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February 12, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-02-12

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The Michigan Daily



Coach Advises Men to Work Ou
Slowly - New Infield Looks
First-Class on Paper.
Te long inoor grinditiat sill termii-
nte ith111the springtp 1ntothe south
begniyesterday afternoon, wheit Coach
.Mclishtryttet the candiiates for the
is tti psitions aidI"goe tiein their
1114stworkouti of tie sesni. Aot
thintyimten rpotedl iluiftormt, sint-
tug sve rlvetern s a' titr os
ibility is elt obe is lse.I iisttitr,
Coach Mc lisir wa1n s grastifid ittin.
ably' be douledsiirltorday torss o ra
soit to susectt ta t tes btters pos-
ions will itnotti elc11rsed fsit
Althsough tsonsly dstIpitchersand 'truhers
were exiecedl to itnsttregulirlpractict
yesterday, tesowings'tusse tstether
satsisfactoriysto the itsotlthtismuchseii
srit tire infieldl quartetisas pient
Cii Dsnneir te sts isisirstitaseminil
slet abomutianihouisnstiltetsctage sitd sill
hegin hrdwis a rly is wekistle
Lthers'snd iii tiisiwereesosiou tillori
te firs pratilts. Sit" Sntsw iswho
accompaniedsthluetam sthlstlsprin1
sccupiyinig liiiisle f iutilitiplayer tn
cxrespitiher s cosidsered y hetiscoch
slit'of thrumstpromisitgcandirats
for Kelty's.potio al iseondsand'stiii
lie ibeganis sisrki yes~ tsyteiieuul
iproblemii semsito beiiislte, ni if tnione1
f ue nissimiiishow lss isfticirit clss.
toioat roe iiolslithe menaoveietionied.ts
As isawslith ilsethe ir15st sits of
indoor lprctce, sssoe f telis s x
periencedi mrisbigansto cstiriilois ithii
heir etire s a iss ismet a s soisithey lst
sin warmiiedltitiflle. Thistshii
tionlwst isiin ahcseshsit-ltitsedlcthg,
s the oacsi medute l utsithtessisasi
oniiall 'uncy un iii'ris s stll isitsy
displayofsit edtre curvs.
"You i si fist ist Ifrisi tday,"
sagely remrked ithei oachisit sisdlyoss
sont thinkitihilsrt is such aithinin111hit
iworldl as a nutme1arm. iAbsut iso lists
st'll relie ta't yiu hadi iiorgoten
ca't ras yurilirmi abolies yusr hed
youll regret str rshntess in throing
opns the turotl. isiWe sill lve a lissrs
sinouighi timti getting together a strng
eaiii for ue sinteipnd htavuie itr
rinouighimlll to get i1110 first-class coi-
ditionith iloutiuni tholeredsistilLthe
ie-horses Ciiiout lthe sesdiiiiil tie
imiddeoiei t weesituat ltast. Whsiat you
shioss in te cge isit 5ginlg to ert
l poition Ol il tili tt'ii--yosirr got
to sti isho h tillutunol lh itehun
andsos d tits i iiiyot muisible itsgoodiones-
dit ion.'
Joyreigin baiisertall ictes ys-5
tersa-thatiis. JutyAlilti loted te
sqiuad, ad siilibohi le situ II yes. re
tests'eligsibe Cochi Cresitaiis kof
triniig oat a sirntea t oiseiet Oho
Stastistnd the \iriig'sii iggis is no
as hopelsss s it soiehoksii Pek is
nt in ieligilesdespite 1reots id tes
is acaicthlut Ltirs. sillle allose l
ts lav'ganst te OhissStte sutit.li
WihuWilson Iaisis HayesMileu, Peelsi
std l ligiblet prosectis.are briigtri
thansii a sits tis imtho lis scsi.
Prof. is is Stnsuithad li e imSchSiool
f -Music, gae aniinfomaumiitalssti li
trainls ansi exerintces ii Europe last
year efore te Qiadrsiigle rlut, Wed-
nessday eciing. Several intws'menmseer

piropiosedl for imiemibershsip st the nmeet-
ing. Their tames will he voted upon at
the next mleetig nf the society.

