THE MICHIGAN DAILY "L . o MA.T ~~~UNIVERSITY NOTICES OIIAIY EVCAL IHE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN 'SUPPLY YOU WITH ____________ HI LATEST AND MOST UPTODATE WALL PAPER, PLATE Si i etn oa, RO ,ND) STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS 1 fili il iin e . , 'ARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. A 4ens sit ne l ti t seel i r (26 o ()it-rspecialty is fine lDecoratintgsuch a, Paprhangintg Pailit- settlo' riaeon.Q a it ,a d s, C l ing Intriorandexterior) wall-tinting, Kalsomining Fresco- it , t dg ll taococ ii'c, tei. \W~eeploy only skilled workmen and guarantee tongh Acapai llheIlctd.Hess of style. Fe t r itr work. Goods IDelivered ito a11 parts of the city. Fiat-otI for ss,~ ~yrrl BOTH PHONES 237 203 E. Wasivinton St. loam pl~tcl t s o'cloklcm c distinguish our line of ,.._Fshlit__________prctice onHgh --obccs I ,,Ctolc ,,dci. clnh else be C Afound inW T GRANGAEheirSn SCHOOLanilxtt}:t ,ce- NewBiWh ite Thatrestilher\e 11e cilim.iCollegtCaps d Gown BOTH PHON Si480oS lit ,ior(ofthei t hltiA,.iaio CigaArs 3 i- eilie teitii-tp ii i ndi i I 5. (i ~ui, i MATINE_ and NIGHTi,}-eitCi tut receiii i ive dadno hr le ti tie tuu. H W L 8 JOHN SON, Props. .- cl, I nrISmt je SrI relyt Ncbruili YE;. M. . R AiMgrilttim \n i sSItitilniticc i Th "ACK & CO. FootballMB.s..AWHITNEY ii I t ti , or i.sI;. , d t , i i ii tl i p tcul lln r \a at rr II t n' lrn teri cItll ~ oition';I Po to RicnIanetI1i,'i ticti pai-tttthtiti-e te ok ruc t " HA HA"I I Siihal tiii gii eas rpo t i - alt luu itit 5 c i dfiee h p S y eta rn ()hl cti dal111111 iltiiii til t R O Iotl, aiiliiiAtAi - sic ~~~~i,1it frontl toiitii ii o tcr o, aauz ot Rc na44 34 . S A E S R E WIT 0TF r AHD aNit iei tll l e t i I liitt' SAUY FEB. suporingTompny DAY VOKES t 16 ll till Swc~ill,,,1)111e. o IIl mo i 2 t, ~tc ' trw" loa~~s~ -tlaes.Anp cmpn o 7 irctIom I 11 ie lc llh Itethit, eticketsitit ~ , '~r u, sr .,ii ,+c y yeo ,hdsrd aMseasnsErunin NeIGoHT dtilt I I it tl itteft 5nN-ic 2; BranMine 253-O Bsto.WHT E cc l I,ear ti -i1etiti t om ne .C I{ T E Srcseptemb$e1.0 PI~s 5-07-$-I50 15r.I NI Iemtii -tilbe tmt ed DRAWING INSTRUMENtTSr~'rx' chnciti 11Ii-t -i~eft-i 3 ecte s oiii tik' - yit l t icti ul i onh or o icandesot rol e erm a "HA HAft fI I N}' 79tilt, lC'ircait)1i 51t t ta Xsns Ger-,., '1 I A ' ouIVp pl li t Sn, , 216 SteSt a l rage atn-o .e m instet s o led, earn / Adi h t puid. reyithes:n1, S, 5lii ci \i Itei iti. chill cliiooff al1l1 pttlntnd hand finish --__________________ ticii1,11 leiits, 8-- =i ruiiltr u ne val s Far itd G H E R SI' liii((3f -n , frontieoot torldis nI nt mot asstt e htl ttc o si'tsh a/O T uRO p/ i li f/ at/esv iuAn Acon- DetroGILAR ITHniteSLinePres to e tof ti iii M AY, "E .YOtKE , S n 51l iii caltipi tit l 'l 1,.SiIl-01ilhi aiesnsrnitNwYr ad ""t i ci. itt-1 c i eniu'abeaNeedl Point 3:3ostoCL K h n extra cars43andt extra service SetSl hrdyMonn etSl aura onn lo , s Ii canh nc tut i ht house-i J 1j a AR t iA teo isrnet hue Sa d rctie iohttlts ndctt,iil :i1tsisi5ral ibtr- I- VVANW' Carriage adBaggage si. Ahiesle c k a 1he hts336tiSwee-cipp is iattc hrd. o tComaisses ad Dividers 30 E x Wofmtl' S. uetc u p uittle tt nttm Ptrtrs, w'ateire Irsas. - -s 54 't.: 1 ItI i tle lh idle a wtys leerlenlcoll. 30 I1 st{ythtto t. beo e t etuk c$.5. ter 1 oeli(,ei _______ $2.00 Light LunchesVie itr,)e 25he literoif etrn dos, ts If yiiii ae your otical itork. done FtaotIrwn ntu et"a n spuscee il l leits c ets. if aredt t Ilitlles you till lhe saisfied. Ha- strutiv e booklet sent on request. Write for lessrom psiagte iprice wiltleit A d s- Co fcto ar oCnts. lets Jeuelee Sine, 2ut6 S. Main S. i-dit Adrs and tess ure reuirel is cllee asit andrhe as i ii, hg a e srtice. 1L Monroe t Cicago Ice Creanm W'.Lit itS LI VFtY FcIlad in hcelsswearcfor -usin Alen .4V___________STANONR O (llisSi,,EUGt i. .5t OEN E ®I ETWJ ENS CO. Phones 78 L 78 Blue WA LS LIVERY. ___ auatrr (ll~ikAS lS I )hNIP New York New Orleats San Francisco Toronto Aat Granugerus IDancingculuf )ecil-iir.cxel- AMBULANCE Bell Phne9, 2R O Ml 1 L iefrcdrnofIv to oren iHomee Phillstatjiiei8iIICANN ARBOR AENCIES: R e A.t DOLPH 51 &15CO. 55in ifal - ii htri t U -.tictu i 1penir i at30- lie te. If WAHR'S SHEEHANTS FOSTEWS :ace~si~to . .M rtn li t ii letieus. , Stae expeiencre- -____-_____ Funeral Directors iirui,-. urtuuieaisl nuuuie -McexicanCtu luli couitCacue at - THE T. J CAIE CO. 2095S. 4h Ae. Ann Arbor, Mich. Room 45 Rowland Bldg. DETROIT (tilg hu.fh ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWRRHE BST OF EVERY MILW RD, HE TAIL T HING IN TAILORING