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February 11, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-02-11

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The Michigan Dail1y
: \ A.RBOR.,\ii( CIT( \1 G ,1I1 .t RSV)\ iA k r C. 1'No 51

- . < .


BRIGilT PROSPE.CTS itgeltwithta siotev llaigtt ose
tt wertccoed bel ba'stairatie
FOR BASEBALL MEN lstc irolti"hs ie .ill's nelt
________ear h1altof tCit C'iiner' sIcmelite
Cdach McAllister Starts Work Slitlsno 're erouiaictte'theio110"Pa
With Battery Men Today-8x-i..WtshaoerIw tadshdt aedo
cellent Schedule Arranged. " ai' Cptin sllti t51~1"it
-- "adtw wilsr ee istr "ong eaifs
With ter est sedl th iat thas oererare to1ma1e'aIcrreditale sowng.F
been arratngedt for aitietlhigall tamias that raonwewatevryma1hoha Ir
an extraicenttive to ittduce halrdiwork, nt' 'e li 115 iany tiasbllto come11111t01v1a
aspirants for the varsity baseball tamtiadtry0sfotr tile'team.11 iles'fac'that iliii
wiill beginittdoor sork tils afterioon. seelsitiost 111a'til' ioli'siiirsrs'tlts' ii
Coacti Lew Miectllistriswho hisaltreay av i toinetetetSttuldsitite sil 155 N
giteti 7tieitg'iuthrtiter wintninteam~ilsithastnt tho ishe551 ttI rss i isis ii 5
arrivedi on1tile'seeeredy tfor ttacti,tmtanishtiws5tiattIhts'is teteroenit ledtit
reotintg a ttthngist'ff atihe iees- e ienthe'places 'Mw tantht.we
salt' atcetrs tfor a stteessttl ta til 'il i l t tilyltig tiletns' eiile m n '
bttttery' eattidteswill haveitii te exetsie toii lii ' CCilt he ten Min are- t lii 'ir -
use of tltthecgthitssitee itktitd ithery i il nt bisabletoiplay son5tevr
tart of ttxt iweekstt bu it tnsdiyll sty tts year, teswisl i cki te
of tt' hemtioettt xet to i til ortheit bs'tt'isit coacinglhitchsitite i cartei iithem
teatti sill ie aked ItIllt1t ilrpo t1111rk.. tle 'onitheit' am' 11 lt xlyar, slii i I
Te ase'baltltnoitte ws hardit Ititio1n1 t tttsstiilit'ake t psi-l
wosrk all day ys etersdayitttitsti it he in-bl frthevriyt aeilyipracis ce
itiotr' eage i sapeifr tiltit tndtitvert' g 11s sasastrng " uet t es
thittg is etdy orthie pelitt 51ina sok.tinug" iite wol to wipa sts's in''15 11I.
Coacht Mtcllsttt is coninced ofs'st ittie sapetttt'ntdtti ittnir tttig''wilngii' 5 ;tliii
iistiri'oit'e stiff pacsluiit t ist thrw- Th"asit bsbl cid ,a m
is eually titlistnedtt tiIts liltta'vtn- i lowiti
agetpro'e s itg tintpss'henthe t au e r sirtlt Ciiito-Kentuwcy ait iex's'illso
doesii niatlysmite oin'ot r ct icertttpos- CApri I1'-I,3-Tciltcss5' a t K is ilits
blilt. \ " ipCsteH ihsisait itsa
's tilt'st'ttsttet itportareii '"yit \Ci i r iitt 'iNsi-
atter ico tpteltt it is tiimp siblet to ill stt
knwioswt well or I ils te isssesittAis pititli)trestDameit sa't Note Damei's'
aredl.but 1111tit 1eprs vai latblesiis i Ci t r i M .C.C t L nin'ill
loostitaseti Capitain t tlisat's menties-' Ap'i'27 or'2a' sC -a nn:
aledl atier Itiekily Parr, tteminitsty sr
of last years ithng salafIis ii eillee ]ayt-INotie ameat.i n :rbo.s
atd eligibli adtillbItitependetdtuupigoit Ci Ci.nn iil
to do titetil thitt iig again tx is My -Nt itme;tAor am
year, ilwhI'ite netrolitsilil bt ien thte \L1 tCi t:At\br
tssk of ibakasltintg lin oto te \Cs1; yam t:n Ciro