Marksed by its usiaspis irilofiwsternes
goodifiliotshiliii listRoilky iMoiutaii
cbhilditlits stiisevt iiannul iidnsisie
tutu -psis-w I Thusisdyi svenig t
tie \itiiga ion. Waltierss 'inBliss attd
s tstmstill r.is ReIspioses. sires iiade
li te lefollowigm berts'iltis s:aniles-
fetus,(si',ThIIompsiisso IIndlsltsisti (il
uert isp frssii I Fletr e aii therfodI
andsslDr Prr 'A fcatilletosit hispro-
grills 'sthe onstil'.of teliiststutuair-
rett.Plans for ls'stil e liibhoiset isret
liscusseil It las toitiucdl thati tie
ali havet lst'organui'riiit ize n rs'aidiig
i h ls' bhoiiseti mo'veme5 nt.Siix'1y1-is
lF LINCLNs llSCi' 'sTt'NNI isI
Constrarsetoithi prevtailingsis t ao le
iing folowedssatl oiii cosi uls nsiitry, An
Airortiswill mmotioffiilliobsersivse tthelln
tcnrilseof isbriaitsmsLIstttillonFiiy.
The1towniis sllipreslntits sial appsti'esr-
ting wi'ssill bits sual
Alhoughisslihiiiunsverisis uswill holes]
casses all daipa umberuof evenitist.ar
isedultdin honorsofisi st hitocitn.01
Missisa is. Iarbellthe liltedsil'author
sill letu ntiiihit.5L1 is pltfoin
isis'se eveningSeeal campus.01gunilt
ztsiitsshaepetsasitd tilaborat mmo
gramsitinstsit listheslit
Ott Suindays ltayliof ltthe tuhtrces usill
colmii ubs t hectena lryiofrtheigis at
emansciato sitiii sit ses. T eli Re
Ft sry Foostsill dsirentsiosg' oi
the martyr prsient iSudsylmp rinifg
st thss Fntrin tciuiith. I ts evtn-
ig Ptrof. Weslycp sill 'slso gie-aIbre
addrtecss. inihonorsi sf iteprsietnt.
Iin touuetiiisills lishthe teteatt r of
thei biit frhis am iis inco Ilntithietliii
been tpactse iillsheexhiiilt css it heii
east snsuitseisall fitetutueralhuebsep
rollsctiossnlof pherails.ofincuoln, tcri
caturet caroonsfa-its ohs.f ite et
tysbursee c h dtshsf ite"ixbyiLeIt-
te,"iseatsvoumestsofl hum t s Weekly,
'otiuriiorarl' newiispers "g ivig 'ac
toiuts ofthut assssinai. i Ihis ci-
hihilit, hith sstis mpsedhofmat seeil1
belonsging tolistutitesir111liraill and
stills.rout ColonelHenrl IS )aland
lDe.isisrP Brekeyssuhicube 'maitaind
utitl'fter PFebrury u2. IThere s a'shi
,laicedh oil uhc exhibiut shcisiiithur
readinig roomuuustollectuin of stiks cii
Lincolnss tillsit tius lit drasintbyi til
sudents fuse soe eit.
Ii I Hiss BenSthivSlutclinito-lustse
fromiutInduia, itsi notiyetu notfcdlthe
chirmanus sltfiithu isingllitoirli thay
comitlit iswheter ori lut hut tiill hbc
ableuto1 deiveritheliltrtush ion ul tha sa.
hun u caseIhe icitntie pesecnt i s. dout-t
ful f thecotmmiuutte ciii geta'spsicker
sit accut f thei ii. ltiat.
TIheuis grls of i ltheicstyuhwsill
elrtinsitthur seniorsegirs t a dancett'iuud
1)111 to hbe gueus this'-ltrIit stof is eh
befrie the meeing ofthut Schociomastters
cli. iss sri this inatir of uehuhaylhsi
ntubeentt nnun tuctd, ut thu s t swsill
cnutiu dbotitfifty numembes. 1Aiswtek
atriwilthtiltschoolmaus tes're hol
ig a conve ntionisherteethur 1151' sill e
repeatedsitu shut isomentts s i'ntit Te
girls. 're hlusto scurtilt tsrices

of Hal Stephenus,sof IDetroit, wostdirert-
ednheu staginug of "Ciulture." FBothi per-
formtances still hse held ini Sarah Casivel
Angell Hall.I

Hiss Ida 3i. T'I'uuu'i oni hl~ 's . L I. . 5/uk r
I D A T A R 1B I L L T L K l ii I und l ti us ii i sh t 1 i suir hst e
ev suan a ib l ister iceaits t s ins lu-
te rt. te is ihsithutly uscusless, rct-
ON LINCOLN TONIGHT setiloe1ateills htOfmkn
Lincoln's Noted Biographer Will p its I usisssruo liiie platfosrm.
Deliver S. L. A. Address to 'lis, csisulish l t ist e ssuransuce' of
sitexeul tutudrsss, tutumiss the lest
Commemooate Centennial. fhuur ic sulicnuneuigt"ht.
--- The ime susth iaddessis 8u'suchlock,

