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February 24, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-02-24

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The Michigan Daily
IAix. Nit 101\C IA II) h: A ,112, t

(?I.. _ l \.

No. roi.

Freshmen Will Conpete With
Sophomores for Track Honors
-Basketball Results.
- CV tic lntic n h aiiy tio-tf ith ir star
calltlikthe omin, mut, Sbt fre lh-
n sophomreanathnlli-s areJwilk-
ing har to ge ino cn'ti lit forl th
;imlntl fresh-s itph in o r uai chl t
I tic i chedutltd fric t iedii- at lii- ii
nihtilln Vi V ii -ml gmnium I ~
Loth tt llim" icm c ill iii snp~
its, pliii ii iis.i t i iiiniiiimatti ii
c14 ieatsi;1141in tti wai o rco d
tilec1t itzati111 te u te1l
atho ok n dt hattheliti mgh
\, istlt r i ll he I Il ii hul -ile.
di c I~din lit-In h-iii eet yi i
nine-las it cm
meet11 iiiliillii 11111 w1ill i stl r,
arelito c li i li'' l 'lli' h all ce:tt ill ta l
l'riy N " i itract:iarc liible orth
ii el tsi in l-ni 11111td ailoritnly I the11
u l ~iii init nre iiii hoi aclilt l
I i 1111 in t it tl tic' clircile. Po
itold a Ithefr inah rdtse
lii it Iti;5 i heen iii n I I 1thu1 3 i
Leo i- 111 i~tlttitl lpon hopt
wtell n ttiidasiiiit 111111dc. T re
ti1 n hehih t i a di llti hh
a la ionai t 1111w1it he largely upon
hi Nokta hir 11111 niu to i n till
b Ii he -i l r li r I i lli nI u1111wi111
iii tin icntric, 1wi lhave tlil hs
ill nil w-ills tiun i the poiss, cii-i
part in on mar Itry 1 11111 ii nar
Ithelolilot .n willased alitthclm
tat lithe' ilwntemet'h is
mae itt cl w epi h iuccd itit,
ti[ ' laien-tlf -w11e1, ha t ftlit topho-I
mor", 11111,iheen11shoing ll 11 weI cl.l it
Cat )ill "tatct it r nthin tilicitliii lia
he led it follot wersVI an- fu illie iIaiV
anVVVI thetimtleintetnth l-ap IiVcai

IDirectorV itzatralick tniittoVba Van lcotetst-
cleain-tuilt-is i inet.

tll lIjunir itt n 1 awaylii I 111111th
lint hlfiithen- n -iV ill2n in i ;4a117111
the cxlli-lttler;,and \\it th ,ai c w,1

litalf.l hli ic up
1 1111 l... . . .. . . i.. in .. . .. . .. .
Ilclt ch .. .. . ... -LG, . ....
( l ii VIt tll l-ni l iii I
HoIii . I l'lllsll'' - l 1111
-?ict O Ilral11111'' rd.
It- ~ l) -I if1F ]l~ ?\1 i i n
\-e of ()1 111l. Th
11411 lii

ct- - - hnsi
ran. Ward,
Ii 11 f - 111~

-1 "'Il (1;2t
V1R h .. . . . . 1ll1
II it
I i icc . . . . . n,.in Illi
Kehn-i \; I ii g I '> it ,itin-tit I"((
lli t itheil s1enior c i incr n teli
h 1111111111 ii llswill he played. 1
\11 11111ntresedillw ctii1ml
wSiclt atjkill k hisVIrl wlIl
ilk, 11 lillil" l )(ll oftinn-Illsuin
kp i lls t n-ti-iad milia 115 1'r 11
)I:. Ql- t Fi I J1111 IS'll - kll)111
S L\ )LI' 1 11 ; I I Z('Ii l
'liii lill's d y-wat clebatdIrlh
Sgth time kbINy te ncfil su ent
Tusalight. hi i ealii the-i 1-11111IN-
illr linIVei n h Ill ofi(l r. Henry'S-
11111Flele lI-l-t p locssor lilthilog ,1in
iii deparment. The prVIII 1ii tofi-11

