THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fall ini temperature will leave you shivering in a snmmer suit. L It's tille now to choose an Autuimn fabric that will raise you inthtie esteemi ot your friends. NWe bit the high places_ in the art of clever tailoring. Our -itteit-s bireathe the priceless ar of refined exclusiveness. Y on need it ini your business as well as your social life. Our fabrics are correct in shade and pattern. Our styles cthle essence of good forte. Our prices less than you iull think possible. Let us prove these three claims today iby shiowinig you. r''e;A[)'. C C tARKN J. K MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. U,5IMENTS White Tear Fridayl Oct. 9 Pen;...:,ally Conaducted "e nrrag Pictimres Made S savenmely Real- n~a Italy riclxFrance iti land Niagara hi thug Steeplechase -tntMilitary Pageant l latu ird and Animal Life iseauiful Savoy New eedharn Orphan lDrill ~iitphir Mining iii vial Phenomena AJ nOtlhers -Real Comedy Prices: 25c, 35c, 50C -Seat Sale "Thursday Sat., Oct. 10 MATINEE AND NIGH~T Cohan and Harris Minstrels WITH George Evans aned his 100 Honey Boys GREMATES T Minstrel Show IN THE WORLD FREE STREET PARADE NAT Prices M~ainee 25c, 50c, M~, $1 Night Prices 35_50-75_$1-"$l.50 Seat Sale Thursday UNIVERSITY NOTICES Sophonmores mieet tonight at 6 :3, in physics laboratery. liaskits. Meetitng of Bryaii democratic club on Saturday night at 7 :30. Stafroth. Fresinnen iet tonight at 6:30, in ee lure romn inew engineering building. Tryout foetUniviersity orhesra St- rdlay igtht, 7 toi 9, at School of Muitsic. Altanideates for junior engieer football teant reor t aSutith Ferry iel1dlt 4 ocieork. 'fTere wiil e a mtetingoithtie Ceree Frantcais this lferillii I at 4 ocock, ill Roomi 1Tt,'. It . Thie directolie iil te eleettcit Alttbatid tieitswho linernot lit yet hda tryout llltup h eadler Ficer'i tiiiay, leteetiand .2 o'clock. 1e11 ptoic 57-L. Mesmbrs of te Utiontllltlrllierslii commtittee i inte li atil engineeig classes meet at the tnioniillbhlllule, Sundialy at 3 o'lck.le 'fur New York clii ivi tes al Nei Ysort tin tottarecettionilSaturdaty eci- tng.(ictober o. at te Nest Yotrk ettil- house, I8o8hSoutihiStaie street. Mteetinig of Ctess 11n11 Checkers clutb t I1. ii. today, ini iMcitillant l1111. All who wshii to enter tornamnt sotl' lie present. Meibalsill le awalrte. Coss, Fes. 'fur Reystoine clitbtwill 110111its first receptlionl aiiiismoereSatriay eveningi t 8 itclock, atithelii r ine clbhiose, 1335 South Stale street. All Pensyl- vainiatimentare cordially uiite. i. W. Scott, Per. NOTICE. Ont accounti ef the great demanatd for our1 foutini pels, an especially the 98l ccitt Dwarf ink tpencil, we ciscete- cidleidto ettntinute ititr greatIBARA IN SALE until Sauruday, to eiaible all shot iishi to do soto ipucelase. 'his i posi- tsvely yoilr last chance. Te Sl. Pret. Mtfg. Co. CAI.KINS' D)RUG STOtRE. FOlR RENT-Elegant suite adi sil gleroom11 at 213 N. Igalls. 9-2 FOR RENT-An extra larg' pleaatl ste (oir single) fr yonlg laies tttiy: tll mioderni cnventiences: tice $.o foe it. ;oilS. Divtisiont. 9 PIANOS FOR RENT-A choice lot oi ftuehigler grade piaos for rent oti easy temis. Tuittng free ftr te year. Rosti's Msticu Iouse. elil- 14 Lil-ill-date shits, clars ad tics o sale ity'Aln, aiti street. i-i2 WANTED TO SEL-A tire tell- mlonthls-otldlbulh terrier (house btrtkei) Price $g. Call at New Witiniey theater fitr itfortmatioti. f Cip-tu-date shirts, collars and ties itt sale by Allei, Mai street. 8-ta Notw is the te to linte your rooms painited pateredl situdecorated. Sptecial lriners foe30 days. Bo011 phones 237. C. H. Major & Co. 8, no Younig's hts, "college styles," ott sale by Allen, Mtaini street. 