The Mcia al
'aN Ai-': OR.\ttClItG \ III)_\Y, II 1-i \Ri 2(iOi).
fT T .
No.f 03-*
C test Between Undercasses
Promises to be Close-Opp-
nents Drawn for Relay Races.
Saturday night ithe aiieuat fret-oph
it fe trics iby xbo ih clase it trisesln
toIle o- f more than ordintar) interet.
'xt'here aii-rtaargijter. Sili etered~i
in eatch iii t bi ltiec tis olthi me
more tttha tin ii ipt otih al ali tti-
grade meniin itnithyigettiialet
~it Ic dashes thtruggittill ibieit
and tiii1iiick h ii c n t i stail nrea
rusii.rsutscant ccniibeiuessed.
arii cci which-tile)- cirrti auonin ntr
scholatic mets allduringti r pi e
meet lhasinot been doped ticaryet,pron-
nabllyiicause u n ian ri-I-tCram.whcr
giiccrstifesi itsvs hlas sp
fitv. pCr ii -itc-ciorlits vu.gutmo
Iitictin ii iintii t s medi c iriiniiii
lti-t,.t unuu irn ceh thus. itt i
Xiiie-entr i -fo i lt mect fllc owSti:il
oii-hu re-tti-,uu. ).Crm Pi
Forigimyariiionti dle s:iiiu tr-itn-'-i
tuuiithiimhhil-i-n ititi. 'tui cii -iearson.
-lle.N Siopi omui r s- - cll)-. -uupTiiiuii
- asincu\\tuixitit nihhihuai tuuuii li
itlin-Hmmndoi. tltmCratig, iteu-
-cmiii enilien mI~cki, La rnitii itss,
iiimmrf. Sopho imre t-IDaiie Sinit i-
StitN, Ca Ft)gTraN~rgLE t I
S ixlps iNae.:\Ftestfi--Schmidt,
P-LAY Stfhtt FINALS 'TONtIl1DE T MENTt1l l ,f1 ,I j l j IS tItAFEST iJtttAif ON LiE i i
iTieiiteclaisstiaiketbialt neifilsliiit UNITE INRIIORIAL imic- iitriiii d-amn- ic lbayi,
iy an ". 'I'r' fi- t) i igstiiname, Nh-mii iiinii N - liiithe itillilerii if th-eiiagtiiaiindlimost
nitart at 7 :30, initt e tictt mciitic juioxr Engineers, IPlediis and Lits Seem cilililtiic if tc the irarics ondraati
laws nd iifres ntine-rn. Bthtiteaein to Favor Joint Fund Idea- lieratuin coniniehictili iowithti -lnti-
cce evnlt- miaitc-hed ha tilay-fatLant lunt uii li file iarninig.
mittu tt-ic iiiitt ii- tunc te Laws Have Not Given Opinion. ~ ciriiii iia) nll ii
rootuern wiitthure tie givn cii hatnce o e iliiiiiiiii n " I robtlyth l alrges- sinigle
txhiiht.tye ild iv i~ali- eiii ett wo Alim t I~Cheilsecolndnmti of ~Cth ciil'a- l ii. T- f tsinidmuc-lthough tyhere gumi-ct
deprtm nt. b sme ri-at i braries ichari m r
ictie c thiii uliii rti litseaiiii the jtiiiui cil a jig ttu to( moi r Ci i gia o hell n i ii li fitni iixi ih-i in- tmm
- iginii-i-in ia u-tone garlic- mml itad ian offe-reduiiihh alltheii-ciommilittees-n etill t heliauti aiithigx- if a hlrgi- colitti niuu ofi
chy in) e iilii- -itlti i mthe de tNuilc the ell- ciie cn c-ied.T he iii mic a s i>to icmm-av tlie- d i t ic worksi 111ti iitibe uvey great. I t i i
froesh avnexi ti o liieatniu tgge iiti it tu nsizeibrnzeiS-i ueliiiei dent tin-cll t hill t io' tiiila ti heil dramiiiiicIin libraryii
Buntui th u ng ieers11ha111 beenl praix icingu-ut- lcni titlhuhh ist ighatieth i r ciiilthdy anhrillsI posii bl eti hu gh ino
cii i nual- ith thc ariiiiii ac i nt l ar ad theoii g o)hi s l~ong t e i li tuniiih wl e r11111>1 f draiit-
tis ac: hetem$or:uhaicme uwth Th (ttcl iiamoiutcc-fiiiciitheien o iiig i n tii lii l iiiuthe t xim theE izabethan
11111 lii- ni-Tlhlec iiitti tc cniiiictho lii hiimc i tae iiol hutworkin theru
that hefS1iorsAouldNt peCuaded totlier~tret ha e staed tiuithi-librri. (iiiI: ihi 'I? O '1ii - IIli:12 11111 th a-nhi-ilfr-Stih aaprp-seliiizprobaly gth -IiLr uiuiiin cmiiit col-
11FtftfO I I ISPtf CT I N ON fUR wiichi Cxl(i raci-s- a 1111111 ofL $2,xgxu eii- i i of itramiiati iic Ilu ")it-icdra-
