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February 19, 1909 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-02-19

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The higan Dally

FRESWSOPHi SNOW IltofI is il <] il
BATTLE -ARRANGED tiyIl, i~1>f1
Underclassmen to Take Advan-
tage of Wintry Offering; Fight c""i' e ci1 Lc
Ma eoeAnnual Custom. lcd~caottl
jctlc bu it2 iccill the ltic i
i ,6t tiltine il the wayv tof frei -op .10011 it
11011ontanousic froim the fertiie brins ofn ccir ii t~~dncattl
Pcl uiiidirclassitcn, wh11( r o un o ta c e1 lcM nh
keep up11 clas-c antooiit te m rr
cudi. Tlic batlc isc sccdldt o cu cvcti1ee lii. 1l
Satutirday miiorniing ati 10 o'tc ki n th tii a~ of zi ii ccl lc n
itet cross fromt hei caiii ts Th Pc ,)I c pw 1c.1o ,11
foliloinig are thct:regulation fo-te tnr .'t- cd lcc
ilffairt lii , (!t~i 111
c-iasssc nav gatlher upti he lv f on i ivl be-1 hai lc
test, the cutili hatvlng ihicas u f i ic ot n t
tiht Hld~. Til conttaltsi avi fottcc
tili ioi o'lit-tire ar s c fotifc- c
use.it cioze or ii "ladd Si bllt stl tu
At 10 cti c k soril l tie i albi adcy n-diiiilpr. lcclcl~,
tesiiii-iitictiti e fori nechiiriilessid t-it 11 ii d 11 iii
011iclssv s li l v i ld e h othriti-01 I i i- t c net cii
or ave detroyii- d liiitiiiowt rutr. i coul 11eti a i tt' a- ai
clitc ii o n iio advntage at itieed o an i i 11 i i, <<1 n
hcIo o yottl. ihe cilt g -ll i bei tdu ?nii l1 :I r 1tit i-i
clarc ia ctic -c oii ptsc-.~ltlii -i
hcttvt uii cc iiii Fril \V sm id J i .\Va irci -vi ; i i d:< 111

liv; til i liiICXXN, FRID, Y, 'fllllkl .X 'i-ci i, jii)i.

'Iii. loll

' Venerahle Guardian of Library
Cloak Room Celebrates Birth-
C01day-Patriarch of Ann Arbor.

.\A1 \OMiONiliiiNilS CIICZ(I.E.
i i is 10riclay. iMarch ity t Nth i theli
a kcmc h - .11. lMarceli- iicic onii cc
Ni N-titi iditlei
1rraven ~ s smIwc niuleI,-the i
j ha, (1 ) Idw it it l tic-A - icci lioi th

\o. o8,
Justice Brewer Will Speak Be-
fore S9. L A. on "Our Mission
in the Cause of Peace."

Mill _1 rac
ci iv Bl slim - t cii

thc o,-cte pat ftic lift "f ickitJim
ltritc, a d fr tns it (i i nd11c c ii i i n theii
ll cc tic liii iii tci-litst iy() cci ii p t '1cd
i i ii ci i i l~ k m ilfi t he Ii i~ c
c~"ii hcit lit ciii atriac cccii cAlm c .\r-i1it
ilc I tic cac ci i cliii c iii c pastcci I c i - ttic t -i
Ii. cccbtlt-iuill>y vvcsccit Ictc i l ac i , lrii

.1cc-it t [ 1

teli ra ccc i a
cc; diii cc- N the-

NrIit , lii
c ilis z

I c'

SNll N N'
n in 1,'~ic e i-stY ihal ta
cii c c ii 1toutu1 h ii o ()
iilc" hl", r d :ct ilt, eta
C-li ri t 11<tl ii i
- ii 'C3}l ititit i i nit ccciii
-T i s t c iiis

juticevt*iiivi J. Bt rthe-emi
juris: o iiie I itic ci Statcc c ll
courtt. tilldliveriialliaddressc'here
egtin Uciversiy ccfalimii h
ii f ]ii - n l- i he Ci s
gil a: -t: 1s a i ll', i c- )i(i t(Wk ,
iccciclici ccisiud-Nts 11ei iiieu c ci
ttla Cci iii t ili11- 11 hii'
Co inyto earliii -s c.II- e
iittort upon ar i l-a i , or h
ClevelandIc illi""o6 andccii'ialoiai1
liiczc-ti I kitshCo iacli,
crnv r is W y ki z I (c Nas
Ii)~-C ii iiadres> ~ -ccc ci
ccios Ii adthi gea iiurQ
Orto a hehicut - Nl d a
l~ol I~c\v' s :;adiaed f il - i>

