_,, THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Comfpally MERCHIANT TAILORS :. Have received a large line of wooclens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Mtienium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Hole. Royal Gray, and Kings Toss. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cauoberland, t .heater, Orient, Pel- hamt, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Baating "Tweed, and London Wars- teds. Please come early and have your Suit reserved. G. H. Wild Comupanly 311 Sauth State Street STATIONERY Ni sttsiis) ' its) an ti - to ts itt Initial Stationery STH E MICHIGAN DAILY.Itsivtheco, piis>oirsit ~ii 1 11 it'tt Ilttse \tr'tts F. Rsvs t uc i-thI i ts ) s i ;italrsfault. Tl luatistsiofI Harvar ililt sli' ti t s 1111in di t lorsi.s- Rssv F. R'sCHIE .isi News............Lee A \Vliect ti wllheitc-i n thut i wicth Atliletics .......... E. Eldtidge)t rc -stt t itheir ec. l iii gr...i . ... . Rotiert Moissier - - - -- t4rssi .........asisoisl\Settaer VV sit 's ' titorus....lu~syVaittoorhssrtt flI)U' ils "O ~ra ma .lishi)B.itMc)High IFveilI?. IGooditng itr til NTowusers Ituis KraNtit [sill Gri er Sallsuvi I iiMwsi- F- t. i. . itillsails'. ast) L ilt 1) A. tiniktl' lies) lass oil V. T. Cosklss . It. Illit C. S. tIc.ttis is I.; .1eivll kIr It i Iii J. sh . Brento BUSINESS 51TAFP Cal1. Acills I It. Ii sit))l C. A. I, 551 iii Noirmanss1I. [Hill Mlatagers bites: i-a p.tst., 7-80p. nus daily, except Sundisay. Bath phaotes Addrless: MtCtIGAss DALY.Press Bldg, \Masitard Street. is I l i l is ii r". : P A liiiI sis11\; ,n tw io lctl l i t) '11ilit is api a (ald ha th s its f letito ll toeI <:i c s rc t t a is sit1tilt s til sits I ii1"Sys theds h wilb clctds~pv e iucthey havet ii I. 111111 illark s i theI ir c l si ihe is is slti'ris Iiis wil l is ~tt 1te-id !)it to ii maslsi ofilist i tsisie) si (o ll Isidisc s as 1wel iss si is i)iisi Kapp was55 tilltil list 1lt M ii" sitheri 1):it iii' a -re t (cal() ta'1si iiii slkssifil is - :l is . it s v ts iii v l l s h i e Is that inc, lv)its s t eiril sei olist r tirds I.ear Isowll xcptons biit st ui le (wsslissavoriwitinfunta it1s list ptit cugitlrly sikept in ind Its sifts s"ie ti e bg ts 'slnit is ilri I lh it's hoss ii i 1i11_'1\II\S'f11il~iSI\S (Isisi1t ti".1iIsh suit-FIT11 i!i IlIi s Issil'. CrsldJs [vis its It is ihpr' 'Is. Gaisfrm a I);, '1 .1 t' k~v( is s to 1' TI itll 11-t Mli pits Ihusla ts,% itk Ihsldl its As list lii silpuct la;( ci ts. T eflct is) 175 t inS sistoss . tstr. -100 l l~ydsips.' Sntia o it 'sli is lse.il ssst''.' li low I Fancy Lined Stationery 55 F:i Students' Booksotre Sheehiall & Co. A. G. Spalding & Bros. T)iwiLisissi t N ititfact ttu s intsheu Wit d 01-iicsit it Ail t ul pl Foot Bail, Basket Ball, lce Skate. Hocey. Gait. Gymnastim Apparatus. ttating s tsi tis tly ~istiiatit vrtitstig stisiriii ottiltfiritiaii A. G. SPALDING & BROS. :sewYolii Chitagot tetrait. i -stn)r tu t icu) #_ stils l l's r55 ad11,)1 515 i)na erisis) h ImIi ii N\lI's) Hands sft cheap glo.,es it you uwant well-gloved --i atnds Handlout } i li iESBRBR SOP Pot ianCne ihn s s sit i 78 t lue OOT &BARDRSO MaauPorto Ricn oa42 ii'()1- b i-h a iii n~lsIl lc ;Itc t I t silts:r WAHlP' Special Sale OF' Sweaters ANP Jers-eys Al WAHlR'S University Bookstore IMPORTANT AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS, Tieslit ( eI «w lltt Is s it ut lesvloiils. I ill pi stit s)))I 1elt tilt s ' .i ";r ' ii si 5 )ii Tis tiseits mo csis ct i~ure' its i slit ilet \t'. LYAN DON 710) North IUnivsersity Avenue i Ksitlirist lists ts. sit the isit a1,its "7'hes.Fightr "Tell me not in mournful numbers" My purse is but an emrpty, d reamtt Well Why Pay More? yr THlE - VPPLY VP4NIC RSITY STORM 1 irr za z z n I x CfC: lrx7 IC* 3 pt "xI j ]C 1 CX aC7 n won their success among college men entirely on " ". their merits. Their sales grew as smokers " found A out" how good they are. Their o nl1y advertising w as tihe per- sonal recoin- mendatio n of friend to , friend. .. _ _ _ __ __ .. Y k. a BAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 EAS 1-11115RTY S'lTEET tor Hligh Class tOptic at Wisk Sir, I F i ii lino ii D-0 1 ARINOLD'S, Jewelry Store LUMIERE NEW SIGMA DRY PLATES 4x5 5x? 4x5 SOc 5x7 900 E. E. CALKINS. DR~UGGIST 243 South State Street x x !c x cxarxac !ckxve k x r k x c-za caracxv cacas-ac i . K> o ?cac2 c.r x 121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack Props. Phone 5