THE MICHIGAN DAILY 91 -mmoommoommomw mmwwmmwm '-i Special Trouser Sale Full NOW ON Dress Suits See window for Prices, at $35.00 UNIVERSITY NOTICES Junior lit ii koih-iii pool ii lonight .1.: u h i ri 1(1r1 1i 7 t01ig111 a1 1.nox 01 ox IHPll. Jun o iiiiienginee r ebll 11r11111irit 7 oclock tonight. Uind Iro 1 r ; fr enl10 kw rlay 11' e I iii 11lub 11.11 ilh ld a1 iii ker a h, nill ro ill oamnot Fre hI 1 it: 111as1 willrhi ld, so erli at I Quali~t,andDistinctive= nes/s4.A of Style. Feature distii is our line of Just received and nowhere else to be found in this city. Always look to us for the latest. JuK. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. tll111,11 4 l(,-st, :11(1Hel.1 J Mii lla l la <:je S tl'lvll 11 li I11( ill11111 m-1lo 11 ii a \ i i II 111111101 1 ic tlrc fr Ii li .uc ta111icl, tl T , . _ ' C AMU.EMENS0itllii-il liii 1 ii _1iflop. ill lthe per- N W hitney Theatre (r) I 1 1pe-( 11()()(l: th(1 BOTH PHONES 480Wilrur aut(521MlS- SATURDAY,- FEB. 13 TUESDAY, - FEB. 16 110111010 MATINEE and NIGHT S- ,e h iii .0\1 .10J-V B. C. WHITNEY (;, Football Play A MERRY MUSICAL 71111 .1101 "6HA HA" 1U _I Colcllsli >' \i 01-1 -.STRONGHEARV A Knight Nllr 's . II fi l(xl~k(te, cIii WITH For A Day (X tccai.1tnd sIot'. ROBERT GAILLARD WIH- il. 011 11 11111111' 1111111c1 11111-hipii I "IN. l And a good supporting company MAY V/OKES C') p.;(Vti 1111aetertC~t Ada company of 70 direct from retsii 1ea 11ea tliun lai 11Cro27 a seasons run in New York and S0011 11111 01 1 aret ohei ie'}B stn hnls t(i present rcll hI 11a11101 Bargain Matinee, L5-35-50Ut11 111101111111 0 11'i r llllpi( l <,t Prices: 35-50-75-$1-$1.50 Prices: 35-50-75-$1-$1.50c tickets ~illi 11111 1111n li thell" 1111111 Seat Sate Thursday Morning Seat Safe Saturday Morning \Supply1101111eNi11 L I 0 1APFEL & CO. Ir _ _ _ _ ._ I - - - TH-E ;*2rGRAND Billiards Bowling Cigars Candies Tobaccos HOW UU y > ' Z4 ONProps. Porto Rican sa e tOR 1111YEE lii- ''a"" I I 1 'Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant tOMSfl iramin .111100 odole e.$ 1 , Nl d11an $2.,0 0 1 -I 110Chi 1es 11 tl~ Iishus, seaks Ilmic Crps. pad1 rpi r'11 Ot: ,11.1011 h 1 1l is}10 e111 LUnli soflitall kinds. Every- 1. ~itiii_- (ir,,11aissfladies111and111 1tlii1 ROOT &C'O RlllOllitehlninAlinlAtrt Mayaguez, Porto Piet =l 24314 S. STATE STREET DRA'A T ALUK IN G PICTUR ES pl 1,1i11a1111 lilol1(. 01I H.1 ;1A 10;:I V in,1 i10 I Ftcn'll .ab>il li)il. Admisstoralw teays the oaeaoo Se otr oi3\ stn ' )11030 DETROIT UNITED LINES 1: v llllitlilli 0 ,1 ()t0M11h- - 11c ..1 l 'li t al l l lOlllf o 111011111111101 SBetween Detroit, Anna Arbor and ,11111 racicb(oksl 11(1 11i5os. 11c,11 a EXTRA MATINEE Jackson Today at 3:30 P. M. Lmte11r at ondS03aN I.g00 L i c 0 n s Limited Cars tWast Bounid---S):'4 ,t.0in.. Nj i j 1CLimctedCars Est Bound Tto trait,11.01 a otio. \ rl~. 8i eatCarollegnne 1618t. 0f Bi0 o ln rthd es-.ay on 111al1Ca101estlou 1. 11. olinl. l PRICES: ilm.,Iand ol.orsto1. p. ill . 111 1111.I 30 s t lii iN i B om St.i beLos~rest nauoc 1.5 01, after 1.:'o'el o i._____ CARLTON________ VAN K LEEK'S Carriage and Baggage 300 East ashington ~ uorteroup-sotair$.50,e picelwilli beCRLO Confectionary 50 CatAnadDriesaereur. t oletcs and t~lfor carriage and hatgage service.11 Ice CreaniTU31>VA Li cil'CSRlIVE181Y W. It. STAIZK E UGIF Phones 18 L I8 Blue WATTLES' AVntY. (lose meeter that New York AMBULANCE Betl Phase, 98, 2Rwiltynthrie name Phona, 913GOOD MONEY thumb nor temper R.A.DOLPH & CO. miadein stlinthe biest H 0itory pub.-~f~ 5c AH' Su011110ors toO. M. Martin 'Write totr articulart. Mate expetiltce- Funeral Directors Referet so'lettitory otanted. THE T. J. CATE CO. lett, Loaboly tiio., TroyNliz rk 209 S. 4th Ave. Aan Arbor. Mich. Rooma 45 Rowtaad Bidg. DETROITM; ARE STAMPED E.D.CO. Why? } I hyc we originated this kk (les il, (ailingv your at- fLIltiofl to the stamp "E. 1). (O.'" rY Because ex c No at you to realize its sig- ::is,,mce -- 1IF. monzey-saving _a/u. to all users of drawing ia itrials ctMans that a" 111 o1711dson ttbuy--instrumtents, T squres 0... iigles, etc.-they are stamped I) .' arc bought tinder the i or- ioltf 1 1111 (11711oiolit't2 of the largest drawing meial 11o10e in ithe coutlr y on re- 00 ic Superior Quality 011s reas1001111 ices; l~and protection. "acts on D~rawing Instruments" an in- structive booklet sent on request. Write for it. AddIre.s lostroe St. Chicago ENE DETZUEAN CO. Manufacturers New Orleans San Francisco Toronto ANN ARPBOR AGiENCIES: SHEEAN'S FOSTER'S ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILW R~t THE.'SAR THE BEST O EVRY' MILW RDTHE AILTINGIN TAILORING