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October 09, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-09

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The Michigan Daily

A TTTT T~cnv A OU r AN- T"P n AV C)e(" fiC)R O ,.rrn

NO. tO.

V0t,. XIX. AINiN AR BURtt l '.. c-i 4 te ts, a'i tes., ils..
DY titnthe it.ccousg of the game. The 0TIARE RM
GAME XIImTWs Vria) $eyImeril MD.Y ONI
FORt AGitiIE Watkins......L.. Ruset AElYCONI
-Beiitrook .....ells C1
Last Scrimmage a Slaughter of Schlt .....te. .....Kettey-Catl No Party Tickets or Political
IKuh .. .. .. .. R;i . . t.. . t.ilt
Innocents-Yost Adds Lawton Birennn...ti......Ia wion Iflachines Allowd-Many Can-
and Kuhr to Regular Squad. Litlie......R...t ....Setrer didates Already Announced.
tauifc . . 0 1. .....Rogers

n V n t , S 90b.


Thelast crimmeintage for tie weet was1
hol lat nigtteiltvaritepiitnig nu
thirt-ivepoits ithiii olt. hticng teir
1111oa ocCelicndanigere. Tii after-
noon teitwill te alegty sigalprae
tice for tieeentpreparatoriiiy to Saut-1
da'sgile withthte .ggies at Lain~ig.
ii ii tihe ii tin e il tieganme,
hutl Cae, wihoihtie'nitivet reored fr
practic, ikibeti . iiI ti ii sietttia
Kiiicr. Anh layedtia p . toeruliigane at
wadfor te seres to edenay, adi
wcii e tricttit acci cc I ulilg.
fiuite ai ttimbler of fansi acie exetet
toi acccmpancily te enit. Te t-cittis
schdued t evi' eilithte squiact i
1:21 . mi. St u tiey, iiiii ielillslit
ccc ci p.im. Tihitroundii trip fare is
Tlie Agge s re retetieihavcieth
hetiieatlit tey tiave act iyerct. Coaht
Irwrti iccioncthtit blecerseectcthit
(asecgaiie, andtrui citedl tat i sciuat
woul putupi a it ouich Ntetteter ight tanii
il t.hickeye.. itowteler,thcans
ccci lhas imcade ii chista-ilm tear ei-
1;0'd o plli -icict tict o cr.1 imtp ii
th e pct io s of l ie up-Matte i-
ic e varsciiclty r cic-to_ e lscns t
ccitt-tien Alericieti out f t game.t
Case1cotireid Straytimitilyeriaie tie
bootitgiend1of1the tea a oe otut
liliig okbt nec iteris yt ii o
ltie cl ctiependal.iYeterda clii il(Isci
ctic punincift y anl fity-fve -d
ciccict-ti lii ltt oist ency.ti leeIichast
\\'sccctfromtti cingic iiiilt iin cgoodi
eam idbilatrworkettulit
wellinto1csitcr trritocrt-eachitimte. Ile
is ran int teutea iwith ti reciin.
Inc c-piti f teeocrimolic cliclt Iofc
tirt:cit t for Doultglccdiytele
;cent c to tollieacuk stonetr it eche
prcteice. 'lidticitmcarke teclelucitliat
Iiuglcs tea rsponsiiiltc'fir imanly of
the lontt.~gcca in mude b- te var site te-
tcrday.-Lt fict, hlie tted tieeftiet
rc icd eculzicrikedt-h ie gal, eAllcr-
di ctkig prtin thetp'atice.
I.mnd, csht plcyed fll imocst ol
itt,(litte, wtescneotmanicilto ivade''.t
thegronti th ie er of liescrubs'e
goali, (gttig trotgh te resererinue
oniia sctraigt h lne tuc frmt-citletto
landeditin ie ccal ccon ttitstcatgicier
liy theIle icefcforwardc-citpasec1and1Iquar-l
fic-ed to-gettiealt-1111bet-eenithlieplittle
After this downctDaisontciltook ii -
tittcci' plite antd ci ftwtrinuitisl.ate,
give-titielelcitoilt the onie-ycr iin ue,te.
wet tilhirotighc licethe thrt ioin. Litle
had g1 it-etcthe cvarsitits btgga(11intwari
goalthgt ac terfet forwa-rt pass.
Cacpti Sehulz aginttscoted acial
\itht Jeffries ii at ceenter, Wakis
gtlla touicdow-nc ciinitnettrun, and
Dolaigcs kikedl goa. Tt ien titcerotk
gccl le all ciiia sotclkik cci the srtit
A1-ycri lie adiccsorelfle, tDavisot
folowinwithutthe ick fromiclaementci.
NVit Khr, Lacwtonci antI the entire
senthbbaetkfietldcabset, the reseee-et
fentse tas deolccty teet:, adt the etr-
ity easily trllntte allilothlie srtb
teritory again aitdt Dougastoretrogc
tileline fetr ateigt-yart gai ad
ldii. Heiboted ilt owitgoa, ccci-

