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February 27, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-02-27

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-- iTHlE MICIGAN DAILY. Mang i o iit itout ayt ((mlcc
fl I j~d (!lITflifl I If i o I O r ciocuw . ITC I Ioctsl~o in bu t w tlat10>t
Maagn -u-1nucr-_ lzttt.1 ~Tx effot 1 ttutuin" tai~lt's mc 1an
1 ft It ti:Il fa r Joit1'N . WURZ. how t iti oth t v ( o rt ro -toilin ilhen'
MERCHANT TAILORS .um ~t ihltgt
EDR I Wiong toock (cxiii.

Have received a large line of j
woolens for SPRING and SUM-
MER in (M~eniurn, Light, and Dark
Art Leather Sfilver Drab, Grecian
tDcab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and
(cogs Tan.
We have the Blarney, Hudson,
Com~berland, Chpester, Orient, Pet-
ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion,
Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish
Boating Tweed, and London Wors-
Please come early and have
your Suit reserved.
G. H. Wild Comfpally
3t1t South State Street

News............L~ee ?s White:__
athtletic... .... .C. F,. El1deidge 1 utttt :TOotot islrl
lttc......... . . IHlisS. Bakert awit i01(1 1w tot "(.(I t c lltrc
SiVo ' iC- tl(tot tttg it tttaott ' ooitdtg artttc to thcltun fjus t latoi secr t he-
Ot, (ut(~1 1(t lelat tite crc tt a e n o a c 1
w..((~ a((ii. S-to ith t sroa o r a feS dalitn ac.,,it
t. . S\ ttt i aocc 1 t a ut La1 id ug t toht(( tlth l- pleased 1o ((( I
i'S S .1"(( I, (,O~l i t
.1Ici' B, Mc. ugh Ft ed1L;. Gooding , rtt' tn to t orh ei, 1t ut mmIis-
S. 55.1".,iak'sictrtotu 1 l sotot lm rl
fUIeS T F teo f theci il ttoelcl ta ehv
1;r; ttott7 t.
Item tuger areloakrngf-s p.rticl, of tp.t
itai;ly,tcocct S itoay. Bothlp. octes 'to increase, (((1(.11 0 0-tc st ed01 t heI

PID \tV S Y lt'lEG IING,
10 ):rtic lt at the'' IT~citte''t' College,
it 't "It. ]I~tetr on i tto c'ie loy toicoont
itc t~d r <ln F .attt ight in thte
ltio IsJtc;A H l aurtyi og itohis f ieof
('ok" trtcd titlt mythe-is iitry oe-
.nr! ha edue~ah i irom itsenwoir
"tag t 11001- tR ni tl-tol. itsh per-
.. Sttt~
trtd tra ii, tt iii, ttto if. (Ito It-
cicwa llsrte(lb y itt It o ico
,J )gar thrc I st it i Iatm ent lif
(I,"ars bo t o e cti ofthe Rlo -
!iaisimccand te Reorma i. t re
.hilt, attmg a b ndl (((tiltes wa
r(itt nof 1, W athat(i a itt b