8-ta SIR: IF YOU WOULD LET US PROVE to you the simple truth that we have been advertising about our STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES you would be as great a gainer as we: We would have a satisfied customer and you a SUIT or OVERCOAT that fits about the neck, about the shoulder, about the chest-that has style- that costs you but a portion 'of what you pay a tailor for less workmanlike results. STEIN. BLOCH SMART CLOTHES are all wool and the best ever. "IMPERIAL HATS," Choice Furnishings. IINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & D0. THE GRAND Billiiard Parlors 220-222 Soueth State Street Opentedlunder new nmanagemenutt, rettirely- reitledeled anidtip-to-date. Billiards, Pool, Bowling A comtplete litre of Cigars, Cigaretts, Candy antd Smoking Tobaccos Reports by innings of Worlds Championship Series Also all Eastern an~d Westerni Football Returztns by Special Wire Ho well &Jolinstoll Props. Phone 459 M. E. RYAN Mgr. eAnn Arbor University [daundry1 H'sis moved from 612 E. LIberty to 605 E. Williams Al work guaranteed. No chemicals used. Oaxkes (Q Lee Props.__ Men's Furnishings For the Particular Discriminating Trade IFINEST SHOWING IN THE CITY MACK & COO LAW BOOKS 36th year DICTIONARIES 36th yeoar ins QVIZ BOOKSIs Aru.'r Ar-bosr LEGAL MISCELLANYf Anil Arbor Callaghan Q .Co. CHICAGO Anse. Sah. State Street, Opposite LawSBldg. .KOLLAUF TAILOR AND CUTTER ito E. Huron St. BANKS THE I'ARMIERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Proitls $85,000 General Banking Business. 3 per cent paid en Time and Savings Deposits. Safety De- pesitsBoes te rent at 11.60 and upwards R. Kstarr, Pres. W. C. STEVES. Vice-Frees H. A. IIM'S.u ni. astile F. T. Sill us, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stoucks 0.0,00 Surplus-2000 Resoiiri'es $2,600t,000 A General Banking Business Transacted OrruCERet Chas. E. iniscuck, Pres.; W. ID. Hfarrisman, Vine Fres.: M. J. Fritz, Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK DIRECTRSno: W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehasn Wm. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Ta.B. Wade E. F. Mitts JehneHBaarer Jno. Funk EFret. H. S. Carhaurt inenry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. Zimsmermaun FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN .ARBOR, MICH. E. D. iKINNE, HARRISON SOtULE, Pres. Vice-Fees. S. W. CkARKSON, Cushier. Capital, $100u000. Surptus and Profits, $W,00f. German American Savings Bank conmr e-aroe.l axd saving~s tf Ysountg's hats, "college styles," on salur by Alleit, Minl street. il-ma We are sole agents for Regal shoes. Hettry & Co., niorth of law building. tf Pits set on ouir "Simplex" spotters mtust necessarily he spotted exactly right. Bowlers kitow what tis OF 1F IL BEST SHIRT. CLUETT, PEABODY &CC;. CLUJETT uA ARROW COLLARS 1?he SANITARY PIPEI OF SOLID COMFORT Vt.Conrrued sosimipleeon graceful liaes, yetiwith sects inenityithat eacheand everundesirabhe feat- aU re uf pipesmokngnis user- OUR ense. Noaslugs", nnseiisu, FREE nenicinie rches tuse OFFER smokeisr'smsosuth, yus Fashioneed frnontbe Uponreeipiof finesiFrenclh biar $1.t, weu wilnfo- rotutin two wrdprrpeid,oneeof shapes, straight theser pipes fur flvee aned cursed, daestrisl,eandif samis wish 'vulcan- notll weclaimsititohbe, jeederubber pipensy eeteurnrdnd snouthi- mnesrillbeerefunded, piece. The "NO-NIC" PIPE CO., 3 418 Prudential Bldg. Buffloi, N.Y. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. Car. Maluea ad Libe~rty Streets BILLIARDS. HOWLING, LUNCHES, o u c CIGARS,. CANDIES, TOBACCO. Ho Lu c 1 S. Stter 311 MAYW4 At Txattle's. 338 5. State f ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES-'. LW ARD, THE TAILOR THlE BE~ST OF ]EVERY THING IN TAILORING