THIS MICHICAN tIAIl1Y w IHE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU 4i I1rii THE LATEST AND) MOST UP-'VO=D)ATE WALL PAPU-:R, PLA IL AND STEIN .SH-ELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAI^+TS, Ott S VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLtASS WINDOW SHADES, I,&FCt,- L'C. Our specialtyi is fine Decorating, suchi as Pac r- taon v i Paint- i (interiori atndexterior)'V ill tnhg katso iiiiiig Pt a- tip t c.'I Wei c riplosonts "klitedt is r1. men taod go ir anti~ wii cork.Goods Dlveemilto allparts of the cilt. BO0TH PHONES 237 203 E. Washierr~tom St. UNIVERSITY NOTICES 1 i l )r'itt z lu oN l c i at: r i , 2 E.1-1at c i o. le i iiA r , t7l1,1 ' '; i fli l " > l' i 1 (' i F MO Colege Caps at1 Gowns n For Sale or R~ent Ful 1i i i i tIact-ic1 ;i o I S.i o1tc ii ie - i MACK & CO. GRANGER.'S SCHOOL DI MO F' U~OTH PHONEIS 480 iii tr itiiis'v ii -eI~ras -lai li s ;ksha lcra tie , Ia c tcam' iipictur i tr im. i- >> a iiiidi\\ ith i t i i t pi i .r l~ YOUR PHYSIOLOGY TEACHES YOU THAT THE BODY is like an engine and that food is the fuel. The greatest amount of power is, of course, gained from the best fuel. So in the human engine, Shredded Whole Wheat supplies the most e as i ly digested, sinew-and-muscle-building nourishment. By making its, Shredded ~) Whole Wheat a regular part of your diet, your mental and physical powers are kept at full- steam all the time. It contains all the body- building material in the whole wheat, made digest- ible by steam - cooking, shredding and baking. It is found on the "train- ing table" of nearly every college and university in this country. "It's all in the Shreds. " , THE SHREDDED WHEAT CO. lENIAGARA FALLS N. Y.- i' i Y 11i C. SV ). 1 4A[URDAY, - FEB. 13 MATI-0"NEE and NIGHT The Great Football Play -STRONOHEART- WITH ROBERT GALLARD And a good supporting company of players. Bargain Matinee: 25-35-50 Prices: 35-50-75-$1-$1.50 Seat Sale Th~ursday Morning TUESDAY, - FEB. 16 IB. C. WHITNEY Ily IIi '*- A MERRY MUSICAL "HA HA" A Knight For A Day WITH MAY VOKES And a company of 70 direct Ifrom a seasons run in New York and Boston. Prices: 35-50-75-$t-$l.50c Seat Sale Saturday Morning vt 51 ,1 "v ( 1,ilt , ;t ii c have ioi i exert ii iii repa ir- 21 .UlS. cartif Porto Rican Canesy iI i ii e~~ ii " in lii itiii hem rati :$, 15 n $. ot- ChinesePacy h e, SeakRsa rants t ( (ntn ' emltc~llip In th C . >1 WO re >istr ("extra.i\eieet i ; A Ln netan eunie sti(, mai dsinds.Evei- ,( jp \ ( i un llha e lrtik ts tutuin, ii iii'', o iii e iisard-t le titi .i 21 ROOT & CRIDER < (isit ci lii ii iiin Atnni tisir r(lr~nd t te ~i(.) t iz-lre( ?Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424 314 S. STATE SYRCET e;)itrtill , Iilt ii-set ofiii u- \V i- l~ utais isticiat}' otfiluplcatiiig lkllc i ni-- ii ciii ticual idepartmetrt. I itI (I" Ii siers StMore, sit6 S. latrlt S. iod Ass 11iinalijitittir itt0 is lust hi- it, stariied bVilii'' tiiirll a taS -tio t rt i r ri i i i(11tip ofi 1i ;5ii it i iiard inititt edltoorder at :Aiss 1, e )3 .Starr Si. rail fly We shavei solitoIaylar gr atifatlier adtyorfthter, so let it1s sell tcolt. 0Esabslised 18-8. IHaller's jewelry Sir.26S lin St. ecad-tf l~atc~tin fanc- c it rnlvalti Iis Sc t55'~i o.-I 4 trs Iisart Mlichiganins i~, fobs, ad spootns, itt ires aiid excluive rdesigtns, at I atter's Jescrlry Stare, 216-S. -laitn St. earl-tf "Cture" mutisic andilcres. "'''tree Twits" mianic. twsery-triig iiin p-lo-date sir e.Sr larlierte & Sin, 8e0d 511 the, "J"Ftop tiltswitd thre latest pplairimusic ruttn leprocuetat Mr~i ts. Ro tir ewsatre nxtaIhr Schl ofii \'t tineC.8-9 lawill iintoctkseatr for miii Aleni (Cloithes Shopt. Maeini St. 88tf gen'iuitie Atexii ai Cthili eati fCarnte at Coillege ltuti68ff If yon tare your optical work doite at 1-aller's yon will be satisfied. I-at- lee's Jewvelry Store, 216 S. Main St. end DRAINGINSTRUMENTS ______ARE STAMPED E.D.CO. ;II , u , , . I, --- , m Why ? hae Wve orlinated this tiesigiil, callinv your at- tetitiontottt the stamp"E I). (:o," m G II u ? - I 1 s 1 44*V Because we watnt you to real i e its sig- nificance -- ils money - saving dillf to all uasers of drawing materials It Means Itat aity goods yoit buy-instrutients, TP sqtiares, trititgles, etc.-they are stanmped "l DI. Co."' are ttought under the qitot'- itatee andrtiicitiottt of the largest drawitng mateserialItotise inthtlecotuttry .Vuit re- ceive Superior Quality geoods; reasonabile prices; and protectioni. "Facts on Drawing Instruments" an in- structive booklet sent on request. Write for It. Address 1St Monroe St., Chicago EUGENEB DIE TZGEAN CO. Manufacturers New York New Orleans San Francisco Toronto ANN ARBOR AGENCIES: WAHR'S SHEEHAN'S FOSTER'S I ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYL.ES, M1ILW PDi, THE ;TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING