edy ilit iii 11 is of our skillful taki d' ti he ii irtc ot selectr fasc int teken clotheisV5 h',S c itic x ermid thre a touch~l ofr fo cci aks'i'ygarmnt twe fasiuotn Zzp ef. 53 S ih in ievery idetail,. . W cgive a try onl with each oirder. l) it t Witt until ttie l i rshlisoi we will hold allorderalyiiiv ic o -ti mis S\,ott UNIVERSITY NOTICES Seth csiIIicr -iilito at1 ii f I Ihe fic-:h lits -. o vc 1t ~I (1)It iidav t- 1) iiiisin Tapaiii S i le t ir lroo il Ic iiI-s i ll ep rt )l Prof. A.l 1.ll vl -iii the-first dr c fte F iii t~l c rhi lllll 111 ri f Iallat :30 P. Ii il ili Ill~ l I c itt fCon l .. .l sen111 io lit if I--- his!- iiiwh iich w 1i YOUR PHYSIOLOGY TEACHES YU THAT THE BODY is like an engine and that food is the fuel. The greatest amount of power is, of course, gained from the best f uel. So in the human engine, Shredded Whole Wheat supplies the most e a s i 1 y digested, sinew-and-muscle-building nourishment. By making Shredded SWhole Wheat a regular part of your diet, your mental and physical --, J1. Karl Malcolm "Tailor for the Chaps 118b at Liberty St. C-CC ewk W hinyTheatre BO0TH PHONES 480 h-l l 11111111h11 bast11 Ill' lll 121111 il IC Y.c . he lw l h;illt. C \ t Jt .\tislciatotl rac Illar It:1 11 11 ftl 1\':\1?lC1- 111lc111111 1 1i 111111i is h \het lactilill ll ie-itll lt Iial powers are kept at full- steam all the time. It contains all the body- building material in the whole wheat, made digest- ible by steam - cooking, shredding and baking. It is found on the "train- ing table" of nearly every college and university in this country. "It's all in the Shreds. " THE SHREDDED WHEAT CO. NIAGARA FALLS N. Y. Matiiee-Night Feb. 21 TeFavoriet's Return KATHRYN WFILL PRESENT HERSELF, rilatNew Comedy ;"The Night of -the Play" Wthout lfear or contradiction, the tiditdsomest gowned actress America. Dntimiss seeing the famous Osterman S$1.000 cloth of doW Directorie Gown. Prices TM1atinee: 25-35-50 Prices Night: 50-75-$t Sea itSale Thursday Morning Mn., arch 1 America's Greatest Indoor Show 23 - Yers Progressive Prosperity - 23 THE ALl.1G, Field Greater Minstrels A Merry Musical Melange A Night With The Minstrels Fun and Melody The Show You Know Prices: 25-50-75-$1 Seat Sale Friday 1 ° tttIll rt~tll ' ll i> j ° 11av you1ill -cl lll-.he IItcrc1~v \Vc 1al illtIftl t -\V1 113Sf flcl_1111111rborJlYtffiI Prf- n(1 II I kiifi 51111- 00.Cal.,1 \hfl O c a liel ith 111. 5iit 1c, t ill,7o yout t ll cs ad \." il I TALKING PICTURES IS f t c~ i I . Iafi THEATOKIU WHAT IS A 91 .WANG DOODLE Ans-,wer- A JEST IC This Week. Reserve your Seats Box Office Open 10 tol12 2 to4 7 to 10 DETROIT UNITED LINES Between tDetroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Limited Cars EastBound ::,.111..::0 Limited Cars Wist Bound 11. I.i. Locat Cars EastiBound To Dtritlil 11a,1 and ii t Vl II-y l,11 111.. I.17. 111;1k 10.11 ), a.I..'1< il 1111 -iI .1 .1in. iw1 hafi1111. l Loca Cars West Bound--II1i .i m.,.1i SlrIelfi" shirts--thind11Sfhat1 on srl(. b Alle, .M filSr Vgsicnr & Co-I. Staite Si. Fioii thatipaft ii-.tnict o22def 82 F',JeiiersOii SI. ilsirlISi-cPrnt-.dotlilicost fiii hare close expert iiatl igsirce i8>. I titters Jeiiet t<1 S. AStain St. 1't I" S It Phioti Suptplies. LtI tse Olid Inglishi ttiir s-i titonues 237. C. -It. Mater & Ci j ftlog mi c lilts;I Cullfiee n liies i-li- c le & Sell. I to Si. I-t sandiiiies dielieitd. Dt uti off list rile titl it cil. Our hor-ses in- tie fit tlesre iito ile tietini.it. tl Cry. ;28 I". 3JeffersonsSi. Bett ; t ails ini iicikwearior mcii l. Cltesc-Stiep, tain St. tciuutisclestrican(hilt culn College htn. 1 AX' Oiit M- tt I II-iiliiiii 1 11-11111 lrcilt(I WXe are tiwreaody witlh our new tiFl-tibl YEII hieo iglt class Sprnti and Suim. Chinlese Chop-Stley Restauiranlt I, t g n. r i tier Sutn - in all the latest fasli- ii~ i- -- O - mi-11 - is. .riii f~rhst i nd.Eey .Z F LN ~t irir ih silaia s i ndsCi ry m HIitIlC 5 wI 1w15( 1'o .t, ~c lviw i lclwt IinA nn 111111 ___ I l :, ~ii 1 i ie1ii 314 S. STATE STREET tareRacHTER I AR TAPDE..O c mn slve isroleddi 1'tl11)1 DrAii ISTm E NTadfiih i Maetoirole Gira er iffisfi 111 oklteit-and tthitghefetlgr- d teooaleeedl se Poin - --ift au n sIivi e r ireplaced iel iif1i8;.idiioitgaunt aihndet fsi ns- fi. t -u T tit lr /c 11.- ofh te ' sstr tutentl ar ym tll' I- -is att sle Io iuyes sn coils-ir Fat nraingsrn i detsai - 078- i.srcieboke eto eqet rt o Itit Address cii- lost81 o rnr tit Chl i efcgo . iSdm. LU R~emovaIeTZNeNePi tiesllge lolis eerel c O.bysil 2. RthtiiiiieliiM andactu er ii e ds yt 211ff New t YorkMaiw Or i ttes oCoSanFa scoornt \iisii AN ARBODivENCeES -cod WAHRdSiSHEHAN'lalaspFOSTEculr'S Colt "fict onDa ig ntu ets'a n fOCbI. Isrctv oketsn n eus. rt o THlE ZOE, Y-117, 1 'nBilliards _i. "..Bowling ' 'Cigars Candies / // Tobaccos HO ,.WELL (ft JOHN SaaON, Props. V. of PM. BAKBER SHOP G O O E Ji. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. G O O E il)I t' \il uls)14) SHOW lFJ, tBATHS Writefr ph r t01i tas. Stale eielve T.iitr-ii t'itre ii r tati- ling hi-c-cvnos-- T'eritoryfin- cteid. -- THE T. J. CAtE CO. N , e 359 Bel nnArorlMihRoam 45 Rowland Bldg. DETROIT . ,., a ALWAYS AHAD IN STYLES MILWARD , THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY TliINQ IN TAILORING