IFamous Quartet a Revelation to
Ann Arbor Audieice-Univer-
sity Orchestra Gains Praise.
Ii I n li II Inight ill tir-it nldllAnn
tio of wi t i p ssile ill clilliI
Ch ir illln t) 'I tat 111~ t,1 ullof1111 t
ni igor. To il sliii o Ilt iccta
Ic <111s1)11 o r ie it in the1111hihest
11,;1 Zl id 111111 i;n-I ll11'i tt l\;lt ittin,..i
11d 1g 111111 d l ug t n t nry I ny) ii
nct- hequatetbrugh i t f l~lyn all
1 lVaki - l intll - I~ tln cln n'tnliII
f~to ," l ii11 1l nct tarc h deep),
"I anl f tone V1111 1 IIdI tll 11111-
_h c cIalcicc, nd ;1 ill 11timentn I I
olc ls \i'I ":n 1,1 11\1n)11
1a\ 1 nig iilithat it .oodheI pon of onl
,i 1111,ic n Ann Atholnor 1t1the lay
I I I llll Lickwoo111111 aying1p''
Itic-111 ,1) .atis it J 1an1 rc1 sta111 -
,l iiIll lltyo r i r n ai nd lil-
iinlc tp l i 11111 s n dlil Iintrn-
' ccrlin clraliii 'V1n intic n t inmitin

ti lil. litl lon' ' - ' Malnncn'ii-
do s Irte \ I,1111,d , 11 V
Chillii. . S -
i P reia. larnet - ,. ar inson,
NIcld k i ii 1111 . 1 . \il aNd 1111111 m
INpts-II.:A ilis, 11. AL Aliii'
lotc 1 . C. 1T1ric Tiopa lIt . 1.
itt It oiii.
Prof. Thieme Has Prepared an
Artistic Edition of "Le Barbier
de Seville" for French Club.
de i e 1 ii. 1111111h ns in i edliui1i
Ill f.I ll - E'Itl i 111111111 I, Ilai n11il-
to of the LIrcu1111 aI'llnlti Slithe111 it iii il
V gllle pI I o ~lil~l I ilili 111
- -i li is 1111111ti-In l rtli li ll d iti' 11111-
h I the lmember, If tilln 11111111 tna-
t11111c il'rn 11111 111Inllits thinte 111m1posi-
lil hs ( itii s 11111 1 ii i 111a111 mo 1t1
till-i s fr reardn T h1e11 paper-1 iN1111
C!\ - arlic ofthI 1111711 and most 111 itt Il
litc ia l w ih, ;-i in ilo li it -o V
- 1111111 Iw, lslicttrtIl sci lll foriI
1111in I - Ii IV c i pintein god. I licVI
l,-d so tMit Ipapern of 111111 ni ish.
i scp Io n 11111 III l, th 11martin, and
spac11inii f or tanusal1101.I1
to t- 11111111 111 a n t Ill(11pr1intrl h
aiid to1111 lillall otnI ir dto hc
he i su nital o llassroo il 111111lit i~
of i in11 "as- of1 c e iionllfor
[I ltt n p IIoe Ieac1 c p} 111 I '
-_t fie fo me b ok . Ii al ihe e r
lit ro ti tn icc ilsit ll 'tI 177 - 1111
.11 t im lat lilicf Ii linnun Ill i" II
luh ro I"t, 1 i lliut-i I a 1e- ril
k kc l kltl coIl tli i ns1111) haltIoill'.I repro-lt
iutio ll t t"ial iiittlt tlcaiiit Iha-
mul-itolrll ha111,hit - Niu stc prI-
111 caNtif thelprodutioS(nfo ici
th Sk'tc ieitionli, Ii N tcdtfI'i'