gamies. CWit htiexeptionofBrr' Myit)~ Ust taeill
the liater'il tsr te p tettich tn'istaff is lasi-2-'(t''1sis Si ts'iat Cuss s'issii'
possibethi' iat Lintthitualbrtr a Cr ltst11111 Cii
courses w 1 ipevetnt his tinsig"'parCt n 'Ci ''i-yrcue t S'asri
basseball this s111itgtHowevtert,'Smtitttof \ay'ot 1rwsistsrvidesniisei
last year'siterclasscamtiipitn is I 11111'' C it-ntsetd
a job, as' 15III' dini t t'isisjtt i'ing ie','i 1111' ' Nstrs' tameit'sAinisis ii i
whlo is sal to havle severy tig.Lat
year's ottfeldlwisti ltlivani MetlontandtVaCityxii'\MaitagriRlh',I l
Olsen, is pratitallyitattiso tat coattnigt ttil tist hisa sscduits isisthe
MAllistr is worerintg litt''aboutiitait siirs onitfiterlssit etal
part ofthite ttea. gaie.The'eis il at nlit ineckir .
Of the iiised iatet osits" ; illeI Ot t e t he irst ii ttw i ghti 'isstrs's
Dunntte remintts, tKelley anst Patelsn ame s' ctit s twilibs'lyed'ile 'iir rid'aysss
having brett gadataed, wilte Giddtintgsamigt thettremuaiis"g tme fstistill
has sedIl i-s out' y'tars of lgiility t tuti ts isro titt il liihte pt omiii liii i
IHoweer, "Chitiet" Lters ttt Det ott being"ibutauteisnsteasIII r Iti
er, looks certiniitof sitlbrthi ttirorplanneditoismakets a 5suitiuousilil a m
short, whlile Founiti of te 1911 lii tt' ut1 nlof t'''gamiIsoloingtithte
teati is almiosteuailly crettat of itsfist hl t n auts mtt~ste ithite it hafissi
at short. Kelley's shoes at seodttateothsielt'seondts tat ttrie iwillieno
unfiilletd, andit sci ch sten iesa'Satdertiterm'isso. IThe ssschdu'eisutiesit
MagidsoohntIatbrtip andtiotrs tinytg ITu itesda I' Fih.a-' 1sit" v. i2 5 i
for the ot, there sotlilbeiat meritit't't's' 1 "t i ts v. tis 'tiicro ' to i
rare.ti s .'1tOeigiieerrs
Tiitssttcilly tret s tlaets oilWCCei"is'yets 17-a)s lait a05
this years teant isill bete nitmore e-nieet lw '2mdis t
gerly' sotghtltuau usual owingiito te lias sa'w5tast
riei sedue.A''s itt ormesriyetais the IFr iaiFe. t elly te S is "tliri ils"
lutbswill opnt te seasotiiinte south --
playinig all 01 spritg svaatt its Ke-i"CON" IS T itt C CC1 iitCLI
titeky' andtlTenntessee witteexceptionst O01CST O t ")h11 i IlN I
of the lst ay of ttt reeesa s whethte --
teat'swill stop off at NotreiDamt foia i t 'et tie utra in ries frtieist
game witthithe Catols. iCjautt to aettt'o "gmion t," atstepatoll sihaise
Lansinigtsor igo with l i.CC. omtes Iettitaetiitamaticctiitisithe
ext, afterwichitehtue otteinitg isill 1111nivesits CiA t te itsetat tionistiof
le elebrated."Minta out I it tletatiytatr aitmuch i
Late itin My' will ome te reittest hairitp~lyitas presetethan sits'
of the strenigtht of the ttam, fist it i eser tpresetet beore ht tere asjs
tentthat Captlain utllians ittihis tmetas largt atsteti taknithisyeasr.1I s
will ivade the ast for the seeositil itemtpssiltttotiatnttnouncet1e cas forcer
essv'e season, playingtwli'sganesat tttwins ttw tttitht "tisisastertilted.
Syracuse atd) sie ecehtwithi Corel nTeilptt aIyit w1illste iptesetateritsit tltIter
Brtown on the easteriers' homie lots' Te isart of Ctrirl at tilt CC btitytsatrt
trip sill opena witht a gamet isithaWos Ptoft Diettrei s istonstattlwin itg sit