ci civ
1 clviii

01c -Irk luti
lur' a~it i
.ll rr l t lill
r<11?! °t11 1 1
tSil(It'1' l t'i" C1


N iil
-c cai

<l I


Nihi lthe iMemoriailliiiili hg raily
-apprtoatching complitio-nlthe liblliarti itill
soosicliet' le ilt-piture tit''.vcii-ioc
ltutuucivrity. lUtfciiticiii-1.the spa-
t-uottacmswill bliv aitlablelifoth liii
ig if iclticcs. 'Pleiietic-tv ichodiiof ex-i
hiiinigtwouksof ict, iii ic is eicncu
ioldalc i cii it-c Pccotuicv, ic tut lit
tsiictmonthc, itcscshowinig aconiiiitiua
roundiiiOfi laintingstatd adingiitm1111h toi
thc intr n dccc be111 auityt he ii-gtalle-ry.
It c iu pedl tut ltthecabiveimetod ctill
lit ivaseli-ctherc- sinc yvavescimit-
Xltiiteiticcnig iniiicnt ii cam t i\'
rcecctly -regarinig tlivpotrit, T he lii
bookc if itic couttct
Proccf. I )Oogc WLitcsirceciptl ocacieci
icc frcciiiBcccca Collcgc,.Kltuttckcv rc-
cntli-, askcigthait Michigantiti id- ii
1in icheiormetichccl preven-c-it morrc-
proucvltionsv of thec picture. lcccci Col-
tliig claidtheioiil icictuircecialcd
duicers 01fi. lMr. lhlccr, tvccscer at
the lpictigaleiry, ecaminedttitheyti
i-c'it'Pcopiy of tichi tict-, utndi cftcc
ccemovi-ng flit-numberilita111 frcovii ailowerc
cocir isciicove-red iiticictrdc IP. Johntt-
son, 188N, ilcoving almoti beyicd-iti ic
dloubht ticatNlicliguaitiand ntvi erccec,
plossecssessthis fatuouscaintingliin11hec
Eflfotcs cwill Pt-iitmadelitto act aiui-
ciolusselecion madic in thocarsecof thy
stattua-y anid to lhaveonly ithc cesi pieccs
tin cxhibitiono in the -gceat ccentl all
if the btildiing. The statuairy is cc-ili

tnilt-il w1u)11 rii ci
)i ctli( 1til ll i t
trnilct liihlr
:clii lvii - li lii
lisp ali (1Ci tn (
iih( cit aitl~
111cc 11actijitilci.

VIII lac "I
\\"I'i k

1 (il',

11111 -11g a , c ci oftic "blocs" ie
.ctivitV (T o er aicti tc cilii ito ic-cd
hi; rsig~l")ticn, b tte is fccliii' ele-
r.,v, ; d cv"ry~ e klow', t it hli i i
l111) a, a paro w i tiltayi()r1111cc c
'I~l,,venrahc it~ue o th ocI imanc
1- Io bct ide tified cwith heii. e
ii <e> ani d ' hititit scl sencc boysci Ninitir.,
>riclll iffiNr, (n pssiw)1' Nfrom1
AliOwNiitic ccee iti octhevictciiliiili
ttc a l. n i cctt ftc- evc eingc
\Vi iii it il i iill cdicss tecpr-
ii ci hc cl ,tl(t ccl littcictitl otutu i on.ii
icittccc- ii illwi u d ct il
cI)ii .I l)pitlgteod osntf\o
Ni N lvi '.c and iisi tirs tilt Ne n -I1

i Elit
iii In-
tii iii
toc th

SI' "1I , C l IA .I Ii )N I I 'ccli ). lil
g ir \ iii icicititil lt liem I lito
wlil w miAc al d lilth 11 ully'
best< ter t , )t>>> Nn atl 1111r ~n<t

o\c ndc I -ItItI d clae h
tlt do IIt i l 'W ycoCiii
wtccpicesiar' frm c\-lullto
ens ;n[ k (fal1Iti tit. for
!. t e ,lpc iiliicd 1-atic
)Ihurcc ; -egi 11te girlcs-a
ofci n in 1 m cciiiQ, and c-v t
11tk cc cinclxt;efl.ke cl v
l'l r d c l' wetill t e li s
it -it", t iW n ) t dlt ti.c
uc tic\ l ,,11: 11°ca d - cand

