THE MICHIIGAN i)BAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfiekl & C.EAST HURON ST. JDOLLY'S 30S c. SATE51r B-B-B Briar and South African Calabah PIPES Imported and Domnestic Cigars Cigarettes and Tobaccos PILLOWS and BANNERS AT Darling & Malicaux V. of M. BARBER SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. c3AVLII OssiisI 'O1:I'Ii.5I N'I1It tot' A NIt t't.ItS,10 11 i TtIt ls 322 S. State St. Phone 359 Bell Ann Arboor, iuch. Try VAN KLEEK'S For ICE CREAM 300 Eaat w~olinjtn. St. Phones 7'8 L 78 Bluel U'NDELRCLASS LI tItAS EXCULRSIt)N, SUINDAY, OCT,. ITS JOYS S t) TRI t TLtATIONS V si _Iiehigait Centtral. Jackson, 6io _______Grantd Rapids, $ Train leases 8: Thle "tank scrap. at Purdue was wron a. im.. returning sanme(lay. 7-t0 lby the sophtomosires 'Tile freshmnen wo011the antnal tie-tsp Specicat ibusines's men's lunhtei:, at the 'niversity of \\'astiington. ca. in. to 2 p: tn. daily-, 204. Sooth Ma The freshmn wtoi the recent push- street.95 hailt contest againtst the sophomores at _____________ Drake nniversity. F OR S it I'Bull terrier pups -ft Tile tag rosts at Rustt .tedicat college months oldtcats trinsmedt. 3. Stoti, providedtiniateriat for the npperclassBtowontoSt.,City. 8-t0 ctinics. Seeratsf the studtents swere ___ ____________ hadlttinjuret. CUse Otdt tngtisth flnsatway. 1te At Cotlumbtia, tthe fonntains5, a soutlihones 237. C t. .tNljour & Co. 8, kiss iff ive miutes ituration, 'nd utlstl________________ ii ltspay t roetiu prt i t iletsfresth- Iseitltntin:'iWhent pttounediapr sohConfl icts.tot stitpets stic sstdy ins,tots silt fi 'The uttri'cssiiofsitlteColttege itt tem ttIi Prisetits shtticstote. Wietic Physsiciancs ,'cttttSurtgeouns, int St. lotstitatle tkidthtittatisfy lccccsse they it hel aclssscaponttecrosf cut ai$'.75 tic$4.0no Coiii24 three-story'biiittigt. Bcueoaicaciitas tssouredstil Cali ct IRooit's \ilusic housise 1tu(u Ite thebane icsuic'sedt intshtcsrusts ct tie Cttn i-te smsisic frscmcsChctacns&' Hlcrris'mi 'cc esite if ittdicitic, the sopthtoir e ighst trets. Ccitt 1 wtcs diecclret cc drawtt. cileicaneirust ictt te University of Flannshit tirts ati swstater tests Vi-cstiiitatitcchas be-si clistid estccscascitae iby\tten, .icinsistreet. 8-12 ccf thscrisst gltssss of thesropilhsomores cantd ___________________ freshtustt chii it caectic t'cisinsg catte. Cottlegicanrccitncocats fistr cttege its( ltlsccita'zinat .Amhsterst tihss bects ctssc- 8i3to $2>. tcsale tbtic Attci, 'tic ished ieventhtstiftithe soptomrsitts ayit'street. 81 haigisntic tfis th teic' enijoymientcut ___________________ fcor th rsmn sito.Ttheflcag rusth .\ccctrc s een-roomts 5house cccit, wsitt ice ittltswciiif thc stisietits coisidicttleystreet. cpescitelytfuirsnisheds, ill be themtsetives titkc' s'ctltttetiic'si f conditionc. lBcchs Sitgey, i2ti N. - uivtcs sity have ctheir tloctks lof______hair_______ haingti' iinthccrooss fsophomoirtti'es ascIc t'tcitc tstirts candctsiteii'vests sovirs, fors i ciiir-cuttingksis inowitn sale ty' .Atecn. 1l'ctistreet. 8-i2 vogue 'iiat 'ooi'ciiiit'ss.'Ttileicacultccitt and______ freshmentdo notlike 'such aci iscii'sc'iiit 1rcci crshs- thetisost tpotpulccr i y'tct t'i iclge' cats.'the kindctycittcants ii tcIftSI1i.lN CGIRLS 1T1 ciosr ticist. itenrcy& Cc.709-711 hIErT I tCS 'tis'crsits'. ti Up-toc t-cte stilrtscolttla'r s unit tic's htrlst o DteacnssJori'dani's fturu'anii tic hldtodacycc'fruits-4 tic fctccci t t cyou51r bactthstiii' ss si liii ccitt' c~~cscitiche sind toile(Ts's caffaiswitt ticic's ct Caistiing'; pisticci'ict' wl bi'e ic ma ''dec, t o gnizets. cit cciic iss ' (I I:I S HOLDitt1I Si tcfi .11,1,00' icc Put, flit scite iby'Alteni, MiniiiSi. ifiAS' Vt' St'EIP\' I tCLc)-- Tikitoe!IfyudntbyyS Iltictisith', irlgs' ccew' cthlecic iir~istiiit fromititts, it'sbothc tose tic iid wscac c sneiof ccc cii's icst cupid c'.. hen'cc's&Co., 709-- 71 1 N. Untis sscrc'riccsicil.sissesgs'c'rc'sunsitoric's cc$30. fitsalc'e by'.Allen, SicainsStc wen aroii 'cc and plan"ii ic s for i. iitip ci thi:'Cground;is icic' discuissc'd. Jilt i,iiC\'ii Sift ________ SMiiCRCiiANi'T' Sut,t0if We selcass ic it iriars cif city. tIslc ict11 ltftNC S ; NDt PREiSSINi. lhclii''i7. C. It. Majoir & Cii. 8, to0 2it5 'I?. 