ter-te leans that icon troms Michigan thte east tutd tesotpositiosi sitli e knowsni
4 to 3 last year-at Wooster. 'Te onily for ai ieetk yet. 'Tie ocast it speakslers
otlier "abroad" game swill bte at Notre wiltlitiittbersittbstt twsenty, stilie sbout
Dante. The tome schedtule, too, is bet' thirty' sill eosititte the trowithte
ter than last seasonu and has liesn ar- folk scenei.

'articipants in French Play Are
Announced-Best Comedy o
Eighteenth Century.
ille" h Pwlnn l ilt' ih i Cie
ills h1Cst )ataicI lrnci
laVl-S ill A~fil, has I ti 'll I 11ll iii
II' 1115'n oth'Iloill Itcns ~c oi
I l, are he s iud Insi ituaCs luru
Al C~~mitc _\ll ta i ll 1--an115 ?sa"1
1 i ) .l<ii sis ~ it i c -. C a ls 1'c e
sit t lls ll isba r
I, l eilc. alc ... .llc c~r A lls' oIt
tc i cl e w;t ee il lr ttics's ils ii
A 'Turns wim taks th par of ar

i Rtt sI,'CC C RI' 'at t) CC U;1
siN tiCH IClACiJOg RN Ci tSMit 1J
is.y MoClirir i'i t'll ' 'i atsll' this cn
its itt 'clck i ShCawetl Ciin itt
T(Thilical Journal." T i d rssisoe
Q a siels w dliteIdt''ly'' theiii'' iitt''
patm nt tiv~ ll ao'theit pubaic. AIiiii
1111 i ln too's: hus masterstill ter
isisi situepaed thsis oniithe
c si a l i et io .I le si i p liet t
ii 111111n iieditr of the i l way geI
Mr lis s itsed a e istofti
M~noh and is atpres it Iatey il t
a~td n editrial riting fo tioeitf
iilcary nd ; ic sili ll tiiittlli't tii
dic nes of (r.I~r itcn ac .


nart of l't0clls-
"I'h diectoll f t e pay ills' ill
liii' y an ii'tt i re 1 thiiat ilt"' iiI nc tilt
as 1115 hyIl i Ittil t c s, a t er5b1
ill whit it was atedss for tie a i
1775 kk'CalsC of cel-l ill W a ors ls
it , t w lli ecivd.C11111 ly re
mdledtiand, risisced from i I ito four
act, ii t ailsrorm d iathsthe reaes
suces ita Iitii lit s 1ientp'' l aimed tih
sutibe ilsti cllelts ofi t he151 i iii
St i s P. it i llst it' t' tcha ttiir a ofth
E. ttt I itt 'i va isiit b sitbalistsaer
iot i t it tforetonuit's eti ng, a
ier wt ilt aS ttcy to so wh te r-