NI-ei llt- 18;8.
:Many cclic-ii and tnetu pci hack
io cuciccc ch i int I c cn c i 11atlilil, 1(m rlyd g e fd~ o fI lw i h
institu.tn ar as l lo : ic-c I N st -cc
rcl IocNN,'18c-c cut I c I t t itC . l c iii Ic
Taccu 18oi;c N lit i t t i-c 1cc I c II it 1
icnO WeleanIciir- Sci ll i c i -
Io }it olglo , T a -nh {1
i-ittt '' itsii
ui icne . I' r the i t ii lec'i ii
hel t he ic if-dlcofpc 1 .7 ln
cIii. Fomlv t 160he ccupcc Ithe
}tcitt. I l i e t ipoc-it in - i l t)t i
tic- e i wasit I flii d,- by111cc 1 1 clii v
c-IcI~ mii'tiiii i n hi s poslit on un it
his iiaillctmen t i18 _Ias Idoci o 1 -
Snited cc acscc rc i c ourt1Ni, i.
it o greai wa tc-c-iit ~ t' I l 1 ,
thut hewa sletcd s.ll cc l i us
ettve since:: the1
A il lc i t t t i i ui c c i a l I i I ' -
'N m r u i-i im por1cctantlu ck oi ng, ,.i I c
S'i t o c ithe Putlpit c, 11ci ' Iw Ite I
'liii NalliCti111hip 'llnd'Thei'i e
(Tllhrdyi cci 57' heLdctincu
met 1a1n1 dcisvccussedccc'lit -l' Ic 'lic e
iColleg Honorsi ci ci cc- iccich ' 1
ofittc onseiqueniitice to tiucc itit i if iir.
Pcme itt us f lctitg ti'lvudicntsicc cc P c111
cut p wI ercuc severeily.ic civ-tic iltf il

11<i t( lii 1( 1 a

I3IZ11 t I )


1 D-S. AIRIIC i C Fi ..11<Nil-li

1.1~ono uclcthelife andiw(
D - il dlt e isci liii lI
The Ph NN illt" rdr
R.A.11 d u c I ii i
IcDitarw i", I ic-c ielci
'-Cc i. C iia cv. c
'Ic- i cviiiy of

cdllc ,da y 1II;-dI .
> cr to t ilk di- -
C}rl<, ()I Clmrlc.,
IC(l 031 CWIR*c.
1S';Il lVCH
cd 1 catr ," Prof.
of kolall.-,Or.
I )anvil]." I )r.

ii 'cciii .111tt1 -
tice Itcrii I ltic-c 1
iaiicc I.-1- t i ciii;
Iii( Ic11 I1111t cl't liii 1 ii-

lithc hr lo rh l fte t ~-icc c i c-cb l ictngis anii iltiuc 'Kti i -Itt c'
cuht o chi ctectural woc--rk exect-utecd byicc WN
is- a coci on ofu plc t shuucforc cicity dtic - u tall 1
in; 111ocse and lfoicaclii icecybutiling. NN c rvi
N f tchev 1ccbcuiidings cias l t-ey c-i;tlcd i-c c
app11111 1) fccinlishcedciaccompanyicu thc'iR.B
phan The l wortuukc; u-cu execcue itccliii ch,
great: cvacr, l iupekts c-lcitfor lici rvcvu'
aits c- Ivc'utuuuuut 'if uarchitectuure. p1 cc

tice si tdets' -annualt
tit I t radu tiscatill c
1111cc Yilaticc coj&i tl
ccr wolf thec hl l
iitst Thursda'y1 ititt
ccc elN I. Phlpic tiPk
tics 'toudiliibile

IR. seri
I~ I aclii
tip hoileir.
. Nes-t,

at ntilt l1 1c tlicOfci udeigree
et aI ' ii NPic-tt hioi1 N Nhuuitc
anii IA. V I idn.

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