lintigics-....L11 -.....Olier
Grente... -...RI I - ....'rserc t
lhu eninitourntitiamtet.tbegnctodccay. cc
Deatinlg foeltlefirslt td secdclss It
sitgles tere mne yesterdayi. 'Thte dc-a
tie wilttle playd next teek 'The L
drawig follow:ied
flet clacs: WetcerAyre, ticont-
vtcti-'T'hompttsont, Diisncc-tCmpttle
Fowtier-Scheidcer, Leidts-Oisee, ii
tttrcsiti-Kahnt.Shccffroetttitt \Macotmbie
drect ailie.
Seeocleacsc Stcy-iatee- \leottii c
Lanie-Ftlowtes, Andreetts-WilkinsDaitditt
Tiidtc, Neat-Snit, Thoimpseoi-AVJ
-Andreews, 1£ttitpireis-Ntev e, Hskits-
tittlA't't RS tlT(GN
lT'ecating seascont tisocttetctil
t i'mitiee siG 'iTe literary scieie
hlcd their Fist metinttgs tniigtt.Eveyi
tneintlettrestedcinlitleicay cutdeaitig
tois iurtgedcio lcly ic-msiel f wit-lilocue
ofteitdebating clasis, Iti iiposcsilte
to try frct-pci ie occnyiito rsiteiiyte
batngtem r t liehetcp cteat c cept
thrugtoe ocf these scicretiec.
The Aphia Nit. the oldtestcol these
scieeties, wiill meel Sturdayc eeitng at
7:3 cock, itft iccit ms iiliiiefourthti
lbooreofl ('ilt-ersity I aliil. A11 is. cd
enierepcalyiresid en-accurg-
to ttnd
1M1r.Holiter cciii addtrrsectie .Vilt
phii literacit society ocni "The Ceittitici
Fts oft ccubi litSpeaking" 'Thecso-
ceteyiis lfortunaitiniisecuig .Air,.Hollits-
e, withtileit.expeiecue as. aiiiitrctoert
il eouetion111acd oratory , icc cpekteiuponi
cI sucttl ofe csocc tttchimitlucrccto ltIt
''The Jefflrit ii tl'tiill hlcd tirtil
mteeigturlidy nigt t i7 o'clck, ii
the cutslbitlitg' Afte' the itcatllt
ccl offiec i e ter itwill ie a geeral dbtie,
"Resoltecit. atithlie patyiry semtasi
pticein th le (initedi tcSicis obil
trcie to icheiifullest attinmtttetothlie'
peopul's desireccol gvermtet.
At til e'itcitgilf le, Intterntioaletc
1Fis1etiet conttgess, held it Wsiigtn
last Setemberlt~i, Patti Reigad, a sophott-
mitre initieleiteatrideartmet, itch
awardcedecacspueciupie ccl$oo "lute
lie' eln hto itprom~ote le whittieis
prodcctioni of tie Great Lkes ils
cult-u pitedict ccitie btneitis restlitig
from tlie utiltilutropaatt-ionicutlet t-e-
fisintie Greattilakes, andicdt ctediu
lt'he otinuicte occle lichy.
Accoringlitoccthe VWcasigtnitPost ccl
Septemlibter 26, MIr. Reiglicceus litter
tias disetssediatienttgt ilt tie lIorol
licee cnges.Its great ittees 1,-it-in
iefaccelthithit wasthtie fircit prnotfof
liche succeessc of the platinltg of whteufist
inthe leGreati Laies,Iti pl tswhic Ittas
cccii triedtfolice rtucehain thirty nears.
( nREPcBICANccxS-UecNT St4it, sunli-
IEvery efort Icc secre c large stidetc
tvtd e eectnduy is ieig madcetebiy
Iii'e T'ftllRiepublcaecub ti. Pttans fete
polling the stdeticorte aer attiost conyi
plte, cnd eery repubicainctsitetlvs-i
er s-ii e urged to see thtis liniamie,
homue caddress, anduloter dutautatre picuet
>uticnita iolitg listswitin lie et en'
t iday. 'rhnse lisls wile i ite Iadis
Iof a ecomcmittee of swhcien try ieytuiid-
scu is the chairimnan.

