: n: .-. ; ca THE MICHIGAN DAILY lU EARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN IJPPLY,,YOL WITH THE LATEST AN!) MOST UP-TO=ATEF WALL PAPER, PLATE ..I) STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OIL S VARNISHES., BRUSHES, GLASS WINIDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Or specialty is fine Decorating, sicli a- Pap r-ltattpine Paint - i, (itt-riot and exteriors Wall- in)tio-,KatlsoiimugtieP sco- it-- T~tc., ec..We employ otilv skillcd witciitutug'11digarant-e Mir wxork. goods tDelivered to ,illpartisof the city. BO0TH PHONES 237 203 E. Washitvgtora St. I .. College Caps ari Gowns For Sale or Rent -pittl oii~si yqalityt-n ii eof(-itt-oivtoh- i MACK &CO. D GA NSSOOL ew Whtny hare BO0TH PHONES 480 at,, Matiee-Night Feb. 21 The Favoriet's Return KATHRYN WLL- PRESENT HERSELF Brilliant New Gomedy "The Night of the Play" oot fear or contradiction, the handsomest gowned actress in America. Dntmiss seeing the famous Osterman $1.000 cloth of gold Direclorie Gown. Prices Matinee: 25-35-50 Prices Night: 50-75-$1 Seat Safe t hursday Morning America's Greatest Indoor Show 23 - Years Progressive Prosperity - 23 THE Al.lG.Field j Greater instrels A Merry Musical Melange A Night With The Minstrels Fun and Melody The Show You Know Prices: 25-50-75-$l Seat Sale Friday UNIVERSITY NOTICES l~rin t itti iii tinlcu, (an ii) h at Grange'. -rs, lt atc F it ~itt, iii t-- lii i Stc-it ii til --i ii. F i -ich atlit t ii tu t I i i ll I~i s. li ttTa p nII-lu Alt tt n S. (,atn in ciii- Sit Sti\( i i- ti ti tuu-ut it i:tt Si-.nnti- ii mi- r i t i ttt \1 i i ('.clit-itc itu itit ~S -rlt cP11-(i-it 'I- (i t I- ,+- Laddtt thJ ar 1-1k t 1 he folowing rcpor itt the tiltl ~i \ttttt3tt p.Sit ill -t inirrc (noo Ikcr, C. C. \illc, b irt 'h nh ri. \ iii \lt - ird i ii -i i Sit(. I t t I - ti, I l u 5) 5 iitit ii S Iit 5il Irs tt itititIT , tt-i ,it tti lily tutuJohn i W it- J Sa i. -itr itt\ Ilit r \iii- In ,Itt--u I -t- liitic rk S\lt kI) liitciitt tt )iv [l ,e iIVIe . i-I _ J ;I ),t l i' ' tt --un MrTho Lttrtat. shc -.\' \ chn1 li -i) ;ti--. I rt-itittiti. i rI 5. itt-ic &M i..St St Sit- U t.L.O -Ila ) i \, arc S'li; lil( I I 1.555 ii PI .is FL St . t) i titii gcttI-. .I Silvilt Sli-itittt ii. G crlpiit-i itt t''t tccp li-ic. laitii-i\tnl Sit )~ tutu liti toc-F078M. tutu 22titStt- Io' puttitiiott that title till it es o tleauretto rule eindti. Ilttit o L i cry pX28 FP. ItPciott i-t. BItch;22,110II ti -t.2t) Pail-111itt.utcukweacutr I wnu Allent s (tulctllicsShop, Hin ttSt.- SO ft Ge-nttutine lcxictittChili ciontCarnttiat Cotllege hut. P8i) BANKS THEL FARMER~S AND NMECHANICS ISANKI MAIN AND) HURON STREETIS Cyllt $50,000) auspiut dndotfits $90.000 Geocral Ilan in.-, Buineuss. 