T'R MICHIGAN IIAi~R - WALLPAPER Window. Shades, Plate and Stein Shelves, Burlaps, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Glass, Etc., Etc. = = - Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Paper-banging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee our wvork. Ws cam do youzr work at ounce c. H. MAJOR BOTH PHONES 237 GRANGER'S SCHOOL DANCING i cck, i v, iiwr tof1:lisss.I New Whitney Theatre] BOTH PHONES 480j Friday, Oct. 9 TRAVEL WITH LYMAN N. OW[ Personsally Com~ducted WORLD TOUKS IIrito-wig Plttxre.-s Made Stspr'eraely Readl TO India Italy Sicily France England Niagara See the Thrilling Steeplechase Btrillant Military Pageant Unique Bird and Animal Life Beautiful Savoy New Reedham Orphan Drill Sulphur Mining Physical Phenomena Many Others-Real Comedy Prices: 25c, 35c, 50c Seat Sale Thursday Sat., Oct. 10 MATINEE AND NIGHlT Cohan and "arris M ins trels WITH George Evans a.nad his 100 Honey Doys GREATEST Minstrel Show IN THEr WORLD FREE STREET PARADE NAT Prices Matinee 25c, 50c, 7'5c, $1 Night Prices 35-50-15-$1-$1.50 Seat Sale Thursday UNIVERSITY NOTICES Senior lit football teast practice at South Ferry fid, 4 P. in. today. Keny. The University orchestra till rehearse 2t :30 pi. Sunday iii Frieze Mim-- riat Hall. There will le atticeting of Omega Pii, Saturday. ini the Alpha Na roois. at t o'clock . Alleocome, as thii s a i-ry imptlortanttiteetitg. Tryouiits fr tbajo clbt at 7 :5 to- uihitt nirtiniig .IH. i-eryoy cotmi. Iortatt buitiessimieitg of old tint tfter imeetinig. Ctttin iii The tirdl andl last tryout for the Var- sity- Glee clitwill take place this cvcni intg. fromtot ii ho'cock ii RoomitA, Univisersity Hall. Esieryboy ot. Kiry, ;Mainager. All personts swisig to try ioit fr gutn bitndlititlya ttC~tillaii all at 8 p Il. Only etierienice unisicias te-i-i aipits Fiscerci Directir. All tietnwhsiaiecloikig orisant to lie miiitriiyor swhociare neresteini dicusitsgbqiistions of religious signin- cancevayhfi1dit ito thei iterest io lesse nameitsi-ande auiresses wth ilscr- tar iat Mc\llanltIHall. Meetitnk of -ll udemtocras tiiiigti it 730i i Nchols hal, titledfoor ois-c Ctishings clirtg stre. A piermtate-t Bry-it organization ti the-prpose of he meuetitg. 'Ths-e imtig sill oiy last a shor Ititime, adi all ar turgetily ri-ietiiedi iticbe reset. :A long, iwearisoeicatdunitiersting lecture is mtadeto iible a sotrcc of eci delightiiws-lentakitg noteisiwiti a uc Imptoriit RedI Dwsarf ink pecil. Sli elsewhere for $2.00. Cmtie i adt e- amine the, at Callits' hrug stor, 324 State S. 9 WVANTED) TO SIll-A' ietelci- muottlis-old huill terrier (hose brenct) Price $2. Call at New Witney theater [or infoirmtation. f Up-tei-idate shits, collars oust ties -ale- ha Allen, Alaiti street. 3-2 T'YPEWsRI1T1NG ANtD TYPE- WVRITERS-We till sellsyott a te sriter, reiti yo a:ttpiti- , nice, vour typewritig forur ii. Jiliffe & /_ewassi, 30 S. Sate S. col-f ti-to-idite sitti, cilis aii tie-sion ale by Alletytaitn street. 8-2 G;entleiment: \Whenttyou teid a pair f slitipers to studey i,aott sitt int ;himit Puitrfele's Stoic Stire. We have tiheiid that satisfy lbecatse they fit $1.75 in $4. .eoe-24 Nows is the sie to ae aour reoms painteid,apered atdidecorated. Stecia rices for 30 dtys. Boititihotes 237. C. _t. Maor & Co. 8, to Flanntel shirts and seater vests ott sale iy Alent;-ASain street. -t2 For fdue cttlery, ra- itiellig & Schmtiid, 2o S. MaiS. 7- Yotitt's hats, 'college styles," on sale ba Allen, Maistreet. 8-2 SIR: IF YOU 'WOULD LET US PROVE to you the simple truth that we have been advertising about our STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES you would be as great a gainer as we : We would have a satisfied customer and you a SUIT or OVERCOAT that fits about the neck, about the shoulder, about the chest-that has style-- that costs you but a portion of what you pay a tailor for less workmanlike results. STEIN- BLOCH SMART CLOTHES are all wool and the best ever. "IMPERIAL HATS," Choice Furnishings. .LINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & CO. THE GRAND Biliard Parlors 220.222 South Stato Street Opened under new managemenitetirely remtcedeled anidttp-to-date. Billiards; Pool, 1Bowlig A comtplete line of Cigars, Cigaretts, Candy and Smoking Tobaccos Reports by innings of Worlds Championship Series Also all Eastern arnd Westeri Football Retuirns by Special Wire Howell &Johllstoll Props, Phone 459 M. E. RYAN Mgr. The Ann Arbor University Laundry Has moved from 612 E. Liberty to 605 E. Williams YOUR CLOTHING- All work guaranteed. No chemicals used. Oakes ft Lee Props.__ Men's Furnishings For the Particular Dscriminating Trade IN FINEST SHOWING IN THE CITY MACK & CO. KOLLAUF TAILOR AND CUITTER its FE. H-uroni St. tf Yountg's hats, "college styles,' ott stile by :Aleni, Alaini street. 8-12 We tire sole agetits for Regal shoes. Hentry & Co.,tnorth of lasw building. tf Pleasing a cus- tomer keeps him. af we can please you this season- give you better clothes at lower prices--why you're pretty sure to come again-next season -every season. That's what we want. So, you see, if we work in your interest we work in our own. That's good for both of us--good all 'round. That's just the reason why we have C LOTHiiCRAFT, suits and overcoats to. offer you. They can't help pleasing you. There's no other men's clothing in the market that has so many pleas- ing points-so many good points. First, every bit of the material is wool-all wool- pure wool through and through. Style, making and fit-all are perfect. Made of wool, C LOTHI-CRA FT clothes stand up under wear. They will wear so well that when it's up to you to get another suit you'll want CLOTH- CRAFT just as sure as you'll want anything. - There are other garments adver- tised as all wool- we know that; but the price is more than you ought to pay. C LOTH-ICRAFT suits and overcoats are the only ones of all wool selling at from $tio to $ 25S. LAW BOOKS 36th year. DICTIONARIES 3 6th, yoa' nsQVIZ BOOKS ts% Arns% Ar-bor LEGAL MISCELLANY JAsn aAshb.' Callaghan (4 Co. CHICAGO Aa Arbor Br'annak. Stata Street. Oppositoe Law Bldg. Bruinsw ick-Bathe bowl- itg alleys are the best; -and ours are the best- the Brunsiwick-Balkhe Co.fb sake. BILLIARDS. aOwLINo. LUNCHEBS, CIGARS. CANDIES. TOBACCO. A12 S. State .a IMI Maynard Staelbler (Q Wusertli Co. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MI-LWAR-D, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING