THEF MICHIGAN DAILY SPECIAL CHOICE Hot Water Bottles AT Quarry's Money Loaned Ont ch~aoesDiaos t.tLaw ors r, oretiher' per'sona! pr'operty. watchors and Jewelry repaired. Bdargai to in Watchtes & Diarmonds Of1icr at residence 331 E. Librert~y St Anin Arbor. Hours:s o e11:30 a-no. 1Itoc-1:30 and ;to 9 . 1t1. JOSE0PH C. WATTS JOLLY';S Own Mae BEST BRIAR PIPES 1()\ 10ninakv - - $1.73toe$5.00 rrz~~uiOr on$1.00t 1.50 ArBUL ANCEr [rell Phoer8, 1t2 Name ~rPhrrne, ')S K. A. DOLP'H & CO. Funeral lDiretors 20eS. 4th ve Ann Arrbrrr-, Mrch. PILLOWS and BANNERS AT Darling & Malleaux AX,LMI1STII,I. LACK FUD.,IS IUT 'HE IIHA V: I O)lS Weeox petthtlMem\oria1111 1Ha ll ill he opletedl witin at y ear," sido]Prof. D'Ooc omembler cf the commtittee ho charg0.X"Work awill he continuedlas son 'as 01150011nt 1funds tave seen col- lected.T] he burilding itself is rnow fiot she,lut theiicontract foiste in teoriorl worl rha1s1 not blent 1e1. "itot ts. ablot $80,0o0 is tteeded. Plie regents have riven x;$0r.000o for t ttIproselsubjec o certa'in01111coiltions11. and1(1e111010atout1011$ 20,001IWlohich h pai.* hislea ls b lt $10,001)whtl' mus1lt (111raised. 11An 1app1eal1ti lumn1i11 and 11h Co 1miteel'l mee0t) iltena aticiae lylifi ut.icc'lihn Mo. 0. 'tlogs o112, and11 '11ember lof t1110 ',0'1110ll1'e'o ill the1 sttoflt Ii (sohinglto (o110 10 Sall) t 2. Io 3l s :on a We 11a100sold1 to1'your oarndfathter a1110 to1 voter0father,0so lot 11s sell to youl. 15011111110 I8.1& 1It I -'ii lts Jetwelry Stoc,. 216 Maill t.bo1 't Waitersoatsan000r0 011o an 75c. IFoeliellte 00 0 Ilo' I ()"() hoI lti1 llI ll'.n, b,1110 11s1p1oons1, inl 11011 11and excluisived' 100at 0Illr' Joewelryo ,re', 216 . linS. It 1;I STI'RISSL''S'l'ankh I cloc i,v orlt. 01,11 ,\ o t'ls, 53C- fI+> If 3001u 1111v 5011ou1r opti tNork01111 at1 Italetr' OU 5 11 tbe1'satisfied. HIl oer's lew'eloy Stooro', 2111 S. Main St. 'oto Good wai it 'tot 11)1111101111. $Sosot 1I(t ' 111)1 Co I foto''{(1111110' 1111101 ioadit' St.K fi~ CElio o ~clib 1,rs <'iio 0 (lo1 ii 00, at cod'eo1 lenses io SvistitoiliS tIio 5' '11, Gillette Safety Razor Clean shaving is part of the college man's gospel. It goes with the exercise and outdoor life---with good spirits and good health. Frve minu~tes a d sy spent wrth the Gilette Safety Razor keeps the face shrpshape The skin is roft and clear. Ia Gll e tote 'o1 oetv ao I itas a i t o io in 11111, Colenge11m11n.iI tc1wt Oltav 111111110O 1 ; th TheoG1L1111 1' I:i i I I t )t he I itt I if 1 0 ~cn t a of rrntheot ilalftno o',lo. I I I O.l~'1S t t n 1 11 1n ri'l i soll l 111111 0t1',it itr o itthe(;111 1 °:-1 1 it t e i i i ,, od1+:T11:is eo1an vt o s r)I i1-- o 'o ;i ' th orkof GI I J 1 ti o o 1 (iILLF rl'Ei SALElS COMP ANY ABu~ying Opportunlity Enormous Price Reductions ORIGINALITY, SERVICEABLE Quality, and Distinctive= n ess of Sty Ie. Feature distinguish our line of CAPS, SHIRTS and NECKWI;AR Just received and nowhere else to be found in this city. Always look to us for the latest. IINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & 00. r i I 1 I I A $281 and ,j$30 Strits 11101' - $28 and l$2,5StuitsItOWt)' $fSi andol$2() Stito tto' f,15 andol$16 Sutii 10010 $101 Mtto]$12 Stiis 1rto OVERCOATS $20.50 18.25 14.75 12.7 5 8.75 $;o (Over'coats 11o1-1'-'-$22.75 $22 ando $25 Overcotstow' 18.2:5 $is attol $20 Overcoats n110101 14.75 $i5 anrd $111 Overcoats roosw -11.25 MENS' FURNISHINGS $i~ooo andol$1.25 Shfit 80C $r.5ot Manthattanr Shirts - - - $1.20 $1 7.5 attd $2.11) ManhatiarnSits Is1.45 $o1 .; 5 andol$2. 511Manatlttan lrt l to ' -1.65 HAT DEPARTMENT- AII stillf ttd]salt 1101 ecep11 Knoxoo25(1 less. thant regulrlotric0. A discouttott hea0vyxxwool undrerl Io10iititoitg A C. Stleyo a1111Superioor. Keuile, Conlin. ft Fiegel Do you want to get in on the GROUND FLOOR on shoes? This is your chance. It will prove a money svrfor you. See prices in our winddw. SPECIAL SALE for a few days only. Sign of the big white shoe. WAG N E R & CO.k Studeilts' Lecture Association University Speakers for Remainder Program of 1908-1909 HON. CHARLEMANGE TOWER Friday, March 5 JOHN MITCHELL Fridayn March 12 JOHN HAYS HAMVMOND BARON KOGORO TAKAHIRA Single Admission Tickets. ......50c On sale S. L. A. Box Office, University H-all MAY FESTIVAL Tickets for sale. SCHOOL OF MUSIC A Spanking Good leamn 0( i a o set vio5 eor0oitly tllt yu llos, tott'I 11 foit 11t this ri}10Otl l'. (t1, oi o ) to z; 11'in-toor'e anda(t 1 blot it tio. 111"ZI:;boo 11101 pttIill he 01'r Fred C, Heininger J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 'tlly toot,l'otod Watch .Repa.,rlras a Specitst.6 Rowe's Lau n dr TH'lOMAS RO W Er Prop. 326 N. Fiftr. Ave. New Plhone45t e llotPhone.'t 45;-t, MAKERS AND DESIGNERS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY Hailer's Jewelry Star c 216 SOUTH 1 OAIN STnREr Large Collection Antiques iI Brass, Iron, Copper and Clhiinwar'e tot' frateroti~ta oro ti itt 111110o '+ 1010 ottido~t.denis, Addreots' Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICUI STUDI1O- - 3z4 lEast Huron Street