3iperscentpatit iOt TimetoandS a-ing5Dposits. Safoty De- lasti tuoes t e t $.00iiandoupwarsi hIi mF ore.tts. W. U. SVsesi. Vice-tress, The Ann Arbor Savings Bank G ti tl i ci -it t- 5 utttt ti ':aip} A itenerat Baoking BusinessTranacted OFIER :C as. l.t.iii-o,- 0 its.;NW. Dit. I ri a .Vic- ites.:- tI. .3. Frit. asier STATE SAVINGS BANK V t.. Bot-i t i i . at i-i-that. it). A-told i-ri. V.iC.Vaoughan u'--fit tC-clajitt it-pitititDogas theisti)tin ofti r [)in V.i I i lemla FIRST NATIONAL BANK Os ANrN AssOs, MICH. i'tt-. Vite-Prts. - . t'.lIAlttst-itNCxstaitt. j apitta]. -ju00,4'0. Surptlus itd Priti,. $6tt.000. Corxmea-cia..1 maxad sa~virngs COT. Ma'le. ansd Liberty Streetso MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. O. A.MOE. TOWLN 7/ND SHIRTS J7I ND the pat- I'tern you like in a Cluett Shirt and you have found the shirt you will like. i .5o and mtore. ~ ~ -- ANNOUNCEMENT it -ic iimel Dot ittijtni ti ii OFtORGE SEE j We are now ready with our new j line of lyjglvclass Spring and Sum- Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant mer Soililogs, int all-the latest fash- t;pChines-ancy Dishtets. Sutc atiati Choptts. ions. Amerioi ic ctiuehsot sit kinds.Evey- itit -it ii- 314 S. STATE STREET DRAWING INSTRUMENTS ARE STAMPED E.D.CO. __ __ __ __ _ 5 TnAL K IN G PIC'TURES m fI - Made of rolled German silver and highest grade too]( stleel. -s the -C (er- 1v r .I t I VI d. mi al r a Admalosio o a.fways t010-so 5.. S T HE AT0KIVM I fSay! Have you heard those- Detroit United Lines ifWANG DOOODLES ( i o ttionto i i i i Stutteis- 'hat the ti(.Il it k) - it- ittf Varsitsy uti- M A EST I.C1- ? ( alrt ;t 1- of Ilio - tsriectiAuof Rserve your Seats Srittt extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. Gall or Phone Billiards Bowling °qCigars Candies _________________________ Tobaccos HOWL Lt (a JOHN SON, Props. ' ~M. E RYAN, Mgr-. e mian silvcr is rolled, die w stamped and hand finish- -- cd--the instruments arc o a/bso/,te/yf/aw/ess in con- strtlction and detail. Interchangeable Parts -s ttu mitolttiiou wit/sit lt q any-pat ~ lost itorirketn-it will fit perfectly. Removable Needle Points i,- - titageditnuutts ate teplacedt ty- simply Ctiivtug anit nsertting Itt-Sone0-yott hint lethe Ise ofit he in tt- lstrumllenlt. kStraightening Device -s athtcedtioCotmpasses taid I iv-iter s - iollttuttnle alwavys perpetndicsultar. a tFacts on Drawing Instruments' an In- structive booklet sent on request. Write for rit. Address - 181 Monroe St., Chicago FiUGIEN E DI ETZGiEN CO. Manufacturers New York New Orleans San Francisco 'Toronto I I v- of .M. BAPBErK SHOP GOOD MONEY .R.TROJANOWSKI. Prop. liii Silt lull)i sittiui tarlt iArll It ii1-0VIIM1 i - -111t --lit Cut1IIs itii i t ttitfr Iti I ttis taut x i. n -- THE T. J. CAIE CO. 22s taeS.Ann Arboricht Phone 359gl Room 4;y Rowland Bldg. DETROIT WAHR'S ANN ARBOR AGAENCIES: SHEEHAN'S FOSTER'S] - I qmbkh- i _-___, .r.._ ._ ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARID, THE -TAILOR THE BE~ST OF EVERY_ I H ING IN TAILORING