I umnosuhuAsisethuusiof Work."ilsistsolit
list subjetof tm ittInucols b siiitur sth -
linsstwichis isms Isdau11, Tuihh l illh
deiver cmtis eens ugte Studeiuts' Lee-
tiler Assiationuha'inug 'arratnedfotie t
cnteiam anhnumsersary of thetsgreit users-
udent'ssumirt.Ptre sut J'imesB.FAugel
uswi dhelisvsithuse 1 introdctory sissitech ii
prsenin'Musisssstil stthis audieutce.
ihiss I uuissh sfinest achiemesss ntssis
thts gretat isork.wis chuus stiullsefoureihue
piublicI hut Lifteuof imnoln." illgisv-
igtis wtork to otur geneatiosim and tipos-
teityt the isgfiedi 'iuihor mhiss.placesdthur
wrldhu undueoblig'ioto hthur. Soutyp-
cal mmiiiyIttso tumiusuue a'sumianru chute-
slumr could1 1o1 miscseemsgivell '5hit-
ter biougir'ihehr. :iss ' I ruslhahs.treast-
nil thu lifte tush persona liiyi f ifncoelnm
ini stusch 'illappreciivse sitnsummthmtuslite
hs distinuguiushed lieurselfiatimscularhy
thersbi CII Ihuis.itoik is us' iiiemurkable
ins Illsbsinmugig cut of himthertomtus m-
kiuown i 'md let umost umpttu ntelfsm t's isas
form thu symma'thetic nis'glut imto thur hsu-
tutu 'siseof thin great uresident.
1 cift lieureiffor huernworkiels iss 'har-
hisl a1ftesum-iarumous ad amul uablehsecii-
toiuexeperienuce, settoi Paris stherer
slut stuiuhedl iiire pears i inte Sorbonneimi
andi Lollege ude France. Thins it tes
that shut begasumto uuakehrhire marisse sa
istori calwister.I Thast shut'misuserse-
self mau'steurof thin ucohlsof lietprofes-
siton itas. iiellshown ms 1)1 ite rjstuinpor-
smt work, t hssLife oif MaultiniR ho-
1ad, muhi hursassbeecsharactetrizedh us
this musssitiptatinhg s.tudyhpof tmists.pichl
wouman itof thusesrechtrevo lutin.
:Mss. I it hsclsserilltlists ri ls "tit-
erill' sandlstuhdylingsoriguinmus ti'ernilsfoe
thus hisorpy1st thus Standardi uOil coin-
panuy. fT hubeideing m as m'ss(if sdocum-
mnmts uoim this ubjctii only c ip e uldupi
thirsiugnificnce is. theuesculht of 'ither-
ussnmuotusmunst of upamushaingread
mug 'itmudy.mip
Inhumrteas tumnt ofthicStanduartuh fih
compansumsshe,' showed't'hehrshlf sinulariyn h
frfus ommii uetht ilieismditsmsistins
or this leaistItuidt ofpsirsitulirmriations.
Slit hits isreduoft unhinuge ifhraise
byI s.ynlmt hig~ly, "l' I didu nost muakes
ths St'inda'irdhOut hisorp'poiusnosI
metrelpyisrote it.
Ilec'iuse'of hire works.whchithisse uynu
sit widelsy rea'iuhbisuss Iarbell haus. niv
a humrger iudhiuce 'iamonmi en tha'imauny
ohherisonuan swriter.Itowveershin Fe-
lougs. to thr femininue tppe. She us. tall,

a d itsis ditcedlt 1hataliniuu hss dinc
hue uiluhir seais Irviitmut tin.Tikts
lrrthestecurenld ait '5S.1,isAlusts.
stileits Unisitysul hll tissiteuruoonu
from _. ts GIs'si c kitandh shtsnulso fr m ts S.
'iT e ie of ltesligltis is u.Ht
samle asusualssfityupetl s on uthicke lts
fuss hill t'e numhIerSs ill hiet ssi lsol t s
NearyatOheiseItiei sfoheorati-
tutuco testi us his w uill he5 hits i l it ebni
suit'are tut sixseis entesredu s inusthus
cots tl'ittoftuheilbeig Iis aundiuouly
lto ifrus h e it wlii sic r us lsunuu
islh usgis lite inumbelits cu t rlus thsus
fur his suithutenthlksge is. i snt~ciphe
thatlitsus il(sceedtse i ofus latther.
a Theis' suices iii sit sill selci thiose fete
thsn Thesifstllown aeeture ss-
Fits---Seniors : '1t.'F hut tutiedu F e
Iu SiusI . caCye-I'mhliraFnthR
Cmth uiisiSuarltI1. 0.iAam, I
Fu ephes ge~.t. B.1Gasrett, . .ihayes,
r io t 1). II I Iissci RaIt K. i nt is el isVic-
tor R. Jousse, ',.C. I ucll1h.hi IRoitzel,
is FCruit Juliun III'). h'itisoi, Joshn
I i us-Se ioJr sis ills -liem r
1 ClaudetRs istIs.ulu' Jtu lsus :es Ka' rilisiumm-
Shaw is homau s. Strubsuit'NiP.'tuhl-
r liitil er-i Sustilrl mtti s 1.J. ipup-
hVlar. i t i ll addhut ssscintolpei
I tri'lltii'' uts hs the ults il llsf i eythus ip'ht
evnings 1u sithesubisis lu "ilwaumsyus lsu
sevserahlyeins 'sumspthuneisthis swourk
us lievst i a dtuhe s unowuiassisant: cief
engneeioftI Lake Shoreis& ihiigiut
ISuthern lulls uuu.itsei hus asinsbuctn u
specttuhis sht sureoltuissiubhisiet tuboth
LuCounellanumurd~imhuu ueuiesitius.i~e
%ill ilustraithsur till ithdi ummsn'ut
1 laten idhlts.IThunmeesissnmgstill hue
icallhduttS eo'chotk1 us titus )09 News
Enmgiuneering hbuiding.