Refors nuteii cmp~uus Potlitis, as itsi-
ued iy tilt-Student u(Ccuci, haveut. i
cie lie politicl n sitationiland titi
Umu:thi iteucwrules,plithey tiet;e
an ccmina tions etwc n u nitr-teduittiec
irent 111llowcutd.iAii cnduiate iclie
fttlitecs hitmsiel wth1 pouthcle,ocuhts-
uses tutu tuetu t ctbcceitheds, will tbtt i.
elredeligibtuulle frcuuler
Thte folloingut ittiles relatig ti clssc
etlucuti cs v eieniproulgted yt he Ic
I. Thueeeect cloficers shalltat-et
plate lilt he iiih Ntttut'.iccaftchooel- tt
cled.s(,Octber ,ti.Nominactionstre to
akele teecuthe i Nttteday preceng.iuh
_. Prtickletsicshahl dtcecl lowced.et
;Thue namestt5tututhin batlltslelt1ie
arranugedin ttalatuicatoturt de
eahhnoffce to licetetutu
cututhandelectionsadsptteifyein~ug tut
arranut.emettt oft balllus the.urcuti s-ill
tutu ccinotauthitii ic e cnucteocf
thei electints, biitilileincis htoIcthur
respctvenuec lassee. ascteeofoen.
Thheno it'havtileadtecuy aclcpted
terulis f theue'ciuel, cnd ltein
little'doubutctht te cletiotutufl tll
ctsse.till fildllw tit lan.uTu huteuiui
It indcioely ticiertahi twhtieffct'
thstuitgsill have' on lie' eleticus
ittiics irc ush 1eiigto wticrm tip u
aoucdtiei cuuuial.e Riumou.rae
ilt, hithdceiitle sttementitie fet.
P,_ 1,. VeddierciutudIJ- 'T.Kennyu cill
n-unieah thcter lice thin preieny
ofl tht~ e-unir lit cs..Otherucanedidtsc
cute- reportedl ctoe:c horitresurer', Cutrh
tic liifor trct:niagerdt,tctiIHrryI i he
fori foalcccmtiuuage, Specertut1)i. e:
lfor iaceiulutuatuage., Johntt Biggec;lfor
oraor cl W6 ilt.s Clrk;forliir lus'bacset
ballimanager. tLeacuh icufolieuhisor-
1,111 I eidi Gale: orsistni- as
iter Mary liii- ti'fr nsecretay,
gare 61I i cutn
liet cintrtle cis aleady eidentulinu
lice tutuuclit huh ss.u.t Da1 tch'Sutern
opposcce VArtut 'hcctt fortliithe ireu-
uuleueu 66Witutr Ilitis cndidtce liii
setchretaryu it iu ySelnaucandttuWalte
K. Towers 'for trauend tutuI1"i.
Iin for ut fotballt cimanacucge. 1 eiuy
Hecunet i ri n lthtg liii baseballt itmanat-
ge. Hald htGoutldiiir'trckmanaucuuge.
ellBoton foru liibacsetbllctmanauttge,
cnd F. S Wllaelicit or lchaucirmiant oflthin
EFh h'i,11Kt Nu' AGENCY
A freet'1 cttbuteu oi emplotiymet his macin-
tcaind iy thur Sudcets 6'.61M. 'C. t cuad
ech aniccy siuationsdc trtuseutedcifliii-heco,
who Itdeisire' tem.t
cThetplcer takenutblitheUn'tiersiy Y.
1. C.A. itt colege ileeatnch eeis
lein uuug greatuer 'lie uresuntuctmiu-
berchipt alrc-cady showistsaclarge icrease
cueen last yearcunut. h 'te optet met-
tg tentins lucie 'iroedupoular.uihn sitt
tie mten, estuecically-thurniw otes. A-
mot dlly-euenitg ighty cut- aihundtred
titus ibe'seenutncyig thinreacdig romiu
ac ila NaettcutIcltlie readuitg romi
s stcedctwsithi ho0hipapend tmtagitat-
eie lfruot cltuter theuntitry. The
presenth yarinthere hlucitenliitadeid
ulnoe' titticu ndtuupoolch ahes.'lTe ten
tilt courtlis itt good lsatpe tutu i busy
thieihole dity.
'fle mteimeshipitc he associatiouis
opeto iclclt untinersity tmet, atidtits cties
te ottvslunuttary subsripion