Resolution Forbidding Unsanc-
tion Attempts to Regulate the
Underclass Activities Passed.
-- hrc> k~ Vln tl the tident Ck'uicl, Il11-
I 1111I atoillty ilic al( uderlas111
ic i i, niis l p nsl-It hr tiltcfaclty i
til the Iil tt n e utiou f h
- hemit s. I a recnti attmptwas 11
Ill l-lll-I-Ill te CounilI~ II
-i1111 1 trsled h ta lii tlt ic is to
tr 11(11t11'call.,-throug11111dt-nt,
'lii 1111 un Nib} i 1t, 1111de hI Counci
hI-l-nigl u11111e1Cunil tipsst himi
st} poi inthvn g scha n test,11
Nc f uuc i'tllilli wgilliza1 i l h t Ia
liltr l atd " t -y1hefauly1 n
which1 is l-el e -h tdnt, for that
' urllimit
No ci t ciii was I aken in I
I iopotcn a to n tial 1 11111 i-
11111'li cau(V h Ncra n. 11o111, Vili
Il rl is m n Ni Ilanifiiil ill''t-
-liii- 111111 1tilt, freshme ilinfiso thlt
moe uo mtrnot ml a il ienough-
nniihersto m kv i a <ccen 11Th111 m
'Oldi PimcI t iuuu l i ll re t a li t ih
li-Illmenning.i ul il li u nilr
The pecil ciniiiti c n-thletic iiias
dihadd. 'Ibs Nnnite id charg
:J111c im 111 n rlai ltitei up r
11y-j fth a- mw f me in luho
T lith wo k sm N l u' ill-aytllil
C ucil mi'e limhat tit ul ile moeittingt
andi licttrI min--utdretlyb th ty -V
le tc 1111 \ hoitnui r I yItill i leadersNtiuit)tt
pi-uui ,m t hat mull.iii ii Iu ncl w ill
o-(,pefaiN tiN 'N i N ndti'N illr
wins111 plier IN 11111 (NssmelcifvkAN
onl~1 holld the net Ma amt
11(n Ni-mtIer l l-iad l iiiihe iiiiu l- ii
A 1seci 111111 iiumt miconistingpVof'i
friu,t ed i(i J , marr he frsh a
liic api(i1tt-d coins it in NiCif lii
( m01 urly-andt rimau.trmm mn nm
1i he treiitilst ofiitatien-i-I Ilmeimn
ber wee aproed f, nd ife flo iin

toi in ale to- it iiila-liiitheisitutinecly
tNt- hltmiharer nii -ilie alivten.

"''ee sa I ' ntut T sm 'chiaiknow-
ill y hm finihm iand harmoiit-nylihowni "Schoolil NI-imyn umumit iwaitin sub
war n-h 111nhl inil anil amailturtiiityliel- in-Ct oftheli- li-iturei Idlulivmn-id-il ylt Deat
l~clo«- s giVL11a ,o In-tn-lint if tmnthe s nir ith-lint nempatnmum-hng
li t S m~-r.Smue l l,lhCintitiih I, oi i zauiltion isinirimaiurilyto si stnnni the
Iiis A111n i I intli Nisi Naude :as - wotrk of thei schnilmu nd tiha imt till- i-i s
Itckern I L Ni. Ilutitu ni 1111, His In liii uh a t i itng; s ioer-orgi zaltlion.
int Frotit. I in:ihiss :a in Situli IlcB.(. 1to teni t is 1 h nessary Iin ior
Ic' Cris uu.tin Niin u rger, Pault I n IN . dcr Iha itucol morganiza1til ay
10i C iii Secn- J u l hiti -A. I Rin In iinl bt-preservedylitntai-itt t he luilsii
:his CS I)INeIIJohnnNtimilt Ali i uth tu myl heiMug-ttttiin ctSniveul hefidea of~i
sey, S.i)."ii e eI utu i ssiut iNun'I ' iron-lagi oodtiti i I mm tttintti - li t Vn-'lh nniiie mt
Ais Jeai n L nhutrom, J M~issEvlyn sI mmiibeunltifornm.inlust, 11111nhuheian
J. iA limit, J IT.Nhotiit J. k. NI ii iii aleii iitid, uhminimm' - nthttu titin Iolimt-
I- t.B setX J.-Sken-ln. IVilas- msous n ditti itn ililN,111an iholt Imssenss N ai
I', A Silt mmlhiJ. A.SMarinekhAN J.I iiidomitikg homelioi hm'snubject iwhiich1
IWhitmire. ViolnelloNs I leti Ilit-i IK-Iha-ins ltehing.y

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