Eildridge Upholds Board Rev isio
in Debate; L. P. Jocelyn lDe-
fends New Constitution.
Several 155th 'its dIsfts tutu 5 its ts
iti(i'to proip sd ht isitf l et r j
situs i ss-or h e tit'sI us
werue lisslosed si ii isc'itscd h 1, 1
sir h euu ii ii lst us'' iti i lt ; \,
Mlttrtl last: i ght. Mr.'i c( _si
'flue uhingtti's shuiutut I '-ll the
resstiurh poosd usr, adu
Joecp'Iuakingutug listlit ht eas
tll lst indeatsmelutis ties 5 gr~cd
suuud u inrtli st i t u l e tis tutu i -
mucnsi might csntrolus tueproll tIi"
tisse sstroll"tenoughii doiu 1st issuss I I it
poithpoitedusu isis ills;yc;r hr
vanitag uwuss mitheoeicsa.
Limser thissrosessdusreisinaprt
tsecetarysits. ouills yi witti .5 lust 'u
lusmts i e su peits rh pitetut u t hai [r
Bairdumtehe lidtui si l ust 10
Isisrtew1sun ebe fits , us dr
hoshles d il work.i
mere lig it st i lt t h t h sss'i
.Ie.Jocelyuhug sus'hita t tsiuttu
sll thitsmanaugrs Nuiecr~teitthfal
i wotuudthrushlylihesft the lit ccGo
thir'i wohrls andthaifi I bu til nst1t11"lt
hug, isesen huldsh ysieuaurtehad%,
be compistiltsre I t I s<nit llts-
e151 astlcm i Il t(,bo rdtush cio ,z
liscntain 5s tlettuiro melustsr
lTleuimatteruf his r~cito h rd
cuisics, wischtwus i ithistdm cue
f thur sesires fits tstitlttin 1 fo m
furnisthed olifferehi e O ois lust'
arc alsos 'grest'ushIs' Ii
of maktiing tpossie ssusuuussal su I,1 it
tus, s wsehl 's Is'yi' rmtta 1
N-r I lii mhowedsuss il is(
schasicmanassgr siouldlil, :
dihiuumm f tie n uame sit is t t
thurmanagrm'iusist c chs uni tim
gu rning ittuh hl Iitn
basksletbasll is ill 5 cip. c Ili
brosugtut asunformss it 'l'o'' s iV it
asmndeduvesml ilnofte ict:tilli
1111051, us1asimsento i theaaist
I trves has theIli ist o u s ° o il
awar'de'dhshasi ll his lieselnlls Iyithecit -
tais i lt sist ushoad Iof iuetstt sal
ratify tsce titwarI hutfulls ecm, C
fetisetherebycii 5esingtselistibilis
oftan s' i fic~um eutp' suhlsa'u s e as fll
lii' Joceln sid ltautseIt wits-
tutini ss. .ta iis llpo ii ts itund il l uts
represeutthiss wishets ofit s SlitsM5 it. u
hitslsouadmitued.htchat wi s it lt sssc
itmus of Ills uiffern rtuit it',,u ills'
isake-uptuofithes bocrdtushirech~torlstsatdh
feein iena d tisit hits sit it liii uit
stillutiottitphumsru d nil h lithoardi of di
recsnusu bdiedspracticall use suits
ideslsshunessshihe oseess adoptd.

"Jmuiorsrom"stsw'eek'u't.sit t'ititifst
opienedshs 1tillsdayiby th cIlls stilt iof
misce musicaluls'ubis.

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