Thinregularunmeeing col thur Assoinc-
onout Clluegiate ..lttictte sill biceul
next Scatudratml1'it.im., atl lie ren-
rhnccKteofM sI J., I_ 'Martley, coine oh
eittes cuacvii'n utndOxford roach
Jamties 'c eaunctwtllt gle thu r tues
All t1cc alumnaintu thei lcihos-ttutue
eccuhtu of linstitiutins tuccitg ot'
euateimemtblerchuiptilitthinecsoiationu crs-
:speialy iviteduto h peslit
'the quereus aitchsuggetionts ruchctigg
he cilicers col thur Mi cigni on,(tlcon- i
ig, cut hehtens fthe cuannounement h
tht thinslcin ofttullie' dewitoperanis
ito ic uucmade'sooncu, reetch a uwethhouf
utdding itcywtinghtscamitcomposicensof
prmse ti s expitednt hutchambilttutu
eriliwsiltl Ie ieastuhn t hetu'elieu
Thesfillown e ilIeakdt
screntuuthur commiee, judugitg thin mut
ic-richlIsubumitted: cPete1 Sot, rich
Scutuey,6Wiiledu1it Shuaws,cutiutHilcut Se
c-nus, ofl ieteci.Th'else gnulehetuctitue
emnliently tiuliied ticjudge eu-tihe of
thin ncharcuterdeirhd.i HatchSteents
usroc'tutun sagedt "'Theoe'nu Idoltut,'
notw playnin ltChicgo, tutu tatugnt
eralchargec cclthurplmittg of Mihi-u
genda lacst year.
Theiuccuuuitttc'' sitluncheetion,prb
cmlii Saturdayc, tutueveryncue' tutuitg
antythingtohubitlitis ugdttdcieter
comti titin t i realizeditcht can ett
notce halis buen givecu, soc nochigit de-
tg chi l ntin ithis cdictiontcamplie'
t'itcitragttettt, it orderliofIrousedi er-
est anitch or ulcctrauciing ini reatie cuet-
laityp autrie- desied.ih icune gs
melesutc..cmplth-e' duc, skechecuof
pl utscor touitne cclfcboik arci-euallytt
asked tulevete tic aecac teehb
Ime ctliceheucarcuter cflthircorkn.
ea personalhyuandtill hht gicecceveic
and tilte itill hut'n-tutu c edu lter.ii
('hStut I i,I'i'6 Al613'11KI N
Thistproisetto utie tutu een tuye-cu
lic te ice-ebuityfdl ic1hniiganCOSu ',.cu-
ehiancubi, espeially tic tie anualttt
cnttenitionumofclthur truty-fdenivuuersite
kiCotututpolitnd utteastuneunutset-utti
ful l )ti Arbor-c. '11hi -tcventionutwt'll
tie cci hutingtheii-C(hristmasuacauetion,
umnderthe ac usupicens ofithe tloc cutr
ganuitcion.u 'hiese nituic, cmod ofrl c
foreignutenhcts, have grill st seadiy
whi eee tthe'hatvecbeunutformted,so
thactlthurconvuuuetionctliiiy-nunr cuits cut
impatuduecrolegiate eent.
('otnadt Raps, oO iScuthlt filtitacveue,
preint o t lthte oclcht i tul, is veryenut
thutteictin gunethis yer's uuroset.
'Twenutt-twcouofcithe regutlarnmtmetrsc
lutist'returinudtictie uiesiuty thic
year, andhathouuugh t is erlyirlittthur
semteser,releenutappluiationus foe truti
bershuipfronewtnt.residentus tune-naremlyu
beenttir entd t i sexpetueduthactthe
rluthbiw itusa ' seuity- iveu activec it-i
lieu. this year.
'chtTY'POLTIdCeSniunen; ,SRT.u
flue-nseventyflve enthtuusaisin udecmoc

