The Mlichigan Daily, \ LRFIGR \I CIIIGA\ SU INDAY, F RL Lid' Y 14,1909. Vol. Xf . REVISION STARTS P1ENTY OF A LITS AN D LAWS FACTIONAL SCRAP ( ~;11 CV111--I.e ,ttotid lb tbor pole HONOR STATESMEN Board of Directors of Athletic cagepracice.The lpeit01ed l Literary and [)ebating Societies Association Appoints a New speed and 1clirves,bltsieoth Discuss Life and History of Committee. un rtwrso 0ivt ,colthll ii ti1 Various Statesmen. 51111clouktipped1 It the ryil air o1 111 ' The pitchlinlg 1and1 occtottg t aff 11 ill see1 n ler 0lttbrsw erto ttvlo'ttt ld and1 spilled 111 tl fat 4into the1lire0at(the1 be lloweto' cttht o ollliie LltagetuI toi ito 110th A lia i s oit, ls fig . meeting111 loft 11hoard litof tdire tI 1of 11the 11the Imiddle of itwekl hetli he alAtedh iagrladdress"t. i J.11J. vl olttapo intd b rsdn l a t lvt n't 111o t tire'I't tten tion tdothe1 .ino a tthet er-C rl Plrr1 la.r tttteiet hett lls it ill Itow s till-,itcheroatitese t, u bo f oher TheCre110th' NI 111 11111 1,. abe o prset 11re se nti 11 lttin apt ns seilvfr h nill ae R>~l befre Ithe ls ettt'ofte tlt scar.oti been '- I liu i p I ilthe cae.1)1110 01000, ha i ond ro a tot' tlt the ttottis (fti he rtilt' m teia l itetit Itloito la. i sit I litettlit 111111'' ls oitos-d L.cled toot, II III I LI P1 I?:R : l CL IT1 Reader ofl t Shakespe11111 areli 11n1 loesoft 111111110 lji h n s to clbrt n \IgIs IIreI L n"i.tpeseI edLI I heBN l t11 111111platers, Comp let ithIt i h ioen 11-at fo thepresnta i ft h 111i clssi 101ta 11.0111 date 1s1Th Ittd (111111110 ANOTHER RUMOR FOUNDED ON A1I Reports Current of Recent Actioni Taken by Faculty Members Proved to be Giroundless;. Nweintgl oert'>t toe~ c'ptr unvr illprofesors 1ti _ p re th t i lle (It .,l1!lt in, loo ed aroul I. alot (111 to if, thLII tc, 1 , no onILLI L LI \/ II cIl l t(V ,l ti WCdoc otI VIuinc L11I \ Id I' afer ti ostaldis, hito' 0ittof pofesosorial dlitrof h rI~ i 11111 dahms mdI, t t he 1 4 evso to ora 1 11 Ite olttli n i o T any Itopar ia ittll s n onthet rto tot' atc a o'il l a lta greeI to' i n- 1 (o*) liii 'te I\()reors n ne jon it' t ith bh si'lc lt -clIi 1111' on I'. Feb. Plli. Feb. Feb. he la. AIrtr. ,Mar. :liar. AI Ir. [)elta P Id . 1 ' islt i - LPsti U I .. L - Igt1ll Pill 2-Ch Posli Ll vt s.I -VI5 Itt t< >llciti-s : unyc r. r es. Ile is per''p Ibes1knownlitmitIi for111101 Ia tall:_wloll r11111 it 1111iniia11111 - t it oearliest io in anyl Ametiltcan un'1''it I i ti IIthat 111100 osbi c I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i itty I1111Io ttllt11 iiltoltlit 110 litCthglubitted has 11ol1 tIh v.Chtsitsi fo hecnvninIfth aio a p sIo t htc(r sh l i to Ils. igma ti Itt lt111 1111 ttl 11' to I 111111111111 E110 ctiontttlt Asstubo1ito , f no ee arfll '\ LUntII tI i Il'1 iu m ng olge f thlolihc h s p esd n, hc et ls 111c o h r a ai E hr 11100 Itt till ItitimVtiuidi gs w i t cll eg oul 111 t1110 11 111111 111h1111111 ii 11 il 1111 1htt the I tv.I ~t . h i c oc . If0{s lis.t 11 It s I 111111e a t'a co r m ~ at u n f rlte iria ni-c s PSI L c lcturc tin er th ir a spics Lttteltti- poble1of1kepin-itI Wartoees hecoill Ic appoithed 1 by the hoardioftirelollstlt ndti the COM- it inelia ppit01d111111111plit. iili110s1 nle In" 10111 tit. ILd stalt sul thereqred ui\11111110 nnOl of il 111r olfnfrat(rnity ~tho 11111sI. W t mc it t' ito' 11101 It1p11111n01111 111101in-11111inoticallto 11111110In tthe11 f111111 flil t elits of th first1 ev1111 11111 tte11111 1ttittl111 m0it010 011d 1111u- \L r It - Slat. lit Liti , Liii 23- LIII 24- .\1% 25111 litt .1 110, --Z(,tt 1 1111 -P~h 1app K [t :N' z o -t X711 111 11 prl tt- i '0ti Ph1111' to PhiKappa111si. \I I I RKClI'l HON110 LSiI''I to crr tlol theadILinistral'tie worko i 1epr11dent kVi C .01 C1101 ford: tl l - 1- Ilolcev it01 houselool a111111 IiJ.I11 Jensen: mem er ilI f11 ait (101 board.i IiLIgii- It 1 t , 74f i f I jcct 'I e i ll not1 111 101 tilt bookt nt illlll till I ' i " 0l le 1 (1 su 1 . 111(0 1' ti' O t' ft it to i l IMrth.gcom iss1tin,11 1111It c'u hIt l s ve i gitt eiist I- h ILo t I , fo «1 o d n a th it nt his Ii ubjec tt, i b llas1 kerofth yer. Th ne t1ehma ls - i tiltwor , cut wil ls Ia ItnLd tttu cI iviltserice pitio ns, t i dto' ju g ets l cisto LI ibttbb hldt Ihsa t r n i s h h slf op otti oi- III~) ~ h~tr i. W e initvrn en 11pon 11 Itt I t a r e d eltr e d . lieiPli t Q W .1(1 1 lii s tfa s la l a i t s l f t u n ab'is h o 1 t t e c u reI I l il t It oo 1 il tt t lt ticItt itn the Journa t l 0 hto stf 111the 1 u 01 1r 11 1 1 cll 1111Ii i Ai 1101t 1 _\ 1.1 FAl W I I titlil I t ol 111t hehgetostos' S(II LIISIS 1)1SCUSS D)1II RIIN I PI I\CIlIIS1 hitero'tolllnitI'S'1111iatit soietySa1ur- ay' eveningltlon Tth111 Differe0111e11011w011 to' Philoso~phis ofoilSocia listttatntdLiinar cutssionltin1thoeTtiles 1W1111111 till atfterntoontttit:130. ,. I . tl I7