THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MVICHiIGAN DAILY.;c ' ~ie tcrai hug (.lth cc itillfto dii ils- c(Iltit III('Ia lilcilatililFt t~ ilf 111(1 (liar-cteec. tr e itt i. Itit a ilt'ri- G.HMidC m ay tanaging Ldiaor-aARCsins F. RITCHIE.tIi lcr'talt -trssisl o 'r ntt hei~e" lir d it aisan MERCHANT TAILORS ofithIe dead am tnti'le Is tiec- caur tiresettateil l*1;il e t;t miP. eat blicttei therceby: Is urme a ju "r1 t n 1p}r: l o News .................Lee A White r(claredcitr charater 'trta ttian eti arcIimp ,;tat-olartat-stelI a~l Athletics............ C. .E.Eldridgel ear idecals. eaisedi'attic tenth totjtify hesEti c iil( ttett oft'a sl Have received a large tine of Exchange.i...... .Rbert Mountsier ca getit ii OIA'1e tt tlle. erigs t titOtfttlc g leilti woolens for SPRING and SUM- Music ..........HolisS. Baker Autdu ngcinita int Plli h etiso MER in (Menium, Light, and Dark Drana ............. Raymntd Visscher iii 1long etdr(il FXtRIN~a] o Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Wsomen's Editor. ... Louise Van Voorhis ith te tue aiinalwayst\ i tilithts. Stim a iof te I >hai i Drab, Light Male, Royal Gray, and vTiz tii - beitfeared,1 Itoc-thta it is 11 e n tiid(I the< t~,SAFKing's Tan.titt~tt Tta iitte pt cit ttitt in iid aniit li na-llt ilitati a sii lcli We have the Blarney, Husdson, kitittievt Bouchtt er etttril C. N n tiiente apprec-itationo haiciti-tnes afte)i- ltesoll l res t of i t hti eat. iiihe it- ttik iim lifytru itbe taedtto he- al ot-ti it1 tiel-. VIte'chets fromi te sci rserytit wlieelaby Mictieti re-cttahttig tae telottaiieiitip trutgahieve i-radeiand (Il iiii tt' aliiia general ibl ind ess to the fea t t h ieix)c ti ai it in tdyn If the a i'temt o G ore ilia (n titler eptiiii iii ~citha~ltitaian's iii iii i imasuedtyt is. tut rvicto- mait d ](,Ssa wtiastt lof lad at-itole icndteacings andiil itliitita t it tat- VAN KLEEK'S 300 East Wan hint gtmrs St. Light Lunlches Confectijonarv' and v ice Cream Phones 78 L 78 Blue ANN I "won their skWecb0ed among c ol-C r men enltirely their merits- J Their sales grew as smo kc-f s"foundtk V out" * howe good ) they are. Their only advertising sonal recoin- sendation Sof friend to SECOND SEMESTER TNext for alt departments Drawing Instruments Keuffel & sser's, Dietgen's anid Kern's lnstrumelts and Engineers' .Supplies At WAHlR'S University Bookstore C. E, BARTHELL Law Medical Dental -itmesa ttickP itt Altchigatn Second-Iland Lavw Boks Ia iitdtiMetical Dictittit i i- Oiz Be ooks etc Comtplee lteN ew' atndlSee- ottd-hatd. tOl ooks takeninttExchtotge C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Notice to Students it ii i u ou atit atisit cii ititt. T'reitnta uston place in tuAn tuor-terter ac gt i. TuaNis SNOLOS8 Opticta Systm. Ii ha iii ,mindhinioutfit.iinteiit. ARNOLD'S Jewelry Sore . sPahyrJrJn7c ?r an rxx cac. rx yc k" cx y x cx cv cxxxxr r xacJiN!na2 .ic cx +c 9 "Tell rye not in mournful nmumbers" MfY purse is but an empty dream Well Why Pay More? U0 -THE -V PPLY VNIVIER SIT Y T ORE --Thin"MU OOer- coat is absoltutely orig- inal and thin process of constructing it is pro- tnched by patett as showtn intthle illuistra- :;;;": thoii it is two coats itt - one-tlte firstuas adressy >;::;;t {::::<:' street coat-the second u as ui Atto-hDrieinrioi-t '': sortin coat. WVADIJAMS &CO.0 121 Washington E. Te RwalSui, adl akProps. Phone $08