Close Contest Expected-Medic
Green the Scene of Black Fri-
day's Massacre.
Wht wt uill puobalybte lcemtost close-
I ctested rushcvcre l nte itthe can-
tutu wilie ldtuttis ev enuing tutnlMedic
The sopuhomorttesrcwtill mein itie phy-
sc uihldug acml:Ic to oilurmultate plans
ccl attack.Thu r Ieshmecnitwsil gaher
inthe tlectture-rooudm c-ifthi e ntusrgteer-
tg buidig, atl thin samte houri, to o-
gacctu-lt the ense 'Thecywis-ittnot te
coetdo heirlwcitocutie cnmpu,
andetfrehmancu is expuctee to turt
Theutotith ttietch ci e defetdcdimy
tth freshumuentlisnc ccii.\cnGeentuntiar.
tile reshmanic Oak.hItic iuslibe erected
icy Superintendcent Reve today J. C.
Skinnter dhasunupr epaedthcle freshmanttban-
due hering til eletu , tnit 2, shich is
eiiteiun thlie uindcowtof iis store
cut State ctreet iThe ftagsill he nied
to thin pole tirty Ihee t m tie ground
Thue freslimti wtill gateruabutcte ae
ofl lie cue inits Idetfense. Al 730
o'ccke rfe reee, '. G Shuz, wit
tirt hispitlcan, tut etltrushc uiw ibe ot
I tile' itchomouucreeaht thurtule, cittb
it, and gainitheuae e fortter t ul 'cl cok,
thsill utwitahltelicit Shouitdtt hity
fail, tice urlfere'ctpistoltannucittnlg the
exirtion of theifticmttulimtit uill uelare
tliii fhmen it ic ttotu
I~erclights tillt ,c placedu'uoiututie
icc-cit ctc a, if. t 1u ruu ,cears, k,,
ill mmu i t et fic-huT htim e fi'eee'rtitl
,(,, cm itl i cliaite lfcemuthet gunttd,
howevurt;I. -c-cu o~f totta scitunthit
An f. ,' i ll ibe tutu leto '.'ic t,'
spcaor akdfce ccii 5ddtun:
whic tu rmu trtianglc m e it fronmit I liii'
,ne~cl uidi",ml r ecentrofhchstli
the- poile-i ew, T cctplri~tttits,
all iduticicest cud tc tettdc'ihcoiac-
sit htisI. ctnc-'el thtc tey hut'
Ill te rfere in cnductinhtg
aiis thi lt c ittg tie 'i',itoiccec
port :i hepleat645 t, ttid,
Vi~i ciii. luccum tic alieont, Pimeauu'cu,
(tley , lilt hlt,teftfluesCaseyt,Cuim-t
pacerlGore ,i'e I i'Jut e'lly~, llna-
panl cec Ic T '.ID y, caii
16' liii- cll
1110,N]l I V>icDVA NThAGEK
Medti tt iic Gre a hueceecml a large
freshutmandgacterintg lst unght.Seera
mienmstitch.. thiplahtnus for toigts
rush. Au est fivene' dmtrrd freshmtet
dweec citfcmiiamtrete tmetig, hlurd
ac detmstraiotn. Twlvne abeast, tiey
tindruchdcaroundtu te cmpucs, shouting
sitgig amitch sistling, catidtwhett the
inMit wuncutompttltedethecy narched
hdehn mtwmm in sitge file and hlurd at-
cutueregreatl demonscttnionu tcre.
lice bCuni' dceen of tneutrlity
waccctrctlny cadhertor c, atd ieond a
tlight "egg paty' onT'hayer street,
whulisc s broentitu lit' ajunior, no
violencecwsucattetuttted Iy either ie,
'itur.tmembutersip ucutunite of thur
M1ichtiganUn'tiontihus nitered into the

emt atitened.time first.uttetiung oi then namuutigtu lortwhensve htundredhtietmbers
Bryacn Demcutoratic rhutitlacsltnight -,fuin lfocthtie Uion.cuuAt a meetincg last tnight
I icummticucu addctresee thur folltowten, ofthetim e suu- of caii laws, tmedics, dets,
Jefrfrsoscitcudid P.1D.Ii tauucts, '96l, oi uluccmmicndtutu touoicsn-erreudiided up
Detrut. A. V .1KcAnldmt, '109 lace, weasdatmontg te comtuitcutee aunhan a atouce
"teetedtempuuioraury chiman.tctt Morrisonitoic lhouse sytem iof soliciting witlbe
Sunlfrthl, 'to, wams apupoiinedhnemporary eteredtupon.cT h lie list ccl its attd en-
secetary. Tht text iteetig seill hrgiune ts as 01otyetbettncsecred, bt
huech Satiurdat m cl7 :30 P.lmt, ill NichuolsseiltlIce udelivueredticthuretitmbers utext
bath, Suttday.

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