t'1 1

c hols .tt It Icisiteret-
t rt t i.> it o I moItt' rlt-i


Adtdress: Ites-sIGNos AILY~s, Press Bldg..
,,ASILf It \Y V. t F fL.\ 27o. 1900

rI is((((' -o it" t~i
ITitia '(Itofitc-sh meeiuut tittigit mr'ste
i nit iiioGtititiml teoo il(
Stationery Cary t u'uthan tc J 'lj i tlt icholt
Fancy Lned Staionery t (ii lit 1 tottl iot ls Ito e t , t 110,lo
to t tlit o t' non Iiiiio tet Xitt itto o
~ Slcelall ICo athltistha t i detatt ((lilyer
_______ ha____ also_________________________ t , i lt e 1h eItIti aryti hel t s('01 (t
At~c . no to1t il1;" repiarl'
for thed ic~n 1 t o l iwmnad;rcfrtt-h tiiittof fit n il sa
lFanc Ballin eSkatio e ,Ilotg ti i oti 0(
lluekny. Gait. Gymnasiam t hos I o liroeilo eito((tottot Ottont
Ap(paratus.y nineroleitea~leic.
AT 'I'll Fitl'C itn i n elCo pet iti on n h s
A.~.SP LDNG & RO . tln ti. In 111otan ceaifoit of
Iiit;-part'intt ClicltoagitsltictrtoCon
__________________________________________ ti tt Ot. to ttc t 'tevel'p itt lto tr tptath'
W hycs.1Pay s pM ortetrette
FF CO5itsEDtsiitti:h' l('wi1al h
G. p! t?~dM ainpsiladntt e
STATiNEl wrY rhn f iiue'hc
C'eLIettlitia~tr ntlell 15 CenofIcts bc~i l
l~rclo OfcilAh BOX uple
Voo NalVase R leStes Y ihg sto tiv h rel

'Let's glct'hit,-til)titt It' t a lfa 1111
ntcd of Otill-C- gliti-. forito ii,'-, I1
S N N'tIt_ SkNOfIC'1T-hIN I (iTRfiIl
hed h i u 01(1i l nInc t lc '
wod lo '(((ilii it It'itt.i'loom 1_(lit l
to (hsias u adt at s rc-
lio;)od -toguititsix t t tuutu of d(I lass
Bcsie- a ooIc prp()io iof aurlls
the ian '"it 'agt o to (1 YIx''fS lit-
lIofco ti 'l tll frali t huuluu'' uitit o fotI
cot uonl rsnc Ittii11tp ' o c
Kain ilOsillman iltai r lt thi
ateout and venin((t01 heoocwoWit-
to in Io otoigt f t he l aY."liii i
itwi-oilso th catar ti t l he for-o .1
7her lst ar illbetpl(asedtoc Iher0
Stgit itti od Tefisttil te i m chcltlti
ooI lite cti ad arolt-Ic ;m
Sos, too nd ti mo Sit hites _o I liig

romirtl. mW th « 'Iuuc ig t'e
.t n th it(W) (f lt cMA
;c 1; e i Of ite ('Fit'i 3 sco d r
" rn tt cctcilia n 1.~ lal i
ty ih41jn th W IAI mci lct,'ulls.i
cI;ll jIlci l,~ I sl'"ac u c - a i

Special Sale
University Bookstore
Largest Stck itt Michgant
Second-band Law Bfoks
Lasv attd Medical Diciotares
Qtiz Boks, etc.
UCompete litiezNew andtt-Sec-
ottel hand
Old books take iti ixchtatnge
Second Floor Tel 761
Fr Hgh Class Optial Wrk S e Us
t' liest
tul int f - 0 i eOt
ARNOLD'S, Jewelry Store


ito tt ,.d' 1
lif citr' thy'i
(f t01i. It]

itu lbn; olrat-nt'o ruoc an
liini,. Chli t l t Ilo pt , an
((OIl uiptl t o f sit r

>01 1 1C11 i<ii ltit'' c lo iA TIc'M lti.
1i - P o lit' uicer -u h ultheir g'ltss
n? ( ii l ty in i c S fit gbo t itt'
I hk c t IIISt ica 7itte i~e't h ld ai"'(;rent
300 East Was- hisegicogsSt.
Light Lunc4.es
Confect ionary
Ice CreamI-
Phtt(gn078 L 78 Blue

_____________________. _ _ _ __ _


The "M UTO" Ovcer-
coat is absolutely otig-
inial and the process of
constrticting it is pro-
tected by patent, as
showin in the illustra-
tioti, it is two coats int
Gn--the first as a dressy
street coat-the second
as an Atito-Drivinig or
storms coat.


m ahigonLThe Randall Stuio andall & Pack Pr ops. Phoie 596

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