"' " - THE MICHIGAN tDAILY T- I Ge 1. Wild Companly The ~argest Stok in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfe's Wear Everything reiuiredl for Suits, Overcoats, any Vestings, anti Trouserings, and of hih clas labic s and speial Stles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Companly 31 South State Street BOOKS Save half your money and buy Secontl.hantl Books at Cbe Zhi~cnte, :oo0hstore University TextBooks for all Departments. Drawing Instruments for En- gineerng Students. We arry all the best snakes eeotenendod iby the professors. lur prices always the- lowest al~ to tsinnts' $iPtsc Shethon's Leers Fontin Pe Th Best $100o()Pe i the World. Sheehan & Co.'s A, G. Spalding & Bros. wotlrldi of Official Atletic Spplies Foot Bal, Basket Ba, Ie Skates HokeyGol. Gymnasum Apparatus. sjaldigss Hasomsssely Illstratel istalsgue of all sots conisnm 'rou s uggesion. smal re ay-it A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yirt Cicao etoit THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Edior-AsCsseo F. RrcHi. -Bsiness Maager-JON F. WRZ. Newss..... .Lee A Whie Athletics.. -_.C. E. Eldridgej Exchange ...... Robert Montsier Musie ..........Roy D. Welch Dranma........Raymond Visshr Womens Editor... Louise Van Voorhis ceroist . sevr ('banncey Bocer tLeonardC. t'Reid NGHCT EITOS' Michael B. McHugh Fred E. osding Dlonald L.. Kisney DaaI. Jones Walter K. 'lowers Louis Krat Loaell J. Carr J. H. Prescott Pant Greer Samuel H. Morris E: G. C Williams Pant Leidy H owardiIHalt If. I. Arsmstrong 1) A. tiinckey BUSINESS STAFF Cart I. Adamt Harold P. Gotd Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: - p. nM., 7-8 p. u. daily, except Sunday. Both phones SATURDAY, OCTOBER o, gss. Co sNSTITONAI, anctISOoN. It sees apiarenit that anotter meet ing cifteatiletic associatioi till pass' sihot the mttaier ci the resin of the costitution bleiggtaets sp. A- totugh nearly a year tasasts5e sitce a comittee wsas apoiteto drat a newsconstsitution trhicht woldti embodyl te cantges detmandtes, stiltweape ar~ totbetnoeaer reaizig recogiedlre- fors th lans whens irsstarted. Tiis sit- uationi cant bring forttltbu ite qestios. andtt that is What is tie troblle? From alit1 l tatcan tic leare, te antswrer trthtiat cquestiot is gross negli gece or lack of attettion ctierlby te isismiitteetr te athltetic ortoita duity. Milh bodies are offeritg exlanta- tins. l Tecmmtiitte, or at last soe oi its tmemttbers, syttitthe Plaitswas bloctedt by the Iboardi ot cllig t joiii meietitg. The statemtetitfrmtisome mtetmtlers oi the botadl is tiat it wsa itipossiblte to gt te commititee lndth te bosard together to cositer the iroosei chaniges. As a mtter af fact, tie whole ithig wtsa so far lst sight of that the secretary of the commtittee took all the tpaters ]lonse iith imt. Iitoil'yibe that loti boies are to blamec.but irhtateer le cause, te hoe tprotositioni is giving groud to charge lit somieotte ifluienial tasarlvd the matter upinii the hote that the agtiationt woutdcle Outand le forgotten.Iftts is si, tieliper oi those oppnients oi reformt, if any there are, seemto sbte dotomtevd to die thetdath they were pannitingior reformi. The athletic associatio's imeabers rspoieseheir thoughts on this qestioi atn mtade their denans last spring. tiey laesaiiright to havie a reptort, intl list right speedilly. Whether entoatghi miembters octnlie gottletntogether1toiaopit amienidmetssrceiiainisto isv seetn. How are wes-instg to ansrier this qutestioin, "Do vt scuttole rule" CliR SS AND) CHECKERS CLUB ElE;CT'S(OFFICERS FOR YE.