----This n iiuiiiI id i n ccusee iiii esn~litih -C- i m-mrary" nitd 11rof. Struss, "c"
lia i rrined-i t l n iight olier ltiie x lii t he iiiuiiieetxici b ut them- idid t mii llirgl Ialiit ilasn by th tgut1Cc1t itna
Ni ictuigaum Cc-mtral cumlidtfroiii' La1ninug, bei ethi- luychildltsafely-cxi-e ticir CCII- tion ofi 1(lac tle Senatorm i \cl'titan, wmii
iiic jxinti cxmiiu ttescn futl tti e le tgin-- 11111e1 ofithii ava raglieu -aduates geum gui c its a ccmpliete Shakespaentmm ibrti aruy
lauiuu ii o n u nirsit atpropriatiomuns mitt mcmliii) is I im11y3'opinuion t ii 1 most>1cumule of
noak- a tot r of iunpectuixonof univeirsity Theciiattecr was thenutiti 111li in h hnds its lauiii i uudnp -unnsiuuu l liiiheAime-
uuumitiiiitiig tlly- hlt fiauux coLmu miiiittee- muhuch c-reortcit ilc re - ai mutgn
cliii Friom the uni-iiiiversity-sniiti fitheii
uatter there- iilxothiiing inmrail the
vii ftic legislatornsiatiithiium-. Tic
ibtmmiu$Iiouiuum Theiii pintesinciii ti
keplt wiithinii lim uiit, inuing alstheii
npialtfiiiiit or bmildtiiintigns.-AN tle) in
:alefur c-xtcrl fiiin Liiiforithepschoi-
stalie intitutionmitsrncasec iitbe tim-e
A htiuuu wn-ingivn ii mu tc CUnionu
ist evIei-mnmg in honruxi hil-I v isiitorsn b)
theii-et aumndimitPrnesidcent Aligcl.T o-ii
'lay Ur.Anigiell mitlt-mertainu Liir-thmi
an Mrs.i i r N V.~m N C. Vauighmanmuitt gin-u
alreCcptixnmforiii lti ladiescnof thei 111111
The n mmci iiturn of ithCc-iiuommitei thin
cair aic-Si-muators layloNWctmore
midi Snell, Rfitesntatmuinven Coley, - Nar-
nerStmumart. Oaeam ndieitcrdt
NitCttLPiiSI tt'T Bt't ma 11
Nt inmeinmg uf tihc freshmlit clasiC
Tihursday) afterniooxnmfuri- l wr
nomuminatmed ifor tile mux-itimiiono ic-pmre-
identli fh classiuugi nhiigmposthixsmbmi
:Miss Ltniein-Tumthill, NisisMmm tamPoweis
Mli-n Jiutilime- lleiii mmdmiii sinnRfuth it
.Mohrcmbe.iic Anmammientm to1xtile chil-
stit~uiniNvastprotponed bythy-nichm musitic
cuint elietionucaniii hi-tet l nxtiweek mum
hei timli tonuuightm mm Lramigc-rn
thinsmafternuonat 4 mo'clecn If H.
Plaianncuein-illlectuire mullChmarlensittume-
la ii- the Tppan IHall lecture romu.u
Tisninsthc (rut gut tinem enud em eterc
serien of lectures to tie givn-eiundumer tihe
ausnpicesiif thmCercle tDrmtiuime Frna-
suto hiriniriest Wednesday even-mli
in". hirtre ut tuite pcinLi
seior cihlilases oulmmd getN ililii rfo
iicctial purposesI.mmiVrioitgusc-estimate
cumuli Shoooxommii$mocmmi idcedinimg uponmm
time prouuminece c fmthliiicuitoriiiwhoii
Tihain other dmmnificties wen is-n
Chum-cecil A lioL time tni nsc utors if
thinsmcountryi) are-takniuwith tihemiiiwiiiii
amiin m-itti-he mocuiemimoIrhu eio s frin
onei umilto u-)threNmmears.iNo moneiwutu-mini
to mii undertdke a tasnk soimportanthullsithe
onei promjecmitted Mmminly iWe-hiimnthsin i
whidl iictCmletedhcit. hat muh im
wuild hum-rcc-umihuomakmiai-mr mmo
liithicharater dbeforeiith- elt t wul
heum-Immc hed.l'Tie c ii mim wotulmdthavimi
toi hei complehitm-idibydlhc mi-nnlimi o ta
heime ahhonei putshunhisirject mmiiiof
thim mph tin
Beideimthesmii-nicmutinsRits acer
ta iiit i iine y te ciiiiiiittdm appomiitiemitlimi
thr alrad wascumi m si uchim.a movmi-entu
'underum mahi)- fmgemnitHiltlh hapermiionii
froumm ti1humioad If regcenstohum ve11conmi-
ntumctec-m a large- bronzme-tabiletmih m
hbnas-eiefLdeigno- r niimLii ugell Nieit
thei demtailsnif thunis eipltetarei
mmmiireidyutyoiibei givn-i umiii lii-hietalt in
iL ofuch mu1dichrcrhu thatmmiiheiitliumworikn
would bemqie-like meachi otiec.
