THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 6. ff. Wild Collpanly MERCHANT TAILORS :. Have received a large line of woolens f or SPRING and SUM- MER in (Meniunt, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole, Royal Gray, and Kings Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumbherland, Chester, Orient, Pel- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boattog Tweed, and London Wors- ted. Please come early and have your Suit reserved. THE 1MICHiIGAN DAILY. iN I RSSctl1'[YIi il; 5 it xisttsts Edttorae ei t F. ReTCHet .1 1,1c i itist ity sof Texa; 1 .t; ;t >1.5c 1Bustess Mooager-- toiN . R. ,1 Hnerr Socie~ utywihis pte ,hn1 te bokihner of th~sinsistsou pe Newss..... .....Lee A White1 silt rsist sof llies sti -is ttt Athletics........... Elldridgel sudentscola tnth 1 _ prc)55.lstitit Exchiange...... sher Nloutsier ofth i h tosl thetDlit alts Iftiitilti I Musici. ......... Holiso S. Baker onat f lye> Dramsa.... ...Raysmond Visselsert suxt?51 i,>l< an si-sisse-on sanysi et ints sito lc--lati i tk. 51 ollcl' ctlssltti - l leg ot-r ksstine isss o tutbliiii . ii .11 it nd (th risi ll- utis ind '11sisil islit 555 sli it d i i lslt\r11Itil fatll isg'~ts ls ..O r Isis liacur tililiomptlsett t i prom 1pt! sipplitig andt it ititilt i n sui- 5tsbitu { usy. -55 stll fal i n s i ;till,koitit ith i ouss tlsiness iu srpli t i c\ -\ -lk t \ l o p raii- for a tie-, sICe .llltlE 011 11 llict(nd' itslnetts 01' Wsl ot-i It vlust ves stoutowi folist- issupessll lnes sits is-t rc 11'sti sd soi lt t-sitap , t t col ilI" iltS lino I tisssptstttsfsts n sion iers utu.e Sue 'idssue tc:lnl~ o11s lt'- ti an w anidsl efh}'etl le si s o ithi ssit tlt-tfi o wk <>tn :hl si(1 is"m y wetsica ostrapighi~t sto 551 i sgts t titlis t 1at lhlsn :1(1 Cueit o alt- athor iststiv o ushi in an rti t dttrctlhlp.In 111,iO 5 ii1i(1 ic-l. d o- stal1111a y r' till etti 5oy Added lits' tHs.our ertostocot-, o- tutu1il cn (; m l ti mpr sutloelioss hanisandtioirsitl iti sts o h it1'rit It -\\ii;14: i tlts~to tl twiln issigfauthetitusslt e, stts ii itave it 11 t ~s in- iltllsiitl sisslifots andsiis p-ia i t seller.I lerth itlehit liststinof is) thi- hy Hiitstl"5Iis lis- Phte etiandtpisles littittourfactsin-om tl's tha-texac(Sts'y tmhsts indfilvir-td u treqits'- 1tIOK' ; 1):iL\(,1 N t S tis renis--tattould exa tl m st rtar fist"'e spiatlly sstrongt ltitu litica iedll ar oit eiii I titus m ton w ruisliesl.lryic ,c Qisaitysitok-sokrsssasstyear0 ssssogrss i e tsed ilerltue, apledrses i il i fufuuu stitl 51115555i055 155 is~p ulls sit anytifa u ii itus \()Is petitytithsour-el s-htositil no ati onsisa si osel s an d- ishes pice f l ist isIs11 i . ot ;otst-li (.0 1 1-t I b I i