-AR The hliichigans Uters atnd Chtekers clititeti last eventinig in Nhi filtalit ll stil the lolloswinsg ofic~iers ire elected : ilartlett Coss.,ipreritdentt A. F. Lanse, secretare suitnI W. R. Zewsstki. treas- Plaswsevedisicusisesd for the cting Ituisiii ttnd for use itercollegiate maitchileiarangedt for this winiter. Cor- rvlsttiespon seice is w ini irogress foe miatchies wcithi Chicatgo N ortweslerni, Illnoi, tnd cneor iwo othierr. The membrs re taniesting utu sulinit- terest otlaccouttiitof these contests, Iatnd tie hi ichigan clubtprosciies to muke a gHoodtshointg. 'Pie enitries fli thie coingiltouilrna- mtentlouseOctolber i6, ansdltile matches tie chess coitest elicit mantlplay's every stter imani tree gamsiss.atd ini checksers seh playsthle oilier five gameiss, the winntiter ini eschicottest to recevet- bronzetmedl offtes-eldliy lieclib. The clubimetilleveiry -Frisday eveinig at ;o'locallsnd l mniteete r j(U.uzic ant Mrama TocrsiOVINGPITUcRES. Ly-miain H. Hots-'s tLileorasiuswas presented at the Newr Whitnsey. The piciturerscwere nos-el sitd less. TEtiCrOHANes HRRIS I STsRiLS. lTeiitusicllfeaiturs oifithe Cohan tt& Harsministielsslalxays aimitor tant faictor w-t t itiisire-i show, inicliude severah test-n,tstractive-blaladsrtenl- tiered liyrtsuich licapable singers asrankii .11oct-eli, tile famtoustsentor, ltlls, iii lis Quartette'" hiatt Reefe, Earl tiitni-am, Charles E. Ore.situ a dlusti itieres. wihe the stsocahl-pv onitsofiiasing- ing chorus of thirty peopte. A sipecial oirchestrla of lweity-msiins itnder tile leadershsip of Cart Schtillingig. sai ti o silt itichi to thelattrltiv-eness ofi tii "mutsical programs. Seveloiiitilesots stitig iillselitrstpirt haseivetieengiivii speciail electrical effects. The Cohan tu& IHacrrismintrrels,wsihhiiss-eadledlby (George Evanus, the "loncyti yc,' Is alreaudy- attatinedi mttchs promtiinlee inithe piniplal cities situ illhasbeeni teclaredl bty critics lone' ofithe ilargest ofithelind t this countriy liias eer w-itssre-d. lhe ivyrfuivsialnvelikes iplace at tile Whitney this alternoontutu niht ... i I I .., ivtdto atil-stunansetethe ivlurua- __________FOWNES l.ITtLE CHANCEhMAD)E IN GLOVES APIPE.IRANCE OF LIBIRARY' mean right gloves - iis ss iisbooinitg at the lilirary'. so buy Folvne and save The i seasot's cropi of liosksormis is tie truoble. largest ottrescordantit eisvpeopleliehtindi tie thesis iaier been keptibsty attendinig to ts.e iemsandilfor isookse. UnliksetUni- ivtrileIllthiswit its sees partitihsasmih IOST-Siutday, gultdmnecilace i-ills panthe is'brr sisuchauinged, asuitwlatspendanits set asillssiints-sral1. Net- "tUcle Jimmy"ix''is still- at isis sort so lucyisslost eithser ints wntorus osv ithts receiveclt'eol tush etss. Nist to lbe boiulev-ard.-Fluster phae re lts to 723.j esntiuselyleti-Isheilintshue hue of im - iSay-er : suitabile sees-scs. 11-53 prov eitsIs sioeveir, tiheideli-se-y desk is adlornestdi lylt lies-ii-brsrailitngs, LST Varsity bissbalt als whiichiadsilsmuicshto this' convuensiensce-of ights. Fustier lease t' ai ly fic ie. ths-es-itin their shelter. The iosi- tionss ofthiv "Red Stssy" collection sandil FOR RENTl-Tvu- dcliiifroilsusite, tihe ciseconinssingis ewibools.husuryalso vacatedh by jointing irlll. 