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October 08, 1908 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-10-08

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F11,. A(,R0uV1G WAT Nia lieliigao Central. Jackson, doe, I NK . K
Q-__- (Gramd Rapids, $2.00. wlaiii leases 8 :05 LIKE A CAMEL
I s.,o .,c it the curricu lomn 'iieligan - -- o load a Conklin Founotain Pen, just dip it in any
Prescriptions and Physicians' is11 follig it recedteit set is lie Or , 'Crs YOU arC aliXits t iss ink, piess the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its own
Supplies are our specialty- C iiiiusities of California, Iowa, WIis- oit that hieastls con. Mlake it dloubly The College tank like a camel slaking its thirst. Tha's all there
couil ii atr, anl Chiceago eay viiig a Sitz. Brss. $3.00 fsur- Standard is to it!I No dropper-no mess-no hother. Do it
Yet we hase not forgottenl The raidily inicreasinig cmecia'l CC- tien tsrĀ° $1.50, or a .$(aoo sell-filer ' anyswhere-any ime.
to adila choice Iti ni o lais beitiwieeii Ruissia andi Amiiii , the I ii.i $3.oo. 'thl .ey sasve you ion per cciii SELF
sundrrieeiesei~ii~ ~d il ie a Ctiiis' idriig store, 324 (y N
oiirielt ii li officeirs uii Riis'ii, th unuiiiimli St ite Si.9 f.AJIN 1 I1~ FILLING
aiur t iwitti ushieh Amiericians have ___ _____ _. "THE PEN WITH THt CRESCENT-rILLER"
Bath (hoods, Laboratory and ticn foll11owing tiet struggle ofi tie Ru'. Cilegiaiurainceiats for cilegeiiicii, can he filledit usaintly swithout the least inconvenience. You
Microscopical Supplies si ui fo ipolitical freedoithe riiice $15 to $25. "Oii sale biy Alleni, Maliii could 1i1l it with white kid gloves on without danger of
fome ini Riu'eiaii lit erat ure, aol the streel. - 812 soiling. tBesidtes its cooveiniencee, is the splendid writing
r ti ieeeat '.iiig part wiitch th. Rus- qualities ofi the Conklin-the perfect feed.
uiar i 's sca la a sp -n in tie delip Stisleruili eiaaiic hoiuase on Kiiigs- Leningelers hadl s taeihe Conkin. Ilyoursdoesi'not,erdee
Q mint of the sciecei eof tiig'itiie aire tee street, eoipstitlel- furnishieid, in. -hest diec. Prices, 913.t sndup. Scou t onsc e edicds ie news caalogs.
hei ce iidvaiiedi file tie iiiiiiciii .. initioii.- Btaei Sgcuui. 211N. 411i The Conklin Pen Co., 310Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio
tion iof tie co e.iAe. if
Th l as inii Rusis.aii, as oriedlpeet ileuite tr ulhut he Flne'hitinisyae y so
MVIoney Loaned sc r uneder thie inistruction of Prof :i ate Iby Allen ci.luiiii siret 9-12
MiadIce Nest yeriiore it adacid_____ ___
ie, iatridenc 31o, sit Laibet St it-I-ie-ii-u-p i teccirs te u
Ani n ceesocot forl~ th Unvrstsoce tr eg sits 'IT-ue kiid sie pn Ksin-IL I
Barainmi wathee hialdd esterdaC y eeiC) in Frt(5'iz dero.' rcst'wi24tsgal 00 OUHMINSRE
niec auxcs ednc xruxe Memria [T LThet graeStr.o tee.- -
JOSEPHi C. WATTS ths Ch api ~petireid as etniiiitiis ere
actiedll , for,' ais Ste. Loiikiiwon sautd C p lito lullCs- his, coltars and1 tiies oni
"Theys alr'tilt Cod an aiil the aver- ;ale bi hi en, Sh l laiulstreetd. 8-12
ag of list siai Shlltit 11ic1115 ilid - __ _-
_ 1i me bes lnctlll"- list ietrI s Is Ilay1- Iceloiitlsl, ridtit'llti>' abisiurd--the
J L L i S is will heith orhetr again thiisl .y tie} rie tiii- tirice"s sil Sa-lo
30 A It' "TTE 8T. liin Ther is stilt roioml for inis I-is : fsuiiaiii Hes -ia Calkhins idriig We msake a specialty of cae in toth waits
B-B-B Briar and South Airican Cslee-i secillVoe ii 110 pls thei ta e, -.24 State Si.qne ltmco. of clg me wh dmaertha smtingil
Calabash 10o olg st h eiai htsiehigi
-t w iliC bithi supplies an oltar- clothes called style, it is fer that feature that L.
-- We 111 te olioi urgadfte tae lili 01 htui p au til Adler & Co. Cuistomt Tailored Suits and Osercoats
II E hi d styur fathier sii let 1 sel l o have the reputation nf bleing the best iii Anierica.
liabi Ihl i 8 It -lli I 's Jesselis Collegiuitan iloitiue for coillege men' $1g We carry- it comiplete liiic of Manhattani Shirts,
I pore n oetcCgr Itre PES S' -Min Slt. if-t toi $30. ()i cate hii Allili .,Saini St: 12 Silver Collars sndutp-tn-date Neckwear.
Cigoarte and oeatcoEsgas_
_____________________________________ F____ S 1F- I~ut trie pI lups five lu gineis''C g suilieis ai t Ait-lig &
Cunts ldeas trllied G. "till, 8,4 'chiuii'S, 20; S. ,ltiu sSt. 7 9
j - Irc t its, ll n spioonls, -ill
PI L W - n Coi thu1 ,,. alulul uts fori eulleg< i'en nl a i n e11 1 e1 'ilus'ive i' egiis lt I taller'.
fit;to $ Onlsteuh luuuubai Iehrs~ Sluice 216 5. Sltu Si. Codli Everything' in Furishings for College Men
BA N R --- -- St hinuk it oser' If yo lonut hiuy poor
Milch~igan lrllici aiid late opertic it111 ii unishigs fromuuitiu, a-c hoth lose nn-
ic at Rout s Mulsic IHouseC. til-thu-si-sm i'. I l-es & Co., 70)-711 N. t v r
Qie-AT -a_ __ ill. - f
d ic lus- prtu $6.( fur at >ygs--usu B us e
1)arlin g & fVI.ileaux "li en sit Itla5lll etul uist as giooui at Citugtueiiiufs iil"eliOii o t r s e
CocIl-lurleg?1-i .~. iun 'tutu'hs for-uu Co ltgumnui r
'tec Pldttis Rilal. 2119 Easf tiherty, 100- LEN'ht.Ris We replace any tooth brush costing
V. of Mf. B 411EII. SHOP uliuy hua tushue lest aunud most foe sour SihC RA(71 N'I''' (SLR
J. R. TROJANOWSI*I Prop. iuiusuuC'ofI.puuaiiitsiurs 11'SiNG NIlRElNE - 2co ovriithestsbsls
lulldI ANt 10111111M~li I t I I'lIl an iuu iIlhlws. Tirv is 0111 see. tf 205 L;. Wash iugtoil Si.
'ululilugs. titusrY "eEitegc -t he'. -i tl 'ilcuu luhlsfs olg eu$ ~ E E. CALKINS, Druggist, 324 South State Street
.322 S. Stair St. Ai ro, h At ,[ansre, 81
tione Ann Arbor, muICh. to leu luiil~~. 51 $;o. Sil le "it :Mn 1-11aI iQ11 Si. z
Do you know whsethec your clothing is made by jour tailors or under
the factory system? There is a vast difference in results.
All our garments are. made so our own shop by tour tailors.
WAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors State Street
I J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler
tW 1 T MAYNARD STREET Fiiily Gsaranteed
Watch Rtep~e.1ring aSpeialty

