc clx oii nlsx xider ex t x c lix xxopera, x xxxtall dxl xli approveiix thexlix'xiii your Suit reserved. I. I. C Villiaisi PauFoo lLid oxixld di ng l ai gre'atccx iercce t c h- ore.x xi 1) : I\ixlxe lx x lr d Lawois '9 11x gui xl i xi i if suchIx txchan e a i icc- ,I'. olu in Wfi. D. lElliiot w (sti iiccidered.cxl ciiii-iFOR'cY..M. C. A.IAt "xS, ~ i aix'x x ixlesel -- il-IC 'CIC CI' IN 11\ : lil I.Li I xx tl~lxx nJ. l. lBrcitonix 'C\S1I1IlL i) L t'iCRiSxON 311 souh saie sree xi xlxx i 'ixill.lxiixi-ix xi.iiiil ic cxixx University Bookstore B3USINESS rAFF xlcxx xinxxxxi xxof ixiixiiic lxiiiiiiixii', xall 1xxxxiix1 lx:xiiix I x ilxixi 1[ . L lcl. SCarI 11, I cxxx ,. I. licixll xix xan illusxratexilelciurcc n xiii ' lo 1. I). xxxell xll xie-president,___________________ C, A I.xBowmanx Normxanix I. it" xtx Satrd ay xxxi lxat S'A.'.lxxcx i ii I Jk.lM.ix lxx, 'xi; _______________________________ xxx l rr SixraliC'x-xcll A l ill xhax J ll. ccay \ R I ,1 t, I. S S A IAddress: MICHIGAN Dais, ,Press Bldg. '(l)x r le elm Ccth i'll ,:1-ibe ihe ififth I h Txx.ti Iciur h ht rc. C. E.RBa R T HEL L Maynard Sreet.noruoft.CCtle11naqcLur11 I \ 1 1 ST TONaT Inager's flours: t- P. m., 7-8 p ncarsf .I ths ea. lihxic'.clcicll e~wjlilirii i i h iri ;.11 B OK i 'pound______ ______ -, 15'. IICCCI- _. secu.'xexd.fro xlxxmx'mxxer ofixi ixilx l in \ h xxxSca cx lxxxxllx xi c !S r e e rian _ _ _ __ _ _ lxx R Dr1ix\I:RCx'i'aog. fa 'xx'b stdets olifx'. xx ad i li x 71 lxxxrIixx M hisllx. Bond - --- - ~1i I - rlxx hial \[xII- ' i', \\ihtelp ililcul f xaxinewx opecraISIl,''l 1'lIC I \iN)xIII R, fle I , x ne ix xx',xxxx1lIeiCa1 and 3 Packages Elnvelopes 'xxx-lxxxxx x'ly ,xlx.h l l. xl'.x i hl Iux x. I xli'. I' xx h. V3 0 C "\ Ixxx. o 'uxxxxf .11ihxiiixans rmvIxuxhuxi lx'.Ihr_,gc i?) II'inxc; ll'.'.D ental 'xx x'ioper ixulixiii IIhxlc thlix I xxlxxxxx 1 I , ci rctr fte Cli Clxx llxui e ro u l \ cxl. I 1 li Axn'Icxxxl. optxull li'batex'beenxprxied t i ig l ii i'uc iir li'ilx ill be the elx erii . at x I11 ll x '. I pound pas hy haveux i' c'xand'xl u ore, xxxi'x' lIlillanh ll netxee. ro. liii I o R ) lxxxIM..ok Ru'M. II. l cv $o k H o l a n d rug'hiu lil.xg xx xii xx witxhx J 'xxix' ixsx m thatx xxx xxxi x' . lxiI I_ L:II . hii' otu s iJ'. L i n nxinhIt xxwre iuh cntlxcapabxle.x'Ixe \ lxliii xas lhe haxxslokenxx ProverClxx xi '.xxx Quiz /Bok, tc and 3 Packages Envelopes muic f .bth iclnichcna xand xltlixc Ihl c iIli.K xi C.Sxxixii'xc Comiplete le NcxxandxlSec aixhlxilxxiiiI. utxxix cx x i thex x SocioloIxgical xhilc lub a :0 Si xl xxxiinio abo t liex' i' , on Tuc xxi lx''.ntdi h anxd. xl xated unti ilIuc( 'inn,;. xwxre sanxg I Clxxrk.II C. M sirxxxan P i x i ik lirary, xcrcll 7111 S Old books takenilxl E xcag T adap xd toxte xinn c. Aw. sagx-xx hi o t h e if upelxixihixi eircx'.liIxh ht Snxix I xxon lxxve' or optiiclilxw hxorkd xe C . j E. BA RT H ELLZJf~ i blt o n f the: xxxembersx of eiher li '. I xxxxhxxSce 216 S. MainlcSi. edxh 326 . TATE STREET Studnts Boostoe cst. r<, n:tr..nmas F Nr ~mu~t'Second Floor Tel. 761 V lSp'ldinx lxx' h qu estion' u h as rgceived elx' deriwl xl iv xx'xe " ro uxanibaim lpm'i \cxxC ltr m sc n A.. G. S adig & Bros. lxxxix c onsideration of a resilxxi ixcixxxh / to xiC lu gix x'the l xxx ihtC, xxiii "Newixcx i lll 11coxx'lleg'e x uilxxi' xat xxi xul r I 'dlxx 1-ai~esidt Manfactorr tee Wexii lxx nxub x'i'of hpeophl' xxixthe.c cuicixi . lnxdiof Today-iloxx xielhxseconid.h pi i cxl xxx'lxx 'lx xixSi. xix0 S. laixi Worxldl ofiOfficial Axlletr ptlc Siex Fnnt Bali, Basket Bal, lee Skates. xi xcuuclxxxxuxx xxicxlx Ixi xx xxiix .1" 'lxxli Hockey Gai. Gymnasium fitxourxinexxxiopxxra.x.Judge xClaxxxxci xi Ilof 'xHe lena, Mon xxii, Sxirig '.shit'. - lh hndxxhatIl easelcic In lqhCas pi--Wr SeU Apparaus. fori'.x glxxxHcxlg.hxx Classi xxi x lxx xcii lxxicalg xx xixWox'rkx lISii IexiSiUsx ctiirsigdnce thiuxggetaoimadxaciennectrinItotoe seiorlaw onlalxx'cc1leilcMinxt.ult ,i ixixo of asrs ax pots contains a xi ni .'te l .i'i x x' iic''lhl' xxxlcx, lxx i xixIx xxx lisxx xi xii lx ei se 'i'xo xosuggeins, malted free any- caeuco' nsxi dr i on'xhiioif ti xhe ixhl: casex'ofxirr'igationx ndx i nin g.xxxxxxx (lx ChIihicx''. S lxxxix c i great l' x i u. sl i '. lix', Wexl lxPesxt clxx'yxe x Aew Y.rhSP LNGo etROi. t ciliccl xxhlc fea ibe and cixchcixl. thoitcxxoniithix xuil.lel w xill cnlxx! ~n w chic'. delieredx. C'llege ARNOLD'S, Jewelry Store New_______________York__________ lxilxii Chicagox Detiroitixx xIxxx lxxxxxkIeilxlii iuhixilxxs ucl xux cd uxx 01 Why Pay More? Efl BOSSED M STATIONERY Cents 15 Cents BOX U-THE - UPPLY VNIVESRSITY ST ORE I SPRIN4 HATS CAPS HATS CA HATS PS display right time & C. vSpring Su.its are niow on~ Always the right thfimg at the WAD YfHA-MS ( 121 Washi gton E. The Randall Studio, andl&Pack Props. nun 58