THE MICHIGAN DAILY t theli It ii s of our skillftul tailorts - the-tt trtest selec tint iii i111teItheII keetn ill lii c itic 1-er send t Itherenatouch Itof frnt i it ttakes''®r 1, vct y garmt.t twe la lioit ' .arm ~ is rghit intevery iletail. WVe dti a try ont with each ordet. I);t 't~l itnitil the sloIIt-t ativn e will told a drat iiNtnixleti gil ofitime yout yisli-t J. Karl Malcolm Tailor for the Chaps 118 Eiast Liberty St. r-rc AMUSEMENT"S New Whitney Theatre ISOTH PHONES 480 Sat, Matinee-Night Feb, 21 The Favoriet's Return KATHRYN " WILL PRESENT HERSELF Brilliant New Comedy "The Night of the Play" Without fear or contradiction, the handsomest gowned actress in America. Don't miss seeing the famous Osterman $1.000 cloth of gold Directorie Gown. Prices Matine: 25-35-50 Prices Night: 50-75-$i Seat Sale Thursday Morning M on., arch 1 America's Greatest Indoor Show 23 - Years Prtgressive Prosperity - 23 THE All G. il Greater Minstrels A Merry Musical Melange A Night With The Minstrels Fun and Melody The Show You Know Prices: 25-50-75-$l Seat Sale l'ridav ("mtilt iit- willitpi-Ittc Iat Ithe nili A. Srltttiittir itt t i t ht -held itM-ar tl-ch -~t r- Teti. ilt it itof i thi -l iii v~ill rcprescnt il a t' it e tt t - tflr1tit twrutrat rialut.tll Mli-it akes pitt1 t hiltii iis e; taitt Ci- HL igh mci ac; elete-in th liItttiteayclsIt-iMcittttttititSiith. lit. it C.ititiite 't o Et J A\ i-ti'Itt W \.S h cc .'t l iy I ttioitit ot ) - it ti i- ildt e th e t t ltl re )ti Prof. C. tItiiIt.jilt i i liii li c , i Ito'c "Ait STur Tousndiiri. Cmo flip owlt telsliI ttor tttt fr itti Tcti clo7. this \ gi llMa Soa&aCo. Cit i- Jtl AnteI l N allV. Li riii'o t tut \ict it to S tihe -oilt. 'I1'ti titi c itt rccti til i tilt tiltt a tc (I 1(1S t Arglay prac t etie -.1t thisti htIotlisadiottes oSlltit- YOUR PHYSIOLOGY TEACHES YOU THAT THE BOD is like an engine and that food is the fuel. The greatest amount of power is, of course, gained from the best fuel. So in the human engine, Shredded Whole Wheat supplies the most e a s i 1 y digested, sinew-and-muscle-building nourishmnent. 'By making Shredded k~Whole Wheat a regular part of your diet, your mental and physical powers are kept at full- steam all the time. It contains all the body- building material in the whole wheat, made digest- ible by steam - cooking, shredding a n d baking. It is found on the ''train- ing table" of nearly every college and university in this country. "It's all in the' Shrets. " THE SHREDDED WHEAT CO. NIAGARA FALLS - N. Y. lIll I ANNOLINCFIMEiNT iti i it i '''.3 i i li _irtt i We are now ready with our new Chinese YEA ive of high class Spring and Sum-Chns Chop-Suey Restaurant n rSuitings, in all the latest fash- Chllo- , Ia -y iti- i. t - ti-t i--1, t 0. 5.FR L N iu-ii-tist (1ati mit zci t titt1 if Ilii -- -1 t 1 t} k ac 'x ti :tt i 1i l ~lt - "l- , i lii i i ith r 3:; ai t.A ~A im 314 S. STATE STfREET " [DRAWING INSTRUMENTS ARE STAMPED Ea.CO. TALKING PICTURES Adremisfe'to e.tways the sanmo So ti...."s DETROIT UNITED LINES FREE!FREE! Betweent Detroit, Ann Arbor and Majesti CJakso SOUVEN IRS LmitdCars East Bound -a. tti':O T 0 W 0 M E N p ii tnututt p-'Ilt" WednesdayMatinee Lmied asAWest Bound-::'a.n. _____ Local Cars East Bound-to ) it.1:5a TODAY BEAUTIFUL n.1' 'p N-J1t iti15t tn.itnd alft h urly- GUTGLASS WARE iti :1 toalo t .15 a n.,1:a. ui trt 23 a.nt: nintiit ii- iti iiiitipijlatit FREE ! FREE! LoaCasWsBon6:4tn.. . in..and('vtry wo Tur t-11) .ft fyjE ; Is- M-Iade ttf rtIled(l ( rman silver and hIIchst raide tool steel. ASt the (er- man silv er is rolled, die stamped and hand finish- ed-the inst~u men Is are a/0l ltiI/a-Nta~ws Ii~l- stru ction and detail. Interchiangeable Parts ' j ! 'i . I __i a t (lyjt : . is " {, ! - i i list itt litokett-itixill lit Ile-iet ly. Removable Needle Points 'L-dataged potnts ate tretplac-edt li atittll Settuox-itu andaintsertitg n itt-a 7-itty~ Straightening IDevice -is ttttcied to CIoriilttsssti a ldlIidetltrs 1 titliniglhanidle tlways Il-ilerunit tuta . " Billiards . Bowling Gigars Candies Tobaccos HOWELL (ea JOHN SON, Props. M. E. RYAN, Mar- r "Facts on Drawing Instrutments" an in- structive booklet sent on request. Write for It. Address 1 11 V. qf M. BARBER SHOPjG01MOE J. R. TttOJANOWSII Prop. Ll O E I I,}T m) . ok) S10W R 1,E '-IS WOW THr E tic Jr. :Cat c.yren 22 S. State St. hi Mich- TE.J.CICo Phones359 Bell Ann Arbor, Room 45 Rowland Sldg. DETROIT Dt uti otf that rile till it grtsto coid. OutrIhorses tre tie tituditsa pleasiure to rile tbehindi. I lolites' lt cry- .528 F'. Jeffersont St. Belt 522, tIitutu 183. agtf Baint niueckwxetar fir men-i. \Allen'i Ctothers Shop, :Miain t:Si 8t ('uinte Mexiralit thili cont ('trtueat College bItt. 6tf I I 181 Motroe St Chicago EUGE3NE DIETZcJEN CO. Manufacturers New York New Orfeans San Francisco Toronto ANN ARBOR AGENCIES: WAHR'S SHEEHAN'S FOSTER'SJ I ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARID, TE TAILOR T" E BEST OF EVERY "tIING IN TAILORING