Special courses in all branches of music for
SSolicitors to sell tickets in all departments University students. -Rowe's Laundry
of the University for the Students' Lecture If you wish to "make" any of the. Varsity musical TOA OE rp
Association. The opportunity offered is unex= clbo-iht cur nweeo uicl 326 N. Fifth Ae
cele, for a liberal cash or ticket commission at the office for information. New Phone 451 Bll hnt 05-L
is offered, and all desire to purchase tickets for WA IGLoMAKERS AND DESIGNERS
the best program offered for years at the Un= Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant OF COLLEGE JEWELRY
iversity. _ ~~Chinese Fancy Dishes,' American Lunches oft a aean agg
ialsty kt inds, n Eerything horst-class lfo Foahop ouni iic~s Haler's Jewelry Store
Chinese and 3'apanese Brie-a-hbra. hefre e i toele iO a forl'lc'rties,
Apply at the Treasurer's office in the Alnuni rooms;k $n StIs .Se afur S. lite trt, 18.Saet $.0
room; _u__tirsondorS______ Bro~_ 34_S_ Stte_ t._16_OUTMANSRE For cn 'ruiih to orrfooi doo, this ___________________
daily except Saturday and Sunday 4:0 to 5:3 p.m., AMUAC rlPet~2 rc it he 2s CentsIf teariod to
daily ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Yrt is5 MUAC Bl hn,9,2 p- tales. thoe price wilt he
Saturdays, 10:00 to I2-no a. m, Home Phone, 98 5Cet. Large Collection Antiques in
ISles are reqautoed to olec~s enslo oprad hnwr
R . A . D O L P H & C O . r ae e r I g a n d b g g a g e s e r e h e . h r s , i o , C p e n h n w r
For 'fraternity and aorority bosses and
Sucesssostoon. Mlartin WALLtER'S LI ,v eNY student dens.
&FnrlDrcosW. B. TARR', Auldiess
Fuea ircos'WATTLES' LIVE y, Miss Florence S. Babbitt
209S. 4th Avg. Ann Arbor, Mich. YSL NI IH
STUDIO-319 Last Huron Street

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