'INAX I I C l'tC "tAit tItt 'C-I S
ti C1 'S lit C lt) IC) Ch1CiS
Tll' 5lssi'thi' has't'ensolis' tiltos
.len, yt te )ar ~lsnotbee atuccssi
Wal~d lly. was dc tothe tthis'-
lnc l thei 5551 st5pillsf trm sance lissfthelay
v-hic vras not s I'l- a, it itbee
si~ mac u i tA m-i Ilss st thJ ir Illilt usts
,stias lrge ass' l''h n t tat'
of th cub ar i<ttus s'ul the i.\
w i iealst em pty . l ut i
spit ofthi delci a com arlustlre
:ath }; t I s eta lis d th isisyear11 lull
:" sIcele al(t sncste clys o
CC100-re aII l iin Ia ill fCasnrt't-,"
is lop o hesissis Im h rustt
\\ 115''e Itll i dotoisisis litilti om
ln c t tar ssex ail lr ihalsi nht ye
wel deide - hd st aisitu ihetshst iaee-
Heits llt is llssie gt u'sive tt't met utu rehis
its i susf sni Isi stils titi n n
stsssssstslig. iasoiuusugsuatsleti
tlgaillN Ill ot'dan ticripCt~iCS
1 tit fspitkeis includedt Prou .
Sc ot 1"h rei si tt hiss'funtion'r
Po.Aa "us'whoi sokiet'upo lnthsit'
C 55115 a rll t oit ernmens t offcialsts't ands'
itiors1Mr''15'n i'slfIllgae anu
cxtrlllly ter sig t essi upo t he sn
stts t i 'hit m g t i il l d Crut.itsuiu'ins'.
ttun thit of si us it is siti it j ugmet.t
HegyC ht'1s ];t;~lCh

iarhour Giym will be Scene of
First Party on larch I -Good
Music Assured.
CC'tuth te succes's iftheits mCC 'sutst
itsgu it eniit dancetbt indtittit(,'''s
I it u an s puxiilasa ci-iofprl,
o lu defray st c pnss icu rred ast fall
l'ii firstiof't tu 5ettit daceti illl
it liii 7 smltSsii.T wo ,til r w1
)e t git oe s ' sut caiomT he s
11e1 thi-ts a dalorhsrsw l l
sirthe suilt 'i s 'F i ic si hcsis' l
an usi ctss =rit s oist Iah t i i Pi es,111I
dance, titl i , 1111sir il us11,11lte
su' tit'ile 1prearat tos il ii'ors d hoa
adabte l attss o si rl h fr
playd a. rmssiims'itin'ti nds's it 1
detbt andi gves'xthits sritso atC t
ea, its oslugt ion
S S.:ICiC''t'I 'll ISI"
iii 1e Sine I t'1tt'i'''tii'lull Ills lit u s''
here 'itt tnt issuit;,a;lyo ll Tuittuain
(=titit'lc , iithta i t c llc c lgtzIi n ,c r
sitpsalstoni t s well ai the' wier'i
n wh heitss sitengthis'lus
Inspi ngit f thei lirat 1itm~ fIl
Gag ye 1 itt hitrI ai d: "Ili
er go d i sui ded i a"izi
su a r th stiolts av."" rw inn
partt<'tplayin tie tit ife.i They s
allis isnuitlit cit' Ctlil'dil s uIti what
matanes- Titt y fth arol
eestit otirig'it i lal nd Ioiiit ci kv,_
anuiringt abCCut thieut"istoyis lm a
An' Nhrjut at thl i tutuih o \t i
itaititMe Mc ureust as ito us te c
urec. an dert i hg 'oute lurtuss l ofC iii
tpthsuait t he u sa tt etis a r s orliuial
ttghi teir ew (aglit',CloC it dIserItC,
uot."CCituii t alau hilhes s hinltils
203aners reinds lCI o t wotu1 ii aiI
ue wi h its agatinei bfog(i Mc us
rf. at er Ht , u is utu i I ill adrs
the'r sot t lubaa FrIitta15,bits''itn isooit
203sof'theit Chits i c Iital lab rthis ,Cosituhril
shtin s "iTtu itI tsis stiy f lts sitsit u
Pro .. srte is wtelykno n s t ach-t
sirianits'hatisi tu "uing tagti th
itshartac lly i dep r tsentl si teUits i
nia tuitut e.Hsn w e poe 1
& Co.,totrtuito itLaterli rsthtll e1nsl
beprensted i bityIintnh stir Cfttheoant -
9sitieltiithtitn o /o311er silrthe prsn
co t uunt iemes shiuit in prsen

Pi-'isitit: AngelltWho is tillM ttna
it' i tincig tii;ftue sirctrsn ofstheii
rteaives thetrtetfor thome ttsday. t i s I
knoiinus whens'hitt ito' lstarr'tiv'e it t hscits'

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