di isci nmg liihe ihmttr nemicfiithii
prooliiiad - h ifficulty) il-
counteliredithmueii-jointl meumormmial heme
I in t hu liti upoillsomeiobmijictlthat ialilith-
depiaritmendits ni-ltluavor.CUnlecshe- i
id-mt 'takes'nwitheahdeprtc-mntliii re
in am gru-at udsireioftLeilumstsu-nm- pull
mmiii and urn mmiithei ii mir ud i nmso chinmg
thtlu can beuiiilicft 111.111w dea
ihuins.Thhisieal Imwcm ,thci li thinei-
ginecers ndell dimicnsi havemi nouexpesnncid
deiiteii-obtji-ctinmmview.i Them 1ainn mre
tiii hnlt)ne ta heactndli ii 1cinlg chin-
mxiio mcindthirucom ummm ithe elinesthamt
therc hunt tic-snmeu-thiu-nc-al t-mt ractivc-
tx gel th clastohC umginvi timt dminhmmlulp.
ho!-inmnum- arismmn th law 1mudmetpart-
miimintthmeie has cxistedi Icustmnmom f
Ileainmg mpaintingn i rf mecnsorsnby the
semnior dtncnses iuct'
left no rcgmtulary thaxitifsinbeliiivedt by
sxomc-thamt 1mth hbit
zThe qeinhii thatconfrontsitnheiijint
eommuuittees insunhethier time lawuneann mitt
click y ins tcepartinuentalt cutnummmcr
whtethter it in wililinug mmouite its fuon
withthie mitlier thurce deptmniiitn to
i l e xne happropianete i)09 menmxrial,
noimethuing ho tue deciede upon that will
he attraetine amudiwill also beeiut thnone
un-Io comle after thin nenior elassn
Assigning Each Character to a
Special Instructor Benefits the
Work and Shortens Time.
ofitheCuicm IOrmahtiquem inmmii- whey
:Irelinm ithe inst ifiIxhm Ih riilhntoisi-
il " mu aitvi icuig repai-ng thir m parti-
thipeiodilium- i th I niitt f frme
thinuchutpimiamiym in a mmmia- himin
hi-l method ofiii prepa i- tm-n tgi
her ofthn mhas ti eing muhirlimy
curd-i atrtedmummcimhuhms ltunumwhoi1
tofakeati n1iimt-hmpestimtioniiiof the
p Vl asuidgn ed, ty ammi thmei veCrinhiu i n-
nig iifctihu meitrtoa faciltyc-huh -
lxr. Tuiiihinwhumdhue n ordt r thati i
corctponiiohm- migh asrd
NI';ctudentf i umistusheld resposibmlelmi
cmmi-itingt m emorh isi pc-il-ilim im c-
thei crintarsalsintogb ihispen il hitechim-
cal ir cmtion ofmucliithe iat.d u mLAu
thinhucastc Swoirk in alakirmthmyayh
whi ichi mill meteni-liii-ercpartofnpmol
gris ii mrhcmmuumm-mv i made. igvery partcini"L
cmiar hierimthuixSevill ii"iis ilkenc-unity mini
hin h o in s haIpe io r mai
ex teiec e.liii) ii s m in edi l iii ni lici
dtion ofiii ii umarmmiii lc-uighfu cm
trv y b ythem Circmt4 rnmmcin if I thur--
n-mimi Unirity. Itn prodmuction thecre
hivi manotwtcihyonemimicc-i--y effort hue-
hi mdetohiavemutheIcs ut presnitaion
phhssibletasinshnoxvinnuimg hhdney thud
Cece- It ranis h ::remarc.Nm - i inmun
onei ol thec directornstic-nctookmpartmnh i
tiii IHaraprihnuxfomanmiuuc niniit prte-
parinug it, aunidmmiithinsmaccunmt lcin s l
most1 nvaluuabhllhe i the mirechumnif time
iccuni- ere this year.