'iScshiisotscSi. Sisitie's htcs, "tce' sit(,'ccci salii' C'sceiti'nicloistic'est'r oestie ncii iy SAlits, C:Bai st'reet. 8-12 to 'Pt. tcs sil llt'ic ut. MaciiiSt. °IIU IThe College "Air" t -,t _ e r The $w ' arll Ces" not only distinguishes in preeminent degree otur "College Clothest' for Young Men, but everything else that we sell. It breathes true refinenment and possesses thte style that is real, because it's subtle. You see, btut you can't defise it. We choose all our patternts and models wits pun~ctiliotts care ansdsins to preserve a treastured exclusivessess, while barring vapid eccentricities. Oturlinses are big enoughsansd broad enought to mueet eves:ypu~trse and pref- erenice. Yotur patronsage is courteously insvited. Finte tine of Fttrnsistitgs, Hats, Caps, etc. din Staelbler ft Wuerth Co. 211 SOUTH MAIN STREET WALK-OVER SOSadOXFORDS NEW FALL STOCK NOW COMPLETE cit i i Our Specialty: N. t College Shoes for College Men and Women -r j pf IRADE MARK REG OS PAI Off WE KEIIHCONPANY SEE WINDOWS for Excltusive Styles iu Fall anid NVinter Oxfords in French Calf, Tant Moose, ansd Ox- Btood Cordovan Leathers. Ptrices, $3.50, $4.00 $5.00 and $6.00. Otur Wacter-Prtoof Camplus Bosots tunequalecd at a ny peicee WALK-OVER SHOE CO# 115 5. Main St. 1 i I itNEU"&I . , tasite Stuee sll.sims Snsofciii Ingwhit tsho . J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler WANTEDSCOLO MUI ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 MAYNARD STREET ultyIGuaraneucisd Watch Rpa.Irlejf a5pcal~ty Special courses in all branches of music for Solicitors to sell tickets in all departments University students. Rowe's Laundry of the University for the Students' Lecture If you wish to "make" any of the varsity musical Asscitin.Thepprtniy ffeedisunx= clubs, or wish to acquire a knowlege of music, call T26OMASiftROWeP. Assocation The pporunityofferd is nex= at the office for information.32NFit celled, for a liberal cash or ticket commission New phone itt Belt Phone 4-k is offered, and all desire to purchase tickets for - WAI KING Lou MAKERS AN) DESIGNERS the best program offered for years at the Un- Chinese Chop-Sney Restaurant Crig n OF COLLEGE JEWELRY iversity. Chinsee Fancy Dises, Ameran Lnem of CriganBaggage all inds. Eveyiis es-lass for H le' e er tr ladiesand andgentlenmen.FreahCult Cineand Japanese Bric-a-rac. 5o ah50mto and trins otis, H ie' e er tr tbefore it2oloth $.50, after 1clc Up Sair, oe dor S HutonBros 31 S.Stat St $200.26 SOtTHI fAIN STREET Apply at the Treasurer's office in the Alumni rooms; lForStarscneTdrunk lisenorosfr314n. Salert, $.00 dail exeptSatrda an Sunay,4:0 to5:3 P-In.pice wllte 25 Cents. it aid tic dal ecptStrdyan uda,4:0t 53 pm, AMBULANCE Bell Phone, 9, 213 o from sp-stairs, the price with bc Large Collection Antiques in Satrdas, o~o toI2:o a inlame Phone, 98 50 Cents. Satrdys,1000to 2:0 0 0.Drvers aec reqited to collet ceshts Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware - .A DLH&+ o seioadhgaecrFe oe raternity snd serority houses and scessosr toiU l. M.Sartin i WAL{Fgt'S LIVER~Y Student dens. ROBNSON Pa CO ~rr Funeral Directors W. H. STrARK Aile ____________________________________WSATTLES' LIVERtY. Miss Florence S. Babbitt 209 S. 4th An.. =Ann Arhor, Mich. YPSILANTI, MIH. STUDIO- .. " 319 Last Huron Street