2281S. Thsayer, bieen changed. This'"''eil Slav"hooks SI. : iphonle 463. Tii tics tossw s inteease iby the earl disor of te veadintgcirooms, eshuite tnews stbos Collegiant raincvoats for colleges'iets. aire Itoisv fisoussdly-tue wesnuotir. $Ti 3this$25 .OlttsaiveibyAllen,. hlaisu 'hue "Neil Star" ciollietions cousists ofsireet.S-Ta nive l ndshostl5sorieslargely-.ait hiss priledi to beipopuslar cit'tshiv students. HstGarassteed $s.oo ties inishivcty Witch tsnte re-cataloiginigof Ihe library-_hItiCsliuig's pharmacyel. If sucks is goitig ottnh castaidly-aso ~siile. Mhi as h etieni iesilii Ilishiell. lust hse We carry the largest stosck of busuls- sssderiat-issg imeains a greatl deal ofi seorkbrises asit pajams.I hensry- & Cii., tail- adis still fair froms comspletedl. or, furnihiers. IHats atI shoes. tf FOR RENT-Eleganstsile anth silt- Sweaters cut over at Hiss Lovell's, gle roomsl ati213 N. Insgalls. g-12 332 S. Slate St. 9 -i5 STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS For Law, Medical and all University Text Books New and Second-Hand Drafting Instruments and Engineering Supplies. at spealaI isices._ _ Statiotnery andtaci iuBoHuks. Ask to see oir Solid Gocl Fotntainm Pets for $i.oo. ICall and ttihe nineed that our store s the esthIpusce to tadte in the eity WAH R'S University Bookstore C. E. BARTHELL BOOKS Law Medical Dental Larest Stock ittMichgati Second-Hand Laws Books Law atn Medcal Dctinares Qizt Books etc Comipleteline Nesw antd Se- ond-h-iands. Old books takentiinEchatge C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Flor Tel. 761 WM. ARNO'ILD, CJEWEER 220 Ssuth Mete Street. M A Kokoust" Fab FOBS wi-i ris aed b livk, iiseal o Price, SOc, 75c, $1 Largest Stock of 'MV' Pins Try VAN KLEEK'S For ICE CREAM 300 East Waahlr-gtue t. Phones 78 L 78 Blu~p Whitney Theatre Orchestra ALBERT LONG, Director Sesn1908190 Can be secured, for Danuces, Receptions and all JEngagemnhts, on dates other than regular Show Bookings. Any combination from two pieces up. For open dales ant particulars apply to JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. Bell Phonc 47L 113 W. Liberty St. Law, Medical, Dental, Literary and Engineering BOO 0KS NEW AND SECOND HAND ENGINEERING INSTRUMENTS and supplies. We carry te most complete line in the-city. Special demonstration of the MOORE'S NON-LEAKABLE FOUNTAIN PEN AT TIHR UNIVERSITY SUPPLY STORE Formerly the Co-op Store 310 South State Strect Suppose You flave a form that requires (1 ) a coif an inch ahorter or longer, (2) a collar higher or TRD M EGSTERED 1999c- lower, or (3) shoulders narrower or wider than the measurements of standard size # <~ "- ready-to-wear," ready-made clothing - " you can secure complete aatisfaction only l ." by having. :.. Your Clothes Made to Order.:::. 4 As exclusive local representative of Ed. V. Price & Co., Chicago's famoua mer- chant tailors, we are able to furnish you the very finest clothes to your measure for much less than a amall tailor would have to charge. Choice of 500 Fabrics A i of the latest and moat exclusive pattemns, and 28 original fashion ideas. Examine particularly cloth Noa. 4839, 4866 and have us take your measure early. Fred W. Gross LIBERTY STREET Cor. 4th Ave. Subscribe for the DAILY 121 Washington F The Randall Studio, Randall & Pacrp.Phone 598