The Michigan Daily AN\ \1RPOR, MICIGAN, \. \ l\1 D V 111 Yl \lti to ojo VOL,. XIX. BASKETBALL TEAM' IS STIRENGTIIENED, ',Cons" Do Little Damage and a Number of New Players Are Added to the $~quad. reipiets t' of "tong' still others, icludi- ing- sonic of 1he test tplayers ii theo tit werit)-r ote tooble to practict with the first squtad. \iotg titese latteit art 11 iayeCoo, hi1lcr antd Lot lot Witht ilht idditionttf these mwt to t terst ttom Coa&;t Corti iwtill hav ithe tmtos Itroiisiig, lot of mt ia tolIo tiotk withtl Ithatn Ott belirn seen and hle able-i to (ht the tm rn Itm ind tof shIatil forits ic-ot gtme, Im i wt tihti. tc- C. artt Iav ly Iltongaen thert om idin tof theirsp aititli to kepit agre record. O tic e ohran, thich-tr i- to team il I cii i t out d th e i etll tine tilt'-. N it ton .ArIbior. tt tet Tetirilittt it this caclled th -tuttig thevatity ttu litottairee te pl t under A.i A.t.ils to char radtcalhy difnt from thiu Iecl- iaitt r tule t. ito iteaim i lit asi lit beeni ctts lei toi titt ill lie i~tilt iate andit itts imprbalit tht t hd it o urii ais trnttieam1 cmilit bettecured, ivis ifot ilere posstleh tottp'ui llt thsrog riti it vasitl teaito iloo iispt unerthe a uupite of tlch Womtitts I .'t- leiic Assoeiaitn fonday n oteight. i3n tealaredtt lih ilt Nut appte tto the~ new XTIOniC ateicield. stril 'ie kth vrit band ihwahoich dtonat- eil fits ris.ot Thf lst snubews alil cottntettit tce tuuothgmee ttottilye usuatenibr h Itd nasosttitl wetitt Oe ifoundsr Tlie niatert otitits of tes orgotite cmistcee its itioti he otti tdanets were to ollS toetrligttlierti learn-l ;t Bs ter tto ltibre It-i vauclectur Fltit iitorec ate o ieaet teotvire~i Msn ritt ar tn i lht , it G r er s a d nwi l b g v e b y t e C t o ic e ,d e nt s lie11 eI'tis is ilnte oiteo troges leoh onthtier ofmus hto n ovhili hudr The mtalilprpe f thres raip lot i t e te hhit aottt t htie, iatlii strdet ad rto hitolttd focrilahrnCe Pr io s to h is to o t t h e cuiath e t re c u , o ts i te i e a k e rs e ritorast wllthoositeentrel lito i-OTtvalotio feancy ess hait to not this ott oef the best parties over give liy the league. Thie grandi mttrcht i start at $ : r . Adisioni for those pr( retiglaumebrhptcesitents. Visitors in the gallery- tsillI charged 25 cents. League tickets tw- he on tale. }:F.) T~'F.I)I 1k INMAGAZINES LEAD _ ____ recently electeouciioit titoittd toe huve thour ciroidttialsI tool a ighiilt, h o f{ unttiil lttheet tmeoting Thr a noiouit wItee itsto tiliiility of the membe s ilt tii'ostponemen'tii wiastt'ide ttc ide o a mtterlit frm his nstiji tingIile held twoi' c el alc' fro' Tulsdy li -il - t' - - - - --h-tlt-i li "aIhe topic tf a leturwtpaa phyics lecure iii o T u esdao y Iafternooni I by Pril it ii' ittftt alut tic ' Il \iity.It India. T he roI ssIt wa it phlili hisad resri tingtl ih saiio a a lettscietis.i t a it it11hi litavor- ietop ic. ItItwitfteqietilyit erute by al auean. a te inlitoit ofithel Mrs hr. ostite, hsa i nat i lt l n ia tt- de h er uf's lctrei g ti u e. Thi wa h e Iseeid ' t ureyI PrI-II'sc is tubtoi Mot daytititnu -RespIoinses i iy ah ally prereeexrsedsr Iur tfat iti spoi t istout cr ke ta sth PUBSLICUI'IMIUN *S. McClure in S. [L. A. Lecturel Tells How Great Periodicalst fleet Public Problems. Ii "Th( clolniancc over i" ii i ll w ll f otrcitchy heli~uo i t tiliand s to Criminl class", i h ret (ll tiol li-tillf 11o Jiil liti l li ilinte ItI an he aken ,all i e oll t( ttiiii tot '-ic iat t~1inIi ilitilt T ho~ is itl ito 1( I of' i 011 ltl ontrliofl our iiit11iesis tt c ii h"11 grealtil i hinttt itt- h Io ' liimp r~n ll'' i 11 1 frttn \\ t ll' 1p11 iii sio1x 5 -inc, c11111 ledIilt liii; he hs :ou -1ftr 1r i ltanit it tilt ,'Mil] Cll, ' cteeranill i' ti Icalu , 'iththe limliut imlto11111 1111 t%, 1 r.1itt litl-I 1, vote hi s / tt-ll tt 11111111iuI xltntiot o th