Nit tihose lmavinig ticknets givncumthecn
neil for191ioi smnoker turnin ici k.
tou IDmtiimnsoime timue today.
Law Professor Narrates Experi-
ences of His Seven Months'
Sojourn South of the Equator.
ct mmiiProf, Jm "i n H - Ihc~ liii jof mte
Xii cpir Juuug ve n i lustrated lic-
Pe i la minght inSarali C u-mum-tiAnmgll
IlaillThe iseaker prese tmd-it helii
hut ' him s tt of l ih iier hati n
I uiiig am en m on mmithin trip takencillii
loo7iy Num neit x 1 1 ie w r
hi mm mm Tlg rr arfllyandiartmi-
tical colrt andi m it if uahcom-i
ciitiontof .ioir I al momwichlii
.ohim-himin thilcomiii
t huig fr Snimgo, iiChil, tic
N 1pm mm ~cld ri umthen mup-mt he
mo~ oVlri mli lIont -indthrughmuif
Boliiaadgon r mlhr t eu
iihl, th tin l l a i mauh i t atin > iu i
i iyhhhh th t t li hihuomt ihtl is nest th
it t icbe islim iis i flu mum iliumIomimi-half
ya i, en ten l -ime: ue i - f alheii n
hum Smummumguu«r f mmiii the- teoptlemai
mu isptmmlmic- an the N mum imuuii i iliume
11111 ii ltN liii mmii miii i--i t i ii it bh ull ul
ini ate rs>a a l cy mumain
iii> i ii it inh innedeck themselves wimul
n, rr idii at. ~ t Ii mu arcmmta h-
~imth tillmumaea c mumac tnuinimmby
ciuiChinC conducthodrsCini
-Nlimli on an ofitliumin ttiit -ii
it oa liiihinemmm ii iliumiin ti c hie
li naturallyhi h fo lws iith ~t l cccle
")rand f mini siiiimmmthere yud w
oid n al mii pim in limit itr ii u
1% 11. b N i motm' illu -u or wim l h on
liii nyhng tt'ht l l m vtoi--h
Nichai hehethab i ic- mulii i
inAtho iti cumumto mmhecuirse
)il him mug mit ay ae umeusu ii
irlly by i eiu ri boin himge>ti m k no
xcc imuevnm uuthe glom Wings> i
w mimti nnssd u igth in i c ity i
B umlfvian ms a hi notlium mm we l iiie r i
-mnliii ii asliii mimiplcmu f Cil ie."uuu u ii
while preseting 0t ti c iofi eru
uLsii th f thei> iiold c iviit io hc
'rgin s fmnimum ofit hmm-me Im i mm cct iinmii
- lia ii mofths muln -hi. ot
El itelSwith liici Ci Nemitis h
NullENi IN Cu NCiFif
Thl i ris'iii> leeicubniuwi gi h i cmner
Smaturdhmyieening at 8 o'clock, Nun>
Nor mmmint mailtmum choil ofmiI m ic ini lui
s mniia n ciselctiomn mmwil bei-givn ciiyithii
hhi'man in clmu bin .ii Ticets anreni;3I
x1(1al bmhm-tatmined-mhrm mMinnin
1 Sinuclain, Jceannette- Ritvin timmee
r, andmiiNihimau Nimun
cuin Tticcle nt lime will bMohmnay,
On m Fridity- c-ceninug.NMarehm5, time Marehi utiy NM.NMrenetee"coi-
Syimi and miTiiniglen, time jiuiioir no- sern-uir" of tihe librmiry minithe eity of
ciiescmf thime hurary mandi engieerintg Parismmlho wvill ditin-cn mililustrautedi
departimentsnwilci cmbutinue hum give mu for- lecture xii tiii ntbject, Pmaris autu etms
mmli himamce -amuGrngrs. 'rranmgeens menslRxmaniuies." iPrxf. AN G.Caii
tunic eemcc deiihcfir gooditmusmmic, aindfiellttueadmicutthueiepartimeithoflRn--
him joint commmiteemm charge Csays that mmumnce languamges, ivillecuirue m uweek
rcfrenments wm ill rmmxblaixenhg frn ent Satumrdayiny xiVersaillen."his
--"lecture miii also b ihumsthmtrated.
fGirts I!hDximt foiget tine chiildreins amissiniihemthese lectuires is my- asso-
upurty io lie givenm this eveninug at 8 ciate meuumership ticketsnuwhichmnay he
o'elxock at Bfarbnour gynmasuim. There secuiredxby tiy uideiths fxr fifty cenits front
will hbe danciing anth refreshmnnts and membiersxf time Fureinch faculty. Single
flit for everyone.eAit college girls are admissioun ticketnsmiii huehnrey-five
cordially invited. Admission 15 crnt1. cents.